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Old 24th July 2008, 17:39
skygate skygate is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Default benc.php and other stuff for TS 5.1 source by mrdecoder
First of all ... well done mrcecoder .. the source you provided .. works 'out of the box' ... but has quire a few 'bugs' (not yours mrdecoder) from the original release

... here is what I use in my development / test system ...

uniform server 3.5 - as my apache / php platform - I found this works VERY well with lots of projects and is totally portable ...

after installing TS 5.1 v2 .. the system works ... literally install and go ..

.. I had to install ironcube as there are some files which are still encoded (2 only)

... 1st 'bug' I found was in the -> staff tools -> SERVERINFO ... there were some encoded lines in the code .. this killed the php as it did not know how to handle this ... fortunately these lines are not required and can be commented out ... I think there is already a post on this 'bug' in this forum ...

.. after this I just started to go through every possible function / setup .. fortunately most of them - or should I say the ones we are likely to use - work ...

... there are however some broken code - from the original source (again not mrdecoder) ...

here is a list of 'broken' functions...

MENU -> Upload -> Read Upload Rules ... this is broken ... the faq.php in this release is 'new' ... and uses ts_faq table ... there is also an faq table ... which contains the above data ... but will not work ..

3 solutions here ... 1) get the data and create a new FAQ entry in the new faq's .. OR get the old faq.php (pre v5 I think) and call it faq2.php and hotlink it to the appropriate section in the menu, 3rd option is to integrate the two tables and 'mod' the new faq code ...


when you do a karma exchange ... the page does not reload ... here is my FIXED file ...

/*                                             */
/*    E-mail          :  */
/*                                             */
/*              FearlesS-Releases              */
/*             One Name, One Legend            */
/*                                             */

  require_once 'global.php';
  define ('MB_VERSION', '1.4.4 by xam');
  gzip ();
  dbconn ();
  loggedinorreturn ();
  maxsysop ();
  parked ();
  include_once INC_PATH . '/readconfig_kps.php';
  $lang->load ('mybonus');
  $is_mod = is_mod ($usergroups);
  if ((($bonus == 'disable' AND !$is_mod) OR ($bonus == 'disablesave' AND !$is_mod)))
    stderr ($lang->global['error'], $lang->mybonus['disabled']);

  if (($usergroups['canbonus'] == 'no' OR $usergroups['canbonus'] != 'yes'))
    print_no_permission ();
    exit ();

  $action = htmlspecialchars_uni ($_GET['action']);
  $do = htmlspecialchars_uni ($_GET['do']);
  unset ($msg);
  if (isset ($do))
    if ($do == 'upload')
      $msg = $lang->mybonus['doupload'];
      if ($do == 'invite')
        $msg = $lang->mybonus['doinvite'];
        if ($do == 'vip')
          $msg = $lang->mybonus['dovip'];
          if ($do == 'vipfalse')
            $msg = $lang->mybonus['dovipfalse'];
            if ($do == 'title')
              $msg = sprintf ($lang->mybonus['dotitle'], $CURUSER['title']);
              if ($do == 'transfer')
                $msg = $lang->mybonus['dotransfer'];
                $msg = '';

  $bonus = $CURUSER['seedbonus'];
  $userid = (int)$CURUSER['id'];
  if (!$action)
	stdhead ($lang->mybonus['title']); // modded by skygate - needs to be here otherwise header is written to browser twice and breaks the page
    print '<table align="center" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    print '<tr><td class="colhead" colspan="4"><h1><center><font color="white">' . sprintf ($lang->mybonus['alttitle'], strtoupper ($SITENAME)) . '</font>' . ($msg ? '
</center></h1><font color="yellow" size="2"><center>' . sprintf ($lang->mybonus['systemmsg'], $msg) . '</font>' : '') . '</h1></center></td></tr>
    echo '	<tr><td align="center" colspan="4">
    echo sprintf ($lang->mybonus['info'], $bonus);
    echo '	</td></tr></table>

    print '<table align="center" width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    print '<tr><td class="colhead" align="center">' . $lang->mybonus['option'] . '</td>' . '<td class=colhead align=left>' . $lang->mybonus['description'] . '</td>' . '<td class=colhead align=center>' . $lang->mybonus['points'] . '</td>' . '<td class=colhead align=center>' . $lang->mybonus['trade'] . '</td>' . '</tr>';
    $res = sql_query ('SELECT * from bonus WHERE id=id ORDER BY id ASC');
    include_once INC_PATH . '/ts_token.php';
    $ts_token = new ts_token ();
    $hash = $ts_token->create_return ();
    while ($gets = mysql_fetch_array ($res))
      if (($gets['art'] == 'title' AND $kpstitle != 'yes'))

      if (($gets['art'] == 'class' AND $kpsvip != 'yes'))

      if (($gets['art'] == 'gift_1' AND $kpsgift != 'yes'))

      $otheroption = '<table width="100%" cellspecing="5" cellpadding="5"><tr><td>' . $lang->mybonus['username'] . '<input type="text" id="specialboxn" name="username" size="2"0 maxlength="24">  ' . $lang->mybonus['give'] . ' <select name=bonusgift id=specialboxes> <option value=100.0> 100.0</option> <option value=200.0> 200.0</option> <option value=300.0> 300.0</option> <option value=400.0> 400.0</option><option value=500.0> 500.0</option><option value=666.0> 666.0</option></select> ' . $lang->mybonus['karmapoints'] . '</td></tr></table>';
      $otheroption_title = '<input type=text name=title id=specialboxn size=30 maxlength=30>';
      if ($CURUSER['seedbonus'] <= $kpsmaxpoint)
        print '<form action=mybonus.php?action=exchange method=post>
        if ($gets['id'] == 5)
          print '' . '<tr><td class=\'' . $class . '\' align=\'center\'>' . $gets['id'] . ('' . '</td><td align=\'left\' class=' . $class . '><h1>') . $gets['bonusname'] . '</h1>' . $gets['description'] . '
<div class=success>' . sprintf ($lang->mybonus['stitle'], $otheroption_title) . ('' . '</div></td><td align=\'center\' class=' . $class . '>') . $gets['points'] . '</td>';
          if ($gets['id'] == 7)
            print '' . '<tr><td class=\'' . $class . '\' align=\'center\'>' . $gets['id'] . ('' . '</td><td align=\'left\' class=' . $class . '><h1>') . $gets['bonusname'] . '</h1>' . $gets['description'] . '
' . $lang->mybonus['giftinfo'] . ('' . '
' . $otheroption . '</td><td align=\'center\' class=' . $class . '>') . $lang->mybonus['min'] . '
' . $gets['points'] . '
' . $lang->mybonus['max'] . '
            print '' . '<tr><td class=\'' . $class . '\' align=\'center\'>' . $gets['id'] . ('' . '</td><td align=\'left\' class=' . $class . '><h1>') . $gets['bonusname'] . '</h1>' . $gets['description'] . ('' . '</td><td align=\'center\' class=' . $class . '>') . $gets['points'] . '</td>';

        print '<input type="hidden" name="hash" value="' . $hash . '">
        print '<input type="hidden" name="bonus" value="' . $bonus . '">
        print '<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="' . $userid . '">
        print '<input type="hidden" name="points" value="' . ($gets['art'] != 'gift_1' ? $gets['points'] : 0) . '">
        print '<input type="hidden" name="option" value="' . $gets['id'] . '">
        print '<input type="hidden" name="art" value="' . $gets['art'] . '">
        if ($gets['points'] <= $CURUSER['seedbonus'])
          if ($gets['id'] == 7)
            print '' . '<td class=' . $class . '><input class=btn type=submit name=submit value="' . $lang->mybonus['buttonkf'] . '"></form></td>';
            print '' . '<td class=' . $class . '><input class=btn type=submit name=submit value="' . $lang->mybonus['buttone'] . '"></form></td>';

          print '' . '<td class=' . $class . ' align=center><font color=red>' . $lang->mybonus['disablebutton'] . '</font></form></td>';


    if ($kpsmaxpoint < $CURUSER['seedbonus'])
      print '<form action=mybonus.php?action=exchange method=post>
      print '<input type="hidden" name="hash" value="' . $hash . '">
      print '<input type="hidden" name="bonus" value="' . $bonus . '">
      print '<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="' . $userid . '">
      print '<input type="hidden" name="points" value="' . $gets['points'] . '">
      print '<input type="hidden" name="option" value="' . $gets['id'] . '">
      print '<input type="hidden" name="art" value="gift_1">
      print '' . '<tr><td class=' . $class . ' align=center>[img] . $pic_base_url . ([/img]</td><td align=\'left\' class=' . $class . '>') . sprintf ($lang->mybonus['highpoint'], $pic_base_url) . ('' . '
' . $otheroption . '</td><td align=\'center\' class=' . $class . '>100
      print '' . '<td class=' . $class . ' valign=bottom><input class=btn type=submit name=submit value="' . $lang->mybonus['buttonkf'] . '"></form></td>';

    print '</table>
    echo '
	<table width="100%" cellpadding="5">
			<td class="colhead">
    echo $lang->mybonus['detailedhead'];
    echo '</h>
    echo sprintf ($lang->mybonus['detailedinfo'], $kpsupload, $kpscomment, $kpsthanks, $kpsrate, $kpspoll, ($kpsinvite == 'yes' ? $lang->mybonus['enabled'] : $lang->mybonus['disabled']), ($bonus != 'disable' ? $lang->mybonus['enabled'] : $lang->mybonus['disabled']), ($kpstitle == 'yes' ? $lang->mybonus['enabled'] : $lang->mybonus['disabled']), ($kpsvip == 'yes' ? $lang->mybonus['enabled'] : $lang->mybonus['disabled']), ($kpsgift == 'yes' ? $lang->mybonus['enabled'] : $lang->mybonus['disabled']));
    echo '			</td>
    if ($action == 'exchange')
      $hash = $_POST['hash'];
      if (((empty ($hash) OR empty ($_SESSION['token_code'])) OR $hash != $_SESSION['token_code']))
        unset ($_SESSION[token_code]);
        exit ('Hacking Attempt!');
        unset ($_SESSION[token_code]);

      $art = $_POST['art'];
      $userid = 0 + $CURUSER['id'];
      $option = $_POST['option'];
      $points = ($_POST['points'] ? $_POST['points'] : ($_POST['bonusgift'] ? $_POST['bonusgift'] : 0));
      $query = sql_query ('SELECT points FROM bonus WHERE points != \'\'');
      while ($check = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query))
        $allowed_points[] = $check['points'];

      if ((!empty ($allowed_points) AND is_array ($allowed_points)))
        if (((!in_array ($points, $allowed_points, true) AND $art != 'gift_1') OR empty ($points)))
          write_log ('Cheat attempt detected on mybonus page. Username: ' . htmlspecialchars ($CURUSER['username']) . '');
          print_no_permission (true, false);

      $bonus = $_POST['bonus'];
      $title = htmlspecialchars_uni ($_POST['title']);
      $title = sqlesc ($title);
      $usernamegift = $_POST['username'];
      $res = sql_query ('SELECT id,seedbonus FROM users WHERE username=' . sqlesc ($usernamegift));
      $arr = mysql_fetch_array ($res);
      $useridgift = $arr['id'];
      $userseedbonus = $arr['seedbonus'];
      $usernamegift = sqlesc ($usernamegift);
      $seedbonus = $bonus - $points;
      $bonuscomment = $CURUSER['bonuscomment'];
      $upload = $CURUSER['uploaded'];
      $bpoints = $CURUSER['seedbonus'];
      $res = sql_query ('SELECT * FROM bonus WHERE id=' . sqlesc ($option));
      $bytes = mysql_fetch_array ($res);
      $invites = $CURUSER['invites'];
      $inv = $invites + $bytes['menge'];
      if ($points <= $bpoints)
        if ($art == 'traffic')
          $bonus = $CURUSER['seedbonus'];
          if ($bonus < $points)
            print_no_permission (true, false);

          $up = $upload + $bytes['menge'];
          $bonuscomment = sprintf ($lang->mybonus['bonuscomment'], gmdate ('Y-m-d'), $points, $bonuscomment);
          (sql_query ('UPDATE users SET uploaded = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($up) . '\', seedbonus = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($seedbonus) . '\', bonuscomment = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($bonuscomment) . '\' WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($userid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 226));
          header ('Location: mybonus.php?do=upload');
          exit ();
          if ($art == 'class')
            if ($kpsvip == 'no')
              print_no_permission (false, false);
              if ((($is_mod OR $usergroups['canuserdetails'] == 'yes') OR $usergroups['isvipgroup'] == 'yes'))
                print_no_permission (false, false);

            $vip_until = get_date_time (gmtime () + 28 * 86400);
            $bonuscomment = sprintf ($lang->mybonus['bonuscomment2'], gmdate ('Y-m-d'), $points, $bonuscomment);
            (sql_query ('UPDATE users SET usergroup = \'' . UC_VIP . '\', vip_added = \'yes\', vip_until = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($vip_until) . '\', seedbonus = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($seedbonus) . '\', bonuscomment = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($bonuscomment) . '\' WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($userid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 242));
            header ('Location: mybonus.php?do=vip');
            exit ();
            if ($art == 'invite')
              if ($kpsinvite == 'no')
                print_no_permission (false, false);

              $bonuscomment = sprintf ($lang->mybonus['bonuscomment3'], gmdate ('Y-m-d'), $points, $bonuscomment);
              (sql_query ('UPDATE users SET invites = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($inv) . '\', seedbonus = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($seedbonus) . '\', bonuscomment = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($bonuscomment) . '\' WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($userid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 253));
              header ('Location: mybonus.php?do=invite');
              exit ();
              if ($art == 'title')
                if ($kpstitle == 'no')
                  print_no_permission (false, false);

                $words = array ('fuck', 'shit', 'Moderator', 'Administrator', 'Admin', 'pussy', 'Sysop', 'cunt', 'nigger', 'VIP', 'Super User', 'Power User', $SITENAME);
                $title = str_replace ($words, $lang->mybonus['wasted'], $title);
                $bonuscomment = sprintf ($lang->mybonus['bonuscomment4'], gmdate ('Y-m-d'), $points, trim ($CURUSER['title']), $title, $bonuscomment);
                (sql_query ('' . 'UPDATE users SET title = ' . $title . ', seedbonus = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($seedbonus) . '\', bonuscomment = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($bonuscomment) . '\' WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($userid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 266));
                header ('Location: mybonus.php?do=title');
                exit ();
                if ($art == 'gift_1')
                  if ($kpsgift == 'no')
                    print_no_permission (false, false);

                  $bonus = $CURUSER['seedbonus'];
                  if ($points <= $bonus)
                    $points = $points;
                    $bonuscomment = sprintf ($lang->mybonus['bonuscomment5'], gmdate ('Y-m-d'), $points, $_POST['username'], $bonuscomment);
                    $seedbonus = $bonus - $points;
                    $giftbonus1 = $userseedbonus + $points;
                    if ($userid == $useridgift)
                      stdmsg ($lang->global['error'], $lang->mybonus['invalidusername2']);
                      stdfoot ();
                      exit ();

                    if (!$useridgift)
                      stdmsg ($lang->global['error'], $lang->mybonus['invalidusername']);
                      stdfoot ();
                      exit ();

                    (sql_query ('UPDATE users SET seedbonus = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($seedbonus) . '\', bonuscomment = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($bonuscomment) . '\' WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($userid)) OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 292));
                    sql_query ('UPDATE users SET seedbonus = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string ($giftbonus1) . '\' WHERE id = ' . sqlesc ($useridgift));
                    $subject = sqlesc ($lang->mybonus['subject']);
                    $added = sqlesc (get_date_time ());
                    $msg = sqlesc (sprintf ($lang->mybonus['message'], $points, $CURUSER['username']));
                    (sql_query ('' . 'INSERT DELAYED INTO messages (sender, subject, receiver, msg, added) VALUES(0, ' . $subject . ', ' . $useridgift . ', ' . $msg . ', ' . $added . ')') OR sqlerr (__FILE__, 300));
                    $usernamegift = unesc ($_POST['username']);
                    header ('Location: mybonus.php?do=transfer');
                    exit ();
                    print_no_permission (false, false);
        header ('' . 'Location: ' . $BASEURL . '/mybonus.php');
        exit ();
      header ('' . 'Location: ' . $BASEURL . '/mybonus.php');
      exit ();

  stdfoot ();

.. the mod is on line 87 ... if you compare to original code - you will see it very clearly ...

In short ... the following code ...

stdhead ($lang->mybonus['title']);

was moved to be inside the

if (!$action)
{ stdhead ($lang->mybonus['title']);

... OK ..

I think there is also a 'bug' in the MENU -> Browse -> Browse Torrents

... if you do a search and it returns 'nothing' ... the page goes back to 'Tracker Categories' ... with a message 'Try again with a refined search string' ... it should return to the 'Torrent Search' and display same message ... allowing you to redo the search ...

NOT really a bug but a logic fault .. have not 'fixed' this yet ... but its simply a little php coding on the browse.php code ... wil post the 'fix' when completed :smile:

... the FINAL mod I did to remove the requirement of the ironcube encoder was to create a new benc.php ... which is not encoded ...

... Initial idea was to use existing 'open' source (TBDev) for benc ... I had some code from an earlier project ... just replaced the encoded benc file with this source ...I also added the page 'check' code at the start ... so the system will be able to 'identify' this page as being part of the legit release ...

... testing ... results confirmed it works :smile:

I don't know if anyone else done same ... I think this is quite obvious ...and definitely worth a 'first pass' to see if it yields a working solution' ... if someone already has done same and posted in forums ...SORRY .. I did not come across it as yet (my fault) ..

Here is the modified benc.php file I used ..


  if (!defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv51'))
    exit ('<font face=\"verdana\" size=\"2\" color=\"darkred\">Error! Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>');

  @error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
  @ini_set ("error_reporting", E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
  @ini_set ("display_errors", "0");
  @ini_set ("display_startup_errors", "0");
  @ini_set ("ignore_repeated_errors", "1");
  @ini_set ("log_errors", "1");
function benc($obj) {
	if (!is_array($obj) || !isset($obj['type']) || !isset($obj['value']))
	$c = $obj['value'];
	switch ($obj['type']) {
		case 'string':
			return benc_str($c);
		case 'integer':
			return benc_int($c);
		case 'list':
			return benc_list($c);
		case 'dictionary':
			return benc_dict($c);
function benc_str($s) {
	return strlen($s) . ':'.$s;
function benc_int($i) {
	return 'i' . $i . 'e';
function benc_list($a) {
	$s = 'l';
	foreach ($a as $e) {
		$s .= benc($e);
	$s .= 'e';
	return $s;
function benc_dict($d) {
	$s = 'd';
	$keys = array_keys($d);
	foreach ($keys as $k) {
		$v = $d[$k];
		$s .= benc_str($k);
		$s .= benc($v);
	$s .= 'e';
	return $s;
function bdec_file($f, $ms) {
	$fp = fopen($f, 'rb');
	if (!$fp)
	$e = fread($fp, $ms);
	return bdec($e);
function bdec($s) {
	if (preg_match('/^(\d+):/', $s, $m)) {
		$l = $m[1];
		$pl = strlen($l) + 1;
		$v = substr($s, $pl, $l);
		$ss = substr($s, 0, $pl + $l);
		if (strlen($v) != $l)
		return array('type' => 'string', 'value' => $v, 'strlen' => strlen($ss), 'string' => $ss);
	if (preg_match('/^i(\d+)e/', $s, $m)) {
		$v = $m[1];
		$ss = 'i' . $v . 'e';
		if ($v === '-0')
		if ($v[0] == '0' && strlen($v) != 1)
		return array('type' => 'integer', 'value' => $v, 'strlen' => strlen($ss), 'string' => $ss);
	switch ($s[0]) {
		case 'l':
			return bdec_list($s);
		case 'd':
			return bdec_dict($s);
function bdec_list($s) {
	if ($s[0] != 'l')
	$sl = strlen($s);
	$i = 1;
	$v = array();
	$ss = 'l';
	for (;;) {
		if ($i >= $sl)
		if ($s[$i] == 'e')
		$ret = bdec(substr($s, $i));
		if (!isset($ret) || !is_array($ret))
		$v[] = $ret;
		$i += $ret['strlen'];
		$ss .= $ret['string'];
	$ss .= 'e';
	return array('type' => 'list', 'value' => $v, 'strlen' => strlen($ss), 'string' => $ss);
function bdec_dict($s) {
	if ($s[0] != 'd')
	$sl = strlen($s);
	$i = 1;
	$v = array();
	$ss = 'd';
	for (;;) {
		if ($i >= $sl)
		if ($s[$i] == 'e')
		$ret = bdec(substr($s, $i));
		if (!isset($ret) || !is_array($ret) || $ret['type'] != 'string')
		$k = $ret['value'];
		$i += $ret['strlen'];
		$ss .= $ret['string'];
		if ($i >= $sl)
		$ret = bdec(substr($s, $i));
		if (!isset($ret) || !is_array($ret))
		$v[$k] = $ret;
		$i += $ret['strlen'];
		$ss .= $ret['string'];
	$ss .= 'e';
	return array('type' => 'dictionary', 'value' => $v, 'strlen' => strlen($ss), 'string' => $ss);

The other encoded file in mrdecoder release is class_tscaptcha.php

Personally I never use the image verification stuff ... so am not bothered .. but for those of you who do use it ... there is some code floating around for generating images .. will hve a look in the next few days and see if can create a non encoded 'replacement' for the class_tscaptcha.php

... unless mrdecoder already covered this file ... sorry ... again have not seen anything here on it as yet ... but am sure if it was decrypted ... the code would be simple enough to replicate ... (if problems)

Hope the above code snippets and comment are helpful ...

When I get more time will start dissecting the TS 5.1 system further ... getting rid of the 'bloated' features and keeping / improving the stuff that works and is essential ...

I think its a good basis of a mod project ... something I like doing in spare time to brush-up my php coding AND learning from other coder's mistakes :)
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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to skygate For This Useful Post:
Ashur (29th November 2008), askiplop (31st January 2010)
Old 24th July 2008, 18:09
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Fynnon Fynnon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 984
Default Re: benc.php and other stuff for TS 5.1 source by mrdecoder
Thank You!

I think this is the largest post in this forum ! :D
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Old 24th July 2008, 22:15
skygate skygate is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 12
Default Re: benc.php and other stuff for TS 5.1 source by mrdecoder
... nah ... you should see one of my LONG posts :)

BTW ... I just realized .. there is one more SERIOUS 'bug'

The DONATION system has a problem ...

if you go into the edituser.php and enter a 'manual' donation ammount ... say $10 and update the funds 'ticked' - total donation $10 also ... we get only $1 updated ...

The system is stuck at $1

I had a quick look and 'fixed the code ... but my fix was a hack ... it does not update the donation meter in the header ...

.. have not looked at the code yet ... I think the headet code is broken - as it updates the totals in the SQL ...

Problem was that a variable is set inside an if statement ... this did not work in the original code ...

Hope this is helpful for someone :smile:
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Old 24th July 2008, 23:01
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Fynnon Fynnon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 984
Default Re: benc.php and other stuff for TS 5.1 source by mrdecoder
every good documented information like yours is helpfull

thank you and keep up the good work and long posts :smile: :P
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51 , bencphp , mrdecoder , source , stuff

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Yahoo Messanger Stuff Fynnon Community Cafe 0 4th February 2008 13:33

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