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Old 2nd February 2012, 05:10
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romano1 romano1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Optix View Post
Sockets & Cron job storing userlist in a serialized file. ;)
I guess its that simple hehe

Bump: Is this code useful, you coder guys?

                 //************************************** // Name: IRC in PHP // Description:This code shows you how to create socket and connect to a IRC server and communicate with it.  It is well commented and easy to understand. It has some basic IRC commands like PING, CTCP Ping, CTCP Version and you can send raw commands by PRIVMSG. NOTE: You can not "chat" with this program, its more of a bot. // By: Arnar Mar Sig // // Inputs:none, Just run it in console mode (Worked on win32 and should work on *nix). Command: PHP irc.php where irc.php is the name of the file. // //This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see details.//**************************************  <?     // Set the PHP Timeout to 0, so we wont get killed by PHP     set_time_limit(0);     // define \r\n for easy use     define ('CRLF', "\r\n");     // Just some variables we need to connect     $nick = 'PHPTest'; // The nick     $username = 'an13810'; // The Username (username@hostname)     $localhost = ''; // The localhost, this dosen't really metter, the server will find the right one, or use your IP.     $remotehost = ''; // The server we are connecting to     $realname = 'PHP IRC test'; // Your realname, (real my ass;)     $channel = ''; // Channel we join to on connect     // Open the socket     $fp = fsockopen($remotehost,6666, &$err_num, &$err_msg, 30);     if(!$fp) { // Error trying to connect         print "Sorry, the server is not currently available!";         exit;     }     // Send the connect data (This is a part of the IRC RCF, read it if you are going to code more irc stuff)     $Header = 'NICK ' . $nick . CRLF;     $Header .= 'USER ' . $username . ' ' . $localhost . ' ' . $remotehost . ' :' . $realname . CRLF;     fputs($fp, $Header);     // define response as a variable, so we wont get a error.     $response = '';     while (!feof($fp)) { // Make a while loop untill the socket is closed         $response .= fgets($fp, 1024); // Append 1024 bytes to $response (if any), from the socket buffer         while (substr_count($response,CRLF) != 0) { // Check if there is CRLF (linesplit) in $response, and do that untill none             $offset = strpos($response, CRLF); // Just to know where the line ends             $data = substr($response,0,$offset); // Split the line from the rest of the data             $response = substr($response,$offset+2); // Split the rest from the line             if ( substr($data,0,1) == ':' ) { // If the first char is : then go to this loop                 // Lines starting whit : are in this format                 // :sender command :text                 // So we need to split it like that                 $offsetA = strpos($data, ' '); // Find first space                 $dFrom = substr($data,1,$offsetA-1); // set $dFrom as the sender                 $offsetB = strpos($data, ' :'); // Find the first :                 $dCommand = substr($data,$offsetA+1,$offsetB-$offsetA-1); // Set $dCommand as the command                 $dText = substr($data,$offsetB+2); // set $dText as the text.                 if ( substr($dCommand,0,3) == '004' ) {                     // This is just a part of the connect headers that the server send. (001,002,003,004,005)                     // Some server dont send 005, so i use 004 to know if i?m connected                     fputs($fp,'JOIN ' . $channel . CRLF); // Join $channel                 }                 elseif ( substr($dCommand,0,7) == 'PRIVMSG' ) {                     // If somebody msgs us, or if there is some tolk on a channal, this is send.                     if ( Ord(substr($dText,0,1)) == 1 ) {                         // If first chars acsii code is 1 then its a CTCP question.                         if ( substr($dText,1,4) == 'PING' ) {                             // Sombody CTCP pinged us, lets respond                             fputs($fp,':' . $nick . ' NOTICE ' . $dFrom . ' :' . chr(1) . 'PING ' . substr($dText,6) . chr(1) . CRLF);                         }                         elseif ( substr($dText,1,7) == 'VERSION' ) {                             // Somebody versiond us, lets respond                             fputs($fp,':' . $nick . ' NOTICE ' . $dFrom . ' :' . chr(1) . 'VERSION PHPirc' . chr(1) . CRLF);                         }                     }                     else {                         // Else, do this. This is just a relay of all privemsg sent to use, will go right to the server.                         // so we can send RAW message for testing:)                         fputs($fp,$dText . CRLF);                     }                 }                              }             elseif ( substr($data,0,4) == 'PING' ) { // Else if first 4 chars are PING do this                 // If the server pings us, respond. This must be done or we will get timeout                 fputs($fp,'PONG ' . substr($data,5) . CRLF);              }         }     }     // If we are here, then the server has disconnected use          // Close the socket     fclose ($fp);     ?>
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