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outtyrox 2nd August 2018 00:32

has there been a solution for captcha v2 created yet? currently I've had to disable it in the admincp

dashboard> options> security> enable captcha for guests NO

doesn't look like it would be too difficult.

only difficult part is making it some its simple for users to enter their own private and public keys for the captcha v2 after the updates are made.

1. Mod /library/pages/signup.php
2. Mod /library/classes/class_recaptcha.php
3. Mod the default template for captcha

Bump: guess I should have checked all the pages.

I see joe roberts been working on it.

joeroberts 2nd August 2018 01:00

:clown: I posted a fix in here

outtyrox 2nd August 2018 01:09


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 52327)
:clown: I posted a fix in here

I see the signup.php mod there. where is the mod for the class_recaptcha.php?

joeroberts 2nd August 2018 01:16

outtyrox 2nd August 2018 02:08


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 52088)
You have made the edit in the templates?
Paste this snippet before the closing

tag on your HTML template:

Paste this snippet at the end of the

where you want the reCAPTCHA widget to appear:

joe which template(s) need this added? this is only part I'm not sure on. I have everything else updated.

joeroberts 2nd August 2018 02:35

going to have to say signup, lost password and login

outtyrox 2nd August 2018 02:47

seems like in the future it'd be a better option to make another file to import the recaptcha public and private keys from also. that way users dont mess up php files.

got it to work after modifying the files joe said in his posts here. all credit goes to him for making this work.

first I made an account for google recaptcha and added my site url to get private and public key here:

second i did the file edits joe posted here. (good idea to back these files up after for next time)

file edits:

template modes pictured below:

third in the template editor I modified the main template. sigup, and captcha template (good idea to backup the default template before you modify anything in here)

like so


captcha (don't forget to put in your public key here)


then put your private key in the updated /library/classes/class_captcha.php file


Bump: I have to do some more testing because confirmation working correctly.

- the new member signup to complete but I see this wierd confirmation. must be the captcha template mod i did.

wierd confirmation

Bump: I fixed the weird error. It was a self inflected wound in class_captchA.php I added the ?> like PHP has and for some reason xam leaves out.


I'm having and issue getting class_captcha.php to return true. If I set it manually to true it works. I've tried making a new PHP using CURL instead the fileget method but same result.


class TSUE_captcha
    public function verifyCaptcha($recaptcha_challenge_field = "", $recaptcha_response_field = "")
                //PUT YOUR PRIVATE KEY HERE//
                $secret = "6LcsM2gUAAAAAAjbvuAs-YtADTLyAKkG96AX8nmK";
                $remoteip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                $url = "";
                $response = $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"];
                // Curl Request
                $curl = curl_init();
                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array(
                    'secret' => $secret,
                    'response' => $response,
                    'remoteip' => $remoteip
                $curlData = curl_exec($curl);
                // Parse data
                $jsonResponse = json_decode($curlData);
                if ($jsonResponse->success === true)
                    return true;
                    return false;


MasterMan 4th August 2018 16:22

edit these:

1. main template of your all styles and add


before the closing of

2. go to your captcha template and add to all styles the following on the top;


change the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your site key where you registered with google recaptcha!

that's it ...! this works :)

joeroberts 4th August 2018 17:02

OMG masterman your brilliant!!!
Now why didn’t I think of that???
Just make sure you turn off recaptcha in the tracker so that it won’t get checked on submit because it well never F**cking pass this way!!!

outtyrox 4th August 2018 17:28

yes works until google flags your key for the callback not being implemented correctly.

this is the part that needs fixed so the update to v2 keeps working


Originally Posted by MasterMan (Post 52342)
edit these:

1. main template of your all styles and add

before the closing of

2. go to your captcha template and add to all styles the following on the top;

change the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your site key where you registered with google recaptcha!

that's it ...! this works :)

same thing i posted above.

you didn't mention you still have to update the other files with joe's edits or it's not going to work.

the recaptcha option in settings has to stay on also or the recaptcha wont appear or run neither.

then after a day or two google will stop the recaptcha from working for the call back not working correctly.

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