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eckeO5 30th January 2012 17:20

whats going on plugin
Does some1 know how to update whatsgoinon plugin, may be in about every minute or every 2 minutes.

am using tsse 5.6 nulled by nightcrawler.

i am looking for long time for a solution for this.

unfortunately nothing till today.

greetz eckeO5

mmisu120000 30th January 2012 20:34


Originally Posted by eckeO5 (Post 32780)
Does some1 know how to update whatsgoinon plugin, may be in about every minute or every 2 minutes.

am using tsse 5.6 nulled by nightcrawler.

i am looking for long time for a solution for this.

unfortunately nothing till today.

greetz eckeO5

In include/init.php ... at about line 27 find this:

PHP Code:

define ('TS_TIMEOUT'

there you must modify ...

Be aware that a very little interval will automaticly logout most users very quickly ...

eckeO5 2nd February 2012 23:28

what i mean is a update during user is logged in, so that irritating reload is over…

my request is not about the timeout when users loggin out themselfes :coffee:

but thx for attempt to help.

mmisu120000 3rd February 2012 10:08

I know what you mean, what I told earlier applies not only to the logout time, but to Who's online also .... if you put "1800" the value it will show you who is online and who was online in the last 1800 seconds ... if you put there "60" than it will show you the users online in the last minute, but it will also logout any user after 60 seconds of inactivity ... that's what I meant ...

eckeO5 3rd February 2012 13:40

ok for sure i understand what you mean.

but what i search for, is to find a way to show only if a user is already logged in, not to check he/she is active.

well it can be that there are users who only look what happens in shoutbox or something else.

what i mean is what happens f.e. with shoutbox.
shoutbox updates every 30 sec for example.

automatically all users can see if there hapens someting new or not.

better... i look for a way to show who´s online, not who´s active.

may be that explains better what i look for.

z3ro 3rd February 2012 16:37


Originally Posted by eckeO5 (Post 32780)
Does some1 know how to update whatsgoinon plugin, may be in about every minute or every 2 minutes.

am using tsse 5.6 nulled by nightcrawler.

i am looking for long time for a solution for this.

unfortunately nothing till today.

greetz eckeO5

PHP Code:

*==========[WDW Tracker v.5.6]==========*
*              Special Thanks To               *
*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM         *
*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM           *
*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM     *
*           Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM            *
*   Note: Don't Modify Or Delete This Credit   *
*     Next Target: WDW Tracker v5.7     *
// Dont change for future reference.
if (!defined('TS_P_VERSION'))
define('TS_P_VERSION''1.1 by xam');
// Security Check.
if (!defined('IN_PLUGIN_SYSTEM'))
"<font face='verdana' size='2' color='darkred'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>");

// BEGIN Plugin: whatsgoinon

$_qsquery = @sql_query('SELECT * FROM ts_sessions WHERE userid = \'0\' AND lastactivity > \''.$_dt.'\'');
$_guests ts_nf(@mysql_num_rows($_qsquery));
$_wgo_query sql_query('SELECT distinct s.userid as id, u.username, u.options, u.enabled, u.donor, u.leechwarn, u.warned, p.canupload, p.candownload, p.cancomment, p.canmessage, p.canshout, g.namestyle FROM ts_sessions s LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN ts_u_perm p ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) WHERE s.userid != \'0\' AND s.lastactivity > \''.$_dt.'\' ORDER by u.username, u.last_access');
$_most_ever mysql_num_rows($_wgo_query)+$_guests;

if (

$onlinestats['most_ever'] = 0;

if (
$onlinestats['most_ever'] < $_most_ever)
$_cache_array $onlinestats = array('most_ever' => $_most_ever'most_ever_time' => TIMENOW);
$_name 'onlinestats';
$_filename TSDIR.'/'.$cache.'/onlinestats.php';
$_cachefile = @fopen("$_filename""w");
$_cachecontents "<?php\n/** TS Generated Cache#2 - Do Not Alter\n * Cache Name: $_name\n * Generated: ".gmdate("r")."\n*/\n\n";
$_cachecontents .= "\$$_name = ".@var_export($_cache_arraytrue).";\n?>";

preg_match('#B1#is'$_active_users['options']) && $_active_users['id'] != $CURUSER['id'] && !$is_mod)
        if (

$_usernames[] = '<span style="white-space: nowrap;"><a href="'.ts_seo($_active_users['id'], $_active_users['username']).'">'.get_user_color($_active_users['username'], $_active_users['namestyle']).'</a>'.(preg_match('#B1#is'$_active_users['options']) ? '+' '').get_user_icons($_active_users).'</span>';

$whatsgoinon '
<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
        <td class="subheader" colspan="2">
.($is_mod '<span style="float: right;">[<a href="'.$BASEURL.'/admin/index.php?act=whoisonline"><b>'.$lang->index['show'].'</b></a>]</span>' '').$lang->index['activeusers'].' '.ts_nf($_most_ever).sprintf($lang->index['dactiveusers'], ts_nf($_guests), ts_nf($_active_members), ts_nf($_hidden_members)).'
        <td colspan="2">
            <div style="float: right;">'
.sprintf($lang->index['online']). '</div>
.implode(', '$_usernames).'    
            <div style="float: right;" id="WaitingToShow" name="WaitingToShow"></div>
    <font color=#A6C626><b>User</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=#608060><b>PowerUser</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=green><b>Veterán</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=#ff8040><b>VIP</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=#6464FF><b>Uploader</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=blue><b>Moderátor</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=darkred><b>Adminisztrátor</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
     <font color=#2587A7><b>Sysop</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
    <font color=red><b>Tulajdonos</b></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
// END Plugin: whatsgoinon

add/include/plugins good:ok:

eckeO5 4th February 2012 00:48

Hello Próba12,

testet out, but doesn´t update users automatically…

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