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Tedmorris 14th February 2019 12:08

External image proxy modifications
I'm trying to use an external image proxy server to load http images over https. For example, a user uses the image tag on the forums of
By adding to the start of the url and stripping the http:// the embeded link becomes but I'm struggling to get it working in globalstar..


PHP Code:

$s preg_replace("/\[img\](http:\/\/[^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\[\/img\]/""<img border=0 src=\"\\1\">"$s); 

To this..

PHP Code:

$s preg_replace("/\[img\](http:\/\/[^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\[\/img\]/""<img border=0 src=\"\\\1\" >"$s); 

Is outputting" width="150" height="150" alt=""> I'm not getting the image url inserted and I know I need to strip the http:// from it but wanted to try atleast getting the http link added to the end of the image proxy link first. The src="\\1" appears to be the user inputted url but I've formatted it wrong in the modded version..

Any help would be great and much appreciated.[/QUOTE]

darkalchemy 14th February 2019 12:18

I think you are missing a back slash.


There may be other mistakes, but this is the first thing I saw.

Tedmorris 14th February 2019 12:48

Thanks champ.

Now outputting" width="150" height="150" alt="">

Any idea how to strip the http:// from the image inserted via the [img] tag ?

darkalchemy 14th February 2019 12:56




Tedmorris 14th February 2019 13:27

Sweet. Now outputting">

PHP Code:

$s preg_replace("/\[img\]http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.(jpg|gif|png)))\[\/img\]/i""<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_self\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"\\\\1\"></a>"$s); 

For some reason I'm guessing the >" at the end of the png is causing the problem as the image wont render and just outputs the above.

darkalchemy 14th February 2019 14:03

This is a bit difficult to do on my phone. But this should work.


$s = preg_replace("/\[img\]http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\[\/img\]/", "", $s);
It seems that you changed your needs from your first post.


$s = preg_replace("/\[img\]http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.(jpg|gif|png))\[\/img\]/i", "", $s);

Tedmorris 14th February 2019 14:37

Legend :ok:

PHP Code:

$s preg_replace("/\[img\]http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\[\/img\]/""<img border=\"0\" src=\"\\1\">"$s); 

Works like a charm. Thank you so much. Now I just need to figure out how to apply it to rendered avatar images pulled from a users table row. Eventually I'd like to do as you have with the image proxy on the same server as the tracker in order to prevent being defendant on a 3rd party image proxy but one thing at a time I guess lol

Again many thanks m8. It's very appreciated. What does the "i" do that was removed from \[\/img\]/i",

I know why it changed from first post, I used an older version in my last post that I had commented out and didnt realise until you pointed it out sry, I'm guessing if it's got the \.gif|\.jpg|\.png etc and not just gif| jpg|png then the "i" is required

I'm thinking for the http avatars in forums, change this..

PHP Code:

if ($CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes")
$avatar htmlspecialchars($row["avatar"]);
"<td align=center width=150 style='padding: 0px'><img width=150 src=$avatar></td>\n"); 

To this..

PHP Code:

if ($CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes")
$avatar preg_replace("/\http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\/""<img border=\"0\" src=\"\\$users[avatar]\">"$avatar);
"<td align=center width=150 style='padding: 0px'><img width=150 src=$avatar></td>\n"); 

darkalchemy 14th February 2019 17:21

Avatars are a bit more work, since they are requested all over.

They way that I handled it was to create a function that would replace the url with the proxied one. Then everywhere avatars are requested use the function. This also makes caching much easier.

Tedmorris 14th February 2019 18:27

Yeah it does seem a bit tricky, I've been playing around with it for the best part of 2 hours your function in the Pu-239 source?

I couldnt get the preg_replace to work, I'm still learning the metacharacters and how to use them properly. Havent played with the preg_replace function before.

I tested that it outputs with a variable added without preg_replace..

PHP Code:

$avatar $CURUSER["avatar"];
$avatar2 "$avatar";
"<img src='$avatar2' />"); 

This works but the link outputs to so I need to strip the http:// from the variable first or try make preg_replace do it or try make it work with your custom function I guess.

I tried using
PHP Code:

$avatar2 preg_replace("/\http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\/""<img border=\"0\" src=\"\\$avatar\">"$avatar2); 

But it doesn't work, I think I removed the img tags from it incorrectly.

PHP Code:

$avatar2 preg_replace("/\[img\]http:\/\/([^\s'\"<>]+(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png))\[\/img\]/""<img border=\"0\" src=\"\\$avatar\">"$avatar2); 

darkalchemy 14th February 2019 18:59

Just strip it out like

str_replace(['http://', 'https://'], $avatar)
My function is url_proxy, in bittorrent.php.


function url_proxy($url, $image = false, $width = null, $height = null, $quality = null)
    global $site_config;
    if (empty($url) || preg_match('#' . preg_quote($site_config['domain']) . '#', $url) || preg_match('#' . preg_quote($site_config['pic_baseurl']) . '#', $url)) {
        return $url;
    if (!$image) {
        return (!empty($site_config['anonymizer_url']) ? $site_config['anonymizer_url'] : '') . $url;
    if ($site_config['image_proxy']) {
        $image_proxy = new Pu239\ImageProxy();
        $image = $image_proxy->get_image($url, $width, $height, $quality);
        if (!$image) {
            return $site_config['pic_baseurl'] . 'noposter.png';
        } else {
            return $site_config['pic_baseurl'] . 'proxy/' . $image;
    return $url;

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