Thread: search cloud
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Old 24th June 2012, 01:55
David244us David244us is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 43
Thanks m8 here is my site link if you want to look bud

Bump: this is my ts_tag code where the search cloud stuff is, if anyone sees the problem and can help ty m8teys as I'm so lost lol

function select_random_color ()
return sprintf ('#%02X%02X%02X', mt_rand (0, 255), mt_rand (0, 255), mt_rand (0, 255));

function select_random_font_size ()
global $__min;
global $__max;
return rand ($__min, $__max);

function generate_tags ($tags = array ())
global $BASEURL;
$__tags = array ();
$__count = 0;
$__tags[] = ' <a href="' . $BASEURL . '/browse.php?do=search&amp;search_type=t_both&amp;ca tegory=0&amp;keywords=' . urlencode ($tags[$__count]) . '&amp;tags=true"><font style="color: ' . select_random_color () . '; font-size: ' . select_random_font_size () . 'px; font-family: arial;">' . $tags[$__count] . '</font></a> ';
}while (!($__count < count ($tags)));

return implode ('&nbsp;', $__tags);

require_once 'global.php';
gzip ();
dbconn ();
define ('TT_VERSION', '1.1.1 ');
if (!defined ('IN_SCRIPT_TSSEv56'))
exit ('<font face=\'verdana\' size=\'2\' color=\'darkred\'><b>Error!</b> Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.</font>');

include_once INC_PATH . '/functions_security.php';
$show_tags = '';
$array_tags = array ();
$query = sql_query ('SELECT name, descr FROM torrents WHERE visible = \'yes\' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10');
if (0 < mysql_num_rows ($query))
require TSDIR . '/admin/include/global_config.php';
if (((!$__min OR !$__max) OR !$sc_displaycharminimum))
$__min = 10;
$__max = 30;
$sc_displaycharminimum = 2;

while ($qtags = mysql_fetch_assoc ($query))
$qtags['name'] = preg_replace ('#[^a-z|A-Z]#', ' ', $qtags['name']);
$__temp = explode (' ', $qtags['name']);
foreach ($__temp as $__T)
if ($sc_displaycharminimum < strlen ($__T))
$array_tags[] = $__T;

$qtags['descr'] = preg_replace ('#[^a-z|A-Z]#', ' ', $qtags['descr']);
$__temp2 = explode (' ', $qtags['descr']);
foreach ($__temp2 as $__T2)
if ($sc_displaycharminimum < strlen ($__T2))
$array_tags[] = $__T2;

if (0 < count ($array_tags))
$show_tags = generate_tags ($array_tags);
$show_tags = $lang->global['nothingfound'];
$show_tags = $lang->global['nothingfound'];

stdhead ($SITENAME . ' - Search Cloud');
echo '
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" style="table-layout:fixed;">
<td class="thead" align="center">' . $SITENAME . ' - Search Cloud</td>
<td style="line-height: 25px;">
<div align="justify">
' . $show_tags . '
stdfoot ();
exit ();
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