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biggyb 1st June 2009 12:50

HTTP 403 error when updating tracker
When I make torrents and insert my announce URL into the tracker list, it never seeds because I get the 403 http error. I dont know what do do, I tried chmoding the announce.php file to 777 and even that didnt work. I've searched everywhere in these forums and cant find a solution so im asking here as I know it could and would also help others who might experience this common problem.

Ashur 1st June 2009 13:39

did you google what error 403 means?

biggyb 1st June 2009 15:46

Yeah, I actually found this page most usefull HTTP Error 403 Forbidden Explained. I've done everything it suggests and nothing.

Ashur 1st June 2009 20:30

Let's assume you setup the server right
if you got this is probably due not pointing announce.php so basically it's really a 404 (not found)
but I totally recommend that you allow "Directory Listing" for now to see if everything going well
also, if you setup the TSSE without doing major post setup modification it should work right off

if you're running a localserver then most common issue is routing problem and depend on the router you might be able to fix it or not also try to change the URL announce from domain name to WAN IP and then finally try your LAN IP (still assuming your running a local network server)

but please when you post a problem on topics 1 research first 2 post your setup because I'm still assuming things because I don't know your setup at all

biggyb 3rd June 2009 18:45

This is the error log just 1 minute after emptying the error log.
Here is the 403 error on my tracker. I had private tracker patch enabled but disabled it to see if it would make a difference and it didn't.

Here is the torrent info
Here is the peers and seeders..

I have chmodded all my directories and even the root to 755, the .htaccess files are the defaults from the upload folder and I've made no modifications to them. Changed some settings but dont think it would have/should have affected the tracker. Tried many different settings configurations and none have made a difference apart from the DHT being enabled.

oMaRcO 3rd June 2009 19:06

Disable DL/UL?

Ashur 3rd June 2009 19:22

wow so many errors
how about disable most of these extra mods on tracker settings like hit and run, aggressive ip ban,...etc
the only mod you should have is the private tracker patch I never head anybody had any working tracker with that off so turn it on then remake torrent with DHT off, some complained about utorrent 1.8.2 so try this instead Torrent Maker - download tag - Softpedia make sure torrent is private

try that if that goes well you can try to turn on 1 mod at a time however aggressive IP ban should be always disabled it will cause you major issues later on

you still didn't tell me your server specs but just in case you need to run php5 not php4

biggyb 3rd June 2009 20:47

Tried all that, still nothing.

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gonna try a fresh reinstall

Ashur 4th June 2009 01:26

is that on a hosted service or local network?

biggyb 10th June 2009 12:27


Originally Posted by Ashur (Post 12146)
is that on a hosted service or local network?

Nope it's not. I don't know what im doing wrong, I've tried disabling all the mods, I've added the .htaccess to every folder, taken them away, had them with the http.conf file and had only http.conf file. Even tried chmodding EVERYTHING to 777 and still I get the 403 error! Could it be something to do with my webhost?

EDIT: Tried a fresh install and even tried other tracker sources. Same problem with all of them, so it must be from my end, but I have no idea why, I've done everything it could be and still no luck. Maybe my webhosts have blacklisted the filename announce.php? Should I try to rename it?

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