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Raz 15th December 2011 11:58

Scammed by TemplateShares (TSSE/TSUE)
Folks, I'm here to tell you a "story" about my "great experience" with TSSE aka Xamus the Great.

We're using TS SE for ~7-8 months and we had no big issues. Except the fact that the tracker suddenly stopped allowing user registration/login, which you's "not" a big problem (I solved this by myself, it was a bug).

Support was superb. I never requested anything/sent any message, so as long as you don't need anything from them...they are great! :)

First things first, if you wanna buy a TemplateShares product (TSSE or TSUE) you need to know that these guys don't offer you any kind of invoice for the money you pay them. You just receive a bunch of emails, but nothing regarding any company, fiscal code, etc (like on any real invoice).

A couple of weeks ago we've noticed that they launched TSUE. Happy happy, joy joy. Everybody thought that this would be a 2011-2012 upgrade for TSSE. So we've paid them 50-60 bucks for the (let me quote from the TSSE website) "TS SE v7.2 Upgrade License (Ex-Vips Only)". It's a small sum's money.

After paying we were informed that...we'll receive nothing. Really. Nothing at all. We'll receive faster replies on our messages to xam and a shiny green "VIP" badge. Horraaaay!

I was "WTF?!, I've paid you 60 bucks to receive a reply from you (the Three of Life)?! You have a forum where people answer for free in a matter of minutes!".

So I've asked for my money back. He refused. Let me emphasize the fact that we *never* sent them any support request, so we really never used their services. The refund was asked after ~1-2 days after payment, so it was a matter of hours not weeks.

Next, I've opened a PayPal claim. He sent me a PM (wow, fast "support" when money talks!) *threatening* that if we'll not cancel the PayPal claim he'll terminate our license/website. I was "WTF2?! I paid you ~100 bucks 7 months ago and you're saying that you'll block our website?! Is that really in your TOS?!!!".

In the end, after exchanging some messages via PayPal/PM, I got disgusted/bored. I have to many things to do in this life and I cared about our users, so I canceled the claim.

The funny ending is that after all this mess I said "oh well, if I've paid for some dude to reply me, let's make him reply!". So we've started "renovating" our tracker. I wanted to export all the users from our tracker, install a shiny new TSSE, than import only the users from the old DB. Obviously I know how to do that, but for the sake of using the services we've paid for...I've sent them a "ticket". Guess what? I was asked for ANOTHER 60 bucks as an "installation fee". Now...what was that VIP payment for? Support? What support?! He should only reply me "select the users db in your phpmyadmin and export them". So I have no idea what "support" is this guy offering, because from what I can see he's asking extra money for ANYTHING.

A a conclusion:

1) Mr. Xam (dude, you should at least use a f*ing name when you're selling a product/offering support) please accept my sincere "f* *u" wishes and I hope your business will fail asap.

2) I would like to move from TS (SE/UE) to another script, but without loosing the users/trackers. I'm willing to pay somebody for this export/import, I have a very busy life. What would be the best alternative?


x360zone 15th December 2011 13:04

i goto laugh at this same shit happened to me and many other fuck xam and his scam and get the nulled version sorted and save some money if you need help installing and setup let me know.. he is a twat i knew this bullshit tsue was nonsense lol and all these many followers of xams who kiss his arse to keep there site open my worst case is i need to change host

save yourself some money -
back up
reinstall your server
instal ts 5.6
apply your site backw ith what you can
and start of again without the worry of xam and what he can do
oh i never have a problem reaching my staff panel no more hehe
but mate im not taking the piss so beleieve me when i say ive been there and done it, i was 5 years yearly vip member now i keep the money in my pocket instead of xams

Raz 15th December 2011 13:13

As you can see from my post *money* is not the real problem... I would gladly pay 60 bucks for software, as I am leading a software developing company.

The thing that frustrates me is the lack of communication, miss-information and general attitude of "you've paid me, so f* *u, pay me more!".

Any decent company has a 30 days refund policy, so at least a 7 day return policy would be minimal. He's selling a product! Which he'll not send any more if he keeps treating people like that, as forums are invaded with disgrunted ex-Vip members.

With his acts he's really encouraging piracy...which I'll gladly follow next time I need to "upgrade my account".

x360zone 15th December 2011 13:16

no company
just him and his wife mate hes making a raft of cash from people willing to throw it at him why do you think he dont rush with support he has the cash, ive had more help in here around a few weeks joining than ever from xam in 5 years
no you have made it public in our forums he will cause you more shit
get out why you can best advise i can give

demlasjr 15th December 2011 14:59

Another reason that tbdev is better than this fuckers.
If I were in your situation, I would go with a nulled version or go to tbdev and reopen the Paypal claim. First of all, they are not using real name as you said. If they get a nice report, paypal will block their account.

Robz 15th December 2011 17:57

Wow, I'm never buying from that. Thanks for the thread bro!

Bigjoos 15th December 2011 19:54

If people would smarten up and boycott his poor excuse for a source code he wouldn't have a business, until people wake up and smell the coffee that asshole will always win, whats even more sad is people using nulled versions because your only handing him the incentive to make the next release to counter the nulled versions, the code is Tbdev.... thats where he stole his code from when he was banned from there, he then bloated it to death and started selling it, its absolutely garbage and theres far superior source codes out now, better developed, better idea's and it does not cost a penny, but people will continue to keep his bank account fat, nothing will ever change there.

Do as advised - Move over to a TBdev based source code, open up the paypal claim, if enough people do it then he will have problems, If enough people put LOIC on boxes and fired all there power to his server you will effectively kill his business, some food for thought and it would only need a few hundred people to do the damage, its about time the people gave him a taste of his own medicine...its well over due eh.

demlasjr 16th December 2011 15:37

+1 Bigjoos

I can help with loic too...or even better.... :relax:

We are complaining for a 5 bucks price for a movie, but we are paying for something which practically is free. A movie is not easy to be done.
We are pirating the movies, but paying for a (worst) tracker source. WTF ?

1)Paypal claim
2)change the source
3)DDoS his fucking website

cooly 16th December 2011 16:24


Originally Posted by Raz (Post 31658)
Folks, I'm here to tell you a "story" about my "great experience" with TSSE aka Xamus the Great.

I would say xbtitFM we have all the scripts to import the users and torrents and we don't cost as much for support.

Raz 16th December 2011 17:21

Hehe, he just replied the *TICKET* on which I was asking for his "support" for exporting/importing the DB. But, surprisingly, his reply wasn't about the ticket, but about this thread! :lol:

I suppose that trash-talking him, or his code, doesn't gives him the permission to suspend our website, as trash-talking somebody means freedom of speech (a thing that I suppose he's not so happy about).

So people, please carry on trash-talking, at least I'll feel better about my 60 bucks! :ok:

It's hilarious! :clown:


Originally Posted by cooly (Post 31682)
I would say xbtitFM we have all the scripts to import the users and torrents and we don't cost as much for support.

Great, can you please PM me with a price offer for exporting everything from TSSE and importing to xbtit?

Also do you have any other themes/layouts (the blue one is commonly used so I would love to have something else)?

For the rest of BVList:
excluding xbtit, do we have any other alternatives? I'm looking for something similar (visually speaking) with TSUE, which - let's admit it - looks very modern.


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 31665)
Do as advised - Move over to a TBdev based source code

I was looking at TBdev today, but it looks very...outdated. 2009? In 15 days we'll be in...2012... Maybe I'm not looking into the right place (

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