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Fynnon 26th August 2010 22:48

XBT Tracker Installation
The XBT tracker (XBTT) can run on Unix/Linux or Windows.

Using Unix/Linux

You need shell and root access to compile and run XBTT.
You also need the following packages:
  • boost-devel
  • mysql-devel
  • gcc-c++
  • subversion

To install this required packages you can run the following commands in your server:

1. Install the required packages on Debian
PHP Code:

apt-get install cmake g++ libboost-date-time-dev libboost-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev \
libboost-serialization-dev libmysqlclient15-dev make subversion zlib1g-dev 

Installing the required packages on CentOS, Fedora or Red Hat
PHP Code:

yum install boost-devel gcc-c++ mysql-devel subversion 

2. Then create a folder in your server and type the following:

PHP Code:

svn co xbt/misc
svn co xbt/Tracker
cd xbt/Tracker

After the server is compiled you will have a xbt_tracker binary under xbt/Tracker.
Copy this binary into the directory where you will run XBTT along with the xbt_tracker.conf.default that is on the same folder.

You will end up with two files in your xbt directory: the xbt_tracker and the xbt_tracker.conf.default.
Rename the xbt_tracker.conf.default to xbt_tracker.conf.

3. we are using /home/xbt_tracker as an example
PHP Code:

cp xbt_tracker /home/xbt_tracker/
cp xbt_tracker.conf.default /home/xbt_tracker/
cp xbt_tracker.sql /home/xbt_tracker/
cd /home/xbt_tracker/
mv xbt_tracker.conf.default xbt_tracker.conf 

4. We now need to create a database to be used with XBTT. You can use phpMyAdmin of the mysql command to create it. See the example below using the mysql client:

PHP Code:

CREATE USER 'xbt_tracker'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_tracker_password';
GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'xbt_tracker'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_tracker_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbt_tracker` . * TO 'xbt_tracker'@'localhost'

5. After the database is created we need to import the default sql that we previously copied into our xbt_tracker home directory. Just type the following command in the shell of your server:

PHP Code:

mysql -uxbt_tracker -pmy_tracker_password xbt_tracker xbt_tracker.sql 

6. Ok, the default database schema (xbt_tracker.sql) is imported into the database we have created. All that is left is to configure XBTT to use it. To do so, edit the xbt_tracker.conf in the xbt_tracker home directory and use the following (change the values to fit you need. We are going to use the ones from the previous commands):

PHP Code:

mysql_host localhost

7. We have now concluded the installation of XBTT on our server. So let's start it. To do it just type:

PHP Code:


You now have XBTT running on the default port 2710.

Now you nee to customize it:

wMan 26th August 2010 23:33

nice to see this ok here is my probs here ok set it up on vb same as this site code , do i have to put a torrent folder in root as it is there not one when when it install it on vb , any idea what to do ?:sos:

Nero9 12th February 2011 13:01

getting segmentation fault wen compiling ./xbt_tracker ??

asdcxz9 16th April 2011 16:21

xbtt install error

../misc/bt_misc.cpp:4:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
../misc/bt_misc.cpp: In function 'std::string escape_string(const std::string&)':
../misc/bt_misc.cpp:19: error: expected primary-expression before 'char'
../misc/bt_misc.cpp:19: error: 'BOOST_FOREACH' was not declared in this scope
../misc/bt_misc.cpp:20: error: expected `;' before '{' token
../misc/bt_misc.cpp:354: error: expected `}' at end of input
../misc/bvalue.cpp:4:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
../misc/bvalue.cpp: In member function 'int Cbvalue::pre_read() const':
../misc/bvalue.cpp:289: error: expected primary-expression before 'i'
../misc/bvalue.cpp:289: error: 'BOOST_FOREACH' was not declared in this scope
../misc/bvalue.cpp:290: error: expected `;' before 'v'
../misc/bvalue.cpp:296: error: expected primary-expression before 'i'
../misc/bvalue.cpp:296: error: 'BOOST_FOREACH' was not declared in this scope
../misc/bvalue.cpp:297: error: expected `;' before 'v'
In file included from config.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from connection.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from epoll.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from server.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
server.cpp: In member function 'int Cserver::run()':
server.cpp:43: error: expected primary-expression before 'j'
server.cpp:43: error: 'BOOST_FOREACH' was not declared in this scope
server.cpp:44: error: expected `;' before '{' token
server.cpp:966: error: expected `}' at end of input
In file included from tcp_listen_socket.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from tracker_input.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from transaction.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from udp_listen_socket.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory
In file included from XBT Tracker.cpp:1:
stdafx.h:3:29: error: boost/foreach.hpp: No such file or directory

can u explain me about dis plzzz

l0calh0st 16th May 2011 15:08

Execute the folllowing commands to fix that:


xvzf boost_1_44_0.tar.gz
./bjam install

totopizza 26th May 2012 14:02

i also in troubles arrtfffffff please some help ? :)
i get this error :::::

g++: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory

i searched and searched but could not find any solution,
would you please help me ?

i tried your fix :::
cd /usr/local/src/
tar xvzf boost_1_44_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_44_0
./bjam install

but i recieved another error ::

Building Boost.Jam with toolset gcc...
Failed to build Boost.Jam
Consult 'bootstrap.log' for more details
1909346773:/usr/local/src/boost_1_44_0# ./bjam install
-bash: ./bjam: No such file or directory


chromium 27th April 2013 06:18

Can this XBT installation on my machine be used to create a torrent tracker site , pls lemme know.

buves18 8th June 2013 22:03

Not good xbt
Not good xbt!!!!

Dingo38 11th October 2013 23:15


Originally Posted by buves18 (Post 41102)
Not good xbt!!!!

It's a bloody nightmare,been trying to sort it for 2 days..The tuts no use..I'll move on to another for the time being..

AutoSnipe 12th October 2013 05:31

You're obviously not doing it right :P
and there are many Shell bash scripts that are simply one click wonders for installs for xbt avaliable

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