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Old 10th September 2019, 14:56
BamBam0077 BamBam0077 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 410
Default Memcached
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//--------- Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------

In order to run Gazelle, you need the following software:
- Some sort of httpd (we recommend apache)
- memcached

And the following php extensions:
- GD (for the captcha and the similar artist map)
- mb_string (multibyte strings)
- mcrypt (for encrypting cookies)
- memcache (interface to connect with memcached)
- mysqli (because the ordinary mysql libraries just don't cut it)


At the time of this writing (July 2008), it is easier to install memcached and
its php extension on Debian-based distros than Red Hat-based distros. For this
reason, we recommend running your server on Debian stable.

There is more information on configuring the software mentioned above in the
'software' file. Once you have it all installed and running, you can move on to
configuring Gazelle.

//--------- Installation --------------------------------------------------------

Gazelle comes with an installation script, so we suggest you run that. It's
located in /install/index.php, so open up your web browser and run the script.
The script will set up your configuration file and your database, and make
a new user.

*** WARNING ***
Running the script again will overwrite your database - when you've finished
running the script, delete the /install directory. You can manually alter any
settings it makes in /classes/config.php.

//--------- schedule.php cron job -----------------------------------------------

Every 15 minutes, schedule.php should be run by cron. This performs all sorts of
black magic - deleting tags, managing ratio watch, building the torrent_hash
table (this will become clearer once you read the 'database' file), etc. It is
split into 4 sections:
- Run every time
- Run every hour
- Run every day
- Run twice per month, on the 8th and the 22nd

It keeps track of when it should run the last 3 sections by reading from the
'schedule' table in the database.

Additionally, schedule.php spits out debugging information (which sections it
ran, and how long it took to build the torrent_hash table). We redirect this
output into a log, so we can debug it if things go horribly wrong.

In order for this magic to run, you need to set up a cron job. So crontab -e,
and add this:

00,15,30,45 * * * * php /path/to/schedule.php SCHEDULE_KEY >> /path/to/schedule.log

Where SCHEDULE_KEY is the SCHEDULE_KEY defined in /classes/config.php.

schedule.php can also be run manually, by anyone with the admin_schedule

//--------- Finishing up --------------------------------------------------------

Finally, make sure that your SESSION_DIR is readable by your script. This is for
detecting the number of users currently online.
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Old 11th September 2019, 23:45
antimidas antimidas is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
United States
Posts: 67
this is for gazelle..... I've already posted requirements for u232 and how to install everything on u232 forums.,3789.0.html
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