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Old 9th March 2020, 02:23
antimidas antimidas is offline
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Posts: 67
Originally Posted by Elena View Post
Is there a site with an online script to look at work is this a miracle?
??? What do you mean? I have kept u-232 forums up for over the last year. Then I put up evil-trinity forum, and ported all the v5 stuff to new forum. The U232 test site was continually running as well.....

I do not see any point offering support for anything that cannot run on php7+. I personally feel if scripts are that old, then they are more and more insecure and clunky the older it gets. U-232 past v3 is vastly different than tbdev. You can't just throw tbdev mods in u232. The code is way different. Then v5 is even more different.

It's cool you are working on tbdev/yuni. Good on ya. But u232 and Evil-trinity are well beyond tbdev code. And there is no plausible justification I can find to resurrect the old forums. Especially when it had MAYBE 3 ppl a day stop in. There were less than 20 posts in last year.

I have sent a db backup to Thor. If he decides to import all the U-232 tables then everything except uploads will be on here.