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Napon 17th March 2020 14:39



Theres no security download and use at your own risk

Download at your own risk Any hacker will hack this
All they done is copy past old mods to the core and not done no security at all yes any hacker can and will hack your site....
just shows you want to be coders, but got something to tell you lot over there get your head out of your bum and code and not want to be code as this is all it is
This not v3 this is 208 v2 edit to a so called MYSQLI and not a true MYSQLI so they think so Dream on v3..its not a new Plateform at all

MicroMonkey 19th April 2020 01:06

Im confused napon, if any hacker will hack this, why didnt any hacker hack the old version over and over? Please explain your though process

BamBam0077 19th April 2020 08:56

This cunts gotta be on crack for sure, right? Look everyone knows about the security flaws in torrent trader by now so why act like a monkey over basic shit? Looking like a fuckwit to be honest. I admit I have my out burst though just forget about it. the original coders won't patch it if they were too they would have shared within tt's community so please stop posting "new" tt208 etc man it's getting old. Grow up please & nice work on other projects I have been watching. Good luck :friend:

MicroMonkey 19th April 2020 18:34

I know right? All I did was make it work on php 7+ and renamed it 3.0 so as to not have it be mistaken for the php 5.x version and I get criticized for it lol. Thats ok tho, we have some great people developing new versions and bringing some life back to the code. Napon just blasts people for their efforts all day and never helps or produces anything of value.

Bump: Can a moderator update the link in the first post to reflect the new repo here

Bump: Can a moderator update the link in the first post to reflect the new repo here

Bump: github link

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