Thread: Mega Scrape
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Old 15th June 2023, 08:51
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crowni crowni is offline
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Default Mega Scrape
HTML Code:
ALTER TABLE torrents ADD updated enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0';

HTML Code:
<?php  require_once("backend/functions.php"); require_once("backend/BDecode.php"); require_once("backend/parse.php"); dbconn(false);  set_time_limit(0);  $interval = 800; // Rescrape torrents every x seconds. (Default: 2 days)  $ts = gmtime() - $interval; $res = mysql_query("SELECT id, info_hash FROM torrents WHERE external = 'yes' AND last_action <= FROM_UNIXTIME($ts) ORDER BY last_action DESC LIMIT 1"); echo "SELECT id, info_hash FROM torrents WHERE external = 'yes' AND last_action <= FROM_UNIXTIME($ts) ORDER BY last_action DESC LIMIT 1"; $count = get_row_count("torrents", "WHERE external = 'yes' AND last_action <= FROM_UNIXTIME($ts)");  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {         $tres = mysql_query("SELECT `url` FROM `announce` WHERE `torrent` = $row[id]");         $annlist = array();         while ($trow = mysql_fetch_array($tres)) {                 $annlist[] = $trow["url"];         }         $seeders = $leechers = $downloaded = null;         echo "Info_Hash: $row[info_hash] ";         foreach ($annlist as $ann) {                 $tracker = explode("/", $ann);                 $path = array_pop($tracker);                 $oldpath = $path;                 $path = preg_replace("/^announce/", "scrape", $path);                 $tracker = implode("/", $tracker)."/".$path;                 if ($oldpath == $path) {                         echo " <B>$ann</B>: Scrape not supported. ";                         continue;                 }                  $stats = torrent_scrape_url($tracker, $row["info_hash"]);                 if ($stats['seeds'] != -1) {                         $seeders += $stats['seeds'];                         $leechers += $stats['peers'];                         $downloaded += $stats['downloaded'];                         echo " <B>$ann</B> ";                         echo "Seeders: $stats[seeds] ";                         echo "Leechers: $stats[peers] ";                         echo "Downloaded: $stats[downloaded] ";                         mysql_query("UPDATE `announce` SET `online` = 'yes', `seeders` = $stats[seeds], `leechers` = $stats[peers], `times_completed` = $stats[downloaded] WHERE `url` = ".sqlesc($ann)." AND `torrent` = $row[id]");                 } else {                         echo " <B>$ann</B>: Tracker timeout. ";                         mysql_query("UPDATE `announce` SET `online` = 'no' WHERE `url` = ".sqlesc($ann)." AND `torrent` = $row[id]");                 }         }          if ($seeders !== null){                 echo " <B>Totals:</B> ";                 echo "Seeders: $seeders ";                 echo"Leechers: $leechers ";                 echo "Completed: $downloaded  ";                  mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET leechers='".$leechers."', seeders='".$seeders."',times_completed='".$downloaded."',last_action= '".get_date_time()."',visible='yes' WHERE id='".$row['id']."'");         }else{                 echo "All trackers timed out. ";                 mysql_query("UPDATE torrents SET last_action= '".get_date_time()."' WHERE id='".$row['id']."'");         } } ?>      <script language="JavaScript">  //Refresh page script- By Brett Taylor ( //Modified by Dynamic Drive for NS4, NS6+ //Visit for this script  //configure refresh interval (in seconds) <? if ($count) echo "var countDownInterval=6;"; else echo "var countDownInterval=900;"; // No torrents to scrape, refresh in 15mins ?> //configure width of displayed text, in px (applicable only in NS4) var c_reloadwidth=200  </script>   <ilayer id="c_reload" width=&{c_reloadwidth}; ><layer id="c_reload2" width=&{c_reloadwidth}; left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>  <script>  var countDownTime=countDownInterval+1; function countDown(){ countDownTime--; if (countDownTime <=0){ countDownTime=countDownInterval; clearTimeout(counter) window.location.reload() return } if (document.all) //if IE 4+ document.all.countDownText.innerText = countDownTime+" "; else if (document.getElementById) //else if NS6+ document.getElementById("countDownText").innerHTML=countDownTime+" " else if (document.layers){ //CHANGE TEXT BELOW TO YOUR OWN document.c_reload.document.c_reload2.document.write('Next <a href="java script:window.location.reload()">refresh</a> in <b id="countDownText">'+countDownTime+' </b> seconds') document.c_reload.document.c_reload2.document.close() } counter=setTimeout("countDown()", 1000); }  function startit(){ if (document.all||document.getElementById) //CHANGE TEXT BELOW TO YOUR OWN document.write('Next <a href="java script:window.location.reload()">refresh</a> in <b id="countDownText">'+countDownTime+' </b> seconds') countDown() }  if (document.all||document.getElementById) startit() else window.onload=startit  </script>
Attached Files
File Type: php mega_scrape.php (3.6 KB, 12 views)
File Type: php mega-start.php (574 Bytes, 8 views)
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