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DAKz 5th January 2012 17:06

1 Attachment(s)


This is a beta project, Use at your own risk!!

Transform your WordPress Blog into a torrent tracker
INFO: Roughly based on Torrent Trader 2.07, WP-Trader is an easy solution for people to run a torrent site. Now it is easier for bands, software makers, authors and etc. to be able to get their work out to their users without the high cost of having servers for product download. We hope this plugin will be usefule for people who do not want to distribute their works through the normal channel which like to act like a mafiaa and not pay the artists what they deserve (we will not mention the companies names but you should know who you are and should not fear us but embrace us). Users of this plugin should only use it to distribute work which they own the rights to. The author(s) of this plugin can not be held responsible for the use of this plugin.
Things already added from the Torrent Trader source:

Most of the config is in the db and at the moment there is two sections for the options in the admin panel. At the moment the announce works but has not been tested for everything like wait classes and freeleech. Torrent browse page is working if that option is set in the admin section. Torrents made into post is working if that option is chosen but still needs work done on how things are displayed and maybe a few things added. Download page is working. On plugin activation a user is made with the username system for anon uploads and other things. Admin panel has a safety feature to not delete the plugin options and data when deactivated but this can be disabled if you want to delete everything.
There are other features added (some can be viewed in the different versions) but at the moment I cannot think of all of them so lets move on to the things not done.
Things not added yet from the Torrent Trader source:

Anon upload needs finishing off in torrent upload and possibly in other places. Need to sort out a cleanup to get the dead torrents to not show up in the post or on the torrent browse. Need to add language pics and pic on post display. Need to do a torrent details page if the torrent browse is being used. (May combine the template for that with the posts) Need to sort a default theme. And plenty of others things will need adding so it can have a lot of the features which torrent trader has. Move the announce to the actual plugin folder.(it is in the template folder so the announce can use permalinks)
Things need fixing or adding:

Most Active Torrents widget needs fixing. Pagination needs adding for torrent table, peers list and a few other things. (Will try to add in next release)

To Install:

  1. Download WP-Trader
  2. Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive
  3. Upload /wp-trader/ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder on your site
  4. Visit your WordPress admin panel -> Plugins and activate WP-Trader
  5. Click on WP-Trader and setup the plugin, most settings are already set default but may need some fine tuning for your needs
  6. If you see an error about the announce.php please click the button to move it to the theme folder. If it cannot be moved then please locat it in the /wp-content/plugins/wp-trader/templates/ and move it to your current theme folder
  7. You must update your permalinks to use either "Month and name" option or "Day and name" option or "Custom Structure" or if your using WordPress 3.3 and above you can use the "Post name" option just as long as you have /%postname%/ at the end of the url in order for the announce and scrape to work. Make sure that the post which is made for the announce and scrape keep the names they have because of the limitations of the bittorrent protocol.
  8. At the moment until a css option is added for the wordpress editor in torrent upload the editor will only show up correctly on light color themes, so if it does not show correctly then please disable it on the settings page.
Requires: 3.0 or higher
Compatible up to: 3.3.1
Last Updated: 2012-1-3

LeeHowarth 5th January 2012 18:04

For more information you can view this :)

DAKz 5th January 2012 18:13

yep and....
the info I posted was a copy and paste from the WP website.

LeeHowarth 5th January 2012 18:20

And im Lee Howarth :lol:

DAKz 5th January 2012 20:52

you recognize what you wrote. :lol:

LeeHowarth 5th January 2012 21:41

Doesn't bother me who knows my name...

The software that im apart of is all open source, i do not recieve any money from creating modifications or for developing the software, i do not even run a torrent site.

So people will ask why do i do it?

The answer to that is very simple im giving back to the community which give me the ability to do this on a day to day basis.

Not all torrenttracker's are used to distribute copyrighted material and people forget that, many huge companies use it for distribution of patches, updates to there servers and more, and without standards being out there then no one would know what the potential of this software could do.

I am not responsible for anyone who wishes to distribute copyrighted material, however it is my responsibilty to provide help and support users of software.

If im responsible of helping distrubute copyrighted material, then bram cohen is responsible for setting the standard so as you can see there is nothing they can do.

And to finish this saga if they want to send me to prison they can its not like i havent been a before and frankly i dont give a fuck :sun:

DAKz 5th January 2012 21:57

Well thanks!
Thanks for the work and hope you do not mind me posting it, I needed more posts.

LeeHowarth 5th January 2012 21:59

I dont mind mate, your helping by doing it :ok: as we need feedback etc

DAKz 5th January 2012 23:06

tis could be fun.....
dj said in the shoutbox that some of the mods for torrent trader could easily be adapted to work on this, so this could be a whole lot of things to make this into a pretty good deal for someone tired of the usual tracker stuff, or as was mentioned earlier....for those that want to add legal (???) torrents to distribute, the possibilities could be amazing. :sun:

wdq 6th January 2012 07:20

Let`s see
Nice Posting mate i was looking to try something like this , and from my part works like a charm

so Thanks

DAKz 11th March 2012 16:35

This is sweet
1 Attachment(s)
Went and got the newest latest greatest version and still setting it up, so I will try to keep its progress updated here, but so far looks very promising.

Here is the latest that I could find on it.
Version: beta .4.7.2 - 2012-02-26

  • Added a help page in the admin panel to do away with the old help tab.
  • Added a help icon for each option.
  • Fixed on download, passkey not being added if that option is used.
  • Fixed bug in Members Only Page Exclude option with not updating correctly.
  • Fixed bug with members only exclude pages not working with some permalinks.
Version: beta .4.7.1 - 2012-02-14

  • Fixed bug where widgets would not open in admin panel.
  • Fixed bug where main options would not save in admin panel.
  • Fixed bug on torrent upload permission.
  • Fixed display bug on Peers List page in admin panel.
  • Fixed a few bugs in the announce. (probably a few more will need sorting after people test it)
  • Changed torrent table options in admin panel to drag and drop.
  • Changed options for freeleech in admin panel to only show if freeleech is enabled.
  • Added option to track by ip if members only and made it to track by ip when not members only.(may be a bit buggy and probably needs a few things adding)
Version: beta .4.7 - 2012-01-31

  • Re-done the design of the admin panel.
  • Cleaned up a bit of the code.
Version: beta .4.6.1 - 2012-01-23

  • Sorted members only.
  • Added in admin panel part to exclude pages from members only in case you want a page to show for everybody (will sort in next update a way to make it go to that page instead of redirect to login when people go to the index of the site).
  • Added Uploader Only Classes option in admin panel when Uploaders Only is chosen.
  • Added code to lock down the upload page if Uploaders Only option is chosen.
  • Got rid of some code which was marked as to remove at later date.

I really like what they did with the admin panel in this, just having a hard time in my mind connecting all the old school thinking to a wordpress way of thinking when dealing with a tracker, First issue is easy if your using any theme tht isn;t the out of the box wordpress theme you will have tracker issues which are easily fixed by copying the files (announce, scrape, torrents, torrent-upload) to the theme directory that you are using. The settings in the admin pannel are great a lot of control over the tracker part of it, and it adds the wp-tracker tab right to the admin section, very nice.
NOw I have to go back and make it a know the usual shoutbox, and shoutcast plugins for it, then start designing a site around the tracker part...if you want a "out of the box ready to go tracker this aint it, but if you want something that doesn't have the 20 year old casino, and thousands of theme choices and add ons, and plugins, and widgets, this could be made into really any kind of tracker you want. It offers the option of uploaders only, the option of external torrents, scrape, passkey system, all the stuff we all know, but with the blank site around one of the best tracker backends around, hope the devlopment on this continues, as the sky is the limit for whatever you want your tracker to be.

Below is the newest version I could find so enjoy.


What I got so far, working on the theme and a lot of other things, so I am going slow on this one. Any one else working with this?

Bump: Found a music player that hides in a tab on the left side, streams from your tube, allows users to search and play what they want, sweet add on for this, avoid the shoutcast crap and still provide music for your users.

Botanicar 4th August 2013 13:06

do you have plans to continue with this project, it looks so promising ...

Ripparinn 4th August 2013 13:31

Looong time since last time :/

DAKz 1st October 2013 16:39

understand this is not my work, I made theme for it and tested it but dj is the developer. Would be nice to see how this is progressing but I imagine it can be found on the wordpress site.

Krack3r 8th November 2013 19:19

Thanks m8
Thanks m8 I appreciate it

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