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Old 14th October 2011, 09:06
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DAKz DAKz is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Exclamation yeah kinda but....
You have to remember, this code such that it is, is the result of decoding the original source, so there was a lot that got added to make it functional, by a lot of people here. So yes the way it is organized does make you nuts, however once you get the hang of where everything is.....then a new one comes out.
This code even with its shortcomings is still the most popular code on this site, the numbers are displayed everywhere and if you think about it, its pretty impressive. To those that have worked on it in the past, those that are working on it now, and I know that there are a couple that are making a run at decoding the 7.0-7.2 version and with the way its encoded it will take a lot of work.
Now whether you like xam or his money grubbing ways or not, I see that it has nothing to do with the code here. This is so far from the original and with the mods added to it, it really is worthy of its own name, as it really has its own reputation built in thanks to Dr. Net, Fynonn, Mr Decoder, and all the rest that are listed in the remarks at the top of the page.
I know to be a great coder it is good to be fair at most of them, to be a great coder be good at all of them, but as I have hinted at before, and will state clearly here..This source is good enough with all the mods to stand on its own, and I would think it would do BVList proud to finish it up, polish it and release it as its own source, simular to what happened with torrentstrike. Now I could be way wrong, but I think that would tweak xam's ass more then a little, and show off the talents, skill, and out right balls that BVList has!
But hey what do I
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