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Old 16th May 2017, 13:19
fireknight's Avatar
fireknight fireknight is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 173

Napon has not been seen for 6 months now.
And TBH I do not expect him to return ( well not using that name anyway )
Even if he did return, I doubt that he will fix the problem.
He normally brags that he has that problem sorted months ago, but never posts the code.

You would be better off, ditching this code and move onto something else here that will give you better support.
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Old 17th May 2017, 09:23
Chez's Avatar
Chez Chez is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 278
Originally Posted by M1601 View Post
Notice: Undefined index: up_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 33

Notice: Undefined index: class_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 50

Notice: Undefined index: smile_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 56

Notice: Undefined index: warning_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 62

Notice: Undefined index: invite_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 68

Notice: Undefined index: title_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 74

Notice: Undefined index: ratio_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 80

Notice: Undefined index: gift_fail in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 86

Notice: Undefined index: gift_fail_user in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 92

Notice: Undefined index: gift_fail_points in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 98

Notice: Undefined index: gift_success in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 104

Notice: Undefined index: exchange in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 111

Notice: Undefined variable: SITENAME in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 246

Notice: Undefined variable: count1 in D:\Ampps\www\mybonus.php on line 249

Pls fix this

Try using isset on every INDEX error you have and for the VARIABLES they are missing or not recognized.

PHP Code:
case (isset($_GET['up_success'])): 
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Old 24th May 2017, 13:21
Posts: n/a

$INSERT[] = "INSERT INTO bonus (id, bonusname, points, description, art, menge) VALUES
(1, '1.0GB Uploaded', 275.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired, you are able to exchange them for an Upload Credit. The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and the credit is added to your total uploaded amount.', 'traffic', 1073741824, 1.0, 'no', 275),
(2, '2.5GB Uploaded', 350.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired, you are able to exchange them for an Upload Credit. The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and the credit is added to your total uploaded amount.', 'traffic', 2684354560, 1.0, 'no', 350),
(3, '5GB Uploaded', 550.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired, you are able to exchange them for an Upload Credit. The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and the credit is added to your total uploaded amount.', 'traffic', 5368709120, 1.0, 'no', 550),
(4, 'Custom Title!', 50.0, 'For only 50.0 Karma Bonus Points you can buy yourself a custom title. the only restrictions are no foul or offensive language or userclass can be entered. The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and your special title is changed to the title of your choice', 'title', 1, 1.0, 'yes', 50),
(5, 'VIP Status', 5000.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired, you can buy yourself VIP status for one month. The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and your status is changed.', 'class', 1, 1.0, 'yes', 5000),
(6, 'Give A Karma Gift', 100.0, 'Well perhaps you dont need the upload credit, but you know somebody that could use the Karma boost! You are now able to give your Karma credits as a gift! The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and added to the account of a user of your choice!\r\n\r\nAnd they recieve a PM with all the info as well as who it came from...', 'gift_1', 1073741824, 1.0, 'no', 100),
(7, 'Custom Smilies', 300.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired, you can buy yourself a set of custom smilies for one month! The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and with a click of a link, your new smilies are available whenever you post or comment!', 'smile', 1, 1.0, 'yes', 300),
(8, 'Remove Warning', 1000.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired... So you''ve been naughty... tsk tsk :P Yep now for the Low Low price of only 1000 points you can have that warning taken away lol.!', 'warning', 1, 1.0, 'yes', 1000),
(9, 'Ratio Fix', 500.0, 'With enough bonus points acquired, you can bring the ratio of one torrent to a 1 to 1 ratio! The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and your status is changed.', 'ratio', 1, 1.0, 'yes', 500),
(10, '200 Bonus Points - Invite trade-in', 1.0, 'If you have 1 invite and dont use them click the button to trade them in for 200 Bonus Points.', 'itrade', 200, 0.0, 'no', 0)";

Last edited by Krypto; 24th May 2017 at 21:21. Reason: Put in [code] tags
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Old 24th May 2017, 14:09
iforgot iforgot is offline
Join Date: May 2017
United Kingdom
Posts: 3
Ok, I was wrong about that.

You'd be here all day trying to repair this code, it's probably best to use something later.

Last edited by iforgot; 24th May 2017 at 14:37.
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Old 24th May 2017, 17:15
Posts: n/a


| BitTorrent Tracker PHP
|   =============================================
|   by Cod3r
|   (c) 2010 - 2016
|   =============================================
|   svn:
|   Licence Info: GPL
|   $Date$
|   $Revision$
|   $Author$
|   $URL$
require_once "include/bittorrent.php";
require_once "include/user_functions.php";
$lang = array_merge( load_language('global'), load_language('mybonus') );
function I_smell_a_rat($var){
        if ((0 + $var) == 1)
           $var = 0 + $var;
   stderr("Error", "I smell a rat!");
           $bonus = htmlspecialchars($CURUSER['seedbonus'], 1);
   switch (true){
     case (isset($_GET['up_success'])):
          $amt = (int)$_GET['amt'];
  switch ($amt) {
     case $amt == 75.0:
          $amt = '1 GB';
     case $amt == 150.0:
          $amt = '2.5 GB';
          $amt = '5 GB';
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr><tr>'.'<td class="colhead" align="left"><img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td>'.'<td class="colhead" align="left"><b>Congratulations ! </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].''.$amt.' you have just increased your upload amount !'.' <img src=pic/smilies/w00t.gif alt=w00t><br /><br /><br /><br /> click to go back to your '.'<a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['class_success'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr>'.'<tr><td class="colhead" align="left"><img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<b>Congratulations! </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].' you have got yourself VIP Status for one month ! <img src=pic/smilies/w00t.gif alt=w00t><br />'.'<br /> Click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Points</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['smile_success'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr>'.'<tr><td class="colhead" align="left"><img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<b>Congratulations! </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].' you have got yourself a set of custom smilies for one month ! <img src=pic/smilies/w00t.gif alt=w00t><br />'.'<br /> Click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Points</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['warning_success'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr>'.'<tr><td class="colhead" align="left"><img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<b>Congratulations! </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].' you have removed your warning for the low price of 5000 points!! <img src=pic/smilies/w00t.gif alt=w00t><br />'.'<br /> Click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Points</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['invite_success'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<b>Congratulations! </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].' you have got your self 3 new invites! <img src=pic/w00t.gif alt=w00t><br /><br />'.' click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['title_success'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr><tr>'.'<td class="colhead" align="left"><img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<b>Congratulations! </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].' you are now known as <b>'.$CURUSER['title'].'</b> ! <img src=pic/w00t.gif alt=w00t><br />'.'<br /> click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['gift_fail'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Huh?</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<img src=pic/smilies/dwarf.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left"><b>Not so fast there Mr. fancy pants!</b><br />'.'<b>'.$CURUSER['username'].'...</b> you can not spread the karma to yourself...<br />If you want to spread the love, pick another user! <br />'.'<br /> click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['gift_fail_user'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Error</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<img src=pic/smilies/dwarf.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left"><b>Sorry '.$CURUSER['username'].'...</b>'.'<br /> No User with that username <br /><br /> click to go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.'.'<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['gift_fail_points'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>OUPS!</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<img src=pic/smilies/cry.gif alt=oups></td><td class="colhead" align="left"><b>Sorry </b>'.$CURUSER['username'].' you don\'t have enough Karma points'.'<br /> go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    case (isset($_GET['gift_success'])):
    stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Page");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table width="80%"><tr><td class="colhead" align="left" colspan="2"><h1>Success !</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="colhead" align="left">'.'<img src=pic/smilies/karma.gif alt=good_karma></td><td class="colhead" align="left"><b>Congratulations! '.$CURUSER['username'].' </b>'.'you have spread the Karma well.<br /><br />Member <b>'.htmlspecialchars($_GET['usernamegift']).'</b> will be pleased with your kindness!<br /><br />This is the message that was sent:<br />'.'<b>Subject:</b> Someone Loves you!<br /> <p>You have been given a gift of <b>'.(0 + $_GET['gift_amount_points']).'</b> Karma points by '.$CURUSER['username'].'</p><br />'.'You may also <a class=altlink href=sendmessage.php?receiver='.(0 + $_GET['gift_id']).'>send '.htmlspecialchars($_GET['usernamegift']).' a message as well</a>, or go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page.<br /><br /></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
    if ($_GET['exchange']){
    $userid = 0 + $CURUSER['id'];
    if (!is_valid_id($userid))
    stderr("Error", "That is not your user ID!");
    $option = 0 + $_POST['option'];
    $res_points = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bonus WHERE id =" . sqlesc($option));
    $arr_points = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_points);
    $art = $arr_points['art'];
    $points = $arr_points['points'];
    if ($points == 0)
    stderr("Error", "I smell a rat!");
    $seedbonus = htmlspecialchars($bonus-$points,1);
    $upload = $CURUSER['uploaded'];
    $bonuscomment = $CURUSER['bonuscomment'];
    $bpoints = $CURUSER['seedbonus'];
    if ($bonus < $points)
    stderr("Sorry", "you do not have enough Karma points!");
    switch ($art){
    case 'traffic':
    $up = $upload + $arr_points['menge'];
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points for upload bonus.\n " .$bonuscomment;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET uploaded = $upload + $arr_points[menge], seedbonus = '$seedbonus', bonuscomment = '$bonuscomment' WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?up_success=1&amt=$points");
    case 'class':
    if ($CURUSER['class'] > UC_VIP)
    stderr("Error", "Now why would you want to lower yourself to VIP?<br />go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page and think that one over.");
    $vip_until = get_date_time(gmtime() + 28*86400);
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points for 1 month VIP Status.\n " .$bonuscomment;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET class = ".UC_VIP.", vip_added = 'yes', vip_until = '$vip_until', seedbonus = '$seedbonus' WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?class_success=1");
    case 'warning':
    if ($CURUSER['warned'] == 'no')
    stderr("Error", "How can we remove a warning that isn't there?<br />go back to your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Point</a> page and think that one over.");
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points for removing warning.\n " .$bonuscomment;
    $res_warning = mysql_query("SELECT modcomment FROM users WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $modcomment = htmlspecialchars($arr['modcomment']);
    $modcomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - warning removed by -Bribe with Karma.\n". $modcomment;
    $modcom = sqlesc($modcomment);
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET warned = 'no', warneduntil = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', seedbonus = '$seedbonus', bonuscomment = '$bonuscomment', modcomment = $modcom WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    $dt = sqlesc(get_date_time());
    $subject = sqlesc("Warning removed by Karma.");
    $msg = sqlesc("Your warning has been removed by the big Karma payoff... Please keep on your best behaviour from now on.\n");
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (sender, receiver, added, msg, subject) VALUES(0, $userid, $dt, $msg, $subject)") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?warning_success=1");
    case 'smile':
    $smile_until = get_date_time(gmtime() + 28*86400);
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points for 1 month of custom smilies.\n " .$bonuscomment;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET smile_until = '$smile_until', seedbonus = '$seedbonus' WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?smile_success=1");
    case 'invite':
    $invites = $CURUSER['invites'];
    $inv = $invites+$arr_points['menge'];
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points for invites.\n " .$bonuscomment;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET invites = '$inv', seedbonus = '$seedbonus' WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?invite_success=1");
    case 'title':
    $title = sqlesc(htmlentities($_POST['title']));
    $words = array('fuck', 'shit', 'Moderator', 'Administrator', 'Admin', 'pussy', 'Sysop', 'cunt', 'nigger', 'VIP', 'Super User', 'Power User', 'ADMIN', 'SYSOP', 'MODERATOR', 'ADMINISTRATOR');
    $title = str_replace($words, "I just wasted my karma", $title);
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points for custom title. old title was $CURUSER[title] new title is $title\n " .$bonuscomment;
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET title = $title, seedbonus = '$seedbonus' WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?title_success=1");
    case 'gift_1':
    $points = 0 + $_POST['bonusgift'];
    $usernamegift = htmlentities(trim($_POST['username']));
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT id,seedbonus,bonuscomment,username FROM users WHERE username=" . sqlesc($usernamegift));
    $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $useridgift = $arr['id'];
    $userseedbonus = $arr['seedbonus'];
    $bonuscomment_gift = $arr['bonuscomment'];
    $usernamegift = $arr['username'];
    $check_me = array(100,200,300,400,500,5000);
    if (!in_array($points, $check_me))
    stderr("Error", "I smell a rat!");
    if($bonus >= $points){
    $points= htmlspecialchars($points,1);
    $bonuscomment = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - " .$points. " Points as gift to $usernamegift .\n " .$bonuscomment;
    $bonuscomment_gift = gmdate("Y-m-d") . " - recieved " .$points. " Points as gift from $CURUSER[username] .\n " .$bonuscomment_gift;
    $seedbonus = $bonus-$points;
    $giftbonus1 = $userseedbonus+$points;
    if ($userid==$useridgift){
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?gift_fail=1");
    if (!$useridgift){
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?gift_fail_user=1");
    mysql_query("SELECT bonuscomment,id FROM users WHERE id = '$useridgift'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = '$seedbonus', bonuscomment = '$bonuscomment' WHERE id = '$userid'") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    mysql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = '$giftbonus1', bonuscomment = '$bonuscomment_gift' WHERE id = '$useridgift'");
    $subject = sqlesc("Someone Loves you");
    $added = sqlesc(get_date_time());
    $msg = sqlesc("You have been given a gift of $points Karma points by ".$CURUSER['username']);
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (sender, subject, receiver, msg, added) VALUES(0, $subject, $useridgift, $msg, $added)") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?gift_success=1&gift_amount_points=$points&usernamegift=$usernamegift&gift_id=$useridgift");
    header("Refresh: 0; url={$TBDEV['baseurl']}/mybonus.php?gift_fail_points=1");
    $HTMLOUT .='<table align=center width="100%"  border="0"  cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td class="colhead" colspan="4">'.'<h1>'.$SITENAME.' Karma Bonus Point system:</h1></td></tr><tr><td align="center" colspan="4"  class="colhead">'.'Exchange your <a class=altlink href=mybonus.php>Karma Bonus Points</a> [ current '.$bonus.' ] for goodies!'.'<br /><br />[ If no buttons appear, you have not earned enough bonus points to trade. ]<br /><br /><tr>'.'<td class="colhead" align="left">Description</td>'.'<td class="colhead" align="center">Points</td><td class="colhead" align="center">Trade</td></tr>';
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bonus ORDER BY id ASC");
    while ($gets = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){
    $count1= (++$count1)%2;
    $class = 'clearalt'.($count1==0?'6':'7');
    $otheroption = "<table width='100%'><tr><td class=$class><b>Username:</b><input type=text name=username size=20 maxlength=24></td><td class=$class> <b>to be given: </b><select name=bonusgift> <option value=100.0> 100.0</option> <option value=200.0> 200.0</option> <option value=300.0> 300.0</option> <option value=400.0> 400.0</option><option value=500.0> 500.0</option><option value=5000.0> 5000.0</option></select> Karma points!</td></tr></table>";
    $otheroption_title = "<input type=text name=title size=30 maxlength=30>";
    $HTMLOUT .='<form action=mybonus.php?exchange=1 method=post>';
    switch (true){
    case ($gets['id'] == 5):
    $HTMLOUT .='<tr><td class="colhead" align="left" class='.$class.'><h1><font color="#2682ff">'.$gets['bonusname'].'</font></h1>'.$gets['description'].'<br /><br />Enter the <b>Special Title</b> you would like to have '.$otheroption_title.' click Exchange! </td><td class="colhead" align="center" class='.$class.'>'.$gets['points'].'</td>';
    case ($gets['id'] == 7):
    $HTMLOUT .='<tr><td class="colhead" align="left" class='.$class.'><h1><font color="#2682ff">'.$gets['bonusname'].'</font></h1>'.$gets['description'].'<br /><br />Enter the <b>username</b> of the person you would like to send karma to, and select how many points you want to send and click Exchange!<br />'.$otheroption.'</td><td class="colhead" align="center" class='.$class.'>min.<br />'.$gets['points'].'<br />max.<br />5000</td>';
    case ($gets['id'] == 9):
    $HTMLOUT .='<tr><td class="colhead" align="left" class='.$class.'><h1><font color="#2682ff">'.$gets['bonusname'].'</font></h1>'.$gets['description'].'</td><td class="colhead" align="center" class='.$class.'>min.<br />'.$gets['points'].'</td>';
    case ($gets['id'] == 10):
    $HTMLOUT .='<tr><td class="colhead" align="left" class='.$class.'><h1><font color="#2682ff">'.$gets['bonusname'].'</font></h1>'.$gets['description'].'<br /><br />Enter the <b>ID number of the Torrent:</b> <input type=text name=torrent_id size=4 maxlength=8> you would like to buy a 1 to 1 ratio on.</td><td class="colhead" align="center" class='.$class.'>min.<br />'.$gets['points'].'</td>';
    $HTMLOUT .='<tr><td class="colhead" align="left" class='.$class.'><h1><font color="#2682ff">'.$gets['bonusname'].'</font></h1>'.$gets['description'].'</td><td class="colhead" align="center" class='.$class.'>'.$gets['points'].'</td>';
    $HTMLOUT .='<input type=hidden name=option value='.$gets['id'].'> <input type=hidden name=art value='.$gets['art'].'>';
    if($bonus >= $gets['points']) {
    switch (true){
    case ($gets['id'] == 7):
    $HTMLOUT .='<td class="colhead" class='.$class.'><input class=button type=submit name=submit value="Karma Gift!"></form></td>';
    $HTMLOUT .='<td class="colhead" class='.$class.'><input class=button type=submit name=submit value="Exchange!"></form></td>';
    $HTMLOUT .='<td class="colhead" class='.$class.' align=center><b>more points needed</b></form></td>';
    $HTMLOUT .='</table><br /><br /><br /><table width=100%><tr><td class="colhead"><h1>What the hell are these Karma Bonus points,'.' and how do I get them?</h1></td></tr><tr><td class="colhead">- For every hour that you seed a torrent, you are awarded with 1'.' Karma Bonus Point... <br />If you save up enough of them, you can trade them in for goodies like bonus GB(s) to '.'your upload<br /> stats,getting more invites, or doing the real Karma booster... give them to another user!<br />'.'and yes! this is awarded on a per torrent basis (max of 5) even if there are no leechers on the Torrent you are seeding! <br />'.'<h1>Other things that will get you karma points:</h1><ul><li>uploading a new torrent = 15 points</li><li>'.'uploading a new subtitle = 10 points</li><li>comment on torrent = 3 points</li>'.'<li>saying thanks = 2 points</li><li>making a post = 1 point</li>'.'<li>starting a topic = 1 point</li><li>voting on poll = 1 point</li><li>filling a request = 10 points</li>'.'</ul><h1>Some things that will cost you karma points:</h1><ul>'.'<li>upload credit</li><li>custom title</li>'.'<li>a 1:1 ratio on a torrent</li>'.'<li>buying off your warning</li><li>one month custom smilies for the forums and comments</li>'.'<li>getting extra invites</li><li>giving a gift of karma points to another user</li>'.'<li>asking for a re-seed</li><li>making a request</li></ul><p>But keep in mind that everything that can get'.' you karma can also be lost, <br />ie:if you up a torrent then delete it, you will gain and then lose 10 points, <br />'.'making a post and having it deleted will do the same<br /><br />... and there are other hidden bonus karma points all '.'over the site.<br /><br />Yet another way to help out your ratio! </p><p>*please note, staff can give or take away '.'points for breaking the rules, or doing good for the community.</p></td></tr></table>';
    print stdhead($CURUSER['username'] . "'s Karma Bonus Points Page") . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();

Last edited by Krypto; 24th May 2017 at 21:19. Reason: Put in [code] tags
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Old 24th May 2017, 22:04
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Chez Chez is offline
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Briliant exactly what i've said just use isset when you got index errors. You people are unbelievable.
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Old 26th May 2017, 10:42
Posts: n/a
Thaxted admin for tags would not work for me

Bump: By the way chez it was more then one error line look at it can you see what else it was apart from isset

Last edited by XGODY; 27th May 2017 at 11:04.
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Old 30th September 2017, 22:02
Napon Napon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 522
Thumbs up
Ive done a repo so it will be on here soon with all errors fixed so on
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Old 1st December 2017, 17:22
dtorrent dtorrent is offline
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Default error
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Old 1st December 2017, 17:40
Napon Napon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 522
This is old download the new repo from new post

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16 , 2016 , tbdev , tbdev16 , tbdev2016

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