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Old 10th January 2014, 20:23
fodbrothers fodbrothers is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
United Kingdom
Posts: 13
Default hi thanks for the reply
no im trying to make an nzb site i got a nzb mod from here which only worked on one of the precoded versions of tbdev but it had an old version of imdb grabber i have a more uptodate version but as i said before it grabs the correct info but no image and in the description box below the imdb box it shows the info but uncoded
and yes i am new to html code and everything and have had a lot to learn and trying my best so sorry if i come accross a little dumb in this area but im trying and would really be greatful if you could help

Bump: IMDb
More Repo Men (2010)
Bad Heart? Bad Liver? Bad Credit? No Problem!!!

Genres: Action, Crime, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Rating: 6.3 (72,041 votes)

Language: English

Runtime: 111 mins

Plot Outline:

In the future humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called "The Union". The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don't pay your bill, "The Union" sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property... with no concern for your comfort or survival. Former soldier Remy is one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company's top-of-the-line heart-replacement... as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart's no longer in the job. When he can't make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy's former partner Jake, to track him down.

- Written by Anonymous

Director: Miguel Sapochnik
Writing By: Eric Garcia Garrett Lerner Eric Garcia
Music: Marco Beltrami

<img  img  src="/imdb/images/default.png" style="float:left; margin-right:5px;"><strong><a href=""><font size="3" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;">Repo Men</a></font> <font size="3"><b> (2010)</b></strong></size></font><br />
<i><font color="#999999"> Bad Heart? Bad Liver? Bad Credit? No Problem!!!</font></i><br />
<br />
<strong> Genres: </strong>Action, Crime, Sci-Fi, Thriller<br /><br />
<strong> Rating: </strong>6.3 <font size="1"><u> (72,041 votes)</size></u></font><br /><br />
<strong> Language: </strong>English<br />
<br />
<strong> Runtime: </strong>111 mins<br /><br /></strong>
<strong> Plot Outline: </strong><br />
<br />
<font color="red">[x] </font>
           <p class="plotSummary">In the future humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called "The Union". The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don't pay your bill, "The Union" sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property... with no concern for your comfort or survival. Former soldier Remy is one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company's top-of-the-line heart-replacement... as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart's no longer in the job. When he can't make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy's former partner Jake, to track him down.
the in the next box i get this

               <span class="nobr">- <em>Written by
<a href="" >Anonymous</a></span></em>        <br></br>
<strong><font color="blue"> Director: </font></strong><a target="_blank" href="">Miguel Sapochnik</a><br />
<strong><font color="blue"> Writing By: </font></strong><a target="_blank" href="">Eric Garcia</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Garrett Lerner</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Eric Garcia</a> <br />
<strong><font color="blue"> Music: </font></strong><a target="_blank" href=" ">Marco Beltrami</a> <br /><br></br><br><div style="display:none" id="imdb_area"><strong> Cast: </strong><br></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Jude Law</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Remy </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Forest Whitaker</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Jake </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Alice Braga</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Beth </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Liev Schreiber</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Frank </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Carice van Houten</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Carol </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Chandler Canterbury</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Peter </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Joe Pingue</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Ray </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Liza Lapira</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Alva </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Tiffany Espensen</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Little Alva </font></strong></br>
<font color="blue"></font> <a target="_blank" href="">Yvette Nicole Brown</a>  as <strong><font color="orange">Rhodesia </font></strong></br>
<br />
<strong>Produced By: </strong><br></br><a target="_blank" href=" "><font color=green>Andrew Z. Davis</font></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href=" "><font color=green>Valerie Dean</font></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href=" "><font color=green>Mike Drake</font></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href=" "><font color=green>Jon Mone</font></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href=" "><font color=green>Miguel Sapochnik</font></a><br /> <a target="_blank" href=" "><font color=green>Scott Stuber</font></a><br /> <br /><strong> Plot: </strong><br />
<br />
<font color="red">[x] </font>
           <p class="plotSummary">
In the future humans have extended and improved our lives through highly sophisticated and expensive mechanical organs created by a company called "The Union". The dark side of these medical breakthroughs is that if you don't pay your bill, "The Union" sends its highly skilled repo men to take back its property... with no concern for your comfort or survival. Former soldier Remy is one of the best organ repo men in the business. But when he suffers a cardiac failure on the job, he awakens to find himself fitted with the company's top-of-the-line heart-replacement... as well as a hefty debt. But a side effect of the procedure is that his heart's no longer in the job. When he can't make the payments, The Union sends its toughest enforcer, Remy's former partner Jake, to track him down.            </p>
               <span class="nobr">- <em>Written by
<a href="" >Anonymous</a></span></em>        <br></br>
<br />
<font color="red">[x] </font>
           <p class="plotSummary">
In the near future, the company "The Union" provides expensive prosthesis to improve the lives of the clients. However, the company sends repo men to retrieve the artificial organs for those that do not pay the installments. The former soldiers Remy and his best friend Jake are among the best repo men of the company; however Remy's job cost his marriage and his wife Carol leaves him. When Remy is ready to request to be transferred to the sales department expecting to save his marriage, he has an accident with a defibrillator and he needs heart transplantation. The prosthesis is very expensive and Remy changes his behavior after the medical procedure, and he is no longer capable of chasing the debtors. Meanwhile Remy helps the singer Beth, who owes a large amount to The Union, and sooner they are chased by the repo men.            </p>
               <span class="nobr">- <em>Written by
<a href="" >Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil</a></span></em>        <br></br>
Info URL
Type    Anime
Size    891.31 MB (934,604,091 bytes)
Poster (yeahsure)
Posted    2014-01-10 07:43:04 (0.5 days ago)
Groups    alt.binaries.teevee
par2 Files    8, 151.67 MB in total (Can rebuild approx 20.51% of total filesize)
NZB Added    2014-01-10 18:16:08
Views    0
Grabs    0
Upped by    fodbrothers        [Edit this NZB]
Num files
[See full list]    26 files
this is my details.php

 *  NZB Details Page
 *  ========================================
 *  NZB Mod - Public v.TS-1.0b
 *  TorrentStrike version
 *  ========================================
 *  created by dodgy
 *  Special thanks to all who have had a hand in TBDev/TorrentStrike

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
var checkflag = "false";
function check(field) {
    if (checkflag == "false") {
        for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
            field[i].checked = true;}
        checkflag = "true";
        return "Uncheck All"; }
    else {
        for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
            field[i].checked = false; }
        checkflag = "false";
    return "Check All"; }
//  End -->

// ----- For display of row with missing segments:
function missing_segments($segments, $subjseg) {
      if ($segments == $subjseg)
            $display = ">($segments/$subjseg)";
      elseif ($segments < $subjseg)
            $display = " color=\"red\">($segments/$subjseg)";
      elseif ($segments > $subseg)
            $display = " color=\"green\">($segments/$subjseg)";
      return $display;          

// ----- Cleans NZB Subjects (not finished - add your own):
function clean_nzb_subj($string) {
      $string = str_replace("&#x22;", " ", $string);
      $string = str_replace("è", "e", $string);
      $string = str_replace(""", "\"", $string);
      $string = str_replace("_", " ", $string);
      return $string;

/* ---- To retrieve piece information from dB & display it on nzb page, with form
   that will record which pieces are selected by user & therefore which pieces 
   will be retrieved. ---- */
function showpieces($id, $nzbname, $nzbvernum) {
    $pl = "<form name=\"partnzb\" action=\"partnzbdload.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
    $pl .= "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"main\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n";
    $pl .= "<tr><td width=\"3%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Dl?</td>".
        "<td class=\"colhead\">Subject</td>".
        "<td width=\"8%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Size</td>".
        "<td width=\"8%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Date</td>".
        "<td width=\"6%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Parts</td></tr>\n";
    $piecelist = @mysql_query("SELECT nzb_piece, piece_date, piece_subject, piece_size, piece_segments, piece_subjseg FROM nzbpiecelist WHERE nzb = $id ORDER BY nzb_piece");
    while ($plist = mysql_fetch_array($piecelist)) {
        // Convert date:
        $dateunix = $plist['piece_date'];
        $dateposted = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", $dateunix);
        // Segment display/calculation:
        $segments = 0 + $plist['piece_segments'];
        $subjseg = 0 + $plist['piece_subjseg'];
        // the rows:
        $pl .= "<tr><td>".(getNzbPermissions("part")==1 && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")?"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"nzbpieces[]\" ".
                    "value=\"" . $plist['nzb_piece'] .
                    "\" />":"")."</td>".
              "<td><font class=\"small\">" . safe(clean_nzb_subj($plist['piece_subject'])) . "</font></td>".
              "<td align=right><font class=\"small\">" . mksize($plist['piece_size']) . "</font></td>".
              "<td align=right><font class=\"small\">" . $dateposted . "</font></td>".
              "<td align=right><font class=\"small\"" . missing_segments($segments, $subjseg) . "</font></td></tr>\n";
    $pl .= "</table>\n".
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb\" value=\"" . $id ."\" />".
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb_name\" value=\"" . $nzbname ."\" />".
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzbvernum\" value=\"" . $nzbvernum ."\" />".
        "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Check all\" onClick=\"this.value=check(partnzb)\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:90px;height:25px;\" />";
    if (getNzbPermissions("part") == 1  && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) {
        $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download Selected in Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" />".
        "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download Selected as NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" /></div><br /><br />\n";
    } elseif (getNzbPermissions("part") == 1  && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) {
        $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("maxmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n"; 
    } else {
        $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("partmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n";
    $pl .= "<a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>".
    return $pl;      


$id = 0 + $_GET["id"];

if (!isset($id) || !$id)
$res = mysql_query("SELECT nzbs.owner,, nzbs.descr, nzbs.category, LENGTH(nzbs.nfo)AS nfosz, nzbs.filename, nzbs.size, nzbs.numfiles, nzbs.poster, nzbs.postdate, nzbs.groups,, nzbs.added, nzbs.views, nzbs.hits,, nzbs.partotsize, nzbs.nzbvernum, nzbs.autoimdb, nzbs.url, nzbs.imdbrating, nzbs.genre, nzbs.addtext, nzbs.format, AS cat_name, users.username FROM nzbs LEFT JOIN nzbcategories ON nzbs.category = LEFT JOIN users ON nzbs.owner = WHERE = $id")
    or sqlerr();
/* $res = mysql_query("SELECT nzbs.owner,, nzbs.descr, nzbs.category, LENGTH(nzbs.nfo)AS nfosz, nzbs.filename, nzbs.size, nzbs.numfiles, nzbs.poster, nzbs.postdate, nzbs.groups,, nzbs.added, nzbs.views, nzbs.hits,, nzbs.partotsize, nzbs.nzbvernum, nzbs.autoimdb, nzbs.url, nzbs.imdbrating, nzbs.genre, nzbs.addtext, nzbs.format, AS cat_name, users.username, users.advertisename FROM nzbs LEFT JOIN nzbcategories ON nzbs.category = LEFT JOIN users ON nzbs.owner = WHERE = $id")

$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

$owned = $moderator = 0;
    if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR)
        $owned = $moderator = 1;
    elseif ($CURUSER["id"] == $row["owner"])
        $owned = 1;
if ($_GET["hit"]) {
    mysql_query("UPDATE nzbs SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $id");
    if ($_GET["tocomm"])
        header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id&page=0#startcomments");
    elseif ($_GET["filelist"])
        header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id&filelist=1#filelist");
        header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id");

if (!isset($_GET["page"])) {
    stdhead("Details for nzb \"" . $row["name"] . "\"");

    $spacer = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

    if ($_GET["uploaded"]) {
        print("<h2>Successfully uploaded!</h2>\n");
    elseif ($_GET["edited"]) {
        print("<h2>Successfully edited!</h2>\n");
        if (isset($_GET["returnto"]))
            print("<p><b>Go back to <a href=\"" . safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\">whence you came</a>.</b></p>\n");
    elseif (isset($_GET["searched"])) {
        print("<h2>Your search for \"" . safe($_GET["searched"]) . "\" gave a single result:</h2>\n");

    $addtext = safe($row["addtext"])."&nbsp;";
    $format = ($row["format"]!="na"?"&nbsp;<img src=\"".$pic_base_url."sml_".$row["format"].".gif\" alt=\"".$row["format"]."\" />":"");

    print("<h3>.: $addtext $format :.</h3><br /><br />\n");
    print("<table width=\"750\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");

    $url = "nzbedit.php?id=" . $row["id"];
    if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) {
        $addthis = "&amp;returnto=" . urlencode($_GET["returnto"]);
        $url .= $addthis;
        $keepget .= $addthis;
    $editlink = "a href=\"$url\" class=\"sublink\"";
    // Get permissions for download link display
    if ((getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1 || getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday"))
        print("<form action=\"nzbdownload.php/$id/" . rawurlencode($row["name"]) . ".nzb\" method=\"post\">");
        print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">");
        if (getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1)
            print("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download As Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:150px;height:25px;\" />");          
        if (getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1)
            print("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download As NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:150px;height:25px;\" />");

    elseif ((getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1 || getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) {
        print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">");
    } else {
        print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">");
    //----------------------------------------------------------------Auto iMDB mod by Axxel------------------------------------------------------------------
               if (($row["url"] != "")AND(strpos($row["url"], imdb))AND(strpos($row["url"], title)))
               $thenumbers = ltrim(strrchr($row["url"],'tt'),'tt');
               $thenumbers = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $thenumbers);
               $movie = new imdb ($thenumbers);
               $movieid = $thenumbers;
               $movie->setid ($movieid);
               $plot = $movie->plot();
               $plotoutline = $movie->plotoutline();
               $gen = $movie->genres();
               $cast = $movie->cast();
               $director = $movie->director();
               $write = $movie->writing();
               $produce = $movie->producer();
               $compose = $movie->composer();

                if (($photo_url = $movie->photo_localurl() ) != FALSE) {
                $autodata = '<img class=glossy src="'.$photo_url.'" style="float:left; margin-right:5px;">';
                } else {
                $autodata = '<img  img  src="/imdb/images/default.png" style="float:left; margin-right:5px;">';

               $autodata .= "<strong><a href=\"$movieid\"><font size=\"3\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;\">" . "".$movie->title ()."</a></font> <font size=\"3\"><b> " . "(".$movie->year ().")</b></strong></size></font><br />\n";
               $autodata .= "<i><font color=\"#999999\"> " . "".$movie->tagline ()."</font></i><br />\n";

               $autodata .= "<br />\n<strong> Genres: </strong>";
               for ($i = 0; $i + 1 < count($gen); $i++) {
               $autodata .= "$gen[$i], ";
               $autodata .= "$gen[$i]";

               $autodata .= "<br /><br />\n<strong> Rating: </strong>" . "".$movie->rating ()." <font size=\"1\"><u> " . "(".$movie->votes ()." votes)</size></u></font><br /><br />\n";
               $autodata .= "<strong> Language: </strong>" . "".$movie->language ()."<br />\n";

               $autodata .= "<br />\n<strong> Runtime: </strong>" . "".$movie->runtime ()."" . " mins<br /><br /></strong>\n";

if (!empty($plot)) {

$autodata .= "<strong> Plot Outline: </strong><br />\n";

              for ($i = 0; $i < count ($plot); $i++) {
              $autodata .= "<br />\n<font color=\"red\">[x] </font>";
              $autodata .= "$plot[$i]";
             $autodata .= "<br></br>\n";

if (!empty($director)) {
    $autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"blue\"> Director: </font></strong>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count ($director); $i++) {
        $autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "".$director[$i]["imdb"]."" ."\">" . "".$director[$i]["name"]."" . "</a><br />\n";

if (!empty($write)) {
    $autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"blue\"> Writing By: </font></strong>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count ($write); $i++) {
        $autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "".$write[$i]["imdb"]."" ."\">" . "".$write[$i]["name"]."" . "</a> ";

if (!empty($compose)) {
    $autodata .= "<br />\n<strong><font color=\"blue\"> Music: </font></strong>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($compose); $i++) {
        $autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "".$compose[$i]["imdb"]."" ." \">" . "".$compose[$i]["name"]."" . "</a> ";

<script type="text/javascript">
        function imdb_more(imdb_area, imdb_link) {
        var imdb_area = get_item(imdb_area);
        var imdb_link = get_item(imdb_link);

        if ( == "") {
   = "none";
            imdb_link.innerHTML = "More";
        } else {
   = "";
            imdb_link.innerHTML = "Less";
            createCookie("IMDbXz", "1", "100");
    function get_item(id){
        itm = null;
        if (document.getElementById){
            itm = document.getElementById(id);
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            if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
        return null;
    function eraseCookie(name) {
              $smallth .= "<br /><i><a href=\"javascript:imdb_more('imdb_area', 'imdb_link');\"><font style=\"border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none; font-size: 7pt; color: grey;\" id=\"imdb_link\">More</font></a></i>\n";

$autodata .= "<br /><br></br><br><div style=\"display:none\" id=\"imdb_area\"><strong> Cast: </strong><br></br>\n";

for ($i = 0; $i < count ($cast); $i++) {
    if ($i > 9) {
$autodata .= "<font color=\"blue\"></font> " . "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "".$cast[$i]["imdb"]."" ."\">" . "".$cast[$i]["name"]."" . "</a> " . " as <strong><font color=\"orange\">" . "".$cast[$i]["role"]."" . " </font></strong></br>\n";

if (!empty($produce)) {
    $autodata .= "<br />\n<strong>Produced By: </strong><br></br>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count ($produce); $i++) {
        $autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . "".$produce[$i]["imdb"]."" ." \"><font color=green>" . "".$produce[$i]["name"]."" . "</font></a><br /> ";

if (!empty($plot)) {
$autodata .= "<br /><strong> Plot: </strong><br />\n";

              for ($i = 0; $i < count ($plot); $i++) {
              $autodata .= "<br />\n<font color=\"red\">[x] </font>";
              $autodata .= "$plot[$i]";
             $autodata .= "<br></br>\n";


              tr("IMDb $smallth",$autodata,1);
//--------------------------------------------------------------------Auto iMDB mod end----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (!empty($row["descr"]))
        $descr = $row["descr"];
        $descr = "&nbsp;";
    $autodata = ($row["autoimdb"] == "yes"?format_comment($autodata)."":"");
    $descri = format_comment($descr);
    tr("Description", $autodata."".$descri, 1);                

    if ($row["nfosz"] > 0)
        print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" align=\"right\">NFO</td><td align=\"left\">".(getNzbPermissions("nfo") != 0?"<a href=nzbviewnfo.php?id=$row[id]><b>View NFO</b></a> (" .
            mksize($row["nfosz"]) . ")":getNzbPermissions("nfomsg"))."</td></tr>\n");

    if ($row["url"] != "")
        tr("Info URL", format_urls(safe($row["url"])), 1);
    if (isset($row["cat_name"]))
        tr("Type", $row["cat_name"]);
        tr("Type", "(none selected)");
    if ($row["autoimdb"] == "no" && $row["genre"] != "")
         tr("Genre", safe($row["genre"]), 1);

    tr("Size",mksize($row["size"]) . " (" . number_format($row["size"]) . " bytes)");

    tr("Poster", $row["poster"]);
    $datenix = $row["postdate"];
    $agepost = show_age($datenix);
    $datepost = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $datenix);
    tr("Posted", $datepost." ($agepost days ago)");
    $groups = unserialize($row['groups']);
    if (is_array($groups)) {
        $grp = "";
        foreach ($groups as $key=>$val) {
            $grp .= "$val\n";
    } else { 
        $grp = $groups;
    tr("Groups", safe($grp));
    if ($row["pars"] > 0) {
       $percentpars = sprintf( "%.2f", (($row["partotsize"] / ($row["size"] - $row["partotsize"])) * 100));
    tr("par2 Files", ($row['pars'] == 0?"None":$row['pars'].", ".mksize($row["partotsize"])." in total (Can rebuild approx $percentpars% of total filesize)"));      
    tr("NZB Added", $row["added"]);
    tr("Views", $row["views"]);
    tr("Grabs", $row["hits"]);
    $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); 
/*    $addnam = $row['advertisename'];
    $keepget = "";
    $uprow = ("<i>Anonymous</i>");
    if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) 
        $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); 
    if ($addnam == "yes") 
        $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); */
    if ($owned) 
        $uprow .= " $spacer<$editlink><b>[Edit this NZB]</b></a>"; 
    tr("Upped by", $uprow, 1);

    //tr("Report<br />NZB", "Click <a href=\"report.php?typ=nzb&id=$id\"><b><font color=\"#ff0532\">here</font></b></a> to report this NZB to staff for violation of the rules", 1);
    if (!$_GET["filelist"]) {
        tr("Num files<br /><a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id&amp;filelist=1$keepget#filelist\" class=\"sublink\">[See full list]</a>", $row["numfiles"] . " files", 1);
    } else {
        tr("Num files", $row["numfiles"] . " files", 1);     
        tr("<a name=\"filelist\">File list</a><br /><a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id$keepget\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>", showpieces($id, $row["name"], $row['nzbvernum']), 1);
    /* The comparison value of '0' with $datenix is so that failed uploads with no nzbs.datepost value can be deleted by the uploader */  
    if (($datenix!=0) && (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR)) {    
        print("<form method=\"post\" action=\"nzbdelete.php\">\n");
        print("<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");
        print("<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Delete NZB.</b> Reason:</td></tr>");
       // print("<td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\">&nbsp;Expired </td><td>$SITENZBRETENTION days old</td></tr>\n");
        print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"2\">&nbsp;Dupe</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\"></td></tr>\n");
        print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"3\">&nbsp;Nuked</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\"></td></tr>\n");
        print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"4\">&nbsp;Rules</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>");
        print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"5\" checked=\"checked\" />&nbsp;Other:</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>\n");
        print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n");
        if (isset($_GET["returnto"]))
            print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" . safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />\n");
        print("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete it!\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:120px;height:25px;\" /></td></tr>\n");
    } elseif (($datenix==0) && (getNzbPermissions("ulnzb")==1)) {
        print("<form method=\"post\" action=\"nzbdelete.php\">\n");
        print("<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");
        print("<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Delete Failed NZB.</b> Reason:</td></tr>");
        print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"5\"  />&nbsp;What happened?:</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>\n");
        print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n");
        if (isset($_GET["returnto"]))
            print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" . safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />\n");
        print("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete it!\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:120px;height:25px;\" /></td></tr>\n");
} else {
    stdhead("Comments for NZB \"" . $row["name"] . "\"");
    print("<h1>Comments for <a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\">" . $row["name"] . "</a></h1>\n");

print("<p><a name=\"startcomments\"></a></p>\n");

$commentbar = "<p align=\"center\"><a class=\"index\" href=\"nzbcomment.php?action=add&amp;tid=$id\">Add a comment</a></p>\n";

$subres = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nzbcomments WHERE nzb = $id");
$subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres);
$count = $subrow[0];

if (!$count) {
    print("<h2>No comments yet</h2>\n");
} else {
    list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager(20, $count, "nzbdetails.php?id=$id&", array(lastpagedefault => 1));

    $subres = mysql_query("SELECT, text, user, nzbcomments.added, editedby, editedat, avatar, warned, ".
        "username, title, class, donor FROM nzbcomments LEFT JOIN users ON nzbcomments.user = WHERE nzb = " .
        "$id ORDER BY $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
 /*   $subres = mysql_query("SELECT, text, user, nzbcomments.added, editedby, editedat, avatar, warned, ".
        "username, title, class, donor, advertisename FROM nzbcomments LEFT JOIN users ON nzbcomments.user = WHERE nzb = " .
        "$id ORDER BY $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); */
    $allrows = array();
    while ($subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres))
        $allrows[] = $subrow;


    nzbcommenttable($allrows, $row["owner"]);




Last edited by Krypto; 10th January 2014 at 22:18. Reason: Added CODE TAGS
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Old 10th January 2014, 22:23
Krypto Krypto is offline
Retired from BVList
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 510
Angry @fodbrothers STOP creating multiple Threads/Posts

STOP creating multiple Threads/Posts for the same issue, it will not get you a response any quicker.

If you don't receive a reply it means no one has the answer or they don't want to help.

Previous Threads DELETED
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Old 11th January 2014, 00:25
firefly007's Avatar
firefly007 firefly007 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 721
Originally Posted by fodbrothers View Post
no im trying to make an nzb site i got a nzb mod from here which only worked on one of the precoded versions of tbdev but it had an old version of imdb grabber i have a more uptodate version but as i said before it grabs the correct info but no image and in the description box below the imdb box it shows the info but uncoded
and yes i am new to html code and everything and have had a lot to learn and trying my best so sorry if i come accross a little dumb in this area but im trying and would really be greatful if you could help
Dude! please don't make such a mess of the forums..

Get Newznab but don't get the demo rather look for Newznab+ on Github ( ) you can you use it is as is or use the backend only. I have TBDEV08 as my front end and indexing NZB's using Newznab's backend + I'm utilising Newznab's API too.

Ive also played around with the NZB nod and even NZB strike I thought it was crappie. You can see it in action if you like

Please Support Majority Report

You can contact me on Skype live:phesadent.elect but please let me know first.

If you are ever need me desperately then please email me at and I will contact u within a week.

Due to free time I'm able to help interested member's with their tracker.

Please Note!
Depending on your requests I will charge you for my assistance for Tracker installs and mods.
All my mods are custom and prices will very depending on the request.
I'm able to install any tracker and mods including themes.

Please PM me

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Old 11th January 2014, 09:52
fodbrothers fodbrothers is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
United Kingdom
Posts: 13
Default hi
thanks for the info firefly i think i will just try and fix this issue
and sorry i made a post elsewhere it got deleted as i didnt do the introduction thing and i guess they reopened it sorry

which files would you guys need to help me fix this issue which wwould probs take u 5 mins and me like 5 days :) please pm me
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Old 11th January 2014, 10:20
firefly007's Avatar
firefly007 firefly007 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 721
Well! what is the problem you are having? You have posted two different problems. So could you explain again in detail. and more importantly what is the error you are getting..

Please Support Majority Report

You can contact me on Skype live:phesadent.elect but please let me know first.

If you are ever need me desperately then please email me at and I will contact u within a week.

Due to free time I'm able to help interested member's with their tracker.

Please Note!
Depending on your requests I will charge you for my assistance for Tracker installs and mods.
All my mods are custom and prices will very depending on the request.
I'm able to install any tracker and mods including themes.

Please PM me

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Old 11th January 2014, 10:36
fodbrothers fodbrothers is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
United Kingdom
Posts: 13
Default error
ok well i have the upload page first it asks if i have an imdb link or not which is brilliant so i have that i put that in and the only other thing that i have to add is the category so i put that in
click the done button
it takes me to the details.php
which i have attached a print screen
of what i am getting
Attached Thumbnails
pic of erro.png  
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Old 11th January 2014, 10:39
firefly007's Avatar
firefly007 firefly007 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 721
could you post your details please

Please Support Majority Report

You can contact me on Skype live:phesadent.elect but please let me know first.

If you are ever need me desperately then please email me at and I will contact u within a week.

Due to free time I'm able to help interested member's with their tracker.

Please Note!
Depending on your requests I will charge you for my assistance for Tracker installs and mods.
All my mods are custom and prices will very depending on the request.
I'm able to install any tracker and mods including themes.

Please PM me

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Old 11th January 2014, 10:46
fodbrothers fodbrothers is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
United Kingdom
Posts: 13
Default details
details in next post
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Old 11th January 2014, 10:47
firefly007's Avatar
firefly007 firefly007 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 721
could you edit your post and wrap code tags around it please

Please Support Majority Report

You can contact me on Skype live:phesadent.elect but please let me know first.

If you are ever need me desperately then please email me at and I will contact u within a week.

Due to free time I'm able to help interested member's with their tracker.

Please Note!
Depending on your requests I will charge you for my assistance for Tracker installs and mods.
All my mods are custom and prices will very depending on the request.
I'm able to install any tracker and mods including themes.

Please PM me

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Old 11th January 2014, 10:52
fodbrothers fodbrothers is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
United Kingdom
Posts: 13
Default details again
PHP Code:
 *  NZB Details Page
 *  ========================================
 *  NZB Mod - Public v.TS-1.0b
 *  TorrentStrike version
 *  ========================================
 *  created by dodgy
 *  Special thanks to all who have had a hand in TBDev/TorrentStrike

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
var checkflag = "false";
function check(field) {
    if (checkflag == "false") {
        for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
            field[i].checked = true;}
        checkflag = "true";
        return "Uncheck All"; }
    else {
        for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
            field[i].checked = false; }
        checkflag = "false";
    return "Check All"; }
//  End -->

// ----- For display of row with missing segments:
function missing_segments($segments$subjseg) {
      if (
$segments == $subjseg)
$display ">($segments/$subjseg)";
      elseif (
$segments $subjseg)
$display " color=\"red\">($segments/$subjseg)";
      elseif (
$segments $subseg)
$display " color=\"green\">($segments/$subjseg)";

// ----- Cleans NZB Subjects (not finished - add your own):
function clean_nzb_subj($string) {
$string str_replace("&#x22;"" "$string);
$string str_replace("è""e"$string);
$string str_replace(""""\""$string);
$string str_replace("_"" "$string);

/* ---- To retrieve piece information from dB & display it on nzb page, with form
   that will record which pieces are selected by user & therefore which pieces 
   will be retrieved. ---- */
function showpieces($id$nzbname$nzbvernum) {
$pl "<form name=\"partnzb\" action=\"partnzbdload.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
$pl .= "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"main\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n";
$pl .= "<tr><td width=\"3%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Dl?</td>".
"<td class=\"colhead\">Subject</td>".
"<td width=\"8%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Size</td>".
"<td width=\"8%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Date</td>".
"<td width=\"6%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Parts</td></tr>\n";
$piecelist = @mysql_query("SELECT nzb_piece, piece_date, piece_subject, piece_size, piece_segments, piece_subjseg FROM nzbpiecelist WHERE nzb = $id ORDER BY nzb_piece");
    while (
$plist mysql_fetch_array($piecelist)) {
// Convert date:
$dateunix $plist['piece_date'];
$dateposted date("Y-m-d G:i:s"$dateunix);
// Segment display/calculation:
$segments $plist['piece_segments'];
$subjseg $plist['piece_subjseg'];
// the rows:
$pl .= "<tr><td>".(getNzbPermissions("part")==&& $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")?"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"nzbpieces[]\" ".
"value=\"" $plist['nzb_piece'] .
"\" />":"")."</td>".
"<td><font class=\"small\">" safe(clean_nzb_subj($plist['piece_subject'])) . "</font></td>".
"<td align=right><font class=\"small\">" mksize($plist['piece_size']) . "</font></td>".
"<td align=right><font class=\"small\">" $dateposted "</font></td>".
"<td align=right><font class=\"small\"" missing_segments($segments$subjseg) . "</font></td></tr>\n";
$pl .= "</table>\n".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb\" value=\"" $id ."\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb_name\" value=\"" $nzbname ."\" />".
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzbvernum\" value=\"" $nzbvernum ."\" />".
"<input type=\"button\" value=\"Check all\" onClick=\"this.value=check(partnzb)\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:90px;height:25px;\" />";
    if (
getNzbPermissions("part") == 1  && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) {
$pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download Selected in Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" />".
"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download Selected as NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" /></div><br /><br />\n";
    } elseif (
getNzbPermissions("part") == 1  && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) {
$pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("maxmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n"
    } else {
$pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("partmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n";
$pl .= "<a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>".


$id $_GET["id"];

if (!isset(
$id) || !$id)
$res mysql_query("SELECT nzbs.owner,, nzbs.descr, nzbs.category, LENGTH(nzbs.nfo)AS nfosz, nzbs.filename, nzbs.size, nzbs.numfiles, nzbs.poster, nzbs.postdate, nzbs.groups,, nzbs.added, nzbs.views, nzbs.hits,, nzbs.partotsize, nzbs.nzbvernum, nzbs.autoimdb, nzbs.url, nzbs.imdbrating, nzbs.genre, nzbs.addtext, nzbs.format, AS cat_name, users.username FROM nzbs LEFT JOIN nzbcategories ON nzbs.category = LEFT JOIN users ON nzbs.owner = WHERE = $id")
/* $res = mysql_query("SELECT nzbs.owner,, nzbs.descr, nzbs.category, LENGTH(nzbs.nfo)AS nfosz, nzbs.filename, nzbs.size, nzbs.numfiles, nzbs.poster, nzbs.postdate, nzbs.groups,, nzbs.added, nzbs.views, nzbs.hits,, nzbs.partotsize, nzbs.nzbvernum, nzbs.autoimdb, nzbs.url, nzbs.imdbrating, nzbs.genre, nzbs.addtext, nzbs.format, AS cat_name, users.username, users.advertisename FROM nzbs LEFT JOIN nzbcategories ON nzbs.category = LEFT JOIN users ON nzbs.owner = WHERE = $id")

$row mysql_fetch_array($res);

$owned $moderator 0;
    if (
get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR)
$owned $moderator 1;
    elseif (
$CURUSER["id"] == $row["owner"])
$owned 1;
if (
$_GET["hit"]) {
mysql_query("UPDATE nzbs SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $id");
    if (
header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id&page=0#startcomments");
    elseif (
header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id&filelist=1#filelist");
header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id");

if (!isset(
$_GET["page"])) {
stdhead("Details for nzb \"" $row["name"] . "\"");

$spacer "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

    if (
$_GET["uploaded"]) {
"<h2>Successfully uploaded!</h2>\n");
    elseif (
$_GET["edited"]) {
"<h2>Successfully edited!</h2>\n");
        if (isset(
"<p><b>Go back to <a href=\"" safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\">whence you came</a>.</b></p>\n");
    elseif (isset(
$_GET["searched"])) {
"<h2>Your search for \"" safe($_GET["searched"]) . "\" gave a single result:</h2>\n");

$addtext safe($row["addtext"])."&nbsp;";
$format = ($row["format"]!="na"?"&nbsp;<img src=\"".$pic_base_url."sml_".$row["format"].".gif\" alt=\"".$row["format"]."\" />":"");

"<h3>.: $addtext $format :.</h3><br /><br />\n");
"<table width=\"750\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");

$url "nzbedit.php?id=" $row["id"];
    if (isset(
$_GET["returnto"])) {
$addthis "&amp;returnto=" urlencode($_GET["returnto"]);
$url .= $addthis;
$keepget .= $addthis;
$editlink "a href=\"$url\" class=\"sublink\"";
// Get permissions for download link display
if ((getNzbPermissions("zip") == || getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday"))
"<form action=\"nzbdownload.php/$id/" rawurlencode($row["name"]) . ".nzb\" method=\"post\">");
"<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">");
        if (
getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1)
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download As Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:150px;height:25px;\" />");          
        if (
getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1)
"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download As NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:150px;height:25px;\" />");

    elseif ((
getNzbPermissions("zip") == || getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) {
"<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">");
    } else {
"<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">");
//----------------------------------------------------------------Auto iMDB mod by Axxel------------------------------------------------------------------
if (($row["url"] != "")AND(strpos($row["url"], imdb))AND(strpos($row["url"], title)))
$thenumbers ltrim(strrchr($row["url"],'tt'),'tt');
$thenumbers ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]"""$thenumbers);
$movie = new imdb ($thenumbers);
$movieid $thenumbers;
$movie->setid ($movieid);
$plot $movie->plot();
$plotoutline $movie->plotoutline();
$gen $movie->genres();
$cast $movie->cast();
$director $movie->director();
$write $movie->writing();
$produce $movie->producer();
$compose $movie->composer();

                if ((
$photo_url $movie->photo_localurl() ) != FALSE) {
$autodata '<img class=glossy src="'.$photo_url.'" style="float:left; margin-right:5px;">';
                } else {
$autodata '<img  img  src="/imdb/images/default.png" style="float:left; margin-right:5px;">';

$autodata .= "<strong><a href=\"$movieid\"><font size=\"3\" style=\"border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;\">" "".$movie->title ()."</a></font> <font size=\"3\"><b> " "(".$movie->year ().")</b></strong></size></font><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<i><font color=\"#999999\"> " "".$movie->tagline ()."</font></i><br />\n";

$autodata .= "<br />\n<strong> Genres: </strong>";
               for (
$i 0$i count($gen); $i++) {
$autodata .= "$gen[$i], ";
$autodata .= "$gen[$i]";

$autodata .= "<br /><br />\n<strong> Rating: </strong>" "".$movie->rating ()." <font size=\"1\"><u> " "(".$movie->votes ()." votes)</size></u></font><br /><br />\n";
$autodata .= "<strong> Language: </strong>" "".$movie->language ()."<br />\n";

$autodata .= "<br />\n<strong> Runtime: </strong>" "".$movie->runtime ()."" " mins<br /><br /></strong>\n";

if (!empty(
$plot)) {

$autodata .= "<strong> Plot Outline: </strong><br />\n";

              for (
$i 0$i count ($plot); $i++) {
$autodata .= "<br />\n<font color=\"red\">[x] </font>";
$autodata .= "$plot[$i]";
$autodata .= "<br></br>\n";

if (!empty(
$director)) {
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"blue\"> Director: </font></strong>";
    for (
$i 0$i count ($director); $i++) {
$autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "".$director[$i]["imdb"]."" ."\">" "".$director[$i]["name"]."" "</a><br />\n";

if (!empty(
$write)) {
$autodata .= "<strong><font color=\"blue\"> Writing By: </font></strong>";
    for (
$i 0$i count ($write); $i++) {
$autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "".$write[$i]["imdb"]."" ."\">" "".$write[$i]["name"]."" "</a> ";

if (!empty(
$compose)) {
$autodata .= "<br />\n<strong><font color=\"blue\"> Music: </font></strong>";
    for (
$i 0$i count($compose); $i++) {
$autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "".$compose[$i]["imdb"]."" ." \">" "".$compose[$i]["name"]."" "</a> ";

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        } else {
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$autodata .= "<br /><br></br><br><div style=\"display:none\" id=\"imdb_area\"><strong> Cast: </strong><br></br>\n";

for (
$i 0$i count ($cast); $i++) {
    if (
$i 9) {
$autodata .= "<font color=\"blue\"></font> " "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "".$cast[$i]["imdb"]."" ."\">" "".$cast[$i]["name"]."" "</a> " " as <strong><font color=\"orange\">" "".$cast[$i]["role"]."" " </font></strong></br>\n";

if (!empty(
$produce)) {
$autodata .= "<br />\n<strong>Produced By: </strong><br></br>";
    for (
$i 0$i count ($produce); $i++) {
$autodata .= "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" "".$produce[$i]["imdb"]."" ." \"><font color=green>" "".$produce[$i]["name"]."" "</font></a><br /> ";

if (!empty(
$plot)) {
$autodata .= "<br /><strong> Plot: </strong><br />\n";

              for (
$i 0$i count ($plot); $i++) {
$autodata .= "<br />\n<font color=\"red\">[x] </font>";
$autodata .= "$plot[$i]";
$autodata .= "<br></br>\n";


tr("IMDb $smallth",$autodata,1);
//--------------------------------------------------------------------Auto iMDB mod end----------------------------------------------------------------------

if (!empty($row["descr"]))
$descr $row["descr"];
$descr "&nbsp;";
$autodata = ($row["autoimdb"] == "yes"?format_comment($autodata)."":"");
$descri format_comment($descr);

    if (
$row["nfosz"] > 0)
"<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" align=\"right\">NFO</td><td align=\"left\">".(getNzbPermissions("nfo") != 0?"<a href=nzbviewnfo.php?id=$row[id]><b>View NFO</b></a> (" .
mksize($row["nfosz"]) . ")":getNzbPermissions("nfomsg"))."</td></tr>\n");

    if (
$row["url"] != "")
tr("Info URL"format_urls(safe($row["url"])), 1);
    if (isset(
tr("Type""(none selected)");
    if (
$row["autoimdb"] == "no" && $row["genre"] != "")
tr("Genre"safe($row["genre"]), 1);

tr("Size",mksize($row["size"]) . " (" number_format($row["size"]) . " bytes)");

$datenix $row["postdate"];
$agepost show_age($datenix);
$datepost date("Y-m-d H:i:s"$datenix);
tr("Posted"$datepost." ($agepost days ago)");
$groups unserialize($row['groups']);
    if (
is_array($groups)) {
$grp "";
        foreach (
$groups as $key=>$val) {
$grp .= "$val\n";
    } else { 
$grp $groups;
    if (
$row["pars"] > 0) {
$percentpars sprintf"%.2f", (($row["partotsize"] / ($row["size"] - $row["partotsize"])) * 100));
tr("par2 Files", ($row['pars'] == 0?"None":$row['pars'].", ".mksize($row["partotsize"])." in total (Can rebuild approx $percentpars% of total filesize)"));      
tr("NZB Added"$row["added"]);
$uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" $row["owner"] . "><b>" safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); 
/*    $addnam = $row['advertisename'];
    $keepget = "";
    $uprow = ("<i>Anonymous</i>");
    if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) 
        $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); 
    if ($addnam == "yes") 
        $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); */
if ($owned
$uprow .= $spacer<$editlink><b>[Edit this NZB]</b></a>"
tr("Upped by"$uprow1);

//tr("Report<br />NZB", "Click <a href=\"report.php?typ=nzb&id=$id\"><b><font color=\"#ff0532\">here</font></b></a> to report this NZB to staff for violation of the rules", 1);
if (!$_GET["filelist"]) {
tr("Num files<br /><a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id&amp;filelist=1$keepget#filelist\" class=\"sublink\">[See full list]</a>"$row["numfiles"] . " files"1);
    } else {
tr("Num files"$row["numfiles"] . " files"1);     
tr("<a name=\"filelist\">File list</a><br /><a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id$keepget\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>"showpieces($id$row["name"], $row['nzbvernum']), 1);
/* The comparison value of '0' with $datenix is so that failed uploads with no nzbs.datepost value can be deleted by the uploader */  
if (($datenix!=0) && (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR)) {    
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"nzbdelete.php\">\n");
"<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");
"<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Delete NZB.</b> Reason:</td></tr>");
// print("<td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\">&nbsp;Expired </td><td>$SITENZBRETENTION days old</td></tr>\n");
print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"2\">&nbsp;Dupe</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\"></td></tr>\n");
"<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"3\">&nbsp;Nuked</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\"></td></tr>\n");
"<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"4\">&nbsp;Rules</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>");
"<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"5\" checked=\"checked\" />&nbsp;Other:</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>\n");
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n");
        if (isset(
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />\n");
"<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete it!\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:120px;height:25px;\" /></td></tr>\n");
    } elseif ((
$datenix==0) && (getNzbPermissions("ulnzb")==1)) {
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"nzbdelete.php\">\n");
"<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n");
"<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Delete Failed NZB.</b> Reason:</td></tr>");
"<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"5\"  />&nbsp;What happened?:</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>\n");
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n");
        if (isset(
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />\n");
"<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete it!\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:120px;height:25px;\" /></td></tr>\n");
} else {
stdhead("Comments for NZB \"" $row["name"] . "\"");
"<h1>Comments for <a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\">" $row["name"] . "</a></h1>\n");

"<p><a name=\"startcomments\"></a></p>\n");

$commentbar "<p align=\"center\"><a class=\"index\" href=\"nzbcomment.php?action=add&amp;tid=$id\">Add a comment</a></p>\n";

$subres mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nzbcomments WHERE nzb = $id");
$subrow mysql_fetch_array($subres);
$count $subrow[0];

if (!
$count) {
"<h2>No comments yet</h2>\n");
} else {
$pagertop$pagerbottom$limit) = pager(20$count"nzbdetails.php?id=$id&", array(lastpagedefault => 1));

$subres mysql_query("SELECT, text, user, nzbcomments.added, editedby, editedat, avatar, warned, ".
"username, title, class, donor FROM nzbcomments LEFT JOIN users ON nzbcomments.user = WHERE nzb = " .
"$id ORDER BY $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
 /*   $subres = mysql_query("SELECT, text, user, nzbcomments.added, editedby, editedat, avatar, warned, ".
        "username, title, class, donor, advertisename FROM nzbcomments LEFT JOIN users ON nzbcomments.user = WHERE nzb = " .
        "$id ORDER BY $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); */
$allrows = array();
    while (
$subrow mysql_fetch_array($subres))
$allrows[] = $subrow;





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