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Old 28th September 2016, 04:31
thartley55 thartley55 is offline
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Posts: 206
Originally Posted by Napon View Post
for them email me as my nets gone from tomz as im using a iphone now

As for thartley55 aka same old say so.... As u never liked when i banned you from my sites
lol yeah right.

Same old same taking every old, unsupported tracker script...'modding' it to suit YOURSELF...then wanting to sell them as 'your' own.

And me...and many other people...calling you out on your bullshit...and you banning me.

Well, I just asked my wife to look at me...and I asked her if I looked offended and sad about you banning me from your sites (which is another story you have started NUMEROUS sites, ran them for a couple weeks to maybe couple months...asking people for donations even...then closing the site(s)...only to start another one soon thereafter).

Anyway back to my wife...she said I do not look sad about you banning me...I look absolutely gratified...she's trying to get me to stop laughing...but I can't.

Anyway...well, sorry but there ain't no anyway.

Well, yes there is...gotta say the internet just got a lot more enjoyable with the news of you not being on it as often.

Have a nice life, or not, I don't give a fuck.
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