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BamBam0077 19th August 2015 19:51

Forgive me for my input. Thought people would appreciate.

I am dealing with multiple things atm thought u-232 people should know that but whatever right.


Bigjoos 22nd August 2015 18:35

The wrapper name is completely irrelevant as its only a php wrapper, I could name it $CUNT - $FUCKER - $$I_CONTAIN_UNSANITIZED _CODE - Makes not a jot of difference however the code I deploy within my wrapper does, firefly already mentioned, If i don't sanitize output from db to screen or if i don't protect sql querys then I'm in trouble. This shit is child's play, been advising people of its importance and how to do it for years on TBdev =]

Below is great, I could inject for fun and pawn any db using it

PHP Code:

sql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus-$INSTALLER09['bonus_per_delete'] WHERE id = $q["owner"]) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); 

Sqlesc applied on the query stops any injection period

PHP Code:

sql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus-".sqlesc($INSTALLER09['bonus_per_delete'])." WHERE id = " sqlesc($q["owner"])) or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__); 

No htmlspecialchars on output means I can deploy an XSS attack with ease and you won't have a clue its been deployed and I'll have you redirected to some other server

So sanitize any output before printing to screen

PHP Code:

$HTMLOUT.= "<tr>
    <td align='right'><font color='red'>&nbsp;*&nbsp;</font><b>&nbsp;
    <select name='allow_comments'>
    <option value='" 
$row["allow_comments"]. "'>" .$row["allow_comments"]. "</option>
    <option value='yes'>Yes</option><option value='no'>No</option></select>

At a minimum

PHP Code:

$HTMLOUT.= "<tr>
    <td align='right'><font color='red'>&nbsp;*&nbsp;</font><b>&nbsp;
    <select name='allow_comments'>
    <option value='" 
htmlsafechars($row["allow_comments"]) . "'>" htmlsafechars($row["allow_comments"]) . "</option>
    <option value='yes'>Yes</option><option value='no'>No</option></select>

I'm not naive, security is taken seriously on U-232 and I ain't no mug that does not understand its usage nor its importance, sure I'll have missed a odd one out of thousands but in general U-232 is tight. And thats not fool proof, experienced operators will gain access if they try hard enough, there's plenty out there trying on a daily basis =]

BamBam0077 22nd August 2015 19:56

Hint bro variables should never be used for echo print unless defined but that still is risky. If i am wrong i'll bow down and look back through my libary of life and tell you i was wrong. 98.7% I am correct though. I know you take security serious i just was passing over some info i learnt when i 15years old security and an idea.

I used this when i was 13yrs old but only wanted it to host so i could give out free html / css scripts. learnt something unique about it once i found again on my birthday it is hackproof and bulletproof been round since 98 i believe the year after md5 was hacked.

If anyone truely cared about security would sha5() with double_check() not sha1, sha2, sha3, sha4 lol

Virginia25 13th May 2016 14:32

error misconfiguration
Hello i have an error to project u232 v4

I have install on debian 7 wheezy
and therefore I can not have the installer

the error is
internal server error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

excuse me for my English but I'm French.

Why ?

DND 13th May 2016 16:19

your server is not properly configured.
make sure you have module expires and module rewrite activated in apache2/nginx

Virginia25 13th May 2016 18:42

Or I can know if these files are enabled or not ?

virtualhost ?

DND 13th May 2016 18:50

dont install trackers on shared hosting. best chances are wont work and you dont have administrator access to install what is required. :coffee:

Virginia25 13th May 2016 18:58

im an administrator and login to root and i have install command etc....
and i have install first version of U232 no soucis but i'm search how to install V4 ?

DND 13th May 2016 19:42

then use phpinfo in a file to see the information on your modules
or user a2enmod rewrite and a2enmod expires
then restart apache and voila

Virginia25 13th May 2016 19:52

thank you very much Dnd it's ok for rewrite and expire and i have access to installer thanks

Bigjoos 17th June 2016 17:07

U-232 Support forum
We are currently experiencing issues with our support forum.

For limited support you can catch me and some of the Dev team on

Alternatively you can post here and I'll do my best to answer as quick as possible.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused, we will have the support forum back online as soon as we can.

CAGADA 20th June 2016 23:15

how do I add user class color in torrenttable_functions.php?


".(isset($row["username"]) ? (($row["anonymous"] == "yes" && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_STAFF && $row['owner'] != $CURUSER['id']) ? "".$lang['torrenttable_anon']."" : "
                                  ".htmlsafechars($row["username"])."") : "(".$lang["torrenttable_unknown_uploader"].")")."
i tried

but dont work

Bigjoos 21st June 2016 07:50

Which version of U-232 ? There is differences between them.

You either need a left join to users table on browse.php so that you can grab class, or you add class to torrents table and you insert the uploaders user class on takeupload.php, then simply display it by grabbing class from browse.php and using format_username, without doing so will result in an undefined index and color wont show. Also U-232 has functions like format_username so you need to be specific which version.

CAGADA 21st June 2016 09:48



Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 48991)
Which version of U-232 ? There is differences between them.

You either need a left join to users table on browse.php so that you can grab class, or you add class to torrents table and you insert the uploaders user class on takeupload.php, then simply display it by grabbing class from browse.php and using format_username, without doing so will result in an undefined index and color wont show. Also U-232 has functions like format_username so you need to be specific which version.

DND 21st June 2016 11:12

make sure to add index to join queries.. they will fuck your server!:coffee:

Napon 21st June 2016 20:37


Originally Posted by CAGADA (Post 48988)
how do I add user class color in torrenttable_functions.php?


".(isset($row["username"]) ? (($row["anonymous"] == "yes" && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_STAFF && $row['owner'] != $CURUSER['id']) ? "".$lang['torrenttable_anon']."" : "
                                  ".htmlsafechars($row["username"])."") : "(".$lang["torrenttable_unknown_uploader"].")")."
i tried

but dont work
this will not work at all ive made the mod for the v3 its easy to add by one file only not 2 or 3

fireknight 22nd June 2016 08:18


Originally Posted by Napon (Post 48996)
this will not work at all ive made the mod for the v3 its easy to add by one file only not 2 or 3

And I suppose that this mod that you have made.
Will never be shared by you ( as usual ).

DND 22nd June 2016 12:58

just take the code part from requests
put it into torrenttable functions
adjust query callings and shit.
and you are good to go..
if you notice, on the requests page..users that make request have class color, donor pic, warning pic and so on..
its not rocket science people...

Bigjoos 10th July 2016 18:56

U-232 Support forum & U-232 v5 Release
Support forum update - Lost the DB

Temporary url

Be patient while we restore data and bring it back online.

U-232 V5

U-232 v5 is currently being tested for pre-release, github will be updated once we are happy, stay tuned !!!!

KOM20 10th July 2016 20:01


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 49052)
Support forum update - Lost the DB

Temporary url

Be patient while we restore data and bring it back online.

U-232 V5

U-232 v5 is currently being tested for pre-release, github will be updated once we are happy, stay tuned !!!!

amazing can't wait for this release thanks a lot guys for all the work u do :cool:

Joe 11th July 2016 06:16

Not sure but V5 has alot of cool things and it will run with PHP7 ++:gum:

Bigjoos 14th July 2016 10:14

Support forum
We now have our support forum back online and fully restored, a massive thanks for autotron's efforts, sorry for the delay !!!!

U-232 V5 is on its way very soon, will update you all here when ready !!!!

Bump: Here's our IRC channel information, please note you need to be a member of the test site to join IRC otherwise the bot will kick you. The test server has web IRC access using chat.php, otherwise use MIRC or weapon of your choice. This channel has been live for a couple of years but with V5 release nearly ready then I thought this may be very useful.

V5 is now PHP7 ready and is backward compatible with PHP5, it has been beta tested for a few months now and is running well. It has the default forum added back and that is also backward compatible with V4 meaning it will run of the V4 forum sql for those that run V4. There is many changes and way to much to list. I will post github repo links as soon as I release it to public #09source

8Bull 19th August 2016 14:26

install error
I upload U-232_V1 and U-232_V4 on my server but when I have konfugerat everything almost finished and the database will instaleras then this comes up

Notice: Undefined variable: o in /customers/2/c/4/
on line 26 Warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /customers/2/c/4/
on line 26 Notice: Undefined variable: o in /customers/2/c/4/ on line 28

Memcache Extension not loaded.

but U-232 works perfectly to install on

sorry for my English
and I can not encode I am new to this

Phogo 19th August 2016 16:54


Originally Posted by 8Bull (Post 49219)
I upload U-232_V1 and U-232_V4 on my server but when I have konfugerat everything almost finished and the database will instaleras then this comes up

Notice: Undefined variable: o in /customers/2/c/4/
on line 26 Warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in /customers/2/c/4/
on line 26 Notice: Undefined variable: o in /customers/2/c/4/ on line 28

Memcache Extension not loaded.

but U-232 works perfectly to install on

sorry for my English
and I can not encode I am new to this

Firstly, please!

Secondly, U-232_V4 will not run within a shared hosting enviroment.

shorto 23rd August 2016 13:55


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 49079)
We now have our support forum back online and fully restored, a massive thanks for autotron's efforts, sorry for the delay !!!!

U-232 V5 is on its way very soon, will update you all here when ready !!!!

Bump: Here's our IRC channel information, please note you need to be a member of the test site to join IRC otherwise the bot will kick you. The test server has web IRC access using chat.php, otherwise use MIRC or weapon of your choice. This channel has been live for a couple of years but with V5 release nearly ready then I thought this may be very useful.

V5 is now PHP7 ready and is backward compatible with PHP5, it has been beta tested for a few months now and is running well. It has the default forum added back and that is also backward compatible with V4 meaning it will run of the V4 forum sql for those that run V4. There is many changes and way to much to list. I will post github repo links as soon as I release it to public #09source

Forums register verification does not work in any browser ;/

The site as well;


MySQLI Error

There appears to be an error with the database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here
thus making irc useless since you get kicked for using a username that is not registered on the site.

Bigjoos 24th August 2016 19:39

No idea what "browsers" your using but I can assure you that support forum registration is fine, in fact someone just signed up like 20 minutes ago.

So you have created an account on the test site and tried to create the same account again, mysql error log does not tell lies and it could only throw that if you tried to sign up with the same username twice :

Error: Duplicate entry 'shorto' for key 'username'

No very smart trying to sign up with the sign username already in the database. And someone just signed up on my test site at 16:00 and had no issues. I have no idea why only you seem to have these problems. I would suggest checking your own side out before making any assumptions, we all know how that goes =]

shorto 30th August 2016 23:47

the "browsers" are Chrome and Firefox:


MySQLI Error

There appears to be an error with the database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here

I'm sorry but this does not say "you are registered welcome" but an error naturally I tried to sign up again. Except if you mysql log in public it's kind of hard to know what goes on there with this type of error.

DND 31st August 2016 01:39

cant you obviously see the captcha isnt showing? aka the verification letters?
was that so hard to spot that ya need to made a video?:wallbash:
the recaptcha shows for me at the registration page so the issue is at your end, not on the forum end.
recaptcha isnt visible for you for so many reasons...
1. something is blocking it [most likely]
2. not have something installed
3. recaptcha banned your ip that was used at that time
4. ...
5. ...


There are a few steps you can take to improve your experience:
  • Make sure your browser is fully updated (see minimum browser requirements)
  • Check that JavaScript is enabled in your browser
  • Try disabling plugins that might conflict with reCAPTCHA

taken from google docs
i swear..its so hard these days to find information.. its like we live in 1801 and dont have internet library and shit

shorto 31st August 2016 09:37

The hell is wrong with these forums. If you would look two posts up you would see that I wrote

Forums register verification does not work in any browser ;/
Please do not rediscover hot water with your posts.

The video was made to show Bigjoos that the "browsers" he implied are just regular browsers. I cannot view the reCAPTCHA even with opera or any other computer nor any different IP nor via a VPN located in Switzerland and Germany.

Instead of just simply trying to solve the problems together on these forums you assume everybody is an idiot. Great. Thanks for the help. I'd better be moving on to another source is support is like this.

DND 31st August 2016 13:27

well you are since you have addons that conflict with google's recaptcha or dont have proper things installed on your machine:coffee:
GOOGLE IT.. pretty ironical since recaptcha is from google
dont ya think the issue is on your side if for others works and for you doesnt ?

shorto 31st August 2016 16:30

Reading everything is hard for you right?

Oh and btw rechapta forums state that due to a self signed server certificate that the rechapta is not showing like it should.

Bigjoos 31st August 2016 18:48

Uhm so sign up using http, man that's not very difficult to determine.

And I aint never paying for a cert which I can create myself. This project is open source and Its my free time and others cash that keeps it online for people like you to use. If you knew anything about signed certs then you'd know a self cert is arguably more secure, case closed.

shorto 31st August 2016 21:21

Bigjoos I never meant to imply that you need to buy one. My servers are also self signed - all 9 of them and I have no intention of ever buying it. But honestly I host many sites and never had this issue, so it didn't occur to me that this could be the problem.

I signed up already as soon as I read it I just replied to mr. DND ;).

Bigjoos 31st August 2016 21:53

Cool, never occurred to me that you were trying to register using https, when you first posted your problem I had several sign ups that day so it didn't add up, I checked but wasn't using https and seen the recaptcha.

Then today it dawned on me when I read your post about self certs. I'll check and see if there is a fix or if i have something not set up right, support forum used to be on my own testserver but now autotron has it on a server so might be something daft, now I know whats up I can maybe do something.

I also looked in my test server db and you have an account that's confirmed already, maybe you forgot and tried to sign up again and that's why you got the Mysqli error trying to create an account, if you cant remember your password you should be able to recover it, if not let me know and I'll reset it =]

shorto 31st August 2016 23:14

Honestly I didn't pay much attention to what I was using - https or not, so it never crossed my mind that that could be the problem ;).

But figured it out. Both the login problem to your site and the problem I needed solved that I actually wanted to visit your forums. Can I ask any news about php7 support? I'm currently looking into running both php5 and php7 simultaneously on my server but still I thought I'd ask :)

Bigjoos 1st September 2016 10:43

Yes U-232 V5 requires PHP7, It will run on PHP5 but not as efficiently as PHP7. Its also forces PHP7 usage.

U-232 V5 has been released for public consumption and is available on github.

shorto 1st September 2016 19:49

Nice, just found it and I'm about to install it and test it out!

Thank you!

is anybody needs it.

BTW; Any hints as to why the secred Id in the conformation mail is left blank?


To confirm your user registration, you have to follow this link:


After you do this, you will be able to use your new account. If you fail to
do this, your account will be deleted within a few days. We urge you to read

Bigjoos 2nd September 2016 14:57

Email confirm I'm not sure about until i remove my working copy and install from github, none of the beta testers mentioned any signup issue, just change email confirm on config.php to false until i run a test myself.

shorto 2nd September 2016 23:35

tnx for the tip!

Joe 11th September 2016 19:57

make sure your server s setup right to send email.. debain dose it for you but centos you will need to install extras..

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