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Old 23rd August 2009, 11:32
AwakeN AwakeN is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 7
Talking first glance
got it up and running, looks quite nice! Few things that i had to do to get things running right:

- first thing was something to do with shouts, not sure why it's failing but somewhere around line 115 in config.php (if (!$shout) die("Configuration not found (more...))
- I got it working by commenting this out "/*" before the line above, then after "if (!$row4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($shout)) die("phpMyBitTorrent not corre" on the next line put "*/". Something's wrong not sure what - SB is not showing up on mainpage, although blocks/shoutbox.php is being loaded which means "$user->user AND $user->can_shout =="true"" is coming back as true.

- next issue was the theme, themes default to theme 'Default' which did not come with pmbt. several ways to fix this, go edit sql database torrent_user & torrent_config change from 'Default' to 'pmbt' (a theme that came with the install). Or you can goto the theme folder, and copy the folder 'pmbt' into a folder called 'Default'. Please note if u wish to remove the pmbt folder and keep the Default folder you need to edit main.php and change reference from /pmbt/ to /Default/

So after getting those few things straightened out, the site was running, don't forget to install phpBB3 seperately which is in http://sitename/phpBB3/1/ . otherwise the sql queries on the index.php page will fail if the phpBB tables don't exist.

First thing that I was MOST interested in was the new user 'levels' so having finally got the site working I couldn't wait to get into the administration panel and check out the user levels. While I was an administrator, and I had access to the admin panel, when I clicked on User Levels, heck when I tried to edit my OWN user profile in the User Manager, it failed, said I didn't have permission. I was glad to see that the levels were working, unfortunately I didn't have the 'level' that i would've liked to start with as the admin/owner which leads to:

- Admin (UID-1) did not have 'OWNER' priveledges at first start, I couldn't edit user privledges had to be done in SQL first. It appears as though default is 'user' had to change 'can_do' under user field to 'owner' then everything worked okay.

- I love games, had to see if the casino was working now, it seems to be much better. Was missing something tho' because it kept saying 'amount u/l'd is less then the amount u bet' which was not true.. in casino.php add "{" to the end of line 248 after "if ($uploaded < $betmb)" then add "}" on line 251 as it's own line..

cheers..looks great, kinda curious to hear what's wrong w/ the shoutbox maybe it's something I did dunno

Last edited by AwakeN; 23rd August 2009 at 12:25.