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eckeO5 13th March 2013 20:17


Originally Posted by lafouine022 (Post 25887)
Just do a loop on the 'str' that searches the user name for user preg replace color name

it's work for me :bubble:

well lafouine, can you tell us fools how we can imagine it works?


ecke the fool

Bump: hi peeps,

may be i would be very glad if some1 could help and tell us all fools how lafouine has realized that thing with that loop in the string .... do the colour thing with usercolor for $username in shoutbox




Originally Posted by gabkoko (Post 26853)
already work it...:sun:

PHP Code:

$username htmlspecialchars_uni ($shout_row['username']);
$valasz "<a href='\">>>  $username:\",\"shoutbox\",\"shoutbox\")'><img height=10px  style=border:none alt=válasz title=válasz  src=$BASEURL/$pic_base_url/jobbra.gif></a>"

and change to:
PHP Code:

    $resowner mysql_query("SELECT id, username, usergroup FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]");
$arr2 htmlspecialchars_uni (mysql_fetch_array($resowner));
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "13")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "11")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "10")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "8")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "7")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "6")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "5")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "4")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "3")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "2")
    if (
$arr2["usergroup"] == "1")

$valasz "<a href='\"[i][b]$arr1$arr2[username]>>[/b][/i][/color]\",\"shoutbox\",\"shoutbox\")'><img height=10px style=border:none alt=válasz title=válasz src=$BASEURL/$pic_base_url/jobbra.gif></a>"

The colors change your own

Thx gabkoko, i´ve got it working. modified it a little bit, but now colors are right to userclass colors.

Well done man....thx. :cool:

FENIX 28th March 2013 12:59

Hello, I have a question. how to add that story to be a "click-"ShoutBOX Archive and I know what it was. has anyone an idea how to do it?

thanks and best regards

lafouine022 6th April 2013 16:07

1 Attachment(s)
ok I'll give the file so that it automatically turns color.
takes the scrypt members online since 24 hours if its taking too server resources.

/!\ if too many members online that it may slow the shoutbox.
this is a test, but try to see.
I use the version ts lateam lafouine022 :gum:

this my outputinfo.php

PHP Code:

/*=========[TS Special Edition v.5.6]==========*/
/*=============[Special Thanks To]=============*/
/*        DrNet - wWw.SpecialCoders.CoM        */
/*          Vinson - wWw.Decode4u.CoM          */
/*    MrDecoder - wWw.Fearless-Releases.CoM    */
/*           Fynnon - wWw.BvList.CoM           */

define ('AS_VERSION''2.2.1 by xam');
define ('SKIP_LOCATION_SAVE'true);
define ('DEBUGMODE'false);
$rootpath './../';
define ('NcodeImageResizer'true);
$rootpath 'global.php';
  if (!
defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56'))
    exit (
'<font face=\'verdana\' size=\'2\' color=\'darkred\'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>');

dbconn ();
execcommand_pmmessage ($message '<center><img src="/pic/prohibition-unauth-2.gif"></center><div style="background: #FF0000; border: 1px solid #EA5F00; padding-left: 6px;"><center><font size="4">Vous n avez plus acces au chat ! vous devez lire vos messages avant (<a href=messages.php target=_top>cliquez ici pour lire vos messages <img src="/pic/pn_inboxnew.gif">
$forcemessage false)
    if ((
mysql_affected_rows () OR $forcemessage))

$is_mod is_mod ($usergroups);
  if ((!
$CURUSER OR $usergroups['canshout'] != 'yes'))
    exit (
'<div style="background: #FFECCE; border: 1px solid #EA5F00; padding-left: 5px;">' $lang->global['shouterror'] . '</div>');

$rootpath 'shoutbox/config.php';
$limit intval ($LIMIT_INDEX);
$extralink '';
  if (((isset (
$_GET['popupshoutbox']) AND $_GET['popupshoutbox'] == 'yes') AND $is_mod))
$limit intval ($LIMIT_POPUP);
$extralink '&popupshoutbox=yes';

$mod $str '';
$shout_query mysql_query ('' 'SELECT s.*, u.username, last_access, u.options, u.enabled, u.donor, u.leechwarn, u.warned,,, c.flagpic, g.namestyle FROM shoutbox s LEFT JOIN users u ON ( LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) LEFT JOIN countries c ON ( ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0,' $limit);
  while (
$shout_row mysql_fetch_assoc ($shout_query))

$date '' my_datee ($timeformat$shout_row['date']) . '';

    if (
$shout_row[userid] == $CURUSER[id] OR ($is_mod))
$mod '<a href="#" onClick="popup(\'shoutbox.php?do=edit&id=' intval ($shout_row['id']) . $extralink '\')"><img src="/images/edit.gif" title="Editer" border="0" ></a>  <a href="#" onClick="popup(\'shoutbox.php?do=delete&id=' intval ($shout_row['id']) . $extralink '\')"><img src="/images/delete.gif" title="Effacer" border="0"></a>';
$mod '';

//$avatars2 =  '<img src="/_image/start.jpg" width="50" height="50"/>';

if (preg_match_all ('' '#^{systemnotice}(.*)$#'$shout_row['content'], $MatchesPREG_SET_ORDER))
$str .= '' '<span class=\'subheader\'>' $avatars2 ' ' $date ' ' $mod ' - <b>' $lang->global['snotice'] . '</b> ' format_comment ($Matches[0][1], truefalse) . '</span>';

$pics = ($shout_row['donor'] == 'yes' '<img src="' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'star.gif" alt="' $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '" title="' $lang->global['imgdonated'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' '');
      if (
$shout_row['enabled'] == 'yes')
$pics .= ($shout_row['leechwarn'] == 'yes' '<img src="' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'warned.gif" title="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" alt="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' '') . ($shout_row['warned'] == 'yes' '<img src=\'' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'warned3.gif\' alt="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" title="' $lang->global['imgwarned'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />' '');
$pics .= '<img src="' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'disabled.gif" alt="' $lang->global['disabled'] . '"  title="' $lang->global['disabled'] . '" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-center: 4pt; white-space: nowrap;" />';

$valasz "<a href='\"$shout_row[username] =>\",\"shoutbox\",\"shoutbox\")'><img height=20px style=border:none alt=répondre a ce membre title=répondre a cette utilisateur src=></a>";
//$ss='<a onclick="SmileIT(\'[color=#FF0000]'.$shout_row['username'].'[/color]' . $lang->global['a'] . '\',\'shoutbox\',\'shouter_comment\');return false" href="#"><img height=20px style=border:none alt=répondre a ce membre title=répondre a cette utilisateur src=></a>';
$dt get_date_time (gmtime () - TS_TIMEOUT);
$last_access $shout_row['last_access'];

      if (
$dt $last_access)
$onoffpic '<img src="/pic/friends/online.png" title="En Ligne" border="0">';
$onoffpic '<img src="/pic/friends/offline.png" title="Hors Ligne" border="0">';

$gender $shout_row['gender'];

$imagepath '' $BASEURL '/' $pic_base_url 'friends/';
     if (
preg_match ('#L1#is'$shout_row['options']))
$UserGender '<img src="' $imagepath 'Male.png" alt="Male" title="Male" border="0"  />';
       if (
preg_match ('#L2#is'$shout_row['options']))
$UserGender '<img src="' $imagepath 'Female.png" alt="Female" title="Female" border="0"  />';
$UserGender '<img src="' $imagepath 'NA.png" alt="--" title="--" border="0"  />';

$Userpm2 '' $shout_row[userid] . '';
$Userpm '<a href="' $BASEURL '/sendmessage.php?receiver=' $Userpm2 '" alt="Envoyer un MP a ce membre" title="Envoyer un MP a ce membre"><img src=/pic/pm.png></a> ';
$avatar3 =  '<img src="/_image/start.jpg" width="50" height="50"/>';;

$bimg2 = @mysql_fetch_array(@mysql_query("SELECT avatar FROM users WHERE id=$shout_row[userid]"));

$avatar htmlspecialchars($bimg2["avatar"]);
      if (!
$avatar "pic/default_avatar.gif";

      if (!
$avatar "".$BASEURL."/pic/default_avatar.gif";
$avatars =  '<img src="'.$avatar.'" width="50" height="50"/>';
$QueryF = @sql_query ('' 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=' $CURUSER[id] . ' and unread=\'yes\'') OR sqlerr (__FILE__532);
$message mysql_fetch_row ($QueryF);
$unreadmail $message[0];
      if (

$last2 TIMENOW 43200;
$requete2 mysql_query("SELECT, u.username, g.namestyle FROM users u LEFT JOIN usergroups g ON (u.usergroup=g.gid) WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(u.last_access) > ".$last2." ORDER by u.username desc");
$row2 mysql_fetch_assoc($requete2))
$usershowcolor[] = $row2['username'];
$colornames[] = nl2br('<a target="_blank" href="' ts_seo ($row2['id'], $row2['username']) . '">' get_user_color ($row2['username'], $row2['namestyle']). '</a> ');
$shouter_name '<a target="_blank" href="' ts_seo ($shout_row['userid'], $shout_row['username']) . '">' get_user_color ($shout_row['username'], $shout_row['namestyle'] . '</a> '.$pics.'');
$shout_content format_comment($shout_row['content'], true );
$shout_content str_replace($usershowcolor$colornames$shout_content);
$str .= '' '<span class=\'shoutbox\'>' $avatars ' ' $date ' ' $shouter_name ' ' $mod ' ' $onoffpic ' ' $UserGender ' ' $country ' ' $Userpm ' ' $valasz ' ' $ss ' ' $smiliess ' - ' $shout_content '</span>';

header ('Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT');
header ('Last-Modified: ' gmdate ('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');
header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header ('Pragma: no-cache');
header ('' 'Content-type: text/html; charset=' $shoutboxcharset);

thank you for given your result!!!

wMan 16th August 2013 21:25

tags ?
the below tags are not working in shoutbox nor forums any idaer where i can fix this looks in code and its not showing at all ? need to add this tags



Titya 19th August 2013 16:20

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by TrinitY-RG (Post 42230)
the below tags are not working in shoutbox nor forums any idaer where i can fix this looks in code and its not showing at all ? need to add this tags





Hello! These include swap out the folder! Note: Firefox no longer supports the 23 blink code, but this is a complementary solution:

kira 5th December 2014 19:26

fonctions [blink]
1 Attachment(s)
hello, the functions [blink] and [img] does not work on the shoutbox, but [b] and [i] and smiley is ok

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