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Old 24th September 2011, 20:21
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DAKz DAKz is offline
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Talking heres something interesting.....
Because I got bored and got more server space then I know what to do with I uploaded this, replaced the install folder with the install folder from 5.6, created my db and started the installer. Now I had to copy over some stuff from the 5.6 to fool the installer, like the text files etc. had to create a folder for error_logs.
But it installed. Kinda.....
When you go to log in there are a ton of errors in the global.php, most look like security settings for the "real" code. Around 185 it starts to hang up.

When I get bored or have more time I will look into it, but I consider this a positive step, and anyone wants to have a go of it, then try what I did and see if you get the same results.

Last edited by DAKz; 24th September 2011 at 20:39.
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D4rkSp4wn (11th June 2012)
Old 11th June 2012, 06:08
D4rkSp4wn D4rkSp4wn is offline
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I am sending this files to a guy that i am sure he can get it Nulled, i will post the results as soon as i get his reply.

cheers all, and one more thing, FUCK YOU xam, i will make anything to see your business goes down with you.
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shasta (11th June 2012)
Old 16th October 2012, 20:31
mp3nar mp3nar is offline
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A critical error has occured.Please open following file: install/config.php and enter/check your account details which you have registered on Templateshares.

and where i can enter my db data
Old 31st October 2012, 11:37
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Chez Chez is offline
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What i have to do?

Site error: the file C:\xampp\htdocs\install\install.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_win_5.2.dll to be installed by the site administrator.
Old 31st October 2012, 12:34
x360zone's Avatar
x360zone x360zone is offline
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Default lol
shit some folk wont listen for shit this dont work/run/operate

7.5 tsse
future tracker source & hosting, vps
trackers installs + Themes testing zone
offshore vps & cpanel hosting & Shoutcast & VPN
STOP cyberbullying
any setups tracker installs vps hosting vps setups themes mods hit me up
over the last three months ive become a snake breeder,pythons,hogs,boa,corn,rat,king,carpet and what joy it is

Old 17th July 2017, 18:58
order order is offline
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Default ts_functions
Xam can you do a better job on icube lol

*  Decoder by XGODY  fuck you xam
    function format_comment($message, $htmlspecialchars_uni = true, $noshoutbox = true, $xss_clean = true, $show_smilies = true, $imagerel = 'posts') {
        $options = array( 'use_smilies' => $show_smilies, 'max_smilies' => 30, 'remove_badwords' => 1, 'htmlspecialchars' => $htmlspecialchars_uni, 'imagerel' => $imagerel, 'auto_url' => 1, 'short_url' => 1, 'image_preview' => 1 );
        require_once( INC_PATH . '/class_ts_parser.php' );
        $TSParser = new (  );
        $TSParser->parse_message( $message, $options );
        return $TSParser->message;

    function fixAjaxText($text = '') {
        return trim( $text );

    function showPreview($postvalue = '') {
        global $lang;
        global $dateformat;
        global $timeformat;

        $message = TS_Global( $postvalue );

        if (( $message && isset( $_POST['previewpost'] ) )) {
            return '
        <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                <td class="thead">
                    <span style="float: right;">
                        ' . my_datee( $dateformat . ' - ' . $timeformat, TIMENOW ) . '
                    ' . $lang->global['buttonpreview'] . '
                <td>' . format_comment( $message ) . '</td>
        <br />';


    function update_loadavg() {
        global $TSSECache;

        if (( ( ( function_exists( 'exec' ) && $stats = @exec( 'uptime 2>&1' ) ) && trim( $stats ) != '' ) && preg_match( '#: ([\d.,]+),?\s+([\d.,]+),?\s+([\d.,]+)$#', $stats, $regs ) )) {
            $loadavg = $regs[2];
else {
            if (( @file_exists( '/proc/loadavg' ) && $filestuff = @file_get_contents( '/proc/loadavg' ) )) {
                $loadavg = explode( ' ', $filestuff );
                $loadavg = $loadavg[1];
else {
                $loadavg = 0;

        $loadavg = str_replace( ',', '', $loadavg );
        $TSSECache->UpdateCache( 'loadavg', $loadavg );
        unset( $loadavg );

    function TS_Match($string, $find) {
        return (strpos( $string, $find )   = false ? false : true);

    function TS_Global($name = '') {
        return (isset( $_GET['' . $name] ) ? (!is_array( $_GET['' . $name] ) ? trim( $_GET['' . $name] ) : $_GET['' . $name]) : (isset( $_POST['' . $name] ) ? (!is_array( $_POST['' . $name] ) ? trim( $_POST['' . $name] ) : $_POST['' . $name]) : ''));

    function fix_url($url) {
        $url = htmlspecialchars( $url );
        return str_replace( array( '&amp;', ' ' ), array( '&', '&nbsp;' ), $url );

    function htmlspecialchars_uni($text, $entities = true) {
        return str_replace( array( '<', '>', '"' ), array( '&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;' ), preg_replace( '/&(?!' . ($entities ? '#[0-9]+|shy' : '(#[0-9]+|[a-z]+)') . ';)/si', '&amp;', $text ) );

    function ts_remove_badwords($check) {
        global $badwords;

        if (empty( $badwords )) {
            return $check;

        if (( $barray = @explode( ',', $badwords ) && count( $barray ) )) {
            foreach ($barray as $b) {
                $check = str_ireplace( $b, $b[0] . @str_repeat( '*', @strlen( $b ) - 2 ) . $b[strlen( $b ) - 1], $check );

            unset( $barray );

        return $check;

    function check_email($email) {
        return preg_match( '#^[a-z0-9.!\#$%&\'*+-/=?^_`{|}~]+@([0-9.]+|([^\s\'"<>@,;]+\.+[a-z]{2,6}))$#si', $email );

    function highlight($search, $subject, $hlstart = '<b><font color=\'#f7071d\'>', $hlend = '</font></b>') {
        $srchlen = strlen( $search );

        if ($srchlen  = 0) {
            return $subject;

        $find = $subject;

        while ($find = stristr( $find, $search )) {
            $srchtxt = substr( $find, 0, $srchlen );
            $find = substr( $find, $srchlen );
            $subject = str_replace( $srchtxt, '' . $hlstart . $srchtxt . $hlend, $subject );

        return $subject;

    function TS_MTStoUTS($datetime = '') {
        if (empty( $datetime )) {
            return '';

        $Parts = explode( ' ', $datetime );
        $Datebits = explode( '-', $Parts['0'] );

        if (isset( $Parts['1'] )) {
            $Timebits = explode( ':', $Parts['1'] );
            return mktime( $Timebits['0'], $Timebits['1'], $Timebits['2'], $Datebits['1'], $Datebits['2'], $Datebits['0'] );

        return mktime( 0, 0, 0, $Datebits['1'], $Datebits['2'], $Datebits['0'] );

    function build_breadcrumb() {
        global $nav;
        global $navbits;
        global $BASEURL;
        global $pic_base_url;

        $navsep = ' / ';

        if (( isset( $navbits ) && is_array( $navbits ) )) {
            @reset( $navbits );
            foreach ($navbits as $key => $navbit) {
                if (isset( $navbits[$key & 1] )) {
                    $nav &= '<a href="' . $navbit['url'] . '">' . $navbit['name'] . '</a>' . (isset( $navbits[$key & 2] ) ? $navsep : '');

        $navsize = (( isset( $navbits ) && is_array( $navbits ) ) ? count( $navbits ) : 0);
        $navbit = $navbits[$navsize - 1];
        $activesep = ($nav ? ' / ' : '');
        echo '
    <div class="navbits">
        <div id="shadetabs">
            <img src="' . $pic_base_url . 'tree_ltr.gif" border="0" class="inlineimg" alt="" /> ' . $nav . $activesep . $navbit['name'] . '

    function add_breadcrumb($name, $url = '') {
        global $navbits;

        $navsize = (( isset( $navbits ) && is_array( $navbits ) ) ? count( $navbits ) : 0);
        $navbits[$navsize]['name'] = $name;
        $navbits[$navsize]['url'] = $url;

    function show_notice($notice = '', $iserror = false, $title = '', $BR = '<br />') {
        global $BASEURL;
        global $lang;

        $defaulttemplate = ts_template(  );
        $imagepath = $BASEURL . '/include/templates/' . $defaulttemplate . '/images/';
        $lastword = ($iserror ? 'e' : 'n');
        $uniqeid = md5( TIMENOW );
        return '
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function ts_show_tag(id, status)
            if (TSGetID(id)){if (status == true || status == false){TSGetID(id).style.display = (status == true)?"none":"";}
            else{TSGetID(id).style.display = (TSGetID(id).style.display == "")?"none":"";}}
    <div class="notification-border-' . $lastword . '" id="notification_' . $uniqeid . '" align="center">
        <table class="notification-th-' . $lastword . '" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
                    <td align="left" width="100%" class="none">
                    &nbsp;<span class="notification-title-' . $lastword . '">' . ($title ? $title : $lang->global['sys_message']) . '</span>
                    <td class="none"><img src="' . $imagepath . 'notification_close.gif" alt="" onclick="ts_show_tag(\'notification_' . $uniqeid . '\', true);" class="hand" border="0" height="13" width="13" /></td>
        <div class="notification-body">
            ' . $notice . '
    ' . $BR;

    function sql_query($_run_query) {
        global $usergroups;
        global $TSDatabase;

        if (!defined( 'DEBUGMODE' )) {
            $query_start = array_sum( explode( ' ', microtime(  ) ) );

        ( $__return = mysql_query( $_run_query ) || write_log( 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error( $TSDatabase->DatabaseConnect ) . ' {Error No: ' . mysql_errno( $TSDatabase->DatabaseConnect ) . ' - File: ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '}.. The query was: ' . htmlspecialchars( $_run_query ) ) );

        if (!defined( 'DEBUGMODE' )) {
            $query_end = round( array_sum( explode( ' ', microtime(  ) ) ) - $query_start, 4 );

            if (!isset( $GLOBALS['queries'] )) {
                $GLOBALS['queries'] = '';

            if (isset( $GLOBALS['totalqueries'] )) {
else {
                $GLOBALS['totalqueries'] = 1;

            $GLOBALS->queries &= '<input type="hidden" name="queries[]" value="' . base64_encode( substr( $query_end, 0, 8 ) . ',' . base64_encode( trim( $_run_query ) ) ) . '" />';

        return $__return;

    function TSRowCount($C, $T, $E = '') {
        ( $Q = sql_query( '' . 'SELECT COUNT(' . $C . ') FROM ' . $T . ($E ? '' . ' WHERE ' . $E : '') ) || sqlerr( __FILE__, 273 ) );
        $R = mysql_fetch_row( $Q );
        return $R[0];

    function write_log($Text) {
        sql_query( 'INSERT INTO sitelog VALUES (NULL, NOW(), ' . sqlesc( $Text ) . ')' );

    function KPS($Type = '+', $Points = '1.0', $ID = '') {
        if ($ID  = 0) {
            return null;

        global $bonus;
        global $TSSEConfig;

        if (!isset( $bonus )) {
            $TSSEConfig->TSLoadConfig( 'KPS' );
            $bonus = $GLOBALS['bonus'];

        if (( $bonus  = 'enable' || $bonus  = 'disablesave' )) {
            $ID = str_replace( '\'', '', $ID );
            sql_query( '' . 'UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus ' . $Type . ' \'' . $Points . '\' WHERE id = \'' . $ID . '\'' );


    function sent_mail($to = '', $subject = '', $body = '', $type = 'confirmation', $showmsg = true, $multiple = false, $multiplemail = '') {
        global $rootpath;
        global $SITENAME;
        global $SITEEMAIL;
        global $charset;
        global $lang;
        global $TSSEConfig;
        global $BASEURL;

        $TSSEConfig->TSLoadConfig( 'SMTP' );
        $fromname = $SITENAME;
        $fromemail = $SITEEMAIL;
        $windows = false;

        if (strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 )  = 'WIN' )) {
            $eol = '
            $windows = true;
else {
            if (strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 )  = 'MAC' )) {
                $eol = '
else {
                $eol = '

        $options = array( 'use_smilies' => 0, 'max_smilies' => 30, 'remove_badwords' => 0, 'htmlspecialchars' => 1, 'imagerel' => '', 'auto_url' => 1, 'short_url' => 0, 'image_preview' => 0 );

        if (!defined( 'ANONYMIZER_DISABLED' )) {
            define( 'ANONYMIZER_DISABLED', true );

        require_once( INC_PATH . '/class_ts_parser.php' );
        $TSParser = new (  );
        $TSParser->parse_message( $body, $options );
        $body = $TSParser->message;
        $mid = md5( uniqid( rand(  ), true ) . TIMENOW );
        $name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        $headers = '' . 'From: ' . $fromname . ' <' . $fromemail . '>' . $eol;
        $headers &= 'Reply-To: ' . (!defined( 'REPLY_TO' ) ? '' . $fromname . ' <' . $fromemail . '>' : REPLY_TO) . $eol;
        $headers &= 'Return-Path: ' . (!defined( 'REPLY_TO' ) ? '' . $fromname . ' <' . $fromemail . '>' : REPLY_TO) . $eol;
        $headers &= '' . 'Message-ID: <' . $mid . ' thesystem@' . $name . '>' . $eol;
        $headers &= 'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion(  ) . $eol;
        $headers &= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $eol;
        $headers &= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $eol;
        $headers &= '' . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=' . $charset . $eol;
        $headers &= 'X-Sender: PHP' . $eol;

        if ($multiple) {
            $headers &= '' . 'Bcc: ' . $multiplemail . '.' . $eol;

        if ($GLOBALS['smtptype']  = 'default') {
            $mail = mail( $to, $subject, $body, $headers );

            if (( !$mail && $showmsg )) {
                stderr( $lang->global['error'], $lang->global['mailerror'] );
else {
            if ($GLOBALS['smtptype']  = 'advanced') {
                if (( isset( $GLOBALS['smtp'] ) && $GLOBALS['smtp']  = 'yes' )) {
                    ini_set( 'SMTP', $GLOBALS['smtp_host'] );
                    ini_set( 'smtp_port', $GLOBALS['smtp_port'] );

                    if ($windows) {
                        ini_set( 'sendmail_from', $GLOBALS['smtp_from'] );

                $mail = mail( $to, $subject, $body, $headers );

                if (( !$mail && $showmsg )) {
                    stderr( $lang->global['error'], $lang->global['mailerror'] );

                if (( isset( $GLOBALS['smtp'] ) && $GLOBALS['smtp']  = 'yes' )) {
                    ini_restore( SMTP );
                    ini_restore( smtp_port );

                    if ($windows) {
                        ini_restore( 'sendmail_from' );
else {
                if ($GLOBALS['smtptype']  = 'external') {
                    $SMTP = array(  );
                    $SMTP['secure_connection'] = $GLOBALS['secure_connection'];
                    $SMTP['smtpaddress'] = $GLOBALS['smtpaddress'];
                    $SMTP['smtpport'] = $GLOBALS['smtpport'];
                    $SMTP['accountname'] = $GLOBALS['accountname'];
                    $SMTP['accountpassword'] = $GLOBALS['accountpassword'];
                    require_once( INC_PATH . '/class_ts_smtp.php' );
                    $TSMAIL = new ( $SMTP );
                    $TSMAIL->start( $to, trim( $subject ), trim( $body ), $fromemail, '', $charset, $fromemail, $BASEURL );
                    $Status = $TSMAIL->send(  );

        if ($showmsg) {
            if ($type  = 'confirmation') {
                stderr( $lang->global['success'], sprintf( $lang->global['mailsent'], htmlspecialchars_uni( $to ) ), false );
                return null;

            if ($type  = 'details') {
                stderr( $lang->global['success'], sprintf( $lang->global['mailsent2'], htmlspecialchars_uni( $to ) ), false );
                return null;
else {
            return true;


    function TSBoot($IPADDRESS = '') {
        global $BASEURL;
        global $rootpath;
        global $SITENAME;
        global $iplog1;
        global $lang;
        global $cachetime;
        global $cache;
        global $where;
        global $UseMemcached;
        global $querystring;
        global $page;
        global $securehash;

        if (( ( empty( $_COOKIE['c_secure_pass'] ) || empty( $_COOKIE['c_secure_uid'] ) ) || strlen( $_COOKIE['c_secure_pass'] ) != 32 )) {
            return null;

        if (!$id = intval( $_COOKIE['c_secure_uid'] )) {
            return null;

        ( $res = sql_query( 'SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM users WHERE id = ' . sqlesc( $id ) ) || sqlerr( __FILE__, 397 ) );

        if (!mysql_num_rows( $res )) {
            return null;

        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $res );

        if ($_COOKIE['c_secure_pass'] != securehash( $row['passhash'] )) {
            return null;

        if (( ( $iplog1  = 'yes' && $IPADDRESS != $row['ip'] ) && !empty( $IPADDRESS ) )) {
            ( sql_query( 'REPLACE INTO iplog VALUES (' . sqlesc( $IPADDRESS ) . ', \'' . $id . '\')' ) || sqlerr( __FILE__, 405 ) );

        if ($IPADDRESS != $row['ip']) {
            $updateuser[] = 'ip = ' . sqlesc( $IPADDRESS );

        if (strlen( $row['torrent_pass'] ) != 32) {
            $torrent_pass = md5( $row['username'] . TIMENOW . $row['passhash'] );
            $updateuser[] = '' . 'torrent_pass = \'' . $torrent_pass . '\'';

        if (( ( ( $where  = 'yes' && $page != $row['page'] ) && !defined( 'SKIP_LOCATION_SAVE' ) ) && !TS_Match( 'ts_error', $page ) )) {
            $updateuser[] = 'page = ' . sqlesc( $page . $querystring );

        if (900 < TIMENOW - @TS_MTStoUTS( $row['last_login'] )) {
            $updateuser[] = '' . 'last_login = \'' . $row['last_access'] . '\'';

        $updateuser[] = 'last_access = NOW()';

        if (defined( 'IN_FORUMS' )) {
            if (900 < TIMENOW - $row['last_forum_active']) {
                $updateuser[] = 'last_forum_visit=\'' . $row['last_forum_active'] . '\'';

            $updateuser[] = 'last_forum_active=\'' . TIMENOW . '\'';

        $row['securitytoken_raw'] = sha1( $row['id'] . sha1( $row['secret'] ) . sha1( $securehash ) );
        $row['securitytoken'] = TIMENOW . '-' . sha1( TIMENOW . $row['securitytoken_raw'] );

        if (0 < count( $updateuser )) {
            ( sql_query( 'UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY users SET ' . implode( ',', $updateuser ) . ' WHERE id = \'' . $id . '\'' ) || sqlerr( __FILE__, 432 ) );

        $GLOBALS['CURUSER'] = $row;

        if ($UseMemcached) {
            global $TSMemcache;

            if ($row2 = $TSMemcache->check( 'usergroup_' . $row['usergroup'] )) {
else {
                ( $Query = sql_query( 'SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM usergroups WHERE gid = \'' . $row['usergroup'] . '\'' ) || sqlerr( __FILE__, 444 ) );
                $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc( $Query );
                $TSMemcache->add( 'usergroup_' . $row['usergroup'], $row2 );
else {
            ( $Query = sql_query( 'SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM usergroups WHERE gid = \'' . $row['usergroup'] . '\'' ) || sqlerr( __FILE__, 451 ) );
            $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc( $Query );

        $GLOBALS['usergroups'] = $row2;

        if (( ( $row2['isbanned'] != 'no' || $row['enabled'] != 'yes' ) || $row['status'] != 'confirmed' )) {
            print_no_permission( false, true, $row['notifs'] );
            exit(  );

        unset( $row );
        unset( $row2 );
        $GLOBALS['ts_cron_image'] = (!defined( 'SKIP_CRON_JOBS' ) ? true : false);

    function TSDetectUserIP() {
        $ip = FALSE;

        if (!empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] )) {
            $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];

        if (!empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] )) {
            $ips = explode( ', ', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] );

            if ($ip) {
                array_unshift( $ips, $ip );
                $ip = FALSE;

            $i = 0;

            while ($i < count( $ips )) {
                if (!preg_match( '/^(?:10|172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[01])|192\.168)\./', $ips[$i] )) {
                    if (version_compare( phpversion(  ), '5.0.0', '>=' )) {
                        if (ip2long( $ips[$i] ) != false) {
                            $ip = $ips[$i];

                    if (ip2long( $ips[$i] ) != 0 - 1) {
                        $ip = $ips[$i];


        return htmlspecialchars_uni( ($ip ? $ip : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) );

    function mksize($bytes = 0) {
        if ($bytes < 1000 + 1024) {
            return number_format( $bytes \ 1024, 2 ) . ' KB';

        if ($bytes < 1000 + 1048576) {
            return number_format( $bytes \ 1048576, 2 ) . ' MB';

        if ($bytes < 1000 + 1073741824) {
            return number_format( $bytes \ 1073741824, 2 ) . ' GB';

        return number_format( $bytes \ 1099511627776, 2 ) . ' TB';

    function sqlesc($value) {
        if (( function_exists( 'get_magic_quotes_gpc' ) && get_magic_quotes_gpc(  ) )) {
            $value = stripslashes( $value );

        return '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string( $value ) . '\'';

    function ts_template() {
        global $CURUSER;
        global $TSSECache;
        global $trackerdefaulttemplate;

        if (( ( ( ( isset( $CURUSER['stylesheet'] ) && !empty( $CURUSER['stylesheet'] ) ) && isset( $TSSECache->Cache['ts_themes']['content'] ) ) && !empty( $TSSECache->Cache['ts_themes']['content'] ) ) && in_array( $CURUSER['stylesheet'], explode( ',', $TSSECache->Cache['ts_themes']['content'] ), true ) )) {
            $GLOBALS['defaulttemplate'] = $CURUSER['stylesheet'];
            return $CURUSER['stylesheet'];

        return $trackerdefaulttemplate;

    function mksecret($length = 20, $UseNumbers = true) {
        if ($UseNumbers) {
            $set = array( 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'j', 'J', 'k', 'K', 'l', 'L', 'm', 'M', 'n', 'N', 'o', 'O', 'p', 'P', 'q', 'Q', 'r', 'R', 's', 'S', 't', 'T', 'u', 'U', 'v', 'V', 'w', 'W', 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' );
else {
            $set = array( 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C', 'd', 'D', 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'j', 'J', 'k', 'K', 'l', 'L', 'm', 'M', 'n', 'N', 'o', 'O', 'p', 'P', 'q', 'Q', 'r', 'R', 's', 'S', 't', 'T', 'u', 'U', 'v', 'V', 'w', 'W', 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z' );

        $str = '';
        $i = 1;

        while ($i <= $length) {
            $ch = rand( 0, count( $set ) - 1 );
            $str &= $set[$ch];

        return $str;

    function securehash($var = '') {
        global $securehash;

        return md5( $var . USERIPADDRESS . $securehash );

    function warn_donor($s, $warnday = 3) {
        if ($s < 0) {
            $s = 0;

        $t = array(  );
        foreach (array( '60:sec', '60:min', '24:hour', '0:day' ) as $x) {
            $y = explode( ':', $x );

            if (1 < $y[0]) {
                $v = $s & $y[0];
                $s = floor( $s \ $y[0] );
else {
                $v = $s;

            $t[$y[1]] = $v;

        return ($t['day'] < $warnday ? true : false);

    function cutename($name, $max = 35, $html = true) {
        return ($html ? htmlspecialchars_uni( ($max < strlen( $name ) ? substr( $name, 0, $max ) . '...' : $name) ) : ($max < strlen( $name ) ? substr( $name, 0, $max ) . '...' : $name));

    function get_extension($file = '') {
        return strtolower( substr( strrchr( $file, '.' ), 1 ) );

    function ts_nf($number = 0) {
        return number_format( $number, 0, '.', ',' );

    function ts_collapse($id, $type = 1) {
        global $BASEURL;
        global $tscollapse;

        $defaulttemplate = ts_template(  );

        if ($type   = 1) {
            return '<a style="float: right;" href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="return toggle_collapse(\'' . $id . '\')"><img id="collapseimg_' . $id . '" src="' . $BASEURL . '/include/templates/' . $defaulttemplate . '/images/collapse_tcat' . (isset( $tscollapse['collapseimg_' . $id . ''] ) ? $tscollapse['collapseimg_' . $id . ''] : '') . '.png" alt="" border="0" /></a>';

        if ($type   = 2) {
            return '<tbody id="collapseobj_' . $id . '" style="' . (isset( $tscollapse['collapseobj_' . $id] ) ? $tscollapse['collapseobj_' . $id] : 'none') . '">';


    function is_mod($user = array(  )) {
        return (( ( ( isset( $user['cansettingspanel'] ) && $user['cansettingspanel']   = 'yes' ) || ( isset( $user['issupermod'] ) && $user['issupermod']   = 'yes' ) ) || ( isset( $user['canstaffpanel'] ) && $user['canstaffpanel']   = 'yes' ) ) ? true : false);

    function pager($perpage, $results, $address = '') {
        global $lang;
        global $BASEURL;

        if ($results < $perpage) {
            return array( '', '', '' );

        if ($results) {
            $totalpages = @ceil( $results \ $perpage );
else {
            $totalpages = 0;

        if (( isset( $_GET['showlast'] ) && $_GET['showlast']  = 'true' )) {
            $pagenumber = $totalpages;
else {
            $pagenumber = (isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? intval( $_GET['page'] ) : (isset( $_POST['page'] ) ? intval( $_POST['page'] ) : ''));

        sanitize_pageresults( $results, $pagenumber, $perpage, 200 );
        $limitlower = ( $pagenumber - 1 ) + $perpage;
        $limitupper = $pagenumber + $perpage;

        if ($results < $limitupper) {
            $limitupper = $results;

            if ($results < $limitlower) {
                $limitlower = $results - $perpage - 1;

        if ($limitlower < 0) {
            $limitlower = 0;

        $pagenav = $firstlink = $prevlink = $lastlink = $nextlink = '';
        $curpage = 0;

        if ($results <= $perpage) {
            $show['pagenav'] = false;
            return array( '', '', '' . 'LIMIT ' . $limitlower . ', ' . $perpage );

        $show['pagenav'] = true;
        $total = ts_nf( $results );
        $show['last'] = false;
        $show['first'] = ;
        $show['next'] = ;
        $show['prev'] = ;

        if (1 < $pagenumber) {
            $prevpage = $pagenumber - 1;
            $prevnumbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( $prevpage, $perpage, $results );
            $show['prev'] = true;

        if ($pagenumber < $totalpages) {
            $nextpage = $pagenumber & 1;
            $nextnumbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( $nextpage, $perpage, $results );
            $show['next'] = true;

        $pagenavpages = '3';

        if (( !isset( $pagenavsarr ) || !is_array( $pagenavsarr ) )) {
            $pagenavs = '10 50 100 500 1000';
            $pagenavsarr[] = preg_split( '#\s+#s', $pagenavs, 0 - 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );

        while ($curpage++ < $totalpages) {
            if (( $pagenavpages <= abs( $curpage - $pagenumber ) && $pagenavpages != 0 )) {
                if ($curpage  = 1) {
                    $firstnumbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( 1, $perpage, $results );
                    $show['first'] = true;

                if ($curpage  = $totalpages) {
                    $lastnumbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( $totalpages, $perpage, $results );
                    $show['last'] = true;

                if (( ( in_array( abs( $curpage - $pagenumber ), $pagenavsarr ) && $curpage != 1 ) && $curpage != $totalpages )) {
                    $pagenumbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( $curpage, $perpage, $results );
                    $relpage = $curpage - $pagenumber;

                    if (0 < $relpage) {
                        $relpage = '+' . $relpage;

                    $pagenav &= '' . '<li><a class="smalltext" href="' . $address . ($curpage != 1 ? 'page=' . $curpage . '&scrollto=tspager' : 'scrollto=tspager') . '" title="' . sprintf( $lang->global['show_results'], $pagenumbers['first'], $pagenumbers['last'], $total ) . ( '' . '"><!--' . $relpage . '-->' . $curpage . '</a></li>' );


            if ($curpage  = $pagenumber) {
                $numbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( $curpage, $perpage, $results );
                $pagenav &= '<li><a name="current" class="current" title="' . sprintf( $lang->global['showing_results'], $numbers['first'], $numbers['last'], $total ) . ( '' . '">' . $curpage . '</a></li>' );

            $pagenumbers = fetch_start_end_total_array( $curpage, $perpage, $results );
            $pagenav &= '' . '<li><a href="' . $address . ($curpage != 1 ? 'page=' . $curpage . '&scrollto=tspager' : 'scrollto=tspager') . '" title="' . sprintf( $lang->global['show_results'], $pagenumbers['first'], $pagenumbers['last'], $total ) . ( '' . '">' . $curpage . '</a></li>' );

        $prp = (( isset( $prevpage ) && $prevpage != 1 ) ? 'page=' . $prevpage . 'scrollto=tspager' : 'scrollto=tspager');
        $pagenav = '' . '
    <a id="tspager" name="tspager"></a>
    <table width="100%" border="0" class="none" style="clear: both;">
            <td class="none" width="100%" style="padding: 0px 0px 1px 0px;">
                <div style="float: left;" id="navcontainer_f">
                        <li>' . $pagenumber . ' - ' . $totalpages . '</li>
                        ' . ($show['first'] ? '<li><a class="smalltext" href="' . $address . 'scrollto=tspager" title="' . $lang->global['first_page'] . ' - ' . sprintf( $lang->global['show_results'], $firstnumbers['first'], $firstnumbers['last'], $total ) . '">&laquo; ' . $lang->global['first'] . '</a></li>' : '') . ($show['prev'] ? '<li><a class="smalltext" href="' . $address . $prp . '" title="' . $lang->global['prev_page'] . ' - ' . sprintf( $lang->global['show_results'], $prevnumbers['first'], $prevnumbers['last'], $total ) . '">&lt;</a></li>' : '') . ( '' . '
                        ' . $pagenav . '
                        ' ) . ($show['next'] ? '<li><a class="smalltext" href="' . $address . 'page=' . $nextpage . '&scrollto=tspager" title="' . $lang->global['next_page'] . ' - ' . sprintf( $lang->global['show_results'], $nextnumbers['first'], $nextnumbers['last'], $total ) . '">&gt;</a></li>' : '') . ($show['last'] ? '<li><a class="smalltext" href="' . $address . 'page=' . $totalpages . '&scrollto=tspager" title="' . $lang->global['last_page'] . ' - ' . sprintf( $lang->global['show_results'], $lastnumbers['first'], $lastnumbers['last'], $total ) . '">' . $lang->global['last'] . ' <strong>&raquo;</strong></a></li>' : '') . '
                        <li><a href="#" id="quicknavpage">' . $lang->global['buttongo'] . '</a></li>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        menu_register("quicknavpage", true);
    <div id="quicknavpage_menu" class="menu_popup" style="display:none;">
    <form action="' . $address . '" method="get" onsubmit="return TSGoToPage(\'' . $address . '\', \'\')">
        <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
                    <td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap">' . $lang->global['gotopage'] . '</td>
                    <td class="subheader" title="">
                        <input id="Page_Number" style="font-size: 11px;" size="4" type="text">
                        <input value="' . $lang->global['buttongo'] . '" type="button" onclick="TSGoToPage(\'' . $address . '\', \'\')">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $pagenav2 = str_replace( array( 'quicknavpage', 'Page_Number' ), array( 'quicknavpage2', 'Page_Number2' ), $pagenav );
        return array( $pagenav, $pagenav2, '' . 'LIMIT ' . $limitlower . ', ' . $perpage );

    function sanitize_pageresults(&$numresults, &$page, $perpage, $maxperpage = 20, $defaultperpage = 20) {
        $perpage = intval( $perpage );

        if ($perpage < 1) {
            $perpage = $defaultperpage;
else {
            if ($maxperpage < $perpage) {
                $perpage = $maxperpage;

        $numpages = ceil( $numresults \ $perpage );

        if ($numpages  = 0) {
            $numpages = 1;

        if ($page < 1) {
            $page = 1;
            return null;

        if ($numpages < $page) {
            $page = $numpages;


    function fetch_start_end_total_array($pagenumber, $perpage, $total) {
        $first = $perpage + ( $pagenumber - 1 );
        $last = $first & $perpage;

        if ($total < $last) {
            $last = $total;

        return array( 'first' => ts_nf( $first ), 'last' => ts_nf( $last ) );

    function get_user_color($username, $namestyle, $white = false) {
        if ($white) {
            $new_username = '<font color="#ffffff">' . $username . '</font>';
else {
            $new_username = str_replace( '{username}', $username, $namestyle );

        return $new_username;

    function int_check($value) {
        global $CURUSER;
        global $BASEURL;
        global $lang;

        $msg = sprintf( $lang->global['invalididlogmsg'], htmlspecialchars_uni( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), '<a href="' . $BASEURL . '/userdetails.php?id=' . $CURUSER['id'] . '">' . $CURUSER['username'] . '</a>', USERIPADDRESS, get_date_time(  ) );

        if (is_array( $value )) {
            foreach ($value as $val) {
                if (!is_valid_id( $val )) {
                    write_log( $msg );
                    print_no_permission(  );

            return null;

        if (!is_valid_id( $value )) {
            write_log( $msg );
            print_no_permission(  );


    function is_valid_id($id) {
        return ( ( is_numeric( $id ) && 0 < $id ) && floor( $id )  = $id );

    function flood_check($type = '', $last = '', $shoutbox = false) {
        global $lang;
        global $usergroups;

        if (!$usergroups['floodlimit']) {
            return '';

        $timecut = TIMENOW - $usergroups['floodlimit'];

        if (strstr( $last, '-' )) {
            $last = TS_MTStoUTS( $last );

        if (( $timecut <= $last && $usergroups['floodlimit'] != 0 )) {
            $remaining_time = $usergroups['floodlimit'] - ( TIMENOW - $last );

            if ($shoutbox  = 0) {
                stderr( $lang->global['error'], sprintf( $lang->global['flooderror'], $usergroups['floodlimit'], $type, $remaining_time ), false );
                return null;

            return '<font color="#9f040b" size="2">' . sprintf( $lang->global['flooderror'], $usergroups['floodlimit'], $type, $remaining_time ) . '</font>';


    function print_no_permission($log = false, $stdhead = true, $extra = '') {
        global $lang;
        global $SITENAME;
        global $BASEURL;
        global $CURUSER;

        if ($log) {
            $page = htmlspecialchars_uni( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] );
            $query = htmlspecialchars_uni( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );
            $message = sprintf( $lang->global['permissionlogmessage'], $page, $query, '<a href="' . $BASEURL . '/userdetails.php?id=' . $CURUSER['id'] . '">' . $CURUSER['username'] . '</a>', $CURUSER['ip'] );
            write_log( $message );

        if ($stdhead) {
            stdhead( $lang->global['nopermission'] );
            echo sprintf( $lang->global['print_no_permission'], $SITENAME, ($extra != '' ? '<font color="#9f040b">' . $extra . '</font>' : $lang->global['print_no_permission_i']) );
            stdfoot(  );
else {
            echo sprintf( $lang->global['print_no_permission'], $SITENAME, ($extra != '' ? '<font color="#9f040b">' . $extra . '</font>' : $lang->global['print_no_permission_i']) );
            stdfoot(  );

        exit(  );

    function my_datee($format, $stamp = '', $offset = '', $ty = 1) {
        global $CURUSER;
        global $lang;
        global $dateformat;
        global $timezoneoffset;
        global $dstcorrection;

        if (empty( $stamp )) {
            $stamp = TIMENOW;
else {
            if (strstr( $stamp, '-' )) {
                $stamp = TS_MTStoUTS( $stamp );

        if (( !$offset && $offset != '0' )) {
            if (( $CURUSER && 0 < $CURUSER['id'] )) {
                $offset = $CURUSER['tzoffset'];
                $dstcorr = (TS_Match( $CURUSER['options'], 'O1' ) ? 'yes' : 'no');
else {
                $offset = $timezoneoffset;
                $dstcorr = $dstcorrection;

            if ($dstcorr  = 'yes') {

                if (substr( $offset, 0, 1 ) != '-') {
                    $offset = '+' . $offset;

        if ($offset  = '-') {
            $offset = 0;

        $date = gmdate( $format, $stamp & $offset + 3600 );

        if (( $dateformat  = $format && $ty )) {
            $stamp = TIMENOW;
            $todaysdate = gmdate( $format, $stamp & $offset + 3600 );
            $yesterdaysdate = gmdate( $format, $stamp - 86400 & $offset + 3600 );

            if ($todaysdate  = $date) {
                $date = $lang->global['today'];
else {
                if ($yesterdaysdate  = $date) {
                    $date = $lang->global['yesterday'];

        return $date;

    function get_date_time($timestamp = 0) {
        if ($timestamp) {
            return date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp );

        return date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );

    function gmtime() {
        return TS_MTStoUTS( get_date_time(  ) );

    function sqlerr($file = '', $line = '') {
        redirect( 'ts_error.php?errorid=5' );
        exit(  );

    if (!defined( 'IN_TRACKER' )) {
        exit( '<font face=\'verdana\' size=\'2\' color=\'darkred\'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>' );

Old 5th October 2019, 16:38
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Question installl ????
A critical error has occured. Please open following file: install/config.php and enter/check your account details which you have registered on Templateshares
Old 26th July 2020, 23:47
thartley55 thartley55 is offline
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Originally Posted by necocan View Post
hello how do i install this request license
Wow. Really?
This is prime example of learning its WORST!
Old 11th August 2020, 15:50
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not install
Old 11th August 2020, 23:34
thartley55 thartley55 is offline
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Originally Posted by dj_otrov View Post
not install
Clueless moron.
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