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Reitak 6th February 2015 12:36

Cant connect
Hi, after many hours i installed gazelle on ubuntu 12.04, site works fine, but when i want upload something, client wrote me this

It was impossible to establish any connection , because the target machine actively refused it .

and on site of course seed 0.

what to do? thanks

DND 6th February 2015 12:46

configure ocelot properly.. obviously you didn't.. or ocelot is not even running.

Reitak 6th February 2015 13:06


./configure --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo make install

after make it wrote me - no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

after sudo make install - no rule to make target install. stop



To start Ocelot, open a screen by typing screen, and then start Ocelot by typing ocelot.
command not found when i type ocelot

this i have

2242 pts/1 T 0:00 vi /root/ocelot-0.8/worker.h
4708 pts/9 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto ocelot

DND 6th February 2015 13:31

did you make sure that the ports are the same in the configuration ?
for both ocelot and gazelle. :)


after make it wrote me - no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

after sudo make install - no rule to make target install. stop
you didn't even compiled it. you have errors

install htop and see what processes are working.

Reitak 6th February 2015 13:43

yes, port same on config gazellle and on ocelot

this is when i run this


./configure --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
and when i run make got that no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

this is htop screen


DND 6th February 2015 14:18

it clearly states that it can't find the library. and i assume you are using a i386 system and not amd64.
that's why you need to alter the install tutorial for your environment.
i've once had this problem on a server.


./configure --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
try with this..
or better.. navigate to your /usr/lib/ directory and see if you have that there.
its pretty basic.

Reitak 6th February 2015 14:42

great, its work, now i can make and sudo make install

but when i wrote screen and ocelot, it show cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i see this on guide, but dont understand what to do


Ocelot error messages.

ocelot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

But Canonical is not recommend LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


EDIT : i instaled from source libbooost and now when wrote ocelot it show me

failed to connect to mysql , but IP and port have same on config gazelle and on ocelot cfg

DND 6th February 2015 15:12

just install all the libboost
sudo apt-get install libboost*

it will install a lot of libraries. many you wont need, but it is good to have them

make sure the mysql variables are properly edited.. and the mysqld.sock is there.

Reitak 6th February 2015 15:25

all i have, libboost installed, cfg gazelle, ocelot same parameters and in config have mysqld and it wrote

i instaled libbooost and now when wrote ocelot it show me

failed to connect to mysql , but IP and port have same on config gazelle and on ocelot cfg

DND 6th February 2015 15:28

what about name, password, database ?

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