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Old 24th August 2010, 20:57
Krypto Krypto is offline
Retired from BVList
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 510
Please amend your post regarding FreeTSP, as the information is misleading and inaccurate.

Firstly you are still a member of FreeTSP and I believe your were congratulated and thanked for the themes that you'd produced.

Secondly and most importantly FreeTSP and TorrentStrike are two separate entities so please do not tar them both with the same brush. Whatever happens over on the TorrentStrike forum has nothing to do with the FreeTSP site and vice-versa.

Yes I host them both and am obviously Admin on both, I take care of FreeTSP ONLY, Denno and others take care of TorrentStrike ONLY. Infact Denno is no longer a member at FreeTSP. So what happens on the TorrentStrike is of no concern to myself, if you have issues with Staff then please take it up with them, and not post such misleading items in other forums.

We had all of this last week on a similar subject and I DO NOT want to go through all that again, you could have easily contacted any of the Staff through PM here.

Please do not mix the two sites together.

I expect you to amend your post regarding FreeTSP.

Bump: I've amended your post as I only asked you to remove the reference to FreeTSP as what you wrote was incorrect and not true, I never mentioned about removing the themes!

I suggest you take this up via MSN of PM with Denno.

As I said previously I'm not going to allow this post to turn into what last weeks post turned into.
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