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Chez 27th February 2013 10:21

Max Leech/Seed Slots


This mod is for 09 version!

Credits to pdq

in announce.php replace:

PHP Code:

define ('UC_VIP'2); 


PHP Code:

$TBDEV['max_slots'] = 1//1=On 0=Off

define ('UC_USER'0);

define ('UC_POWER_USER'1);

define ('UC_VIP'2); 

then find this:

PHP Code:

if ($left && $user['class'] < UC_VIP && $TBDEV['user_ratios'])


$gigs $user["uploaded"] / (1024*1024*1024);

$elapsed floor((time() - $torrent["ts"]) / 3600);

$ratio = (($user["downloaded"] > 0) ? ($user["uploaded"] / $user["downloaded"]) : 1);

                if (
$ratio 0.5 || $gigs 5$wait 48;

                elseif (
$ratio 0.65 || $gigs 6.5$wait 24;

                elseif (
$ratio 0.8 || $gigs 8$wait 12;

                elseif (
$ratio 0.95 || $gigs 9.5$wait 6;

$wait 0;

                if (
$elapsed $wait)

err("Not authorized (" . ($wait $elapsed) . "h) - READ THE FAQ!");


replace with:

PHP Code:

if ($left && $user['class'] < UC_VIP) {

$ratio = (($user["downloaded"] > 0) ? ($user["uploaded"] / $user["downloaded"]) : 1);

    if (
$TBDEV['user_ratios']) {

$gigs $user["uploaded"] / (1024*1024*1024);

$elapsed floor((time() - $torrent["ts"]) / 3600);

        if (
$ratio 0.5 || $gigs 5$wait 48;

        elseif (
$ratio 0.65 || $gigs 6.5$wait 24;

        elseif (
$ratio 0.8 || $gigs 8$wait 12;

        elseif (
$ratio 0.95 || $gigs 9.5$wait 6;

$wait 0;

        if (
$elapsed $wait)

err("Not authorized (" . ($wait $elapsed) . "h) - READ THE FAQ!");


    if (
$TBDEV['max_slots']) {

        if (
$ratio 0.95) {

                switch (
true) {

                        case (
$ratio 0.5):

$max 2;


                        case (
$ratio 0.65):

$max 3;


                        case (
$ratio 0.8):

$max 5;


                        case (
$ratio 0.95):

$max 10;



$max 10;



         else {

         switch (
$user['class']) {

//        case UC_LEECH:

        //        $max = 10;

        //        break;

case UC_USER:

$max 20;



$max 30;


//        case UC_X_POWER_USER:

        //        $max = 50;

        //        break;

        //        case UC_COMM_STAFF:

        //        $max = 50;

        //        break;

        //        default:

$max 99;



        if (
$max 0) {

$res mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM peers WHERE userid='$userid' AND seeder='no'") or err("Tracker error 5");

$row mysql_fetch_assoc($res);


            if (
$row['num'] >= $max

err("Access denied (Torrents Limit exceeded - $max) See FAQ!");




in bittorrent.php within your StatusBar() function find:

////////////// REP SYSTEM END //////////

add this below:

PHP Code:

if ($CURUSER['class'] < UC_VIP && $TBDEV['max_slots']) {

$ratioq = (($CURUSER['downloaded'] > 0) ? ($CURUSER['uploaded'] / $CURUSER['downloaded']) : 1);


if (
$ratioq 0.95) {

        switch (
true) {

                case (
$ratioq 0.5):

$max 2;


                case (
$ratioq 0.65):

$max 3;


                case (
$ratioq 0.8):

$max 5;


                case (
$ratioq 0.95):

$max 10;



$max 10;



 else {

 switch (
$CURUSER['class']) {

//        case UC_LEECH:

//        $max = 10;

//        break;

case UC_USER:

$max 20;



$max 30;


//        case UC_X_POWER_USER:

//        $max = 50;

//        break;

//        case UC_COMM_STAFF:

//        $max = 50;

//        break;


$max 99;





$max 999

now find these lines:

PHP Code:

"&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt='{$lang['gl_leech_torrents']}' title='{$lang['gl_leech_torrents']}' src='pic/arrowdown.gif' />&nbsp;{$seedleech['no']}</div>"

change them to like: (updated)

PHP Code:

"&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt='{$lang['gl_leech_torrents']}' title='{$lang['gl_leech_torrents']}' src='pic/arrowdown.gif' />&nbsp;".($TBDEV['max_slots'] ? "<a title='I have ".$max." Download Slots'>{$seedleech['no']}/".$max."</a>" $seedleech['no'])."</div>"

PHP Code:

"&nbsp;&nbsp;<img alt='{$lang['gl_leech_torrents']}' title='{$lang['gl_leech_torrents']}' src='{$TBDEV['pic_base_url']}dl.png' />&nbsp;".($TBDEV['max_slots'] ? "<a title='I have ".$max." Download Slots'>{$seed['no']}/".$max."</a>" $seed['no'])."</div>"

and don't forget to add in config.php

PHP Code:

$TBDEV['max_slots'] = 1// 1=On 0=Off 

mpx 4th September 2017 19:29

Sorry for bump

but i try this mod and I get back this error Tracker error 5 (in uTorrent at status). What i doing wrong ?

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