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Old 28th November 2017, 08:40
DND DND is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,244
Hmm, what are you doing now?
You contacted me to put this back online and upgraded to the newest standards, you made me install everything on that 2 core shitty shared VPS and now post this ?

But didn't we discussed we would do this together? Ohh yeah maybe that's the reason you aren't online anymore?
Pretty slutty of you, pretty slutty...
p.s Just saw that the VPS has the password changed..Ohh dear so sneaky.. can't trust anyone these days
Need HELP!? I can install:

  1. Server/VPS (Debian,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora, FreeBSD) Optimization and ... + Modules
  2. Webserver Windows/Linux (Apache/Lighttpd/Nginx/Mysql/PhpMyAdmin/SSL) Optimization and ... + Modules
  3. Seedbox Windows/Linux (uTorrent,rTorrent,libTorrent,ruTorrent) + Modules
  4. Multiple source code engines
  5. Linux Server Administration (security, cryptography/encryption, proxy, load balancer, custom ddos firewall)
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