Thread: Crazyhour
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Old 24th November 2019, 00:04
Napon Napon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 522
So you telling me this all it needs i think not just looked in to it

this should be on the announce
   function crazyhour_announce() {
   global $SHITE;
   $transfer_filename   = $SHITE['cache'].'transfer_crazyhour.txt';
   $crazyhour_filename = $SHITE['cache'].'crazy_hour.txt';
   $crazyhour_cache = fopen($crazyhour_filename,'r+');
   $crazyhour_var = fread($crazyhour_cache, filesize($crazyhour_filename));
   if ($crazyhour_var >= TIME_NOW && $crazyhour_var < TIME_NOW + 3600) { // is crazyhour
   if (is_file($transfer_filename))
    return true;
    elseif ($crazyhour_var < TIME_NOW + 3600 && !is_file($transfer_filename)) {   // crazyhour over
        $transfer_file_created = fopen($transfer_filename, 'w') or die('no perms?');
        $crazyhour['crazyhour_new']       = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m'), date('d'), date('y'));
        $crazyhour['crazyhour']['var']    = mt_rand($crazyhour['crazyhour_new'], ($crazyhour['crazyhour_new'] + 86400));
        $fp = fopen($crazyhour_filename, 'w');
        fwrite($fp, $crazyhour['crazyhour']['var']);
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO sitelog (added, txt) VALUES('.TIME_NOW.', '.sqlesc($text).')') or err("Crazyhour Err");
        return false;
        return false;
  $happy = mysql_query("SELECT id, multiplier from happyhour where userid=" . sqlesc( $userid ) . " AND torrentid=" . sqlesc( $torrentid ) . " " );
  $happyhour = mysql_num_rows( $happy ) == 0 ? false : true;
  $happy_multi = mysql_fetch_row( $happy );
  $multiplier = $happy_multi["multiplier"];
  if ( $happyhour ) {
  $upthis = $upthis * $multiplier;
  $downthis = 0;
Also you need to add to cleanup

Also there alot more to ths mod how do you think its going to work just with a few line of code Heads up no you need the rest of the code ive just test the full code on 08 and works a treat and you call your self coders

Last edited by Napon; 24th November 2019 at 00:23.
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