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shorto 12th September 2016 16:16


Originally Posted by Joe (Post 49364)
make sure your server s setup right to send email.. debain dose it for you but centos you will need to install extras..

We have already confirmed that it was a problem with the code on the official forums.

DND 12th September 2016 18:18

the problem i believe was fixed in the latest repo

Amsal 12th November 2016 19:25

I am having the same issue, confirmation emails are not sending, i am running on debian 8 with u-232 v5

Bigjoos 19th November 2016 16:15

Confirmation email being sent or not is nothing to do with this source code, you need to set up a proper mail server so the sent mail does not go to spam, that's your responsibility to set it up correctly. If you can't do that then simply disable email confirmation, simple as that, nothing difficult to understand. The code calls the mail function residing in all php versions, its working perfectly fine, people not setting mail up properly are the problem =]

son 19th November 2016 16:59

Why do people that run into problems always blame it on something that only they have the issue with, because if it was the source code wouldn't everybody be having the same issue, as for DND's post the problem was not fixed in version 5, because there was never a problem to start with. The only problem in most off these posts on this source code is not the code itself, its the inexperience users that can't setup the server it needs to run. Have you tried using putty or similar application's to test your email server before you start posting errors, or blaming a code that’s been rigorously tested before its released.

aperta 19th February 2017 18:33


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 49663)
Confirmation email being sent or not is nothing to do with this source code, you need to set up a proper mail server so the sent mail does not go to spam, that's your responsibility to set it up correctly. If you can't do that then simply disable email confirmation, simple as that, nothing difficult to understand. The code calls the mail function residing in all php versions, its working perfectly fine, people not setting mail up properly are the problem =]

Agree 100%. If they can't set it up properly then they should wither not have confirmation emails or they can use a 3rd party service, as long as they know how to link it within the source. (I'm going to use ZOHO's free email hosting for domain and just link it).

To anyone having problems, go on google and look up tutorials on how to set up a mail server. It is a long process, but if done correctly, is great and you won't have your emails end in spam.

Pro20 8th June 2017 16:46


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 49663)
Confirmation email being sent or not is nothing to do with this source code, you need to set up a proper mail server so the sent mail does not go to spam, that's your responsibility to set it up correctly. If you can't do that then simply disable email confirmation, simple as that, nothing difficult to understand. The code calls the mail function residing in all php versions, its working perfectly fine, people not setting mail up properly are the problem =]

Hello and i appreciate your effort with the U-232 tracker script.

Running right now the latest version V5, so far having some issues.

Will try to replicate them one by one and showing the paths to the errors as well.

First Issue:

The Invite System is broken.

When somebody signs up using an invite code and then is confirmed by the person who invited , the people can't login to the tracker. They get "500 server error", right after the login.

There's no way to fix this, looking in PHPMyAdmin the users who registered using the invite codes don't even show an email address attached to the database, despite each member entered one in the registration fields.

Conclusion: Each member who used an invite code to register, the SysOP MUST CREATE A NEW USER with a temporal password and send it to the person. Then they CAN LOGIN.

Second Issue:

There are missing files which resolves to 500 error in the code.

There are some files which doesn't even exists, therefore again 500 error. Examples:

This one seems to be because the file jquery.treeview.css does not exist (Confirmed by directly visiting; Also can be confirmed via FTP)
x.x.x.x.82 - - [08/Jun/2017:05:00:36 +0100] "GET /templates/1/css/jquery.treeview.css HTTP/1.0" 500 537 "http:/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36"
This one is related to the one directly below it - simply, the function is not defined in the script's code)
x.x.x.178 - - [08/Jun/2017:07:04:06 +0100] "GET /topten.php HTTP/1.0" 500 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.1.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.25"
[Thu Jun 08 13:09:20.719647 2017] [:error] [pid 3233] [client x:53688] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function stdhead() in /home/admin/web/\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n thrown in /home/admin/web/ on line 292
And the last one is simply because it tries to load a file ".css" - as you can obviously see, this is missing the filename and only shows the .css extension - it can't possibly be loaded.
x.x.x..225 - - [08/Jun/2017:07:10:56 +0100] "GET /templates/1/css/.css HTTP/1.0" 500 537 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_5) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.1 Safari/603.2.4"

Third Issue


I see that another error 500 is trown at confirmemail.php

But you can't disable the email verificaiton, therefore...

Hope you can fix all this or tell how to fix, it's a mess right now.

l3on 8th June 2017 16:54

Send me url and ftp i'll fix it for you it an rather easy thing to fix

Pro20 8th June 2017 16:57


Originally Posted by l3on (Post 50291)
Send me url and ftp i'll fix it for you it an rather easy thing to fix

Hello, im new here and i respect you want to help by using credentials to login to the server, though i would like to try to fix it myself first with help.

First issue i would like to fix is the invite system, do you know what to do to fix this? People should be able to login to the tracker with an invited registered account.

It's not the case right now they get 500 error.

Then disabling the email verification, how to disable it?

Let's try to fix this first if you can help via PM. Thanks a lot.

l3on 8th June 2017 17:06

I wouldn't be able to help that way as i don't use project u-232 so don't have code at hand i was willing to teamview or something.

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