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codreanuionut 29th March 2016 00:25

Can't aplly changes to a new profile field.

I'm trying to make a new profile field on my.php and i can't find out what im not
doing right... im not the most expert person when it comes to php..


I saw a signature field in mysql, si i changeit, and it acually display's on
the forum, so i figured out to put it into my.php...

i copyed:

PHP Code:

textarea name='info' cols='50' rows='4'>" . htmlsafechars($CURUSER["info"]) . "</textarea>{$lang['my_tags']}</fieldset

and i change it to:

PHP Code:

textarea name='signature' cols='50' rows='1'>" . htmlsafechars($CURUSER["signature"]) . "</textarea>Forum and Comment's signature. (VIP+)</fieldset> 

When i go to my.php it acually works, i can see my actual signature in that
text area, but if i change it, and press submit, after the reload it's unchanged..

I figured out that i must specify somewhere to apply that field.. but i cant find
where info does.. so i don't know where to put it..

DND 29th March 2016 00:40

did ya edit takeprofedit.php file with the proper code? :coffee:
did ya added the proper code into the sql ?

codreanuionut 29th March 2016 01:01


Originally Posted by DND (Post 48662)
did ya edit takeprofedit.php file with the proper code? :coffee:
did ya added the proper code into the sql ?

yeah, thank's for pointing that out. imma change takedit..

about the sql.. there already is the signature field there..
do i need to do something else there?


In takeedit.php there is this..

PHP Code:

   //== Signature stuffs
elseif ($action == "signature") {
$signatures = (isset($_POST['signatures']) && $_POST["signatures"] != "" "yes" "no");
$signature trimurldecode$_POST["signature"] ) );
        if ( 
        or !
preg_match("#^https?://(?:[^<>*\"]+|[a-z0-9/\._\-!]+)$#iU"$signature ))
        if( !empty(
$signature) ) 
$img_size = @GetImageSize$signature );
$img_size == FALSE || !in_array($img_size['mime'], $TBDEV['allowed_ext']))
stderr('USER ERROR''Not an image or unsupported image!');
$img_size[0] < || $img_size[1] < 5)
stderr('USER ERROR''Image is too small');
        if ( ( 
$img_size[0] > $TBDEV['sig_img_width'] ) OR ( $img_size[1] > $TBDEV['sig_img_height'] ) )
$image resize_image( array(
'max_width'  => $TBDEV['sig_img_width'],
'max_height' => $TBDEV['sig_img_height'],
'cur_width'  => $img_size[0],
'cur_height' => $img_size[1]));
$image['img_width'] = $img_size[0];
$image['img_height'] = $img_size[1];
$updateset[] = "sig_w = " $image['img_width'];
$updateset[] = "sig_h = " $image['img_height']; 
$updateset[] = "signature = " sqlesc("[img]".$signature."[/img]\n");
$updateset[] = "signatures = '$signatures'";
        if (isset(
$_POST["info"]) && (($info $_POST["info"]) != $CURUSER["info"])){
$updateset[] = "info = " sqlesc($info);
$action "signature";

so.. why it's not working..?

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