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Old 20th January 2009, 22:47
NatashaRhea NatashaRhea is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 48
Default takeupload error
SQL Error
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

in C:\www\htdocs\tracker\takeupload.php, line 196

it was working then went to error not sure why any information would be grateful




function bark($msg) {
	genbark($msg, "Upload failed!");



if ($CURUSER["uploadpos"] == 'no')

foreach(explode(":","descr:type:name") as $v) {
	if (!isset($_POST[$v]))
		bark("missing form data");
if (!empty($_POST['poster']))
$poster = unesc($_POST['poster']);

if (!isset($_FILES["file"]))
	bark("missing form data");

$f = $_FILES["file"];
$fname = unesc($f["name"]);
if (empty($fname))
	bark("Empty filename!");
$nfofile = $_FILES['nfo'];
if ($nfofile['name'] != '')
	if ($nfofile['size'] == 0)
  	bark("0-byte NFO");

	if ($nfofile['size'] > 65535)
  	bark("NFO is too big! Max 65,535 bytes.");

	$nfofilename = $nfofile['tmp_name'];

	if (@!is_uploaded_file($nfofilename))
  	bark("NFO upload failed");

$descr = unesc($_POST["descr"]);
if (!$descr)
  bark("You must enter a description!");

$catid = (0 + $_POST["type"]);
if (!is_valid_id($catid))
	bark("You must select a category to put the torrent in!");
if (!validfilename($fname))
	bark("Invalid filename!");
if (!preg_match('/^(.+)\.torrent$/si', $fname, $matches))
	bark("Invalid filename (not a .torrent).");
$shortfname = $torrent = $matches[1];
if (!empty($_POST["name"]))
	$torrent = unesc($_POST["name"]);

$tmpname = $f["tmp_name"];
if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname))
if (!filesize($tmpname))
	bark("Empty file!");

$dict = bdec_file($tmpname, $max_torrent_size);
if (!isset($dict))
	bark("What the hell did you upload? This is not a bencoded file!");

function dict_check($d, $s) {
	if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
		bark("not a dictionary");
	$a = explode(":", $s);
	$dd = $d["value"];
	$ret = array();
	foreach ($a as $k) {
		if (preg_match('/^(.*)\((.*)\)$/', $k, $m)) {
			$k = $m[1];
			$t = $m[2];
		if (!isset($dd[$k]))
			bark("dictionary is missing key(s)");
		if (isset($t)) {
			if ($dd[$k]["type"] != $t)
				bark("invalid entry in dictionary");
			$ret[] = $dd[$k]["value"];
			$ret[] = $dd[$k];
	return $ret;

function dict_get($d, $k, $t) {
	if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
		bark("not a dictionary");
	$dd = $d["value"];
	if (!isset($dd[$k]))
	$v = $dd[$k];
	if ($v["type"] != $t)
		bark("invalid dictionary entry type");
	return $v["value"];

list($ann, $info) = dict_check($dict, "announce(string):info");
list($dname, $plen, $pieces) = dict_check($info, "name(string):piece length(integer):pieces(string)");

if (!in_array($ann, $announce_urls, 1))
	bark("invalid announce url! must be <b>" . $announce_urls[0] . "</b>");

if (strlen($pieces) % 20 != 0)
	bark("invalid pieces");

$filelist = array();
$totallen = dict_get($info, "length", "integer");
if (isset($totallen)) {
	$filelist[] = array($dname, $totallen);
	$type = "single";
else {
	$flist = dict_get($info, "files", "list");
	if (!isset($flist))
		bark("missing both length and files");
	if (!count($flist))
		bark("no files");
	$totallen = 0;
	foreach ($flist as $fn) {
		list($ll, $ff) = dict_check($fn, "length(integer):path(list)");
		$totallen += $ll;
		$ffa = array();
		foreach ($ff as $ffe) {
			if ($ffe["type"] != "string")
				bark("filename error");
			$ffa[] = $ffe["value"];
		if (!count($ffa))
			bark("filename error");
		$ffe = implode("/", $ffa);
		$filelist[] = array($ffe, $ll);
	$type = "multi";

$infohash = pack("H*", sha1($info["string"]));

// Replace punctuation characters with spaces

$torrent = str_replace("_", " ", $torrent);

$nfo = sqlesc(str_replace("\x0d\x0d\x0a", "\x0d\x0a", @file_get_contents($nfofilename)));
$smalldescr = $_POST["description"];
$ret = mysql_query("INSERT INTO torrents (search_text, filename, owner, visible, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, type, descr, ori_descr, description, category, save_as, added, last_action, nfo, poster) VALUES (" .
		implode(",", array_map("sqlesc", array(searchfield("$shortfname $dname $torrent"), $fname, $CURUSER["id"], "no", $infohash, $torrent, $totallen, count($filelist), $type, $descr, $descr, $smalldescr, 0 + $_POST["type"], $dname))) .
		", '" . get_date_time() . "', '" . get_date_time() . "', $nfo, '".$poster."')");
if (!$ret) {
	if (mysql_errno() == 1062)
		bark("torrent already uploaded!");
	bark("mysql puked: ".mysql_error());
$id = mysql_insert_id();

@mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE torrent = $id");
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
	@mysql_query("INSERT INTO files (torrent, filename, size) VALUES ($id, ".sqlesc($file[0]).",".$file[1].")");

move_uploaded_file($tmpname, "$torrent_dir/$id.torrent");

if ($CURUSER["advertisename"]=='yes'){
write_log("Torrent $id ($torrent) was uploaded by Anonymous");
write_log("Torrent $id ($torrent) was uploaded by $CURUSER[username]");
//===notify people who voted on offer thanks CoLdFuSiOn :)
if (isset($_POST['offer'])) {
$res = mysql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `offervotes` WHERE `userid` != " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `offerid` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$pn_msg = "The Offer you voted for: \"$torrent\" was uploaded by " . $CURUSER["username"] . ".\nYou can Download the Torrent here";
$some_variable = '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs
$some_variable .= "(0, 0, 'Offer $torrent was just uploaded', $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";
//=== use this if you DO NOT have subject in your PMs
//$some_variable .= "(0, 0, $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, subject, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
//=== use this if you do NOT have subject in your PMs
//mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

//=== delete all offer stuff
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `offers` WHERE `id` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0));
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `offervotes` WHERE `offerid` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0));
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `offer` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0). "");
//=== end notify people who voted on offer

/* RSS feeds */

if (($fd1 = @fopen("rss.xml", "w")) && ($fd2 = fopen("rssdd.xml", "w")))
	$cats = "";
	$res = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM categories");
	while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
		$cats[$arr["id"]] = $arr["name"];
	$s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>\n<rss version=\"0.91\">\n<channel>\n" .
		"<title>TorrentBits</title>\n<description>0-week torrents</description>\n<link>$DEFAULTBASEURL/</link>\n";
	@fwrite($fd1, $s);
	@fwrite($fd2, $s);
	$r = mysql_query("SELECT id,name,descr,filename,category FROM torrents ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 15") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
	while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))
		$cat = $cats[$a["category"]];
		$s = "<item>\n<title>" . htmlspecialchars($a["name"] . " ($cat)") . "</title>\n" .
			"<description>" . htmlspecialchars($a["descr"]) . "</description>\n";
		@fwrite($fd1, $s);
		@fwrite($fd2, $s);
		@fwrite($fd1, "<link>$DEFAULTBASEURL/details.php?id=$a[id]&amp;hit=1</link>\n</item>\n");
		$filename = htmlspecialchars($a["filename"]);
		@fwrite($fd2, "<link>$DEFAULTBASEURL/download.php/$a[id]/$filename</link>\n</item>\n");
	$s = "</channel>\n</rss>\n";
	@fwrite($fd1, $s);
	@fwrite($fd2, $s);

/* Email notifs */

$res = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id=$catid") or sqlerr();
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$cat = $arr["name"];
$res = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE enabled='yes' AND notifs LIKE '%[cat$catid]%'") or sqlerr();
$uploader = $CURUSER['username'];

$size = mksize($totallen);
$description = ($html ? strip_tags($descr) : $descr);

$body = <<<EOD
A new torrent has been uploaded.

Name: $torrent
Size: $size
Category: $cat
Uploaded by: $uploader


You can use the URL below to download the torrent (you may have to login).


$to = "";
$nmax = 100; // Max recipients per message
$nthis = 0;
$ntotal = 0;
$total = mysql_num_rows($res);
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_row($res))
  if ($nthis == 0)
    $to = $arr[0];
    $to .= "," . $arr[0];
  if ($nthis == $nmax || $ntotal == $total)
    if (!mail("Multiple recipients <$SITEEMAIL>", "New torrent - $torrent", $body,
    "From: $SITEEMAIL\r\nBcc: $to", "-f$SITEEMAIL"))
	  stderr("Error", "Your torrent has been been uploaded. DO NOT RELOAD THE PAGE!\n" .
	    "There was however a problem delivering the e-mail notifcations.\n" .
	    "Please let an administrator know about this error!\n");
    $nthis = 0;

header("Location: $BASEURL/details.php?id=$id&uploaded=1");

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Old 15th February 2009, 05:42
torrentfreak torrentfreak is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by NatashaRhea View Post
SQL Error
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

in C:\www\htdocs\tracker\takeupload.php, line 196

it was working then went to error not sure why any information would be grateful




function bark($msg) {
    genbark($msg, "Upload failed!");



if ($CURUSER["uploadpos"] == 'no')

foreach(explode(":","descr:type:name") as $v) {
    if (!isset($_POST[$v]))
        bark("missing form data");
if (!empty($_POST['poster']))
$poster = unesc($_POST['poster']);

if (!isset($_FILES["file"]))
    bark("missing form data");

$f = $_FILES["file"];
$fname = unesc($f["name"]);
if (empty($fname))
    bark("Empty filename!");
$nfofile = $_FILES['nfo'];
if ($nfofile['name'] != '')
    if ($nfofile['size'] == 0)
      bark("0-byte NFO");

    if ($nfofile['size'] > 65535)
      bark("NFO is too big! Max 65,535 bytes.");

    $nfofilename = $nfofile['tmp_name'];

    if (@!is_uploaded_file($nfofilename))
      bark("NFO upload failed");

$descr = unesc($_POST["descr"]);
if (!$descr)
  bark("You must enter a description!");

$catid = (0 + $_POST["type"]);
if (!is_valid_id($catid))
    bark("You must select a category to put the torrent in!");
if (!validfilename($fname))
    bark("Invalid filename!");
if (!preg_match('/^(.+)\.torrent$/si', $fname, $matches))
    bark("Invalid filename (not a .torrent).");
$shortfname = $torrent = $matches[1];
if (!empty($_POST["name"]))
    $torrent = unesc($_POST["name"]);

$tmpname = $f["tmp_name"];
if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname))
if (!filesize($tmpname))
    bark("Empty file!");

$dict = bdec_file($tmpname, $max_torrent_size);
if (!isset($dict))
    bark("What the hell did you upload? This is not a bencoded file!");

function dict_check($d, $s) {
    if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
        bark("not a dictionary");
    $a = explode(":", $s);
    $dd = $d["value"];
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($a as $k) {
        if (preg_match('/^(.*)\((.*)\)$/', $k, $m)) {
            $k = $m[1];
            $t = $m[2];
        if (!isset($dd[$k]))
            bark("dictionary is missing key(s)");
        if (isset($t)) {
            if ($dd[$k]["type"] != $t)
                bark("invalid entry in dictionary");
            $ret[] = $dd[$k]["value"];
            $ret[] = $dd[$k];
    return $ret;

function dict_get($d, $k, $t) {
    if ($d["type"] != "dictionary")
        bark("not a dictionary");
    $dd = $d["value"];
    if (!isset($dd[$k]))
    $v = $dd[$k];
    if ($v["type"] != $t)
        bark("invalid dictionary entry type");
    return $v["value"];

list($ann, $info) = dict_check($dict, "announce(string):info");
list($dname, $plen, $pieces) = dict_check($info, "name(string):piece length(integer):pieces(string)");

if (!in_array($ann, $announce_urls, 1))
    bark("invalid announce url! must be <b>" . $announce_urls[0] . "</b>");

if (strlen($pieces) % 20 != 0)
    bark("invalid pieces");

$filelist = array();
$totallen = dict_get($info, "length", "integer");
if (isset($totallen)) {
    $filelist[] = array($dname, $totallen);
    $type = "single";
else {
    $flist = dict_get($info, "files", "list");
    if (!isset($flist))
        bark("missing both length and files");
    if (!count($flist))
        bark("no files");
    $totallen = 0;
    foreach ($flist as $fn) {
        list($ll, $ff) = dict_check($fn, "length(integer):path(list)");
        $totallen += $ll;
        $ffa = array();
        foreach ($ff as $ffe) {
            if ($ffe["type"] != "string")
                bark("filename error");
            $ffa[] = $ffe["value"];
        if (!count($ffa))
            bark("filename error");
        $ffe = implode("/", $ffa);
        $filelist[] = array($ffe, $ll);
    $type = "multi";

$infohash = pack("H*", sha1($info["string"]));

// Replace punctuation characters with spaces

$torrent = str_replace("_", " ", $torrent);

$nfo = sqlesc(str_replace("\x0d\x0d\x0a", "\x0d\x0a", @file_get_contents($nfofilename)));
$smalldescr = $_POST["description"];
$ret = mysql_query("INSERT INTO torrents (search_text, filename, owner, visible, info_hash, name, size, numfiles, type, descr, ori_descr, description, category, save_as, added, last_action, nfo, poster) VALUES (" .
        implode(",", array_map("sqlesc", array(searchfield("$shortfname $dname $torrent"), $fname, $CURUSER["id"], "no", $infohash, $torrent, $totallen, count($filelist), $type, $descr, $descr, $smalldescr, 0 + $_POST["type"], $dname))) .
        ", '" . get_date_time() . "', '" . get_date_time() . "', $nfo, '".$poster."')");
if (!$ret) {
    if (mysql_errno() == 1062)
        bark("torrent already uploaded!");
    bark("mysql puked: ".mysql_error());
$id = mysql_insert_id();

@mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE torrent = $id");
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
    @mysql_query("INSERT INTO files (torrent, filename, size) VALUES ($id, ".sqlesc($file[0]).",".$file[1].")");

move_uploaded_file($tmpname, "$torrent_dir/$id.torrent");

if ($CURUSER["advertisename"]=='yes'){
write_log("Torrent $id ($torrent) was uploaded by Anonymous");
write_log("Torrent $id ($torrent) was uploaded by $CURUSER[username]");
//===notify people who voted on offer thanks CoLdFuSiOn :)
if (isset($_POST['offer'])) {
$res = mysql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `offervotes` WHERE `userid` != " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND `offerid` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
$pn_msg = "The Offer you voted for: \"$torrent\" was uploaded by " . $CURUSER["username"] . ".\nYou can Download the Torrent here";
$some_variable = '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs
$some_variable .= "(0, 0, 'Offer $torrent was just uploaded', $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";
//=== use this if you DO NOT have subject in your PMs
//$some_variable .= "(0, 0, $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, subject, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
//=== use this if you do NOT have subject in your PMs
//mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

//=== delete all offer stuff
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `offers` WHERE `id` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0));
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `offervotes` WHERE `offerid` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0));
@mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE `offer` = ". ($_POST['offer'] + 0). "");
//=== end notify people who voted on offer

/* RSS feeds */

if (($fd1 = @fopen("rss.xml", "w")) && ($fd2 = fopen("rssdd.xml", "w")))
    $cats = "";
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM categories");
    while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $cats[$arr["id"]] = $arr["name"];
    $s = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>\n<rss version=\"0.91\">\n<channel>\n" .
        "<title>TorrentBits</title>\n<description>0-week torrents</description>\n<link>$DEFAULTBASEURL/</link>\n";
    @fwrite($fd1, $s);
    @fwrite($fd2, $s);
    $r = mysql_query("SELECT id,name,descr,filename,category FROM torrents ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 15") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))
        $cat = $cats[$a["category"]];
        $s = "<item>\n<title>" . htmlspecialchars($a["name"] . " ($cat)") . "</title>\n" .
            "<description>" . htmlspecialchars($a["descr"]) . "</description>\n";
        @fwrite($fd1, $s);
        @fwrite($fd2, $s);
        @fwrite($fd1, "<link>$DEFAULTBASEURL/details.php?id=$a[id]&amp;hit=1</link>\n</item>\n");
        $filename = htmlspecialchars($a["filename"]);
        @fwrite($fd2, "<link>$DEFAULTBASEURL/download.php/$a[id]/$filename</link>\n</item>\n");
    $s = "</channel>\n</rss>\n";
    @fwrite($fd1, $s);
    @fwrite($fd2, $s);

/* Email notifs */

$res = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id=$catid") or sqlerr();
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$cat = $arr["name"];
$res = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE enabled='yes' AND notifs LIKE '%[cat$catid]%'") or sqlerr();
$uploader = $CURUSER['username'];

$size = mksize($totallen);
$description = ($html ? strip_tags($descr) : $descr);

$body = <<<EOD
A new torrent has been uploaded.

Name: $torrent
Size: $size
Category: $cat
Uploaded by: $uploader


You can use the URL below to download the torrent (you may have to login).


$to = "";
$nmax = 100; // Max recipients per message
$nthis = 0;
$ntotal = 0;
$total = mysql_num_rows($res);
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_row($res))
  if ($nthis == 0)
    $to = $arr[0];
    $to .= "," . $arr[0];
  if ($nthis == $nmax || $ntotal == $total)
    if (!mail("Multiple recipients <$SITEEMAIL>", "New torrent - $torrent", $body,
    "From: $SITEEMAIL\r\nBcc: $to", "-f$SITEEMAIL"))
      stderr("Error", "Your torrent has been been uploaded. DO NOT RELOAD THE PAGE!\n" .
        "There was however a problem delivering the e-mail notifcations.\n" .
        "Please let an administrator know about this error!\n");
    $nthis = 0;

header("Location: $BASEURL/details.php?id=$id&uploaded=1");

There is nothing wrong to the codes above. I had some sql probs though in my source and download.php was not working. After detailed study i found out bugs at php 5.x version. I upgraded to latest php and everything worked fine. Just upgrade to latest php and mysql.
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error , takeupload

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