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Nikkbu 22nd January 2012 18:56

Another Liar
and yet another liar "Theme BY: Joeroberts" why do ppl lie this is my nbdemon tt theme!!!

LeeHowarth 22nd January 2012 19:00

Just deleted your account joe from TorrentTrader if you cannot obey our rules then we certainly wont entertain anybody and before u try registeration is closed.

joeroberts 22nd January 2012 19:54


Originally Posted by djhowarth (Post 32543)
Just deleted your account joe from TorrentTrader if you cannot obey our rules then we certainly wont entertain anybody and before u try registeration is closed.

Thanks Man Been meaning to get rid of that account!:drink:


Originally Posted by Nikkbu (Post 32542)
and yet another liar "Theme BY: Joeroberts" why do ppl lie this is my nbdemon tt theme!!!

Please recheck the files!

zacho56 11th March 2012 15:56

Hey I get this weird code pop up
Hey after installation and the usercp2.php im still getting this


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 }
Any ideas?

Fynnon 11th March 2012 17:28


Originally Posted by Nikkbu (Post 32542)
and yet another liar "Theme BY: Joeroberts" why do ppl lie this is my nbdemon tt theme!!!

it`s clearly inspired by your TT theme but it still holds your copyright at the bottom so i don`t see ther problem
main.php - line 580:
PHP Code:

print ("Theme By: Nikkbu <BR><a href=backend.php?op=last><img src=".$siteurl

P.S. this is like someone from Demonoid would come and say you stole their theme...which was initially made for TBDEV

joeroberts 11th March 2012 18:51


Originally Posted by zacho56 (Post 33647)
Hey after installation and the usercp2.php im still getting this


{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 }
Any ideas?

Please post the usercp.php your using so we can check it.

zacho56 11th March 2012 19:06

Reinstall and now this

Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 33672)
Please post the usercp.php your using so we can check it.

Hey. I will post that as soon as i get this going again. I reinstalled the files and when I go to setup, i get this:

403 Forbidden
Access is forbidden to the requested page: (port 80)
Please forward this error screen to's WebMaster.
Any suggestions for this? If I can get my site up and running with your help here today I will make a nice donation for sure :)

DAKz 11th March 2012 19:49

who is he?

Please forward this error screen to's WebMaster.
Every once in a while i get a inform the webmaster error as well not on this fine code but on other things, so how about it Joerobberts, is there a staff position for "Webmaster" so we can send them all this stuff that requires a webmaster?

joeroberts 11th March 2012 20:15

Is this error seen threw phpMyBitTorrent or threw default web page?
looks like you need to set folder permission.

zacho56 11th March 2012 20:21


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 33675)
Is this error seen threw phpMyBitTorrent or threw default web page?
looks like you need to set folder permission.

Hey its a blue screen, i think its broswer. i set the permissions that were in the readme to 777. do I need to set more or something different?

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