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Old 1st April 2017, 18:02
DND DND is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,244
It is not my fault you don't know how to behave yourself. You only know to bully and make people feel bad.
I knew it from the start something was off about this project, but noo..let me help people, it's good karma..yeah right. backstabbing people and liers.
Site was fully functional with no problems so shut up. I have hundreds of proofs.
Need HELP!? I can install:

  1. Server/VPS (Debian,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora, FreeBSD) Optimization and ... + Modules
  2. Webserver Windows/Linux (Apache/Lighttpd/Nginx/Mysql/PhpMyAdmin/SSL) Optimization and ... + Modules
  3. Seedbox Windows/Linux (uTorrent,rTorrent,libTorrent,ruTorrent) + Modules
  4. Multiple source code engines
  5. Linux Server Administration (security, cryptography/encryption, proxy, load balancer, custom ddos firewall)
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