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daffy 1st November 2009 23:57

this is a very easy simple install. have you read and cmoded the correct folders and files?

wMan 1st November 2009 23:57

lol must be corupted installation files

evaldas40 1st November 2009 23:57

can you install it for me please? on TeamWeiver?


Originally Posted by daffy (Post 17177)
this is a very easy simple install. have you read and cmoded the correct folders and files?

yes i read , and cmod hat i need but i have this eror

daffy 1st November 2009 23:59

if wolfman will not, i will look for you. are you installing this on local pc or server.

wMan 2nd November 2009 00:01

daffy go ahead i don't do other people work since it don't teach anything and don't wan't to give PMBT wolfman's edition too

evaldas40 2nd November 2009 00:04

I install it on server


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 17181)
daffy go ahead i don't do other people work since it don't teach anything and don't wan't to give PMBT wolfman's edition too

Why you dont whant give you edition ? :)

wMan 2nd November 2009 00:06

pff why shoud i ?

evaldas40 2nd November 2009 00:11


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 17183)
pff why shoud i ?

em, lot of peaople do that :drink:

wMan 2nd November 2009 00:16

lot of people do what? share they work ? that's nice but that is every one's choise and i have been "nice" enough ...
give me real reason and i will give it to u with all db torrents etc

ok draw me a logo for syte called "fox" (social portal) if i will like it will give it

btw with my source u get my torrent's what i will seed for some time (i have 20mb/ s network)

evaldas40 2nd November 2009 00:57


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 17185)
lot of people do what? share they work ? that's nice but that is every one's choise and i have been "nice" enough ...
give me real reason and i will give it to u with all db torrents etc

ok draw me a logo for syte called "fox" (social portal) if i will like it will give it

btw with my source u get my torrent's what i will seed for some time (i have 20mb/ s network)

social portal ?

wMan 2nd November 2009 01:00

don't mind what it's for simple i need logo but don't have ideas of hove perform it

evaldas40 2nd November 2009 01:05

this site have a lot of themes on TS , share it or just take a logos

wMan 2nd November 2009 01:08

what the hell kinda language is that seems like latvian but on non utf-8 encoding :D

evaldas40 2nd November 2009 01:10

its a lithuanian :D but you can change in EN

Snizzel 10th November 2009 09:55

im kinda lost at this not shur of the cause


Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\New\include\configdata.php on line 30

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\New\setup\udl\database.php on line 30

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\New\setup\udl\mysql.php on line 31


Step 4: Installing Database


Checking files...OK

Creating table addedrequests...
Error executing SQL Query -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version -- phpMyAdmin -- -- Host: localhost -- Generation Time: Aug 16, 2009 at 03:22 PM -- Server version: 5.0.75 -- PHP Version: 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 -- -- Database: `phpMyBitTorrent` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `torrent_addedrequests` -- CREATE TABLE `torrent_addedrequests` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `requestid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `pollid` (`id`), KEY `userid` (`userid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM ;
Error ID: 1050
Error Message: Table 'torrent_addedrequests' already exists

A fatal error occurred during setup. Please fix the above error and try running Setup again, or refreshing your browser.

wMan 10th November 2009 09:57

cause is ur crapy operating system

joeroberts 10th November 2009 15:09

turn off your error_repoting in php.ini
make it
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE | E_DEPRECTED));

Witos 27th November 2009 22:25

Installed but i cant get to admincp - no errors just blank screen.any ideas?

joeroberts 27th November 2009 23:08


Originally Posted by Witos (Post 17842)
Installed but i cant get to admincp - no errors just blank screen.any ideas?

what language you using?

Witos 27th November 2009 23:11

default english. Modcp is fine olny admincp is blank

joeroberts 27th November 2009 23:16

open admin.php fined
PHP Code:

if (
strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS03)) == "WIN") {
if (
class_exists("COM")) {
        foreach (array(
"60:sec","60:min","24:hour","1:day") as $x) {
$y explode(":"$x);
            if (
$y[0] > 1) {
$v $s $y[0];
$s floor($s $y[0]);
$v $s;
$t[$y[1]] = $v;

        if (
$t['week'] > || $t['week'] == 0$wk " weeks";
$wk " week";
        if (
$t['day'] > || $t['day'] == 0$day " days";
$day " day";
        if (
$t['hour'] > || $t['hour'] == 0$hr " hrs";
$hr " hr";
        if (
$t['min'] > || $t['min'] == 0$min " mins";
$min " min";
        if (
$t['sec'] > || $t['sec'] == 0$sec " secs";
$sec " sec";

        if (
"{$t['month']}$mth {$t['week']}$wk {$t['day']}$day ".sprintf("%d$hr %02d$min %02d$sec"$t["hour"], $t["min"], $t["sec"], $f["month"]);
        if (
"{$t['week']}$wk {$t['day']}$day ".sprintf("%d$hr %02d$min %02d$sec"$t["hour"], $t["min"], $t["sec"], $f["month"]);
        if (
"{$t['day']}$day ".sprintf("%d$hr %02d$min %02d$sec"$t["hour"], $t["min"], $t["sec"]);
        if (
sprintf("%d$hr %02d$min %02d$sec"$t["hour"], $t["min"], $t["sec"]);
        if (
sprintf("%d$min %02d$sec"$t["min"], $t["sec"]);
$wmi = new COM("Winmgmts://");
$cpus $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_Processor");
$os $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem");
$os $os->Next();
$os $os->Caption." - ".$os->CSDVersion." ".$os->Version;
$system $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem");
$system $system->Next();
$cpucount $system->NumberOfProcessors;
$ram $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration");
$ram $ram->Next();
$ramtotal $ram->TotalPhysicalMemory*1024;
$ram $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory");
$ram $ram->Next();
$ramused $ramtotal-$ram->AvailableBytes;
$ramused mksize($ramused);
$ramtotal mksize($ramtotal);
$uptime $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System");
$uptime $uptime->Next();
$uptime mkprettytime2($uptime->SystemUpTime);

    while (
$cpu $cpus->Next()) {
$cpus1[] = $cpu->LoadPercentage;
$totalusage += $cpu->LoadPercentage;
$totalusage round($totalusage/$cpucount2);    

"<b>OS:</b> $os<BR>";
"<b>Number of CPUs:</b> $cpucount<BR>";
    for (
"<b>CPU$i Usage:</b> $cpus1[$i]%<BR>";
"<b>Total CPU Usage:</b> $totalusage%<BR>";
"<B>RAM Usage:</b> $ramused/$ramtotal<BR>";
"<b>Uptime:</b> $uptime";
// Users and load information
$reguptime trim(exec("uptime"));
if (
$reguptime) {
  if (
preg_match("/, *(\d) (users?), .*: (.*), (.*), (.*)/"$reguptime$uptime)) {
$users[0] = $uptime[1];
$users[1] = $uptime[2];
$loadnow $uptime[3];
$load15 $uptime[4];
$load30 $uptime[5];
} else {
$users[0] = "NA";
$users[1] = "--";
$loadnow "NA";
$load15 "--";
$load30 "--";

$percent min(100round(exec('ps ax | grep -c apache') / 256 30 ));
"<B>Tracker Load:</B> ($percent%)";

"<b>Current Users:</b> $users[0]");
"<b>Current Load:</b> $loadnow<b>Load 15 mins ago:</b> $load15<b>Load 30 mins ago:</b> $load30<hr>");

// Operating system
$fp = @fopen("/proc/version""r");
if (
$fp) {
$temp = @fgets($fp);

  if (
preg_match("/version (.*?) /"$temp$osarray)) {
$kernel $osarray[1];
preg_match("/[0-9]{5,} (\((.* *)\)\))/"$temp$osarray);
$flavour $osarray[2];
$operatingsystem $flavour." (".PHP_OS." ".$kernel.")";
    if (
preg_match("/SMP/"$buf)) {
$operatingsystem .= " (SMP)";
  } else {
$result "(N/A)";
} else {
$result "(N/A)";

"<b>Operating System:</b>$operatingsystem");

and remove it

get_fire 27th December 2009 10:10

1 Attachment(s)
Error Executing SQL Query

joeroberts 27th December 2009 16:49

open upload/taketorrent.php and fine

if (isset($exeem)) $torrentvalues[] = "'".$exeem."'";
and replace with

if (isset($exeem) AND $exeem != "") $torrentvalues[] = "'".$exeem."'";

cop1976 7th February 2010 19:18

This is a very good code, after few modification the best code for private torrent site.
Keep up the good work.

wMan 27th June 2010 08:08

going to give this ago will report back with bigs:muscle: and i hope there is some themes for it and i do not like the blue one


Stage #3

so why white screen ? :sos:


HTTP  404 Error - Not FoundA 404 HTTP Error  Occurred while Processing Your Request.
The Requested Page Does Not Exist.
Please check the URL in your Browser carefully, and correct it if  needed.
Contact  if you're having problems.

joeroberts 27th June 2010 12:52

index.php from install folder of phpBB3:

search for:
PHP Code:

$user = new user(); 

replace with:
PHP Code:

$user =new userbb(); 

wMan 27th June 2010 13:16


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 23781)
index.php from install folder of phpBB3:

search for:
PHP Code:

$user = new user(); 

replace with:
PHP Code:

$user =new userbb(); 

ok lets see what gose down here and i hope no white screen

WOULD LIKE theme for this code and a forum would be nice for it

PersGiG 24th October 2010 22:43

invalid announce url
hi all
i done the setting and changes every thing was mentioned in this thread

after all i had the announce url error
it says it is wrong and should be edited
i went true all settings and could not find it
Upload Failed!Invalid Announce URL. Must be

can you please tell me what should i do thanks

joeroberts 25th October 2010 08:58

what is the announce url of the torrent you are uploading?

PersGiG 25th October 2010 18:52

i dont know
i did not set it up
i thought it should be by default
in error message it says this
Upload Failed!Invalid Announce URL. Must be
i found this line in config_lite.php
$announce_url = $siteurl."/announce.php";

shall i edite this line and also is the . correct at the end of siteurl
also i saw rsa keygen in utility
what is rsa do i need to install it
if so how

would you be kind for me and have a look

daffy 25th October 2010 21:22

Dont touch nothing in config_lite, yes that . (dot) is correct.

edit your settings in admin panel, change your site url from to

daffy 15th November 2010 11:55

phpMyBitTorrent 2.0.4 REPACK
1 Attachment(s)
I cant see the repack here so here it is. This is the Latest and Most Stable Release upto now.


phpMyBitTorent v2.0b4
Installation Instructions

Stage #1

After extracting the archive, upload the contents of the html folder to your root web directory. The name of this folder varies depending on your hosting provider, but in many cases it’s named “httpdocs”.

After the files are uploaded you will need to use your control panel’s file manager, or some other method, such as chmod, to set file permissions. Make sure you change the following files and directories.

Note: some hosting providers give problems when setting files to 777 (for instance if mod_security is installed). If you find that this is the case, try setting the following permissions to 755 instead.

avatars/user = 777
cache = 777
imdb-images = 777
include/configdata.php = 777
UserFiles = 777
phpBB3/config.php = 777
phpBB3/cache = 777
phpBB3/files = 777
phpBB3/images/avatars/upload = 777
phpBB3/store = 777
torrent = 777 (assuming this is the directory you are using for torrents)

Stage #2

Open your web browser and go to Once there follow the prompts. Be sure to have your database information handy (database name, username, password, etc..). Most of the default tracker settings should be sufficient, however one that causes some headaches, and that you may want to disable, is the captcha setting. After you get to the Installation Completed screen please delete the setup folder in your root web directory. YOU ARE NOT FINISHED, please proceed to the stage below.

Stage #3

Point your browser to Click the “install” tab and follow the directions. Pay in mind that you must use the same database in order to use the integration of phpBB3. Also your administrator username, password, and email need to match your corresponding phpMyBitTorrent admin information.

When you get to the Congratulations screen, click the login button. Under Server Configurations select Cookie settings. Write down, or select and copy, the Cookie name value. You will need this to integrate with phpMyBitTorrent.

Stage #4

Point your browser to and login with your admin credentials. Select the Administration section from the menu. Select the Forum Integrating item.

The Forum Data Base Prefix is without the underscore and by default shouldn’t need to be changed. Under the Cookie Name section enter in the cookie name you previously copied down in Stage 3. Enter your domain name under the appropriate field without using “http://”. Forum Cookie path has to match your forum, most of the time “/” works just fine. The Base Folder Your Forum Is in, as long as you didn’t change the default settings, you can leave this alone. Then Select the box to turn on forum share. Do not select the box to Turn on Auto Posting until you have setup an addition forum for it. Click save.

Note: Turning on sharing if you have not set up your forum yet will not work and will cause a fatale error in your program.

Congratulations, your phpMyBitTorrent installation is now complete.

DooM 13th April 2011 16:29

Hello friends,

I'm new PMBT 2.0.4 Gold and I have installed the "demonoid theme". Everything works fine but when I'm trying to logout, the link changes to "" , and the page keeps refreshing. Does anyone know how to fix this?

daffy 13th April 2011 16:33

Uninstall Gold Edition and re instal pmbt latest and most stable release.

DooM 14th April 2011 01:53

2 Attachment(s)

I have installed PMBT 2.0.4-repack and everything works fine, but I have a problem with the demonoid theme. I don't know if this is the right place to post, but I think it's ok. Please look over the printscreens.

It looks very well when I'm logged in....
Attachment 2842

And here the banner goes wrong when I'm logged out....

Attachment 2841

joeroberts 14th April 2011 03:12

Please try the last version of that theme from here

DooM 14th April 2011 15:35

Thanks joeroberts! Everything looks great right now :).

I still got a problem with the forum. When I'm trying to install, this fatal error appear:

Fatal error: Class 'user' not found in /home/hosting/dedicated21/ on line 247

joeroberts 14th April 2011 18:47

edit /home/hosting/dedicated21/ on line 247

$user        = new user();

$user        = new userbb();

wMan 17th June 2011 15:52

joe would you post here on how to do setting in server for your code i do know what to do on the 777
And this

After extracting the archive, upload the contents of the html folder to your root web directory. The name of this folder varies depending on your hosting provider, but in many cases it’s named “httpdocs”.

After the files are uploaded you will need to use your control panel’s file manager, or some other method, such as chmod, to set file permissions. Make sure you change the following files and directories.

Note: some hosting providers give problems when setting files to 777 (for instance if mod_security is installed). If you find that this is the case, try setting the following permissions to 755 instead.

avatars/user = 777
cache = 777
imdb-images = 777
include/configdata.php = 777
UserFiles = 777
phpBB3/config.php = 777
phpBB3/cache = 777
phpBB3/files = 777
phpBB3/images/avatars/upload = 777
phpBB3/store = 777
torrent = 777 (assuming this is the directory you are using for torrents)

Stage #2

Open your web browser and go to Once there follow the prompts. Be sure to have your database information handy (database name, username, password, etc..). Most of the default tracker settings should be sufficient, however one that causes some headaches, and that you may want to disable, is the captcha setting. After you get to the Installation Completed screen please delete the setup folder in your root web directory. YOU ARE NOT FINISHED, please proceed to the stage below.

Stage #3

Point your browser to Click the “install” tab and follow the directions. Pay in mind that you must use the same database in order to use the integration of phpBB3. Also your administrator username, password, and email need to match your corresponding phpMyBitTorrent admin information.

When you get to the Congratulations screen, click the login button. Under Server Configurations select Cookie settings. Write down, or select and copy, the Cookie name value. You will need this to integrate with phpMyBitTorrent.

Stage #4

Point your browser to and login with your admin credentials. Select the Administration section from the menu. Select the Forum Integrating item.

The Forum Data Base Prefix is without the underscore and by default shouldn’t need to be changed. Under the Cookie Name section enter in the cookie name you previously copied down in Stage 3. Enter your domain name under the appropriate field without using “http://”. Forum Cookie path has to match your forum, most of the time “/” works just fine. The Base Folder Your Forum Is in, as long as you didn’t change the default settings, you can leave this alone. Then Select the box to turn on forum share. Do not select the box to Turn on Auto Posting until you have setup an addition forum for it. Click save.

Note: Turning on sharing if you have not set up your forum yet will not work and will cause a fatale error in your program.

Congratulations, your phpMyBitTorrent installation is now complete.

some of this not working

When you get to the Congratulations screen, click the login button. Under Server Configurations select Cookie settings. Write down, or select and copy, the Cookie name value. You will need this to integrate with phpMyBitTorrent.
no Cookie settings. to set so you go to nest it takes you back saying not set ?

now to server setting when code as been put on your server go to admin theres no setting for site setting as you know we have to go on the server to set them so we need a tutorial please so on would be nice for divs like me :muscle:

joeroberts 17th June 2011 16:49


When you get to the Congratulations screen, click the login button.
login to phpBB3 and then to the admin area


Under Server Configurations select Cookie settings.
in admin area you should see the first tab
Configurations click on it then you well see
Cookie settings tab click on it


Write down, or select and copy, the Cookie name value.

You will need this to integrate with phpMyBitTorrent.

no Cookie settings. to set so you go to nest it takes you back saying not set
this information was sett during install and should not be blank.

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