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Old 5th August 2011, 13:06
banana banana is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1
Exclamation Create .Torrent File(for autodl plugin)
Hello everyone!
I want a simple script that create a .torrent file (with my announce url) after the download was finished and save that file to desktop.

Largely,i know how to create a .torrent file.I think this is the code:

my $torrent_name = "$release_name.torrent"; #Sets Name For Torrent File
my $torrent_file = "$torrent_output\/$torrent_name"; #Sets Full Path For Torrent File
my $torrent_command = "mktorrent -p -a \"$announce\" -o \"$torrent_file\" \"$output_file\""; #Creates The Command Used To Create A Torrent
print "Making $torrent_name, Please Wait.\n"; #Alerts The User That We Are Going To Make A Torrent
`$torrent_command`; #Creates The .torrent File
But if i add those lines into script editor (i'm talking about autodl plugin for chatzilla>firefox)
and i write script name in preferences >2nd line, it give me a lot of errors in *client*.

So,can somebody help me with this script?
thanks in advance

Bump: nobody can't make this script?
I thought someone will help me here, but I was wrong
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