Thread: XBTITFM 2.0
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Old 28th January 2017, 08:06
thartley55 thartley55 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 206
Actually, 2.0 is NOT the latest version.

And, many licenses did you purchase? Or are you selling YOUR license to as many people as are willing to use it.

As it is tied to YOU and a domain you initially owned when purchasing your license.

Granted, they have made the script 'usable' as many times as desired...but each usage is still activated with your domain, and code.

Unless you have nulled it...which you made no mention of.

Anyway, if you are 'selling' this...with your license info...I don't feel you should be charging anything.

Just another money-grubbing fool...trying to cash in on someone else's work.

Are you related to Napon? (and yes that was intended to be an insult) lol
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