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Old 26th December 2010, 15:19
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Fynnon Fynnon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 984
id say you donwload the latest version of this source available since today and reinstall
there should be a manual way to install any mod, you should see a link called "View manual installation instructions?"

make sure you uploaded the xml file in "hacks" folder and the rest of the hack files
lets say you want to install the imdb mod, you upload the folder with the xml file in hacks folder than install from ACP

xbtit has a hack install system designed to make hacking your site easy. the hack install system takes 100% of the pain out of hacking however, it is inevitable with any complex system that conflicts can arise and it is sometimes necessary to manually install a hack. to a novice a manual install looks like a problem but i assure you, compared to hacking of btitracker 1.4.*, xbtit still takes 80% of the pain out of hacking for even a manual install we have looked at the nature of hack conflicts and we note that all hack install systems suffer from the issue e.g. smf also has hack conflicts. the current policy is not to invest time in creating a perfect hack install system free from conflicts because although it is a logical possibility, it is impracticable and the effort is not justified. we choose at this stage of the code's development to focus our limited resources on xbtit FM ( which will provide a codebase free of any requirement for hacking for those owners who prefer not to have to touch the code i will describe the procedure for both automated and manual installs below. the hack install system is referred to as HIS how to install a hack 1. extract the hack archive on your local machine 2. you need a ftp user who owns the webroot, root will not work 2.1 ssh login to your server with root and use the following commands to create the ftp user for HIS useradd -d /var/www/html -s /sbin/nologin USERNAME passwd USERNAME (you will be prompted to enter the password twice) chown -R USERNAME /var/www/html 3. ftp the hack directory and files to your server directory /var/www/html/hacks 4. on your site Admin Panel > Hacks Settings 4.1 select the hack > confirm 4.2 enter the ftp user and password 4.3 if the home of the ftp user is not /var/www/html/ then enter the path to the html directory (otherwise leave empty, the default is good) 4.4 the defaults localhost and port 21 will work on most servers 4.5 > confirm, the hack is installed troubleshooting a hack install if at 4.5 above the hack does not install it can be because: a) ftp user details incorrect b) path to webroot incorrect c) ftp server details incorrect d) there is a hack conflict how to fix a hack conflict a hack typically touches many files but when there is a hack conflict the system will display only the files and the code requiring attention. you should assume that all other code changes are possible but have not yet been performed. to be clear, the system only displays errors and is silent on success HIS works by using an .xml file to search and replace code within .php files. a hack conflict arises when the search string in the .xml file does not match the target code in the .php the fix is to manually locate what the .xml is looking for, update the .xml with the new search string, then hack the <data> code in the .xml to take account of the already installed hack which is causing the conflict you can either A. hack the .php directly, or B. hack the hack and use HIS to apply it. the method here is B (although A is quicker, the benefit of B is the hack will show as installed in HIS) 1. login to your site with ftp and navigate to /var/www/html/hacks/NEWHACK/ where NEWHACK is an example 2. take a backup of the .xml file 3. open the .xml file to edit 3.1 find the section for the .php file reported by HIS 3.2 find the <search> string reported by HIS 3. navigate to the .php file reported by HIS 3.1 open the .php file to edit 3.2 using the <search> string in .xml locate the target code in the .php file 3.2.1 the search string and the target code will be similar, and most likely differ only on a couple of variables 3.2.2 try finding small sections of the search string to locate the potential target code 3.2.3 eliminate alternatives by comparing the entire search string with the entire target code 3.2.4 in .php files a query appears only once which gives you a big clue on identifying the target code 4. copy the target code from the .php and paste it into the .xml replacing the <search> string 5. use your smarts and cunning to hack the <data> code in the .xml to the required functionality Click the image to open in full size. 6. apply the hack using HIS 6.1 because you have entered the correct search string into the .xml HIS will find and replace that code with whatever code you have set in the <data> section of the .xml and HIS will report the hack is installed. do not conclude you got the code changes right, you must test the hack functionality and edit the code as necessary how to manually install a hack repeat, the .xml file describes what code to find in what .php file and gives the replacement code find in .php: <search> from .xml replace with: <data> from the .xml if <search> is not found in .php then you have a hack conflict. the fix is described above in the section how to fix a hack conflict Read more:
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