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Old 1st June 2008, 16:54
joeroberts's Avatar
joeroberts joeroberts is offline
BT.Manager Owner
Join Date: Jan 2008
United States
Posts: 2,113
I need some new lang. files for my source code can any one help me out? here is my english source
//Search Cloud
define("_btsearchcloud","Search Cloud");
define("_btsearchcloudexplain","Popular Searches. A random selection of people's search terms, weighed by frequency.");

//Site News

define("_btsitenews","Site News");
define("_btstart","Thank you for for choosing phpMyBitTorrent

phpMyBitTorrent features a full-fledged BitTorrent Tracker written in PHP, external torrent indexing, DHT, Compact Announce, alternate links (eD2K, Magnet), HTTP-Basic Authentication, Passkey Authentication, and embedded HTML Editor, Mass Torrent Upload and much more. You can remove or replace this news item in Administration > Settings");

//Donations Block
define("_btdonationsprogress","Donation Progress");

function getcomplaints() {
        return Array(0=>"Legal content, good quality",1=>"Fake or corrupted",2=>"Copyrights violation",3=>"Pornographic content",4=>"Child pornography",5=>"Offensive content",6=>"Content related to illegal activity");

//NewTorrent shout
define("_btuplshout","Hi, I have just uploaded **name**. Enjoy it!");
define("_btnewtsh","Shout out New Torrent");
define("_btnewshex","Check Here if you would like to add a shout in the shout box about your new uploade if not then leave it unchecked!");

define("_btclasspremium","Premium User");

define("_btaccdenied","Access Denied");
define("_btdenuser","The area you are trying to access is restricted to registered users.
Please provide your access credentials and try again. If you're not signed up yet, you can <a href=\"user.php?op=register\">DO SO</a> for free.");
define("_btdenpremium","The area you are trying to access is restricted to Premium Users.
define("_btdenpremium1","Please provide your access credentials and try again. If you don't have a Premium account, please contact our Staff for
detailed information on Premium Subscription.");
define("_btdenpremium2","Your account is not enabled to access Premium Services. Please contact our Staff for
detailed information on Premium Subscription.");
define("_btdenadmin","The area you are trying to access is restricted to administrators.
define("_btdenadmin1","If you have administrator credentials please provide them now, else we're asking you to leave this page and go back to
<a href=\"index.php\">Home Page</a>.");
define("_btdenadmin2","Your account does not have administrator privileges. Please log in with appropriate credentials or leave this page and
go back to <a href=\"index.php\">Home Page</a>.");
define("_btbannedmsg","You have been banned from this site because: **reason**");

define("_DATESTRING","%A, %B %d %Y @ %T %Z");
define("_btusername","User Name");
define("_btsecuritycode","Security Code");
define("_btusermenu","User Menu");
define("_btmainmenu","Main Menu");
define("_btgenerror","phpMyBitTorrent Error");
define("_btumenu","User Menu");
define("_btircchat","IRC Chat");
define("_btchatnotenabled","IRC Chat is not enabled on this site.");
define("_btlostpassword","Lost your password?");

define("_at"," at ");
define("_dot"," dot ");

define("_btsqlerror1","Error executing SQL Query ");
define("_btsqlerror2","Error ID: ");
define("_btsqlerror3","Error Message: ");

define("_http400errttl","HTTP 400 Error - Bad request");
define("_http400errtxt","A 400 Error occurred while processing your request.\n
Please check your browser settings and try again accessing the requested page.\n
Contact **email** if you're having problems.");
define("_http401errttl","HTTP 401 Error - Access Denied");
define("_http401errtxt","A 401 HTTP Error occurred while processing your request.

You can't access the requested page because you are not authorized.

Please provide your access credentials, if you have any.

Contact **email** if you're having problems.");
define("_http403errttl","HTTP 403 Error - Forbidden");
define("_http403errtxt","A 403 HTTP Error occurred while processing your request.

You can't access the requested page because the server configuration doesn't allow you to.

Please check carefully the URL address on your browser, and correct it if needed.

Contact **email** if you're having problems.");
define("_http404errttl","HTTP 404 Error - Not Found");
define("_http404errtxt","A 404 HTTP Error occurred while processing your request.

The requested page does not exist.

Please check the URL in your browser carefully, and correct it if needed.

Contact **email** if you're having problems.");
define("_http500errttl","HTTP 500 Error - Internal Server Error");
define("_http500errtxt","A 500 HTTP Error occurred while processing your request.

An error occurred while processing your data.

Detailed info can be found in the server logs.

Please send a detailed report about this to **email**");

define("_btyoureseeding","Torrents you are seeding");
define("_btyoureleeching","Torrents you are downloading");
define("_btuserstats","User Stats");
define("_bttotusers","Registered Users:");
define("_btlastuser","Last Registered:");
define("_bttorrents","Available Torrents:");
define("_bttotshare","Total Share:");
define("_bttotpeers","Connected Peers:");
define("_bttotseed","Total Seeders:");
define("_bttotleech","Total Peers:");

define("_btregwelcome","<P align=\"center\">Welcome!</P>

Register an account to to join our community. This will enable you to use the full range of services on this site, and it will only take a few minutes. Choose a username and a password, and provide a valid e-mail-address. Within a few minutes, you'll receive a mail, asking you to confirm the registration.</P>");
define("_btreggfxcheck","<P align=\"center\"> Please also enter the following security code (prevents bots from registering).
Contact **email** if you're having problems reading that code.</P>");
define("_btemailaddress","E-Mail Address");
define("_btpasswd","Password (5 chars minimum)");
define("_btpasswd2","Confirm password");
define("_btsubmit","Sign up");
define("_btreset","Cancel modifications");
define("_btdisclaimer","Terms and conditions:");
define("_btdisclaccept","I Accept");
define("_btdisclrefuse","I do not Accept");
define("_btgfxcode","Security Code");
define("_btsignuperror","Error during signup process");
define("_bterruserexists","Username already exists.");
define("_btfakemail","The email address you entered is not valid.");
define("_bterremailexists","The email address you entered is already registered. Want to recover your password? Go <a href=\"user.php?op=lostpassword\">HERE</a>");
define("_btpasswnotsame","The passwords you entered are not the same");
define("_bttooshortpass","The password you entered is too short. Minimum length is 5.");
define("_bterrcode","The security code you entered is wrong");
define("_btdisclerror","You MUST ACCEPT our Disclaimer in order to sign up.");
define("_btgoback","Please go back and check the form");
define("_btregcomplete","Signup almost complete. You have 24 hours to confirm your registration. If you don't receive the
email confirmation, please check the data you entered. If you're having problems, please contact Webmaster at **email**");
define("_bterrusernamenotset","Username not specified.");
define("_bterrkeynotset","Activation key not specified");
define("_bterrusernotexists","This username does not exist.");
define("_bterrinvalidactkey","Activation key is not correct.");
define("_btuseralreadyactive","User is already active. No more activation required");
define("_btacterror","Activation Error");
define("_btactcomplete","Activation Complete. Your account is now permanently active. From now on, you can access
our services using the username and password you provided. Have a nice download.");
define("_btusrpwdnotset","Username or password not specified.");
define("_bterremailnotset","E-Mail address not specified.");
define("_btuserpasswrong","Incorrect username or password!!");
define("_btuserinactive","User registered but not active!!");
define("_btloginsuccessful","Login successful. You now have **priv** privileges. Have a nice download!");
define("_btlogoutsuccessful","Logout successful.");
define("_btusernoexist","Sorry, the user you entered does not exist.");
define("_btuserprofile","My Profile");
define("_btedituserprofile","Edit profile");
define("_btusertorrents","My Torrents");
define("_btcompletename","Complete Name");
define("_btnewavatargallery","New Avatar from Gallery");
define("_btnewavatarupload","Upload new Avatar");
define("_btinvalidimagefile","Invalid image file");
define("_btavatartoobig","Image goes beyond allowed size");
define("_btlostpasswordintro","If you lost your password, you can re-gain access to your account by entering your username and a NEW password.

A confirmation mail will be sent to the e-mail adress associated with your account. Make sure you can receive mail (i.e. your mailbox is not full) before submitting your request. If you don't receive that mail, try checking your spam-filter.");
define("_btlostpasswordcheckmail","A message has been sent to your email address containing a confirmation link. Please click that link for the password the change to go in effect.");
define("_btlostpwdinvalid","Invalid confirmation code or user ID");
define("_btlostpwdcomplete","Password changed. Now you can login with your new password.");
define("_btdeluser","Account Deletion");
define("_btdeluserwarning","WARNING: you are about to permanently and completely delete your account. You'll lose editing permissions for all your torrents you uploaded. You'll be able to re-register with your old username after that.");
define("_btdeluserwarningadm","WARNING: you are about to completely and permanently delete **user**'s account. **user** editing permissions for all torrents he/she uploaded. Re-registering with the same username will be possible after that.");
define("_btaccountdeleted","Account deleted");
define("_btconfirmdelete","Confirm account deletion");

define("_btnewpassword","New Password
(leave blank if you don't intend to change it)");
define("_btnewpasswordconfirm","Confirm New Password");
define("_btaol","AOL Instant Messenger");
define("_btjabber","Jabber IM");
define("_btmsn","MSN Messenger");
define("_btyim","Yahoo! Instant Messenger");
define("_btacceptmail","Accept email by other users");
define("_btaccountstatus","Account Status");
define("_btaccountstatusexplain","Set user active/inactive. BEWARE! Setting a user that has been registered for more than 48h to INACTIVE will also delete the account.");
define("_btchooseavatar","Choose Avatar");
define("_btusepasskey","Use Passkey");
define("_btpasskeyexplain","This option allows you to download Torrents using a personal security code.

Using a state-of-the-art client, you will no longer have to log in to the tracker or use username and password in order to get your ratio updated for internally tracked torrents.

A personalised code is automatically inserted in the .torrent file you download, in order to allow tracker authentication.

WARNING: DO NOT give .torrents with enabled passkey authentication out of hand! Unauthorized users, even without logging in as you, may use them and influence your ratio, which may in turn reduce your download permissions on the tracker.

In case a .torrent DOES fall in the wrong hands, you can reset the passkey.");
define("_btresetpasskey","Reset Passkey");
define("_btresetpasskeywarning","WARNING: all the torrent files you downloaded so far will not be valid any more!");
define("_btprofilesaved","Profile saved successfully!");
define("_btaccesslevel","Access level");
define("_btdeleteaccount","Delete Account");

define("_btindex","Torrent Index ");
define("_bttorrentupload","Torrent Upload");
define("_btlogin","Log in");
define("_btlogout","Log out");
define("_btpersonal","Torrents by ");
define("_btpm","Private Messages");
define("_btadvinst","Install BitTorrent or Shareaza to download");
define("_btaccessden","Access Denied. Download requires <A href=\"user.php?op=register\">registration</a>");
define("_btlegenda","Help with features and legend");
define("_btyourfilext","Your file, external tracker");
define("_btexternal","External Tracker");
define("_btyourfile","Your File");
define("_btauthforreq","Authorization for request");
define("_btauthreq","Authorization Request");
define("_btseedby","Torrents I'm seeding");
define("_btleechby","Torrents I'm leeching");

define("_btwelcome","Welcome to $sitename");
define("_btsearchname","Search torrents");
define("_btsearchfeed","Feed for these Results");
define("_btactivetorrents","Active Torrents");
define("_btitm","include dead torrents");
define("_btstm","Only dead Torrents");
define("_btresfor","order by:");
define("_btnotfound","<h2>No result!</h2>\n

Try changing your search term.</p>\n");
define("_btvoidcat","<h2>This category is empty!</h2>");
define("_btorderby","Order by");
define("_btnfile","Number of files");
define("_btcomments","Rating / Comments");
define("_bttotsorc","Total peers");
define("_btnosearch","<center><h2>Search the files you would like to download</h2>If you need help, try asking in the Forums; if you cannot use Magnet:/eD2K: links you probabily haven't installed the right software
We remind you that our rules state that all files are private, and it's up to whoever shares a file whether he/she allows other people to download. It's strictly forbidden to share copyrighted, porn, child-porn, racist, offending material or anything that violates any laws.
Any copyright holder can request the implementation of a free filename filter that allows to protect his/her copyrights.</center>");
define("_bthelpfind","Search Help");
define("_bttopsource","TOP download sources");
define("_btnotopsource","There are no active Torrents at this time");
define("_btnotseeder_noneed","There are no critical Torrents at this time");
define("_btnotseeder_desc","If you have one of these files, please seed (share) it with people who are waiting to download. Download the .torrent, point your client to the directory that contains the complete file, and it will start seeding.
Thanks for being one of the GOOD GUYS/GALS.[/b]");
define("_btnoseedersontracker","Your torrent is not seeded!");
define("_btdeadtorrent","It seems like your torrent is not seeded. That jugdment might not be correct, so we'll accept the upload for now, but moderators may take it down later.

<a name=\"HELP\"></a>Install BitTorrent or Shareaza to download");
define("_btnet","Swarm Health");
define("_btalternatesource","Only alternate sources (Magnet/ed2K) available");
define("_btcantscrape","Unable to determine peer data");
define("_btmedium","Not so great");
define("_bthard","Poorly seeded/dead");
define("_btmisssearchkey","Missing Search Key");
define("_btinfotracker","Who's online?");
define("_btnouseronline","There are no registered users online");
define("_btonlineusers","Online users");
define("_btadvancedmode","Advanced Mode");
define("_btsimplemode","Simple Mode");
define("_btpagename","Currently browsing");
define("_btloggedinfor","Logged in for");

define("_btpage_details.php","Torrent Details Page");
define("_btpage_edit.php","Edit Torrent");
define("_btpage_mytorrents.php","Torrent Panel");
define("_btpage_user.php","User Panel");

define("_btinfo","Torrent Info");
define("_dtimeconnected","Time connected");
define("_btsourceurl","Available on");
define("_btdsuccessfully","Torrent uploaded successfully");
define("_btdsuccessfully2","Please start seeding now. Visibility depends on the number of the sources");
define("_btdsuccessfullye","Edited successfully");
define("_btdgobackto","Back to page");
define("_btdwhenceyoucame","since you came from");
define("_btdyoursearchfor","Your search for");
define("_btnotorrent","Torrent does not exist or has been banned");
define("_btdratingadded","Rating added");
define("_btdspytorrentupdate","SpyTorrent has updated the sources");
define("_btdspytorrentupdate1","You are being redirected to the page in 3 seconds ");
define("_btdspytorrentupdate2","If your browser doesn't redirect you, click");
define("_btdspytorrentnoupdate","It is not necessary to run SpyTorrent on internal Torrents within 15 minutes since the last scan.");
define("_btdownloadas","Download as");
define("_btpiecesstring","**n** pieces by **l** of size");
define("_btauthstatus","Download Authorization");
define("_btdwauthnorequest","Not yet requested");
define("_btpremiumdownload","Only Premium users can download this torrent file");
define("_btregistereddownload","You have to sign up or log in to download this torrent");
define("_btdays","d ");
define("_bthours","h ");
define("_btmins","m ");
define("_btsecs","s ");
define("_btinfohash","Info Hash");
define("_btinfohashnotice","WARNING: the Torrent has been modified in such a way that it MUST be re-downloaded. The file you uploaded
is not valid any more. Please use the download button to get the working version.");
define("_btnodead","no (dead)");
define("_btothersource","Other Sources");
define("_btnoselected","No category selected. Please go back to the upload form.");
define("_btlastseeder","Last Seeder");
define("_btlastactivity","Last Activity");
define("_btminvote","Not voted (required at least __minvotes__ votes");
define("_btnovotes","No Rating");
define("_btoo5","of 5 with");
define("_btvotestot","total vote(s)");
define("_btlogintorate","(<a href=\"user.php?op=loginform\">Log in</a> to vote)");
define("_btvot2","Not good");
define("_btvot3","Not bad");
define("_btvot5","Very Good");
define("_bthelpstat","Statistics Help");
define("_btleechspeed","Leech Speed");
define("_btuppedby","Uploaded by");
define("_btnumfiles","Number of files");
define("_btlasttrackerupdate","Last tracker update");
define("_btshowlist","Show Peers");
define("_bthidelist","Hide Peers");
define("_bthelpsource","Peer Help");
define("_btcommentsfortorrent","Comments on this torrent");
define("_btbacktofull","Go back to the full details");
define("_btnotifyemailcom","If you want to be e-mailed when the first comment is added, please click <a href=\"details.php?op=comment&trig=on&id=**id**#notify\">HERE</a>.");

You are currently listed to receive comment email. If you don't want to be e-mailed any more, please click <a href=\"details.php?op=comment&trig=off&id=**id**#notify\">HERE</a>.</p>");
define("_btclickhere","click here");
define("_btnotifyemail1s","If you want to be e-mailed when the first SEED shows up, please click <a href=\"details.php?op=seeder&trig=on&id=**id**#notify\">HERE</a>.");

You are currently listed to be notified when a seed pops up. If you don't want to be e-mailed any more, please click <a href=\"details.php?op=seeder&trig=off&id=**id**#notify\">HERE</a>.</p>");
define("_btnocommentsyet","There are no comments at this time");
define("_btcommheader","On **time**, <a href=\"user.php?op=profile&id=**uid**\" target=\"_top\">**user**</a> wrote:");
define("_btdgavesresult","has returned one result");
define("_btdnotifyemaildel","You have been removed from the comment notification list");
define("_btdnotifyemaildel1","You're not receiving any more e-mails when a comment is added!");
define("_btdnotifyemailadd1","You will receive an e-mail when a comment is added, but you will not receive any more emails before you read the comment!");
define("_btdnotifyemailadd","You have been added to the comment notification list");
define("_btdnotifyadd","You have been added to the seeder notification list");
define("_btdnotifyadd2","you'll be notified about new seeders with a maximum of one email every day,");
define("_btdnotifydel","You have been removed from the seeder notificaton list; you're not going to receive any more e-mails.");
define("_btddetails","Torrent details");
define("_bteditthistorrent","Edit this Torrent");
define("_btaddedby","Uploaded by");
define("_bthelpothersource","Help Alternate Sources");
define("_btpeerstot","Total peers");
define("_bthelppeer","Peer Help");
define("_btdhelpdownload","Download Help");
define("_btyourate","You voted");
define("_btupdatesource","Update sources now!");
define("_btdirectlink","Direct Link");
define("_btcomplyouvoted","You said this torrent is: ");
define("_btcomplexplain","The torrent may be banned when reaching a certain number of complaints.");
define("_btcomplaintform","Torrent complaint form.
This system allows you to flag torrents that do not fit our rules.

Once a certain number of complaints is reached, the torrent may be banned from the list.
Please send positive feedback on torrents that are good and legal.
define("_btcomplisay","This Torrent is ");
define("_btmagnetlink","Magnet Link");
define("_btnomagnet","No Magnet Link available");
define("_btmagnetlinkdownload","Download File using Magnet Link");
define("_bted2klink","eD2K Link");
define("_btnoed2k","No ed2K Link available");
define("_bted2klinkdownload","Download File using eD2K Link");
define("_btcomplatthemoment","Users sent positive feedback**p** times and negative feedback **n** times.
define("_btnotifications","E-Mail Notifications");
define("_btreadcomms","Read Comments");
define("_btpostcomment","Post a Comment");
define("_btdownloadspeed","Download Speed");
define("_btuploadspeed","Upload Speed");
define("_bttorrentpassword","Password Protection");
define("_btpasswordquery","This torrent is password protected. The owner of the torrent decided to make it visible only to authorized users.
Please provide the password now to get instant torrent access.");
define("_btpasswordwrong","Warning: Wrong Password.
Remember that passwords are case-sensitive.");
define("_btuploadedpassexplain","You set the password to: **pass**");
define("_btuploadedpassexplain2","To give users access to your torrent, pass them the following direct link: [b]**url**[b]");
define("_btcompletedby","Completed by");
define("_bttrackers","Additional Trackers");
define("_bttrackergroup","Group *");
define("_btexportexplain","Download this Torrent without your Passkey, for distribution on sites that provide BitTorrent index services");

define("_btnumerror","their number is not equal and it is not possible to proceed with binary assignment");
define("_btmaxchar","ED2K URLs have a 200 characters maximum");
define("_bted2kstart","URL should begin with ed2k://");
define("_bt2par","URL lacks the second parameter: ");
define("_bturlcontent","URL doesn't contain");
define("_bturlsize","URL doesn't contain");
define("_btidcode","hash info");
define("_bturlparerror","URL doesn't contain the parameter:");
define("_bturlsureerror","URL contains an illegal source");
define("_bturlnotinsert","Must insert an ED2K Link");
define("_btnotip","IP not specified");
define("_btinvip","Invalid IP");
define("_btnoport","No port specified");
define("_btinvport","Invalid Port");
define("_btnopresent","not present");
define("_btmagchar","MagnetURLs have a 200 characters maximum");
define("_bftminlimit","You cannot share files smaller than");
define("_btfmaxlimit","Your torrent contains a file that's too large.");
define("_btillegalword","Your torrent didn't make it through the automatic content filter for the following reason (if specified):.");
define("_btillegalwordinfo","If you feel that you're getting this message in error, please contact $admin_email");
define("_btnoreason","(No reason specified");
define("_bturlinserted1","Torrent uploaded. You are being redirected in 3 seconds.
If your browser doesn't forward you, click ");
define("_bturlinserted2","this link");
define("_btaddnotifycomment","You have been added to the notification list: you'll be e-mailed about new comments.");
define("_btaddnotifyseeder","You have been added to the notifiation list: you'll be e-mailed about new seeds.");
define("_btnolinkinsert","No link inserted");
define("_btexnostartwt","eXeem links start with exeem://");
define("_btinvalidexeem","Invalid eXeem link!");
define("_btillegalcat","Illegal category!");
define("_bttorrentpresent","The torrent you're trying to upload has already been uploaded to this site, or it has been banned.");
define("_btdescrrequired","Description field is empty. Please go back and enter a description.");

define("_btuploadatorrent","Upload a Torrent File");
define("_btphotoext","Image file has to be GIF, JPG or PNG");
define("_btalertmsg","Form has not been submitted due to the following errors:");
define("_btalertmsg2","Please fix the errors and try to upload again");
define("_btfnotselected","ERROR: file not selected");
define("_btalertdesc","Please enter a description that indicates file type and quality, particularly in case of media files");
define("_btalertcat","Select a category");
define("_btconferma","Ready to upload? If your torrent contains multiple files, please re-create it as a multiarchive containing the entire folder. Else, it could be unusable.");
define("_btalerturl","Insert a MAGNET or ED2K link");
define("_btalerturlnum1","ED2K link number");
define("_btalerturlnum2","while MAGNET link number is");
define("_btalerturlnum3","The number of the links has to be the same-- torrents consist of couples of links");
define("_btalert5char","Filename has to be be at least 5 characters");
define("_btofficialurl","This site's official tracker is: ");
define("_btseeded","Please only upload torrents that are seeded. Torrents without peers will not show up on the main page.");
define("_btupfile","Upload file:");
define("_btupnfo","Upload NFO file:");
define("_bttorrentname","Torrent Name");
define("_btfromtorrent","Will be generated from the filename if left blank. ");
define("_btdescname","Try to give it a descriptive name");
define("_btsrc_url","Source URL");
define("_btcompulsory"," (Compulsory)");
define("_btdescription","Description (required)");
define("_btnohtml","NO HTML");
define("_btverduplicate","Check for similar torrents");
define("_btduplicatinfo","Prevents uploading of torrents similar to ones already on the list. Uncheck to upload anyway. Remember that having duplicate torrents for identical files reduces overall efficiency.");
define("_btupevidencinfo","Mark torrent as Sticky and keep it on the top of the list. Restricted to moderators/admins");
define("_btowner","Display Name");
define("_btowner1","Show User");
define("_btowner2","Privacy Mode");
define("_btowner3","Stealth Mode");
define("_btownerinfo","'SHOW USER' allows other users to see your username, 'PRIVACY MODE' hides it, retaining edit/delete permissions, 'STEALTH MODE' (if available) completely hides the owner to the system, and doesn't allow any edit/deletion by the user.");
define("_btupnotifynfo","Receive e-mail-notification when a comment is added");
define("_btupnotifyseed","Receive e-mail-notification  when a leecher completes the file (only torrents on local tracker)");
define("_btinserte2k","Insert ED2K Link");
define("_btmagnetinsert","Insert Magnet Link");
define("_btinsertlinktitle","Insert links for GNutella and eDonkey2000 Networks");
define("_btinsertlinktext","You can add eDonkey2000 links to your torrent, to increase availability.");
define("_btinserttext2","You can insert either only MAGNET links or only ED2K links. If both lists are filled with entries, two links will be associated to each file: in other words the first ED2K link and the first MAGNET link will be associated to the first file, and so on...");
define("_bted2kurl","Insert ED2K link");
define("_btstatic","indicates that we're only using the eDonkey2000 protocol");
define("_btfinalname","is the name of the file to download");
define("_btfinalsize","is the byte size of the file");
define("_btfinalidcode","ia special verification code that allows to find ONE ONLY FILE, and its copies, among many similar");
define("_btfinalipport","represents the main stable source (used by releasers)");
define("_btaddmagnet","Magnet Link");
define("_btadded2k","eD2K Link");
define("_btexeemlink","eXeem Link");
define("_btexeemlinkexplain","Optional. If the torrent can be downloaded through the eXeem network, you can insert the alternate link here");
define("_bttorrentpasswordexplain","You may choose a password to protect your Torrent from unauthorized view. If a password is set, Torrent will not
be visible to anyone except Premium Users and Administrator in Torrent List and Torrent Search. You will have to provide a direct link to the people that you want to access the Torrent.
Only Internal Torrents can be Password Protected.");
define("_btupadvopts","Advanced Options");
define("_btadvoptsexplain","Show advanced options, controlling some technical aspects of the torrent. Use these options only if you know what you're doing!");
define("_btleaveintact","Do not edit this setting");
define("_btdhtsupport","DHT support");
define("_btendht","Force backup DHT tracking");
define("_btdisdht","Disable DHT tracking");
define("_btdhtsupportexplain","This forces DHT backup tracking on your torrent, or disables it. DHT is useful when the main tracker goes offline or is overloaded");
define("_btprivatetorrent","Private Torrent");
define("_btenpvt","Mark torrent as private");
define("_btdispvt","Mark torrent as public");
define("_btprivatetorrentexplain","The \"private\"-option (which only some clients can handle), tells the client to deal only with peers it receives from the central tracker. Enabling the Private option disables DHT");

define("_btuploadalinkarchive","Submit eD2K/Magnet link");
define("_btsharelink","Upload only if the file is being shared.");
define("_btlinknotice","The link will NOT be accepted if more than half of the files you submit is already present on the index. Duplicates reduce overall efficiency");
define("_btinsert1file","Enter link(s) for your file, and hit 'Add File'. The eD2K link is obligatory. You can add more than one file to your submission.");
define("_btlinksnomatch","The links you entered do not represent the same file");
define("_btinvalided2k","Invalid eD2K Link");
define("_btinvalidmagnet","Invalid Magnet Link");
define("_btaddnewfile","Add File");
define("_btaddtoarchive","Add File");
define("_btaddmd5","MD5 Hash");
define("_bterrduplicatelinks","Duplicate files are not allowed");
define("_btduplicatelinks","Duplicate File");
define("_btduplicateexplain","The the file represented by the link you submitted is already being shared on this site. Click on the warning symbol next to the file to check out the torrent/collection in which it has been found. If more that 50% of the links you added are already present, your submission will not be accepted");
define("_btinsertfilesfirst","You have to submit at least one file using the appropriate button");
define("_btfilelistaltered","The file list has been altered! It has been not created using this tool.");

define("_btpeerspeed","AVG Speed");
define("_btnopeer","No peers");

//Scrape external torrents
if (!eregi("admin.php",$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])){
define("_admtrackers","External Trackers");
define("_admtrackerurl","Announce URL");
define("_admtrkcannotopen","Cannot contact URL Address. Tracker will be set as Offline");
define("_admtrkrawdata","Tracker reached. Here is the encoded response");
define("_admtrkinvalidbencode","Cannot decode Tracker response. Invalid encoding");
define("_admtrkdata","Decoding completed. Here is all the Scrape data obtained");
define("_admtrksummarystr","Found **seed** seeders, **leechers** leechers, **completed** completed downloads for Torrent **name** Info Hash **hash**.");

define("_btiderror","Invalid ID");
define("_btnotfoundid","Torrent does not exist");
define("_btaddcomment","Add comment to");
define("_btaddtime","Uploaded ");
define("_btnotyourcomment","You can't edit other people's comments.");
define("_btcommentinserted","Your comment has been posted. You are being redirected to the torrent details page in 3 seconds.
Click <a href=\"details.php?id=**id**#comments\">HERE</a> if your browser doesn't forward you.");
define("_btcommentdeleted","Comment deleted. You are being redirected to the torrent details page in 3 seconds.
Click <a href=\"details.php?id=**id**#comments\">HERE</a> if your browser doesn't forward you.");

define("_bttorrentunavailable","Torrent file unavailable due to a server configuration error. Sorry for the inconvenience.");
define("_btminseedrule","You must be seeding at least **min** torrents to download.");
define("_btmaxdailydownloads","You can't download more than **max** files per day. Please try again tomorrow.");
define("_btmaxweeklydownloads","You can't download more than **max** files per week. Please try again next week.");
define("_bterrtoosmall","[*]You have to seed a file at least **min_share** of size.
define("_bterrtoobig","[b]The largest file you seed is ");
define("_bterrorprivate","This is a private file: you have already asked for download authorization. You cannot download the file until the owner accepts your request.");
define("_btrefused","The owner refused your authorization request. You won't be able to download this torrent.");
define("_bterrblacklist","The owner refused to let you download his torrents. You won't be able to download any of them.");
define("_btreqsent","This Torrent is private. You won't be able to download it until the owner gives you authorization.
A request has been sent to the torrent owner, who needs to authorize your download: you will be notified about the result by e-mail.");

define("_btedittorrent","Edit Torrent");
define("_bterreditnoowner","<h1>Access Denied</h1>\n

Only the torrent owner and administrators can edit torrents</p>\n");
define("_btdelcommand","Do not edit torrent, but <input type=\"submit\" value=\"DELETE IT!\" />\n");
define("_btsure","Yes: I'm sure about that!");
define("_btban","Ban Torrent");
define("_btareyousure","Are you sure you want to delete **name**?");
define("_btareyousure_ban","Are you sure you want to ban **name**?");
define("_bttorrentnoexist","This torrent does not exist");
define("_btdelete","Delete torrent");
define("_btcannotdel","Unable to delete");
define("_btmissingdata","Required data missing!");
define("_btdeldenied","Only the torrent owner or site administrators can delete this torrent");
define("_btnotconfirmed","You have to confirm you're sure what you're about to do.");
define("_btdeleted","Torrent deleted");
define("_btsuccessfullyedited","Torrent successfully edited. You are being redirected to the torrent details page. Remember that if you have seleceted Stealth Mode, you won't be able to edit or delete the torrent any more!");

define("_btmytorrentsintrotitle","Torrent Control Panel");
define("_btmytorrentsintrotext","In this area, you can manage the torrents you uploaded (except for those with Stealth Mode selected).

You can also manage other users' download requests. By selecting the appropriate icon, you can view all the requests
sent to you by other users. You'll have to decide  whether to accept or refuse the download request.

Pay attention to upload and download amounts of the user. People who download without sharing are of no benfit for
the BitTorrent Network. Refusing their download request can be an appropriate way to encourage them to share more.");
define("_btmytorrents","My Torrents");
define("_btallauthorized","All users have been authorized");
define("_btauths","Download Requests");
define("_btauthorized","Selected user has been authorized");
define("_bthasauthorized","Owner has authorized you to download his files");
define("_btnowcandownload","You can now freely download all the user's files.\nWe protect your privacy.");
define("_pendingauths","Pending Authorizations: ");
define("_btauthorizationrequested","The following users have requested download authorization:");
define("_btnotorrents","There are no torrents");
define("_btnotorrentuploaded","You have not uploaded any torrents yet");
define("_bthasuploaded","Uploaded: **");
define("_bthasdownloaded","Downloaded: **");
define("_btauthalwaysgrant","Always Authorize");
define("_btauthalwaysdeny","Never Authorize");
define("_btauthdeny","Do not Authorize");
define("_btcantseeothertorrents","You can't view other users' torrents permissions!");
define("_btauthpanel","Download Authorizations Control Panel");
define("_btnoauthstomanage","There are no authorizations to manage");
define("_btmyglobals","My Global Authorizations");
define("_btnoglobals","There are no Global Authorizations yet");
define("_btwronginput","Error while entering data");
define("_btgeneraloptions","General Options");
define("_btprivateexpl","Select this option to require users to ask a download authorization to access this Torrent. You will be notified of each new pending authorization via email.
You will be able to choose to grant or deny the authorization for this single torrent or for all your torrents");
define("_btminratio","Minimum Ratio");
define("_btminratioexpl","You can set a minimum ratio value to auto-authorize users. Users with ratio above or equal to this will be able to download without requesting authorization.
The value of the minimum ratio will not be displayed, except to Administrators");

define("_btcommentkeyfound","The system has checked your comment. The following words are not allowed:
  1. "); define("_btcommentkeyfound2","
We know that the comment could still be ok, we apologize for the inconvenience and ask you to use different wording.</p>"); //TESTI CHE COMPAIONO IN TAKEEDIT.PHP define("_btmissingformdata","Missing input data!"); define("_bteditfailed","Edit failed"); define("_bteditdenied","You can't edit other people's torrents."); define("_btreturl","File successfully edited, you being redirected to the torrent details page in 3 seconds.. Click <a href=\"**returl**\">HERE</a>if your browser doesn't forward you"); //TESTI CHE COMPAIONO IN RATE.PHP define("_btrate","Torrent Rating"); define("_btratefailed","Vote failed!"); define("_btinvalidrating","Invalid vote"); define("_btidnotorrent","Invalid ID. Torrent does not exist"); define("_btnovoteowntorrent","You cannot rate your own torrents"); define("_btalreadyrated","Torrent already rated"); define("_btcantvotetwice","We are sorry, but you can't rate a torrent twice"); define("_btvotedone","Vote successful, you are being redirected to the torrent details page in 3 seconds. Click <a href=\"details.php?id=**id**\">HERE</a> if your browser doesn't forward you."); //TESTI CHE COMPAIONO IN TAKEUPLOAD.PHP define("_btuploaderror","Upload failed!"); define("_btemptyfname","Empty filename"); define("_btinvalidfname","Invalid filename"); define("_btinvalidnfofname","Invalid NFO filename"); define("_btfnamenonfo","This is not a NFO file (.nfo)"); define("_btfnamenotorrent","This is not a torrent file (.torrent)"); define("_btferror","File Error"); define("_bterrnofileupload","Fatal error in uploaded file."); define("_bterrnonfoupload","Fatal error in uploaded NFO file."); define("_btemptyfile","File empty"); define("_btnobenc","File damaged. Are you sure it is really a torrent file?"); define("_btnodictionary","Torrent dictionary not present"); define("_btdictionarymisskey","Missing Torrent Dictionary Keys"); define("_btdictionaryinventry","Invalid data inside Torrent Dictionary"); define("_btdictionaryinvetype","Invalid data types in Torrent Dictionary"); define("_btinvannounce","Invalid Announce URL. Must be "); define("_btactualannounce","Specified tracker "); define("_bttrackerdisabled","Our tracker has been disabled: only external torrents can be uploaded."); define("_btinvpieces","Invalid torrent parts"); define("_btmissinglength","Missing files and size"); define("_btnofilesintorrent","Missing Torrent files"); define("_btfnamerror","Invalid filename"); define("_btinvalidhtml","Invalid HTML Code. Make sure you used our editor without entering code manually."); define("_bttrackerblacklisted","The tracker used by this torrent (**trk**) has been blacklisted. Please use a different tracker."); define("_btfilenamerror","Error in filename"); define("_bttorrenttoosmall"," You cannot share a file smaller than "); define("_bttorrenttoosmall2","</p> Your torrent contains a file with the following size: [b]"); define("_btmaxuploadexceeded","You can't upload more than **maxupload** in a 24 hour period."); define("_btnumfileexceeded"," You can't upload more than **maxupload** files in a 24 hour period.</p> You have already uploaded **rownum** files, totalling **totsize**"); define("_btsearchdupl","According to the search, these files may correspond to the ones you are sharing:
  1. "); define("_btduplinfo"," If your file is in this list, please seed one of these torrents!</p>"); define("_btsocktout","ERROR: Socket timed-out"); define("_bttrackernotresponding","Tracker not responding.\n Check tracker spelling (NO EMPTY SPACES INSIDE URLs) and that the tracker is up and running. The tracker you specified is:"); define("_bttrackerdata","Invalid data from external tracker. The tracker may have server problems. Please try again later."); define("_bttorrentnotregistered","Torrent does not seem to be registered on the external tracker. You can upload external torrents only if they're active."); define("_btuploadcomplete","Successfully uploaded. You are being redirected to the torrent details page in 3 seconds. Remember to seed, or the torrent won't be visible on the main page. Click <a href=\"**url**\">HERE</a> if your browser doesn't forward you."); define("_btpresent","This torrent has already been uploaded"); define("_btscrapeerror","Can't get peer data from tracker"); //TESTI CHE COMPAIONO IN TAKECOMPLAINT.PHP define("_btcomplisnowbanned","This Torrent has been banned due to a number of complaints"); define("_btcomplcantvotetwice","We're sorry, but you can't send a complaint twice."); define("_btcomplainttaken","Complaint registered. You are being redirected to the torrent's detail page in 3 seconds. If your browser doesn't forward you, click "); define("_btcomplsuccess","Your complaint has been registered. User name and IP are logged: please do not abuse the system. "); //SHOUTBOX define("_btshoutbox","Shoutbox"); define("_btnoshouts","Nobody is shouting..."); define("_btshoutnow","Shout!"); //IMAGE ALTERNATES define("_btalt_banned","Banned torrent"); define("_btalt_auth_none","No Pending Authorizations"); define("_btalt_auth_pending","Pending Authorizations!"); define("_btalt_sticky","Sticky torrent"); define("_btalt_download","Download"); define("_btalt_edit","Edit"); define("_btalt_drop","Delete"); define("_btalt_scrape","Refresh Peer Data"); define("_btalt_noscrape","Stats updated less than 30min ago"); define("_btalt_logintoscrape","Log in to Check Peer Data"); define("_btalt_duplicate","Duplicate file"); define("_btalt_exeem","Download with eXeem"); define("_btalt_error.gif","Error"); define("_btalt_icon_admin","Administrator"); define("_btalt_icon_moderator","Moderator"); define("_btalt_icon_premium.gif","Premium User"); define("_btalt_1.gif","REALLY Bad"); define("_btalt_1.5.gif","Very Bad"); define("_btalt_2.gif","Bad"); define("_btalt_2.5.gif","Poor"); define("_btalt_3.gif","Average"); define("_btalt_3.5.gif","Better Than Average"); define("_btalt_4.gif","Good"); define("_btalt_4.5.gif","Very Good"); define("_btalt_5.gif","Excellent"); define("_btalt_anon_tracker.gif","Tracker Anonimizzato"); define("_btalt_button_aim.gif","AOL Instant Messenger"); define("_btalt_button_icq.gif","ICQ"); define("_btalt_button_irc.gif","IRC"); define("_btalt_button_msn.gif","MSN Messenger"); define("_btalt_button_yahoo.gif","Yahoo! Messenger"); define("_btalt_ed2k_active.gif","Download using eD2K URI"); define("_btalt_ed2k_inactive.gif","eD2K Link Unavailable"); define("_btalt_magnet","Download using Magnet URI"); define("_btalt_magnet_inactive.gif","Alternate Link Unavailable"); define("_btalt_green.gif","Fast"); define("_btalt_yellow.gif","Slow"); define("_btalt_red.gif","Stop"); define("_btalt_quest.gif","Peer data unknown"); define("_btalt_lock","Pending Authorization"); define("_btalt_lock_request","Ask for Authorization"); define("_btalt_noavatar.gif","No Avatar"); define("_btalt_icon_active.gif","Active"); define("_btalt_icon_passive.gif","Passive"); define("_btalt_external","External Tracker"); define("_btunknownclient","Unknown Client"); define("_btalt_avatar","Avatar for **user**"); //STATISTICS define("_btstats","Statistics"); //PRIVATE MESSAGES define("_btyougotpm","You've got new/unread messages!"); define("_btpmintro","Here you can read private messages from other users. There is no maximum storage limit. However, we suggest you to periodically delete old messages. You can send message to all registered users."); define("_btinbox","Inbox"); define("_btpmnomessages","No messages"); define("_btpmsub","Subject"); define("_btpmfrom","From"); define("_btpmdate","Date"); define("_btplmselect","Select"); define("_btpmread","Read"); define("_btpmunread","Unread"); define("_btpmnewmsg","New message"); define("_btpmdelete","Delete messages"); define("_btpmdelall","Delete all messages"); define("_btpmdelconfirm","Are you sure you want to delete all selected messages?"); define("_btpmdelbtn","Delete messages"); define("_btpmdelallconfirm","Are you sure you want to delete all your private messages?"); define("_btpmdeletedsuccessfully","Messages successfully deleted"); define("_btnewpm","New message"); define("_btpmto","Recipient"); define("_btpmtotip","If you want to send the same message to multiple users, separate them by with a semicolon (;)"); define("_btpmshowbookmarks","Show/hide contact list"); define("_btpmtext","Message text"); define("_btpmnorecipient","You have to specify a recipient"); define("_btpmnosubject","You have to specify a subject"); define("_btpmnomessage","Empty message"); define("_btpminvalidrecipients","One or more of the recipients you entered do not exist"); define("_btpmsentsuccessfully","Message sent successfully"); define("_btpmuserblocked","One of the recipients does not accept messages from you. Your wrote: "); define("_btmessage","Message"); define("_btinvalidpm","Invalid message"); define("_btpmnoexists","Message does not exist"); define("_btpmreply","Reply"); define("_btuserlists","Buddies and ignored users"); define("_btuserlistsintro","Here you can manage the list of buddies and ignored users. The former are available in your contact list for quick access when sending a new message. Any messages from ignored users will be blocked. You can change a user's status in his/her profile. Users do not have any information on the status they have been assigned by others."); define("_btpmbookmarkuser","Add to Buddies"); define("_btpmunbookmarkuser","Remove from Buddies"); define("_btpmblacklistuser","Refuse this user's messages"); define("_btpmunblacklistuser","Don't refuse this user's messages"); define("_btpmbookmarks","Buddies"); define("_btpmblacklist","Ignored users"); //OVERLIB HELP #NO LINE-BREAKS!!!! define("_btperformance","Performance"); define("_btdht","DHT Support"); define("_bttorrentspd","Total Speed:"); define("_btleechspd","Estimated Speed: "); define("_btedt","Estimated Download Time: "); define("_btinfohashhelp","The Info Hash is a short, unique code that identifies a torrent. "); define("_btdhtexplanation","This torrent supports DHT. With a state-of-the-art client, you'll be able to download this torrent even if a central tracker goes down."); define("_btavatarnotice","Uploaded avatars must be in GIF, JPEG or PNG format, suggested size 100x100 and cannot be larger than 300KB"); define("_btcustomsearch","RSS/RDF feed for custom search"); define("_btcustomsearchexplain","Subscribe to this RSS/RDF feed to stay updated on uploads that match your search terms"); // Rules define("_btrules","Rules"); define("_brrulesadmin","Admin-Rules"); define("_btrulesmod","Moderator-Rules"); define("_btrulesprem","Premium-Rules"); define("_btrulesuser","User-Rules"); define("_btrulesgen","General-Rules"); define("_btrulesadd","Add New Rules Section"); define("_btrulesaddsect","Add Rule Section"); define("_btnamelevel","User Level for this rule"); define("_bttitle","Section Title"); define("_btlevel","Level"); define("_btrulesedit","Edit Rules"); define("_btmodrulesadd","Add Rules Section"); define("__btmodrulesno","No"); define("_btmodrulesyes","Yes"); define("_btmodrulespublic","Public"); //massmail define("_btmmbody","Body"); define("_btmmsendto","Send mass e-mail to selected member levels"); define("_btmmlinks","You May Use Links In Your emails");
  1. any other lang well be great

    and this is admin lang. file
    define("_admsaved","Settings saved!");
    define("_admmenu","Administrative Menu");
    define("_admfilter","Keyword Filter");
    define("_admoptimizedb","Optimize Database");
    define("_admirc","IRC Chat");
    define("_admuser","User Manager");
    define("_admmassupload","Massive Upload");
    define("_admtotalusers","Total Registered Users:");
    define("_admtotaltorrents","Total Torrents:");
    define("_admtotalshare","Total shared data:");
    define("_admtotalpeers","Total Peers:");
    define("_admtotalspeed","Total transfer speed:");
    define("_admtotalseeders","Total seeders:");
    define("_admtotalleechers","Total leechers:");
    define("_admmostusedclient","Most used client:");
    define("_admconfigttl","phpMyBitTorrent Configuration");
    define("_admppivate_mode","Tracker Privat Mode");
    define("_admppivate_modeexplain","Sets tracker to private and no one can see the content inless they are a member and are logged in.");
    define("_admpauto_clean","Auto Clean Timer");
    define("_admpauto_cleanexplain","Sets the time intervals Of the clean sessions. For like with the bonus system.");
    define("_admpaddprivate","Make all locale Torrents Private");
    define("_admpaddprivateexplain","Sets all newly uploaded locale torrents as private if they have not been done so.
    The uploader well need to down load the torrent from the site once this is active.
    The (private)-option (which only some clients can handle), tells the client to deal only with peers it receives from the central tracker. Enabling the Private option disables DHT");
    define("_admpmax_members","Max allowed Members");
    define("_admpmax_membersexplain","Max number of members allowed to join your site.");
    define("_admpinvite_only","Inite Only");
    define("_admpinvite_onlyexplain","Only allows for users to join if they have been invited.");
    define("_admpinvites_open","Invite system");
    define("_admpinvites_openexplain","turn on and off the invite system.");
    define("_admpupload_dead","Allow 'dead' External Torrents");
    define("_admpupload_deadexplain","Use this to allow for (apparently) un-seeded external torrents to be uploaded to tracker. Might be usefull if the external torrent monitoring doesn't work so well, which depends on your server configuration.");
    define("_admpsitename","Site Name");
    define("_admpsitenameexplain","The name of your site. Will be displayed as the page title.");
    define("_admpsiteurl","Site URL");
    define("_admpsiteurlexplain","URL of this site. Must be entered for using the tracker.");
    define("_admpcookiedomain","Cookie Domain");
    define("_admpcookiedomainexplain","Cookie domain. Must be set to the domain name of this site (e.g. Required for user login to work.");
    define("_admpcookiepath","Cookie Path");
    define("_admpcookiepathexplain","Cookie Path. Change this setting only if phpMyBitTorrent is installed in a subdirectory of your server. If your installation is in, the setting should be /phpMyBitTorrent");
    define("_admpuse_gzip","Use GZIP compression");
    define("_admpuse_gzipexplain","This option allows you to enable or disable PHP's GZIP compression on HTML and Announce output. If enabled, bandwidth usage will be lower but CPU usage will be higher. This setting doesn't work fine on all servers; if your users report any Gzip errors in their clients, turn it off. Verify that your tracker reads the Announce response correctly.");
    define("_admpadmin_email","Administrator E-Mail");
    define("_admpadmin_emailexplain","E-Mail Address from which all emails to users will be sent (signup,pm notifications, authorizations, etc.). It may be a good idea to enter a valid address.");
    define("_admplanguage","Default Language");
    define("_admplanguageexplain","Specifies the default language to use.");
    define("_admpthemeexplain","Set the default theme for this site. Registered users can ovverride this setting from their panel.");
    define("_admpwelcome_message","Site News");
    define("_admpwelcome_messageexplain","Anything you enter here will appear in a box on top of the torrent index. Leave the field blank to make the box disappear altogether.");
    define("_admpannounce_text","Tracker Message");
    define("_admpannounce_textexplain","This defines the message that users see on their BitTorrent Client when they connect to the Tracker. Useful for announcements and publicity.");
    define("_admpallow_html","Use HTML Editor");
    define("_admpallow_htmlexplain","Enable this option to allow users to write Torrent Descriptions using the embedded HTML-editor. 
    WARNING: this feature is still experimental!");
    define("_admprewrite_engineexplain","SearchRewrite transforms PHP's complex URLs into faux HTML pages, easier to type into the address bar. This feature is also very useful to increase search engine traffic. Apache's mod_rewrite or IIS's ISAPI_Rewrite are REQUIRED on your server.");
    define("_admptorrent_prefix","Torrent Prefix");
    define("_admptorrent_prefixexplain","This option allows you to add a custom prefix to all Torrents downloaded from this tracker. Useful to spread the word about your community.");
    define("_admptorrent_per_page","Torrents per page");
    define("_admptorrent_per_pageexplain","Indicates how many Torrents can be displayed each page, both in listing and in search mode.");
    define("_admponlysearch","Search Only");
    define("_admponlysearchexplain","Hide Torrent List to non-Admins. Users (whether registered or not) have to perform a search to get to any torrents.");
    define("_admpmax_torrent_size","Maximum Torrent Size");
    define("_admpmax_torrent_sizeexplain","Maximum byte size for uploaded .torrent files. This does NOT put any limit to the size of the actual size of any files shared with the .torrent!");
    define("_admpannounce_interval","Announce Update Interval");
    define("_admpannounce_intervalexplain","Recommended time interval (seconds) between Announce request. This value is sent to the client.");
    define("_admpannounce_interval_min","Minimum Announce Update Interval");
    define("_admpannounce_interval_minexplain","Recommended time interval between Announce requests. More frequent requests will be refused.");
    define("_admpdead_torrent_interval","Dead Torrent Interval");
    define("_admpdead_torrent_intervalexplain","Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that a dead Torrent (no peers) can be kept visible in the tracker. After that period, it will be automatically hidden.");
    define("_admpfree_dl","Free Torrent Down Loads");
    define("_admpfree_dlexplain","Give Members Free down loads. None of the down loads well e recorded during the time that this is seleted only ther upload");
    define("_admpaddprivate","Make All Internal Torrents private");
    define("_admpaddprivateexplain","When this is set all Internal torrents well be set to private and the uploaders well have to down load the torrent from the site in order to seed it
    This dose not change external torrents!!!");
    define("_admpwait_time","Add Wait Time");
    define("_admpwait_timeexplain","When You set this users with a set cryterea well have to wait for a set amount of time before there downloads well start. 
    You must remember
    To set the anounce access level to users and the torrents well need to be set to Private");
    define("_admpGIGSA","For Member With Uploads (IN GIGS) less then");
    define("_admpGIGSAexplain","Set the first minnum upload In Gigs for the first wait period");
    define("_admpGIGSB","For Member With Uploads (IN GIGS) less then");
    define("_admpGIGSBexplain","Set the second minnum upload In Gigs for the first wait period");
    define("_admpGIGSC","For Member With Uploads (IN GIGS) less then");
    define("_admpGIGSCexplain","Set the third minnum upload In Gigs for the first wait period");
    define("_admpGIGSD","For Member With Uploads (IN GIGS) less then");
    define("_admpGIGSDexplain","Set the fourth minnum upload In Gigs for the first wait period");
    define("_admpRATIOA","For Member With a ratio less then");
    define("_admpRATIOAexplain","Set the fist minnamum ratio");
    define("_admpRATIOB","For Member With a ratio less then");
    define("_admpRATIOBexplain","Set the second minnamum ratio");
    define("_admpRATIOC","For Member With a ratio less then");
    define("_admpRATIOCexplain","Set the third minnamum ratio");
    define("_admpRATIOD","For Member With a ratio less then");
    define("_admpRATIODexplain","Set the fourth minnamum ratio");
    define("_admpWAITA","Must Wait for this many hours");
    define("_admpWAITAexplain","Set the first wait period in hours");
    define("_admpWAITB","Must Wait for this many hours");
    define("_admpWAITBexplain","Set the second wait period in hours");
    define("_admpWAITC","Must Wait for this many hours");
    define("_admpWAITCexplain","Set the third wait period in hours");
    define("_admpWAITD","Must Wait for this many hours");
    define("_admpWAITDexplain","Set the fourth wait period in hours");
    ///wait end
    define("_admpminvotes","Minimum votes");
    define("_admpminvotesexplain","Minimum number of votes to display a Torrent rating at all.");
    define("_admptime_tracker_update","Autoscrape Interval");
    define("_admptime_tracker_updateexplain","Specifies the interval between External Tracker queries. Requires Autoscrape enabled.");
    define("_admptime_tracker_update","Autoscrape Interval");
    define("_admptime_tracker_updateexplain","Autoscrape Interval");
    define("_admpbest_limit","Best Torrent Peer Limit");
    define("_admpbest_limitexplain","Number of total peers above which the Torrent is included in the Top Torrents List/RSS feed.");
    define("_admpdown_limit","Dead Torrent Peer Limit");
    define("_admpdown_limitexplain","Number of total peers below which the Torrent is treated as Dead.");
    define("_admptorrent_complaints","Torrent Complaints");
    define("_admptorrent_complaintsexplain","Allows users to complain about a  torrent in its details page, in an attempt to to block undesired content, such as child pornography. Torrent that get a certain number of complaints are automatically banned.");
    define("_admptorrent_global_privacy","Torrent Authorizations");
    define("_admptorrent_global_privacyexplain","Switching this on allows registered uploaders to put limitations on who can download their torrents. The owner of a torrent can either authorize downloads on a case-to case basis, or automatically, by setting a overall share ratio that the downloader has to meet. You have to set the Tracker Access Level to 'User' in order for this to work.");
    define("_admpdisclaimer_checkexplain","If checked, users have to accept a disclaimer before they register. You can change the disclaimer by changing the file /disclaimer/english.php.");
    define("_admpgfx_check","Captcha Test");
    define("_admpgfx_checkexplain","If checked, users have to type in a code from a captcha image when registering and logging in.");
    define("_admpupload_level","Upload access level");
    define("_admpupload_levelexplain","Determines the user level required for the permission to upload torrents<ul>
  2. 'Everyone' allows anyone to upload Torrent files to this site. They won't be able to edit them or manage authorizations
  3. 'Registered' requires uploaders to be registered. 'Premium' only allows Premium users to upload.

define("_admpdownload_level","Download access level");
define("_admpdownload_levelexplain","<ul>[*]'Everyone' allows anyone to download Torrent files from this site[*]'Registered' requires registration[*]'Premium' allows only Premium users to download a .torrent from this site[/list]This setting does not affect the tracker. So if somebody got their hands on a .torrent, they can download.");

define("_admpannounce_level","Tracker access level");
define("_admpannounce_levelexplain","<ul>[*]'Everyone' allows anyone to connect to the tracker (i.e. announce)[*]'Registered' requires the user to log in (IP address is checked!) before connecting to the tracker[/list]This setting does not affect Torrent download from site.");

define("_admpmax_num_file","Maximum Torrent file number");
define("_admpmax_num_fileexplain","Maximum number a torrent can contain, above which it won't be accepted for upload. Use it if you'd like to encourage people to use compressed archives. Setting to zero will just ignore the parameter.");

define("_admpmax_share_size","Maximum Torrent Share Size");
define("_admpmax_share_sizeexplain","Total combined size of files in a torrent, above which the upload won't be accepted. Setting this to zero will just ignore the parameter.");

define("_admpglobal_min_ratio","Global Minimum Ratio");
define("_admpglobal_min_ratioexplain","Specify a minimum upload/download ratio, below which a user will not be allowed to download any more torrents. The option is applicable only if the Announce Level (above) is set to 'User' of the download page. Setting zero will disable the option.");

define("_admpautoscrape","External Torrent Monitoring");
define("_admpautoscrapeexplain","This allows you to monitor the peer count for torrents tracked by remote trackers.
Be careful here.
You can use this ONLY if your server can open sockets to any other machines. Many cheap or free hosting services have firewalls that block outgoing connections. If you're not using a Dedicated/Home Server, it is recommended that you DO NOT enable this option unless you're sure what you're doing.
If you don't enable it all external torrents will be displayed having zero sources. If you enable it, but your server can't build connections to scrape, external uploads may be rejected (unless you check 'Allow dead External Torrents'");

define("_admpmax_num_file_day_e","Maximum number of daily downloads");
define("_admpmax_num_file_day_eexplain","Defines how many files can be downloaded per day by a single user. Any requests abov that will be refused and the user will be asked to try again the next day.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpmax_num_file_week_e","Maximum number of weekly downloads");
define("_admpmax_num_file_week_eexplain","Defines how many files can be downloaded in a week's time by a single user. Further requests will be refused and the user will be asked to try again the next week.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpmin_num_seed_e","Minimum seed number for new downloads");
define("_admpmin_num_seed_eexplain","Defines how many Torrents the user must be seeding before downloading new files.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpmin_size_seed_e","Minimum seed size for new downloads");
define("_admpmin_size_seed_eexplain","Defines how much share the user must be seeding before downloading new files.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpmaxupload_day_num","Maximum daily uploads");
define("_admpmaxupload_day_numexplain","Defines how many Torrents can be uploaded in a single day. Any uploads above that won't be accepted and the user will be asked to try again the next day.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpmaxupload_day_share","Maximum Daily upload");
define("_admpmaxupload_day_shareexplain","Defines the maximum total size of files (all files within a torrent combined) a user can upload in a single day. Any further uploads won't be accepted and the user will be asked to try again the next day.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpminupload_file_size","Minimum Torrent size for upload");
define("_admpminupload_file_sizeexplain","Defines Torrent's minimum size (all files within a torrent combined) for upload.
Premium users are not affected by this setting. Setting this option to zero will disable it.");

define("_admpallow_backup_tracker","Backup Tracker");
define("_admpallow_backup_trackerexplain","Runs your tracker as a Backup Tracker according to the BitTorrent's Announce-List extension. Usage is subject to Announce level settings and does not affect ratios. This option is ignored if Stealth Mode is enabled.");

define("_admpstealthmode","Disable Local Tracker");
define("_admpstealthmodeexplain","This will disable and hide the local tracker. phpMyBitTorrent will only accept externally tracked torrents.");

define("_admnofilterkey","No filter keywords");
define("_admaddkeyword","Add/Edit keyword");
define("_admmissingkeyword","Missing keyword");
define("_admmissingreason","Missing reason");
define("_admkeywordillegalformat","Keyword must be 5 to 50 alphanumeric chars");
define("_admreasonillegalformat","Reason must be maximum 255 chars long");
define("_admfilterintro","With the Keyword Filter, you can stop users from uploading Torrents that may violate tracker rules or the law.

This checks the names of the files within a torrent. Be careful to not insert any common words.");

define("_admcategoriesintro","In this section you can manage Torrent categories that users may upload. Installation provides this tracker with some common categories for Torrents.

You can add your own ones or edit others. Be careful that every category must be represented by a significant image for best experience. Images are in the cat_pics directory of the tracker's root directory.
If the theme has a pics/cat_pics directory within it, images that are in that directory will be displayed instead of global images.");
define("_admiconintro","In this section you can upload new images to use for you category Icons. At this time you are allowed to use png, gif, jpg , and jpeg. Remember that you have to make the /cat_pics folder writable first. Icons must not exceed 48px X 48px and must not be larger than 17kb. Once you have uploaded the new icon, you can choose it from the drop-down list above.");
define("_admnocategories","No categories to administer");
define("_admaddcategory","Add/Edit category");
define("_admnewcategory","Add New Category Icon");
define("_admatend","At the end");
define("_admatbegin","At the beginning");
define("_admupcat","Upload Category Icon:");
define("_admcattoobig","Category Icon Is To Big");
define("_adminvalidcatfname","Invalid Category Icon ");
define("_admerrnocatupload","Fatal error in uploaded Category Icon.");

define("_admstatus","Optimization Status");
define("_admspacesaved","Space Saved");
define("_admaoptimized","Already Optimized");

define("_admban","User Ban");
define("_admbanintro","Use this page to ban users from your tracker. You can define IP ranges to ban and manage banned IPs and users. You can also provide a reason that is presented to the banned user when he/she tries to log in.");
define("_admbannedips","Banned IPs");
define("_admbannedusers","Banned Users");
define("_admnobannedips","No Banned IPs");
define("_admbanipstart","Start IP");
define("_admbanendip","End IP");
define("_admnobannedusers","There are no banned users");
define("_admaddeditban","Add/Edit Ban");
define("_admbaniprange","Ban a single IP or an entire range");
define("_admbanuser","Ban a user");
define("_admbaninvalidip","IP addresses MUST be in AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD format where each octet is a number between 0 and 255.");
define("_admbanusernoexist","This user does not exists");

define("_admtrackers","External Trackers");
define("_admtrackerintro","With this panel you can monitor the status of External Tracker associated to Torrents.
You can set a filter that prevents uploading Torrents from certain Trackers or you can force Tracker update viewing debug information.");
define("_admnotrackers","No External Trackers");
define("_admtrackerurl","Announce URL");
define("_admtrkforcescrape","Update torrents now");
define("_admtrkunblacklist","Do Not Exclude");
define("_admtrkscraping","Updating Tracker...");
define("_admtrkcannotopen","Cannot contact Tracker. Tracker will be set to 'offline'");
define("_admtrkrawdata","Tracker reached. Here is the encoded response");
define("_admtrkinvalidbencode","Cannot decode Tracker response. Invalid encoding");
define("_admtrkdata","Decoding completed. Here is all the Scrape data obtained");
define("_admtrksummarystr","Found **seed** seeds, **leechers** leechers, **completed** completed downloads for Torrent **name** Info Hash **hash**.");
define("_admbannewtracker","Blacklist a Tracker");
define("_admbannewtrackerintro","Insert the Announce URL of the Tracker you want to blacklist. All Torrents associated to it will be refused during upload.");

define("_admclinicintro","TorrentClinic&trade; allows you to check .torrent file properties.

If you are having trouble with a Torrent you can verify it has been generated correctly, or you can simply look inside it.

Uploading a Torrent from your hard drive you will be able to verify all information that it contains and even check against sources!");
define("_admclinicshowxml","Show Advanced XML Structures (useful for debugging)");
define("_admclinicforcescrape","Force scrape on External Torrents");
define("_admclinicdecoding","Reading Torrent...");
define("_admclinicdecodeerror","Decoding Error. File is probabily not a valid torrent file.");
define("_admclinicxmlstruct","XML Structure");
define("_admclinickchkannounce","Checking against default tracker...");
define("_admclinicchkannounceerror","Default tracker is not set. Invalid Torrent file.");
define("_admclinickchkinfo","Checking against Info dictionary...");
define("_admclinicchkinfoerror","Info dictionary is not present. Invalid Torrent file.");
define("_admclinicchkmulti","Checking against file number...");
define("_admclinicchkmultis","Torrent contains a single file");
define("_admclinicchkmultim","Torrent contains more files");
define("_admclinicchkmultif","Torrent is not consistent!!");
define("_admchkinvalidfsize","Invalid file size. Must be numeric");
define("_admchkinvalidfilepath","Invalid file path.");
define("_admclinickchktotsize","Total size:");
define("_admclinicchkplen","Checking against Piece Length...");
define("_admclinicchkplenmissing","Piece Length missing. Invalid Torrent!");
define("_admclinicchkpieces","Checking against pieces...");
define("_admclinicchkpiecesok","Data is valid!");
define("_admclinicchkpiecesfail","Data is invalid!");
define("_admclinicchkpiecesmissing","Data is missing!");
define("_admclinicchkbasic","This Torrent is valid and has passed basic tests.");
define("_admclinicchkadvanced","Going through advanced tests...");
define("_admclinicdht","Checking against DHT Support in Azureus...");
define("_admclinicannouncelist","Checking against Multiple Trackers...");
define("_admclinicnotsupported","Not Supported");
define("_admclinicscraping","Querying Tracker...");
define("_admclinicscrapefail","It looks like this Torrent is not registered with the External Tracker");

define("_admircintro","Configure phpMyBitTorrent's built-in IRC Chat.
You may configure every aspect of the PJIRC client: please read PJIRC's documentation before editing advanced parameters.

NOTICE: file include/irc.ini MUST be writable");
define("_admircadvsettings","Here you can configure PJIRC's advanced settings. According to PJIRC documentation, insert the parameters with the following syntax:

name = [/i]value[/i]");
define("_admircedit","Apply settings");
define("_admircenable","Enable IRC");
define("_admircdisable","Disable IRC");
define("_admirccantdelete","Cannot delete include/irc.ini because it's write-protected. Please delete the file manually. IRC Chat is still enabled!");
define("_admircinvalidhost","Invalid hostname or IP address");
define("_admircinvalidchannel","Invalid channel name");
define("_admircinvalidadvanced","Invalid syntax for advanced parameters");
define("_admirccantsave","Cannot save include/irc.ini because it's write-protected. Please save the file manually with the following content:");

define("_admupdintro","phpMyBitTorrent is now trying to check for a newer version. The server must be capable of opening HTTP connections.");
define("_admupderror","Error: unable to connect.");
define("_admupdcurver","Current phpMyBitTorrent version is");
define("_admupdlastver","Last phpMyBitTorrent version is");
define("_admupdupdate","Please consider updating to the latest version.");
define("_admupdnoupdate","There is no need to update phpMyBitTorrent. Thank you.");

define("_admuserintro","Manage registered users by editing their profile, setting their level or banning them.");
define("_admusersearchbtn","Search user");
define("_admuserlastlogin","Last seen");
define("_admuserlastip","Last IP");
define("_admuserviewprofile","View profile");
define("_admusereditprofile","Edit profile");
define("_admuserdelete","Delete user");
define("_admuserban","Ban user");
define("_admuserunban","Unban user");

define("_admppaypal_email","PayPal E-Mail");
define("_admppaypal_emailexplain","The E-Mail address used with your Paypal-Account. Donations to this account will update the progress bar in the Donations Block on the front page. Log on to your PayPal account, go to My Account>Profile>Instant Payment Notification Preferences, and set the url there to $siteurl/paypal.php");

define("_admpsitecost","Donations Goal");
define("_admpsitecostexplain","Enter a goal for your donations drive in Dollars");

define("_admpreseaved_donations","Donations Collected");
define("_admpreseaved_donationsexplain","Amount of Money you've already got. Any donations reported by PayPal will be added to this, if you fill in your data above.");

define("_admpdonatepage","Donations Page");
define("_admpdonatepageexplain","Edit your Donations Page here (i.e., the page that is linked from the Donations Block on the front page). When pasting the code for the Donate-Button from PayPal, remember to click on 'Source' in the editor first.");

define("_admpdonation_block","Donation Block");
define("_admpdonation_blockexplain","Check if you want a donations block to be shown on the main page.");

define("_admpclock","Clock Block");
define("_admpclockexplain","Select If You Want a clock Block To be shown");

define("_admpradio","Radio Block");
define("_admpradioexplain","Select If You Want a Radio Block To be shown");

define("_admpnodonate","Indicator for zero donations");
define("_admpnodonateexplain","<ul>[*]EU Displays a EURO symbol when no donations have been made yet[*]UK Displays a British Pound symbol when no donations have been made yet[*]US  Displays a Dollar symbol when no donations have been made yet[/list]This setting does not affect the donation currency in any way, it's purely optical.");

#Mass messages

define("_admmassmail","Mass Mail");
define("_admmassmessage","Mass Messages");
define("_admmassmailerror","Try Again");
define("_admmasspm","Mass PM");
define("_admmasspmlong","Mass PM to selected User Levels");
define("_admmmsendto","Mass Mail to selected User Levels");
define("_admmassmail","Mass Mail");
define("_admmassmail","Mass Mail");
define("_admmassmail","Mass Mail");

define("_admmassuploadintro","With this tool you can upload multiple Torrents at a time.
The Torrents must be in phpMyBitTorrent's subdirectory massupload, which should be writable (in order to delete Torrents once uploaded or duplicated).

Tip: on UNIX systems, if you need to use a different directory for massive upload, you can change the massupload directory with a <u>symbolic link</u>.");
define("_admmassdirnoexist","Mass upload directory does not exist or is not readable.");
define("_admmassoptions","Search options:");
define("_admmassmaxtorrents","Max Torrents to process (prevents memory or timeout errors)");
define("_admmassautodel","Automatically delete duplicate Torrents");
define("_admnomasstorrents","No Torrents there.");
define("_admmasspresent","Torrent is already there.");
define("_admmassalreadyprocessed","Torrent has been been already processed");
define("_admmasscantdelete","Unable to delete duplicate Torrents. Please delete them manually or check directory permissions (must be writable).");
define("_admmassscrapelater","Skips external tracker check. This option skips the check of external tracker sources until the next automatic update.
Useful to process large amounts of Torrents faster.");
define("_admmassanonupload","Anonymous upload. If unchecked, the Torrent will look like you manually uploaded it.");
define("_admmassuploaded","Torrent successfully uploaded");
define("_admmasscantdeleteuploaded","Unable to delete torrents that have been processed (whether successfully or not). Please delete them manually or check directory permissions (must be writable).");
and this is mail texts
#User Account Confirmation Email
$userregconfirmmailsub = Array();

$userregconfirmmailsub["italian"] = "Attivazione Account su ".$sitename."";
$userregconfirmmailsub["english"] = "Activate your account on ".$sitename."";
$userregconfirmmailsub["french"] = "Activation d'un compte sur ".$sitename."";
$userregconfirmmailsub["brazilian"] = "Ativa?o da Conta ".$sitename."";
$userregconfirmmailsub["spanish"] = "Activaci? de la Cuenta ".$sitename."";

$userregconfirmmailtext = Array();

$userregconfirmmailtext["italian"] = <<<EOF
tu o qualcun'altro ha richiesto l'iscrizione a **siteurl**. Dobbiamo verificare che l'iscrizione sia stata davvero richiesta da te.\n
Non devi fare altro che fare click (o copia & incolla) sul seguente link di attivazione:
Una volta confermata l'iscrizione, potrai accedere con i dati che hai inserito in fase di registrazione. Ecco il riepilogo:

Nome utente: **username**
Password: **password**

Ricorda che la password ?pesantemente protetta contro gli attacchi. Una volta smarrita, ?necessario cambiarla. Per la tua sicurezza ti consigliamo di conservare la password in un luogo molto sicuro.
Ti conviene cancellare questo messaggio se altri utenti condividono il tuo computer.
Adesso ?il momento di iniziare a condividere. Grazie per esserti registrato su **siteurl**,
Lo Staff

Se non hai richiesto l'iscrizione al nostro servizio, ti preghiamo di NON fare click sul collegamento e di non inviare alcun messaggio.
Il tuo account non verr?mai attivato e i tuoi dati temporanei verranno presto rimossi dai nostri database.

Lo Staff di **sitename**

$userregconfirmmailtext["english"] = <<<EOF

you have registered an account on **siteurl**. This e-mail is supposed to verify that the registration indeed comes from the owner of this email account.

To activate your account on **siteurl**, please click the following activation link (or copy&paste it to your browser):
Once the registration has been confirmed, you will be able to log on to the site with the credentials you provided:

Username: **username**
Password: **password**

Your account is strongly protected against attacks. Keep your password save. In case of loss, you will be required to change it.
You should delete this message if you share your computer with other users.
Time to start sharing. Thanks for joining **siteurl**,

If you get this message without having requested registration to our services, please DO NOT click the above link.\n
The account will not be activated and your data will soon be removed from our database.

**sitename** Staff

$userregconfirmmailtext["french"] = <<<EOF
vous ou quelqu'un d'autre s'est enregistre
Do not ask me to help you work on your site that is not phpMyBitTorrent
Do not ask me to make a mod for any other source
Do not Ask me to setup your site.
I will no longer help you setup your site, there is a setup script if you have trouble with it post in the forum here or in BT.Manager™ forum
My Current Demo is here
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Old 9th December 2008, 18:22
movizdb movizdb is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 142
thanks i'll translate french for you
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Old 20th December 2008, 00:03
HelixiR's Avatar
HelixiR HelixiR is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 19
I can translate to Russian and Ukrainian

But what path all file to translate me need.

/language/*.* ?

Last edited by HelixiR; 20th December 2008 at 00:29.
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Old 20th December 2008, 03:06
joeroberts's Avatar
joeroberts joeroberts is offline
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United States
Posts: 2,113
theese are the files needed translated
Attached Files
File Type: rar newlang.rar (37.5 KB, 28 views)
Do not ask me to help you work on your site that is not phpMyBitTorrent
Do not ask me to make a mod for any other source
Do not Ask me to setup your site.
I will no longer help you setup your site, there is a setup script if you have trouble with it post in the forum here or in BT.Manager™ forum
My Current Demo is here
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Old 20th December 2008, 13:15
HelixiR's Avatar
HelixiR HelixiR is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by joeroberts View Post
theese are the files needed translated
Ok, translation in progress...
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Old 21st July 2009, 04:20
Night_Owl Night_Owl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 10
Default kk new to this
ive had a lang file translated from someone who knows dutch how do i share it here so others can get use from it ?

nvm i figured it out :) this works good with strikemulti im not what other versions it will work with :) but its the dutch.lang file

sorry about that the person who translated it left a dice lookin thing after like 171 or something fixed now :)
Attached Files
File Type: rar dutch.rar (6.4 KB, 4 views)

Last edited by Night_Owl; 22nd July 2009 at 07:42. Reason: error extra thing on it
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The Following User Says Thank You to Night_Owl For This Useful Post:
joeroberts (21st July 2009)

files , lang

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