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Old 20th April 2011, 22:43
Cyberlock Cyberlock is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 15
Default Yea
hi there i have change my settings now. i have take a closer look at the source, so i using this lines for make it work.
You will still have to add your information to the bot in Tracker Settings. of the eggdrop bot.

First of all you starting here:

$res = sql_query ('SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id=' . sqlesc ($catid));
  $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc ($res);
  $cat = $arr['name'];
And now it was i have input the other information from

but this not needed...... afther this line you have this after:

$fp = fsockopen($bot['ip'], $bot['port'], $errno, $errstr, 40);

    fputs($fp, $bot['password'] . " " . $bot['message'] . "\n");
and for now you need alle this and it migt allready be there in you source.

$res = sql_query ('' . 'SELECT FROM users u LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) WHERE u.enabled=\'yes\' AND u.status=\'confirmed\' AND u.notifs LIKE \'%[cat' . $catid . ']%\' AND u.notifs LIKE \'%[email]%\' AND u.notifs != \'\' AND g.isvipgroup=\'yes\'');
  $size = mksize ($totallen);
  $body = sprintf ($lang->upload['emailbody'], $torrent, $size, $cat, $anon, $descr, $BASEURL, $id, $SITENAME);
  $to = '';
  $nmax = 100;
  $nthis = $ntotal = 0;
  $total = mysql_num_rows ($res);
  if (0 < $total)
    while ($arr = mysql_fetch_row ($res))
      if ($nthis == 0)
        $to = $arr[0];
        $to .= ',' . $arr[0];

      if (($nthis == $nmax OR $ntotal == $total))
        $sm = sent_mail ($to, sprintf ($lang->upload['emailsubject'], $SITENAME, $torrent), $body, 'takeupload', false);
        $nthis = 0;

  include_once INC_PATH . '/readconfig_pjirc.php';
  if (($ircbot == 'yes' AND $connect = @fsockopen ($botip, $botport, $errno, $errstr)))
    $botmessage = chr (3) . '9' . chr (2) . ('' . ' ' . $SITENAME) . chr (2) . ' -' . chr (3) . '10 New Torrent: (' . chr (3) . ('' . '13 ' . $torrent) . chr (3) . '10 ) Size: (' . chr (3) . '13 ' . $size . chr (3) . '10 )  Category: (' . chr (3) . '13 ' . $cat . chr (3) . '10 ) Uploader: (' . chr (3) . ('' . '13 ' . $anon) . chr (3) . '10 ) Link: (' . chr (3) . ('' . '13 ' . $BASEURL . '/details.php?id=' . $id) . chr (3) . '10 )
    @fwrite ($connect, $botmessage);
    @fclose ($connect);

  if (($tsshoutbot == 'yes' AND preg_match ('#upload#', $tsshoutboxoptions)))
    $seo_link = ts_seo ($id, $torrent, 's');
    $shoutbOT = sprintf ($lang->upload['shoutbOT'], $seo_link, $torrent, $anon);
    $shout_sql = 'INSERT INTO shoutbox (userid, date, content) VALUES (\'999999999\', \'' . TIMENOW . '\', ' . sqlesc ('{systemnotice}' . $shoutbOT) . ')';
    $shout_result = sql_query ($shout_sql);
And the end. all this have to be in takeupload before

if (file_exists (TSDIR . '/' . $cache . '/latesttorrents.html'))
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