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BoLaMN 23rd February 2008 13:49

Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 & RC1
4 Attachment(s)
1. Yuna Pre7 RC1 by BolaMN :

Last modified: 09-APRIL-2008


*nix or Windows server.
MYSQL 3.23 or greater. Note: This source tested on Mysql 4 and 5 (we recommend: Mysql 5)
PHP version 4.1 or greater. Note: This source tested on PHP 4,5,5.20 (we recommend: PHP 5)
The Apache webserver (version 1.3 or greater.) Note: This source tested on Apache 2 (we recommend: Apache2).
The ability to change directory permissions to 0777 or to change ownership of directories to be owned by the webserver process.
.htaccess Support! (see httpd.conf for: AllowOverride all)
Short Open Tag support (see php.ini for: short_open_tag = On)
GD2 Support (see php.ini for: extension=php_gd2.dll)
Mod Rewrite Support (see httpd.conf for: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
SMTP Server.

Please contact your hosting provider to ensure your server is compatible before installing.


Change Log:

Pre7 v.RC1 English
- Replaced all stderr & bark with function newerr
- Fixed all known bugs. Rev-2
- New Settings system
- New Installer
- New Anonymous Mod
- Updated Theme From ANDiTKO (NEW_ANDiTKO)

Pre7 v.RC0 English
- Fixed all known bugs.
- Converted to English

Pre7 v.RC0
- First Leaked public release.

[hide]Attachment 21[/hide]



Please report bugs, errors, security holes for better version of Yuna Pre7 RC1.
If you have any suggession about this source please let us know by using our forums.

With best Regards - BoLaMN!
Bravo List - Powered by vBulletin

Good luck and Enjoy.
Special Thanks

ANDiTKO, Hatchet, Yuna Scatari & any user which supports me!!


Installer For Installing Yuna Pre7 with the new installer!
[spoil:3uzuql9i]Yuna Pre7 RC01 - BolaMN FRESH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:
Quick and easy steps to get you up and running

These steps are by no means exhaustive or as detailed as possible.
1. Unzip the release archive to your computer using an archive utility capable of decompressing the download format you choose (Winrar,Winzip).

2. Using an FTP client (FlashFXP,CuteFTP), upload the entire contents of the 'upload' directory to a visible directory on your web server.

3. CHMOD the following files/folders to 0777 (ie, make sure that PHP can write to them).
- ./config/
- ./config/CLEANUP
- ./config/DATABASE
- ./config/EXTRA
- ./config/MAIN
- ./config/SECURITY
- ./config/SMTP
- ./config/TWEAK
- ./config/THEME
- ./torrents/
- ./cache/
- ./include/config_announce.php
- ./community/uploads/
- ./community/uploads/avatars/
- ./community/inc/config.php
- ./community/inc/settings.php

4. In your browser, visit the URL where you installed your tracker, appending ./install/ on to the end of it.

5. After the installation has completed, please delete the 'install' directory from server.

You can now login to the Administration Control Panel by appending ./settings.php on to the URL of your tracker.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to protect your ./CONFIG folder by using apache config.
Example httpd.conf

Options -Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
AllowOverride all
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

Congratulations, you should now have an installed and working copy of Yuna Pre7 on your web server.

Have a nice day.

************************************************** **********************************************
************************************************** **********************************************

2. Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 BETA - Yuna release (leaked) :

[hide]Attachment 28[/hide]

* if you use this version please make sure you edit takesignup!
(unless you want your site details sent to yuna) *

************************************************** **********************************************

************************************************** **********************************************
3. Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 BETA - BolaMN's first release :

[hide]Attachment 32[/hide]

Some changes i made were:

*Added a working shoutbox
*Changed Rules.php from a plain html format into a mysql driven rules page
*fixed alot of bugs i found along the way
*fixed width issues for many pages

* Should be 100% English but i could of missed some files!!! so post here for any missed language fixes and will fix! *
************************************************** ************************************************** ****

Few Themes Converted to English: TBDev, Gray !

[hide]Attachment 22[/hide]

*Note: these dont come with Pre7 they are optional so they might not work to well*

sharky 23rd February 2008 18:19

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
I'm also waiting :D

BoLaMN 24th February 2008 09:56

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

blur13th 25th February 2008 18:30

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

i am waiting for english version too!!

and how can i install this?

seb35 2nd March 2008 00:31

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Good job !!!

redred1 2nd March 2008 09:32

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Kotafi 2nd March 2008 09:35

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
You are the Man !!! :dance:

Tested and working :smoke:

BoLaMN 2nd March 2008 13:02

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Bug Report by Hatchet todo with users.php

when u click "Next.." you recieve a sql error

fixed by updating sql query

require "include/bittorrent.php";



$search = trim($_GET['search']);
$class = $_GET['class'];
if ($class == '-' || !is_valid_user_class($class))
$class = '';

if ($search != '' || $class) {
$query = "username LIKE '%" . sqlwildcardesc("$search") . "%' AND status = 1";
if ($search)
$q = "search=" . htmlspecialchars($search);
} else {
$letter = trim($_GET["letter"]);
if (strlen($letter) > 1)

if ($letter != "" && strpos("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", $letter) === false)
$letter = "a";
if ($letter == "")
$letter = "a";
$query = ( $letter != "" ? "username LIKE '$letter%' AND " : "") . "status = 1";
$q = "letter=$letter";

if (is_valid_user_class($class)) {
$query .= " AND class = $class";
$q .= ($q ? "&" : "") . "class=$class";





print("Search: \n");



for ($i = 97; $i < 123; ++$i)
$l = chr($i);
$L = chr($i - 32);
if ($l == $letter)



$page = $_GET['page'];
$perpage = 100;

$res = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TABLE_USERS." WHERE $query") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$arr = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$pages = floor($arr[0] / $perpage);
if ($pages * $perpage < $arr[0])

if ($page < 1)
$page = 1;
if ($page > $pages)
$page = $pages;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; ++$i)
if ($i == $page)
$pagemenu .= "$i\n";
$pagemenu .= "$i\n";

if ($page == 1)
$browsemenu .= "<< Previous";
$browsemenu .= "<< Previous";

$browsemenu .= "

blur13th 3rd March 2008 00:09

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
hey, i imported sql.

but got this error on main page.

i use mysql with utf-8 unicode / utf8_general_ci

Error in SQL
The response from the server MySQL: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) and (cp1251_ukrainian_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat'

? C:\AutoSet\public_html\sc\include\cleanup.php, line 213

?????? ????? 19.

BoLaMN 3rd March 2008 12:20

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Try this new sql file ran a collation fix on the sql database to set them all utf8_general_ci

see how you go u have to reregister ur users as it changes a few things, all the best

hopefully all goes well see how you go!

SuspekT 3rd March 2008 18:50

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
What is the ZIP password !! ???? :sos:

Fynnon 3rd March 2008 18:52

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Originally Posted by SuspekT
What is the ZIP password !! ???? :sos:

PM BoLaMN for the zip password

blur13th 3rd March 2008 19:34

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Originally Posted by BoLaMN
Try this new sql file ran a collation fix on the sql database to set them all utf8_general_ci

see how you go u have to reregister ur users as it changes a few things, all the best

hopefully all goes well see how you go!


it's working perfectly. thanks!

but where is settings.php , agentban.php and editforum.php?

and where can i control detail settings like bonus point and promotion conditions?

last question,

i want to move TS 3.1 nulled's torrent db to yuna scatari v2.0. is it possible?


Milos 4th March 2008 03:52

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
but where is settings.php , agentban.php and editforum.php?????

Kotafi 4th March 2008 04:56

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

settings and agentban.php where not in the source and forums you can edit thru "mybb administration". :smile:

vertex 6th March 2008 08:06

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Nice job!!! :D :D :D :dance:

Milos 6th March 2008 21:05

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
I have a problem with registration :sad:


Registration is not possible!

Sory for my english :sad:

trurl3 8th March 2008 23:54

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0 - Forums
Is this possible to get pass for .zip file with code? I've PM-ed BoLaMN for it, but he didn't response

Krypto 9th March 2008 00:17

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Thanks for this :) The only file that I've come across so far that needing some translating was include/cleanup.php

I've translated this file to English and is attached.

BoLaMN 9th March 2008 16:09

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
cheers rich, will update it in the main file when i get home from holiday!! :) had to not get one or two of the files... lol ;)

ANDiTKO 13th March 2008 17:29

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Before you read this i want you to know that i don't want to start a fight.
I want to ask some questions witch i want to get answered by BoLaMN

1) Sooo BoLaMN, are you sure that you have translated all these files [spoil:ddd85mm7]lang_admin.php
2) Can you remember where did you got from the Pre Released version of Yuna's TBDev?

3) Why you removed the Yuna and TBDev Credit?

Let me answer !

1) YSE Pre 7 Is not translated by BoLaMN. Its translated by ME

2) You've got the Pre 7 from because i was the onlyone that has it except Yuna witch dont allow me anymore to distribute this release. So its no longer there until we fix the code and make a fully working version witch will be free for all

3) You know that removing other peoples credit its stupid. Thank you for leting the credit for the design but Yuna and TBDev are missing.And i dont like this man.

Sorry if my post looks offensive but i really got pissed off when i saw the comment that you left in the rar file:

Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0. Translated To English By BoLaMN
I have wasted weeks of work for getting this source translated from Russian, coz i dont know Russian and i used to figure what the russian words means. And you want to take credit for the translation :roll: If you want to help for YSE its ok. Let me know and you are in, but Ripping the free source and naming it as you like its not good.
Send me a PM when you read this. I want to tell you somethig.


BoLaMN 15th March 2008 10:55

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Hey dude,

if you download the release we were pre released about 30% of these files are translated to english i spent the and went through alot of php files translating russain to english so i believe the most of files were translated by me

and about the credit to yuna i forgot to add it back before i rereleased it back onto the site my fault on that but meh fully english who can complain


trurl3 15th March 2008 11:06

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
In my opinion, you both could be right in some way. Who nows in which stage of translation BoLaMn get it? If it was on early stage, then big part of translation was done independently by you two.
But I can say myself, because I now it, so ANDiTKO was in translating bussines from very beginning, and he "do not forgot to put Yuna and TBDev Credit to code". Shame on you BoLaMn. :nope:

BoLaMN 15th March 2008 11:08

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
download the original copy in this thread and see what stage i got it at, check all the files i had to sift through around 170 files to translate russian tell me if that isnt a big job or not??

trurl3 15th March 2008 11:10

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Originally Posted by BoLaMN
download the original copy in this thread and see what stage i got it at, check all the files i had to sift through around 170 files to translate russian tell me if that isnt a big job or not??

Yes, it could be great, but you forgot to post password for your .zip file. I was asking you by PM, but you don't answer me.

BoLaMN 15th March 2008 11:14

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
have sent you the password download both rars and compare the translation i got the translation when it was around 30% english!!! still alot of files!!!

trurl3 15th March 2008 11:47

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Originally Posted by BoLaMN
have sent you the password download both rars and compare the translation i got the translation when it was around 30% english!!! still alot of files!!!

In my opinion this explain everything. 30% is not so much for all phrases to translate. Specially when there is not enaugh to translate 'language packs'. I now it, because I have translate all RC6 from russian to polish myself.
If you get code 30% translated, the rest is pretty big job to do. With 70% independent work each of you can say so has his own share in project :). Translation of phrases from tracker code left no place for individuality, so both translations could look as the same. Only this Yuna credits - this not look good. But I hope, you fix it immediately.
Anyway, didn't you think about joining to Yuna Scatari team for translation and developing of this code? I think this code is worth it to be worked out good.
@ANDiTKO - I understand your position, byt this is as I see it. I think each of you, besides Yuna credits, can put your own mark as transaltor. So every user can see,. who translated code he use.
I use now RC6 and i am oserving with great interest how goes works on RC7. You now, so prerealease code is not allowed by Yuna to spread. So I was very surprised to find it in net. Taking in accout all what was said, I think you you mustn't be angry. Tis BoLaMn work looks like in great part independent job.

BoLaMN 15th March 2008 12:06

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
the source of yuna pre7 translated to english i was never going to release till i saw alot of people wanted this source in english and were sick of waiting i first started on pre6 which i completed about 70% english and then stumbled across pre7 in my paths ;) so i started again to translate pre7 from russian to english

i do not descriminate against ANDiTKO his work was great on what he had achieved i just felt it was not going to get finished so i finished the translation to english

i hope you all like this source and i guess next one i do i will keep it a private source between me and my few folks and not release it to public, i am sorry if i offended anyone with what i have achieved but i believe this is a great step towards yuna english

Peace BoLaMN

trurl3 15th March 2008 12:20

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
I am one of them who was 'sick of waiting' for RC7, I must confess :). So finding a copy of RC7 and in english was for me great thing. But this delay is not without the reason. As I am a member of Yuna Scatari forum, I now that works on RC7 code are still not over, for that it is still Release Candidate, nor final. Translation was done in the meantime by ANDiTKO and test site is working goood. But when RC7 becomes final and when it will be released - who nows :sad: .So for me even RC this version is fairely welcome, specially when works pretty good (I have it installed on h--p:// if you like to look). This installed version is probabely translated by you, but I am not sure as I get it from another source and unpacked. Maybe you can detrmine if it yours translation or not. Now when I have password to zip file and when I will have some time . try to install this code too and compare myself.
Anyway, this code is very good, but I have one need in it - it will be good to have mod for anonymosity - if you want, you can hide who upload torrent. Actually I am trying to apply such mod from another tbdev code, but differeces in construction of code are to great for me. I am not PHP prpgrammer ;)

Fynnon 15th March 2008 15:25

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
1. The Yuna Scatari source was first posted in this forum by another user (a Romanian user), not by BoLaMN !
I had some database problems so his name is lost but not forgotten :-)

2. I know Anditko from yuna`s site, I know he`s done some part of the translation but it was not completed and BoLaMN has translated some more.
In the next release of this source (soon) there will be credits fot yuna (the author) for Anditko (translator) and BoLaMN (translating)

Titles aren`t set yet but suggestions are accepted!

In the end it is important that we can work together and finish this source...the forum doesn`t work, we need to fix that !!! I don`t need people working for themselfs on this site, but people working together, for the community !!!


ANDiTKO 15th March 2008 16:24

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0

Why you say that you have translated the 70% and i have translated the 30% ?
Then the YSE Pre 7 is 100% in english!

I have translated the biggest part of YSE Pre 7.
Let me tell you something....
There were only two people that had YSE Pre 7.
The first one was Yuna and the second one was ME !

After translating almost all the frontend in English (multilanguage) i made a demo tracker at
Alot of users liked the translation and asked me to send them the source code of YSE pre 7.
I shared my work and uploaded the Pre 7 at my server few days i've got my site hacked (The YSE site) Then Yuna disallowed me to send the Pre 7 to ANYONE before its final release!

I've Downloaded "Your Version of YSE" i saw in rar comment this

Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0. Translated To English By BoLaMN
At least you could put my name also there.

I've opened the Language folder and i see 15 php files witch are crated by ME
Here is the list

Who Did those 15 php landuage files? You or Me ?
Come on! Tell Everyone Who Did those 15 php files!?!?

vertex 15th March 2008 16:33

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
When and where i can download your source?

ANDiTKO 15th March 2008 16:40

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Read my previews post carefully...

I shared my work and uploaded the Pre 7 at my server few days i've got my site hacked (The YSE site) Then Yuna disallowed me to send the Pre 7 to ANYONE before its final release!
So i can't give it to anyone, before i finish the translation and Yuna tells me to.

EDiT: The source is not mine! It belongs to Yuna and TBDev.Im just a translator and designer of YSE.

vertex 15th March 2008 16:42

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
In summer, we can download your source?

ANDiTKO 15th March 2008 16:43

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Maybe..... if someone wants to help me then the source will be released soon.(Really Soon!)

vertex 15th March 2008 16:46

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
I can translate :
russian to latvian
russian to english

Fynnon 15th March 2008 17:41

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
OMG, this is really crazy!

I know you have translated the most part of Yuna Scatari PRE7 because I had the site in my favourites watching the site for changes.
BoLaMN took the source taken from you and continued the translation you begun
You will have credit in this source
Upload an atachement of the file with the credits and write there wha you want it to be
Work together with BoLaMN and finish the source

Just stop fighting please !

DeCoder 15th March 2008 22:31

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
And......still no password from dit send pm but he's not responding :blink:

Can somebody else give me te password please? :scared:

Thnx DeCoder

Fynnon 15th March 2008 22:35

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
You can also PM me for the password !
@ DeCoder - I`ve sent you the password

DeCoder 15th March 2008 22:41

Re: Yuna Scatari v2.0 PRE7 RC0
Thnx Fynnon, priciate the quick respond cheers :drink:

greez DeCoder

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