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Old 29th October 2008, 03:48
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Laffin Laffin is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 32
as the error sez, No input file specified

TSE is based on tbdev. in php uploads go into a temp folder then the script decides wut to do with it. in tbdev, it copies it to the torrent folder.

download.php checks the db for the torrent index sent from the browse or details page, and send it directly to the browser.

Check that download.php is getting the index properly
Check that the index is being used to retrieve the torrent info
Check that the torrent folder is in the file string.

If ya applied mods that alter download.php:
If ya dunno coding, well, revert to the original script
if ya know some coding, remove the mod that altered download.php

if this is original source
try a previous src

and next time, make backups.
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