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Genkai 31st December 2009 22:18

Wait System
Hi! I have a problem with the wait system. I disabled the wait system but the column of the wait system is still there... Can anyone solve this? Ty

Phogo 16th January 2010 16:02

Remove the code. I think its in Bittorrent.php

Genkai 17th January 2010 21:48

What code?

elvira 17th January 2010 21:54

Can you post yours announce.php and bittorrent.php

Genkai 18th January 2010 20:59

define ('IN_ANNOUNCE', true);


foreach (array('passkey','info_hash','peer_id','event','ip ','localip') as $x) {
$GLOBALS[$x] = '' . $_GET[$x];

foreach (array('port','downloaded','uploaded','left') as $x)
$GLOBALS[$x] = 0 + $_GET[$x];

if (strpos($passkey, '?')) {
$tmp = substr($passkey, strpos($passkey, '?'));
$passkey = substr($passkey, 0, strpos($passkey, '?'));
$tmpname = substr($tmp, 1, strpos($tmp, '=')-1);
$tmpvalue = substr($tmp, strpos($tmp, '=')+1);
$GLOBALS[$tmpname] = $tmpvalue;

if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$info_hash = stripslashes($info_hash);
$peer_id = stripslashes($peer_id);

foreach (array('passkey','info_hash','peer_id','port','dow nloaded','uploaded','left') as $x)
if (!isset($x)) err('Missing key: '.$x);
foreach (array('info_hash','peer_id') as $x)
if (strlen($GLOBALS[$x]) != 20)
err('Invalid '.$x.' (' . strlen($GLOBALS[$x]) . ' - ' . urlencode($GLOBALS[$x]) . ')');
if (strlen($passkey) != 32)
err('Invalid passkey (' . strlen($passkey) . ' - $passkey)');
$ip = getip();
$rsize = 50;

foreach(array('num want', 'numwant', 'num_want') as $k) {
if (isset($_GET[$k]))
$rsize = 0 + $_GET[$k];


if (!$port || $port > 0xffff)
err("Invalid port");
if (!isset($event))
$event = '';
$seeder = ($left == 0) ? 'yes' : 'no';

if (ereg("^ABC\\/ABC", $agent)) err("ABC is Banned.");
if (ereg("^0P3R4H", $agent)) err("IBrowser Opera is not a cool BT client.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 4) == "FUTB") err("FUTB? Fuck You Too.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 7) == "exbc\0L") err("BitLord 1.0 is Banned.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 7) == "exbcL") err("BitLord 1.1 is Banned.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 3) == "-TS") err("TorrentStorm is Banned.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 5) == "Mbrst") err("Burst! is Banned.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 3) == "-BB") err("BitBuddy is Banned.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 3) == "-SZ") err("Shareaza is Banned.");
if (substr($peer_id, 0, 5) == "turbo") err("TurboBT is banned.");
if (preg_match("/MLDonkey\/([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)*/", $agent, $matches)) err("MLDonkey is not a BT client.");
if (preg_match("/ed2k_plugin v([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*/", $agent, $matches)) err("eDonkey is not a BT client.");


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