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wMan 5th October 2011 15:18

Donated - SCROLLING MOD for torranttrader 2.0.6
1 Attachment(s)
Donated SCROLLING MOD for torranttrader 2.0.6 one of my mods i made
its not on torranttrader at all as im the only site that as it apart from a mate of mine thats it 5 GBP PAYPAL

Bigjoos 5th October 2011 16:01

Lmao wouldnt give ye 5 pence - You never made the code because its ripped from Tbdev even at that its invalid shite, Not XHtml and prolly no even secure but you feel the need to charge 5 pounds - Listen quoted and respectable coders make full source codes, spend 3-4 yrs dev on that source and dont charge a penny - You should be ashamed to show your face with this bull.

stoner 5th October 2011 16:09

Ummm.. Stolen from tbdev09 mods. Which I personally did. So, how much am I making from it ???

Thats some dirty scum bag shit ur pulling right there.

Anyone who pays for it is stupid. U want it come talk to me. I'm sure I could work it into any source code for the grand price of... Wait for it...... FUCK ALL

Edit.. Screw it.. Here is the full code for tbdev09. Easily adapated to work on any site I would think. If I get some time over the next couple of days. I will write this for the source code ur trying to sell it for..

For index.php or whatever page ur adding it to..

    //Cached donor srolling
        $HTMLOUT .= "

$donor3 ="";
$file = "./cache/donors.txt";
$expire = 60*60; // 1 hour

if (file_exists($file) && filemtime($file) > (time() - $expire)) {
$donor3 = unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
} else {

$donor1 = mysql_query("SELECT id, username, class, anonymous, donor FROM users WHERE donor = 'yes' ORDER BY donated DESC") or sqlerr();
while ($donor2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($donor1)) {
$donor3[] = $donor2;
$OUTPUT = serialize($donor3);
$fp = fopen($file, "w");
fputs($fp, $OUTPUT);

        $donators = "";
        if (is_array($donor3))
        foreach ($donor3 as $arr) {
        if ($donators) $donators .= " \n";
        $donators .= "";
        if ($arr["anonymous"] == "yes")
        if ($CURUSER['class'] < UC_MODERATOR && $arr["id"] != $CURUSER["id"])
        $arr["username"] = "Anonymous";
        $arr["username"] = " " . htmlspecialchars($arr['username']) . "+ ";
        $arr["username"] = " " . htmlspecialchars($arr['username']) . " ";
        $donator = $arr["donor"] === "yes";

        if ($CURUSER)
        $donators .= "{$arr["username"]}";
        $donators .= "{$arr["username"]}";
if ($donator)
        $donators .= "Donated ";

        if ($arr["anonymous"] == "yes")
        if ($CURUSER['class'] < UC_MODERATOR && $arr["id"] != $CURUSER["id"])
        $donators .= "";

        $donators .= "
$fh = fopen("./cache/donors.txt", "r");

$string = file_get_contents("cache/donors.txt");

$HTMLOUT .="";

$HTMLOUT .=" {$donators} ";


Add add this to ur scripts folder..


 * jScroller2 1.61 - Scroller Script
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Markus Bordihn (
 * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
 * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
 * $Date: 2009-07-16 18:00:00 +0100 (Thu, 16 July 2009) $
 * $Rev: 1.61 $

eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('x 4={1M:{1N:"1O 1P",1Q:1.1R,1S:"1T 1U (1V://1W.1X)",1Y:"1Z 20 21"},11:{1t:22,17:{D:/([0-9,.\\-]+)D/}},6:[],n:{18:T,A:\'1u\'+\'23\',1h:0,19:0,1a:G.24?1i:T,12:{13:T}},w:{E:s(a,b,c){x i,1b=\'\',O=a.H;7(a&&b){L(i=0;i=0){1b=a[i].1d(b)[1];B}y 7(a[i]===b){1b=a[i];B}}}V 1b},D:s(a){x b="";7(a){7(a.1j(4.11.17.D)){7(1v a.1j(4.11.17.D)[1]!==\'1w\'){b=a.1j(4.11.17.D)[1]}}}V 1x(b)},k:s(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){x j;X(a){t\'C\':t\'U\':j=4.w.D(d.P[b])+h;7(c>0&&c<=f){4.u[b](d,c-g)}7(j+g>=f&&j<=f+h){4.u[b](d,j);c=j+e*-1}V c;t\'W\':t\'r\':j=4.w.D(d.P[b])-h;7(c+e<=f){4.u[b](d,c+e)}7(j+g<=f&&j+g+h>=0){4.u[b](d,j);c=j+g}V c}}},F:{1e:s(){7(4.n.12.13&&4.n.12.13!==14.1k){4.n.12.13=14.1k}y{4.1l()}},15:s(){4.1m()},I:s(a){7(a>0){L(x i=0;i<4.6.H;i++){7(a===4.6[i][3].I){4.6[i][3].Q=4.6[i][3].I=0}}}},1n:s(a){7(a){4.1o(a,1)}},1p:s(a){7(a){4.1o(a,0)}}},u:{r:s(a,b){4.R(a,\'r\',b+"D")},M:s(a,b){4.R(a,\'M\',b+"D")},l:s(a,b){4.R(a,\'l\',b+"D")},m:s(a,b){4.R(a,\'m\',b+"D")}},1y:{1z:s(){x a=14.1A(\'1B\'),O=a.H,i;L(i=0;i0){4.1m();7(4.n.1h){L(i=0;i<4.6.H;i++){7(4.6[i][3].I>0){G.25("4.F.I("+4.6[i][3].I+",0)",4.6[i][3].I)}}}7(4.n.19===0){7(4.n.1a){4.n.12.13=14.1k;4.J(14,\'26\',4.F.1e)}y{4.J(G,\'1e\',4.F.1e)}4.J(G,\'15\',4.F.15);4.J(G,\'27\',4.F.15);4.J(G,\'28\',4.F.15)}}}}},1C:s(a,b){x i,O=4.6.H,1g=T;7(a&&b){7(O>0){L(i=0;i=0){z=z.1q}7(z){4.R(z,\'1r\',\'29\');4.R(z,\'2a\',\'2b\');x d=z.1A(\'1B\');L(i=0;ia.m&&b+8.q>0)||({4.6[i][3].v=((8.p===\'C\')?2:1)}7(8.v===((8.p===\'C\')?2:1)&&((o.m>a.m&&{b=(o.m)*-1}}y{7(ba.l&&c+8.q>0)||({4.6[i][3].v=((8.p===\'r\')?1:2)}7(8.v===((8.p===\'r\')?1:2)&&((o.l>a.l&&{c=(o.l)*-1}}}}4.u.r(o.6,c);B}}}},1o:s(a,b){7(a.1s||a.1J){x c=a.1s?a.1s:a.1J;L(x i=0;i<5;i++){7(c.Y.1c(4.n.A+\'1F\')<0&&c.Y.1c(\'1D\')<0){c=c.1q}y{B}}4.Q(c,b)}},1m:s(){7(!4.16){4.18=4.16=G.2h(4.1I,4.11.1t)}},1l:s(){7(4.16){G.2i(4.16);4.18=4.16=T}},Q:s(a,b){7(a&&b>=0){L(x i=0;i<4.6.H;i++){7(a===4.6[i][1].6||a===4.6[i][2].6){4.6[i][3].Q=b}}}},R:s(a,b,c){7(a&&b){7(a.P){7(1v a.P[b]!==\'1w\'){7(c){2j{V(a.P[b]=c)}2k(e){V T}}y{V(a.P[b]===\'\')?((a.1K)?a.1K[b]:((G.1L)?G.1L(a,\'\').2l(b):T)):a.P[b]}}}}},J:s(a,b,c){7(a&&b&&c){7(4.n.1a){a.2m("F"+b,c)}y{a.2n(b,c,T)}}}};4.J(G,\'2o\',4.1y.1z);',62,149,'||||ByRei_jScroller2||obj|if|option||||||||||||endless|width|height|cache|child|direction|speed|left|function|case|set|alternate|get|var|else|parent|prefix|break|down|px|value|on|window|length|delay|set_eventListener|clientWidth|for|top|clientHeight|il|style|pause|_style|classNames|false|right|return|up|switch|className|dynamic||config|last|element|document|focus|timer|regExp|active|ileave|ie|result|indexOf|split|blur|null|error|delayer|true|match|activeElement|stop|start|over|start_stop|out|parentNode|position|target|refreshtime|jscroller2|typeof|undefined|parseFloat|init|main|getElementsByTagName|div|add|_endless|absolute|mousemove|mouseover|mouseout|scroller|srcElement|currentStyle|getComputedStyle|info|Name|ByRei|jScroller2|Version|61|Author|Markus|Bordihn|http|markusbordihn|de|Description|Next|Generation|Autoscroller|150|_|detachEvent|setTimeout|focusout|resize|scroll|relative|overflow|hidden|ignoreleave|1000|push|remove|splice|setInterval|clearInterval|try|catch|getPropertyValue|attachEvent|addEventListener|load'.split('|'),0,{}))

And in ur css file this

/* Scroller Box */
#scroller_container {
 position: relative;
 width: 100%;
 height: 60px;
 overflow: hidden;

#scroller {
 white-space: nowrap;
 line-height: 60px;
 font-size: 12px;

#scroller p {
 padding: 0;
/* Scoller Box */

more info on the js used here

GrImReApeR 5th October 2011 16:19

could do with one on my site stoner lol
tutut sell next mans work

wMan 5th October 2011 17:28


Originally Posted by Bigjoos (Post 30461)
Lmao wouldnt give ye 5 pence - You never made the code because its ripped from Tbdev even at that its invalid shite, Not XHtml and prolly no even secure but you feel the need to charge 5 pounds - Listen quoted and respectable coders make full source codes, spend 3-4 yrs dev on that source and dont charge a penny - You should be ashamed to show your face with this bull.

no it was not i spent a few hours making this and no it never come from tbv at all so get your facts rigth chap

stoner 5th October 2011 17:44


Originally Posted by wolfman (Post 30466)
no it was not i spent a few hours making this and no it never come from tbv at all so get your facts rigth chap

Ok i'm gonna give u the full benefit of the doubt here. Only cuz I took a look at ur site.

Ur using marquee tags in there. So its not my code (So sorry for that). *But could be the 08 code easy enough as thats how that was done*

But ur code is flawed.. It dont even scroll on ur site (using chrome at least)

But really, Ur trying to sell that piece of crap. Common, its not xhtml valid and its the most simple piece of code..

Better drink some horlics so u can sleep at night, trying to sell that crap. Hell why even try to sell any code.. We are all here for sharing.. So share. What if all us coders decide we would only sell our mods. Shit there would be nothing around for anyone..

x360zone 5th October 2011 19:32

wait for it wait for it "LoL"

hahaha :drink:

daffy 5th October 2011 20:51

he prolly using this one, had it donkeys years, no idea who made it but this is it lol


if (!$site_config["MEMBERSONLY"] || $CURUSER["class"] >"1") {
begin_block("Site Donors");

echo "
echo "
Thank You
echo "
$sql = "SELECT id, username, donated FROM users WHERE donated != '' ORDER BY donated DESC ";
$mysql_result=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());;
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result))
$id = $row['id'];
$username = $row['username'];
$donated = $row['donated'];
echo "
echo "";
echo "
For Your Support


make new block named donors_block. add above code. add block to admincp

oh yea you will need the donation mod installed to so if user donates say 1 usd or gbp they will show, i had mine set to 10, anything below that they dont show. if you want the whole mod for that, holla with a dolla

buznagn 18th January 2012 23:02

thats my piece of crap from about 4 years ago daffy lol you got it when i gave you my torrent trader source from my site


Originally Posted by daffy (Post 30472)
he prolly using this one, had it donkeys years, no idea who made it but this is it lol


if (!$site_config["MEMBERSONLY"] || $CURUSER["class"] >"1") {
begin_block("Site Donors");

echo "
echo "
Thank You
echo "
$sql = "SELECT id, username, donated FROM users WHERE donated != '' ORDER BY donated DESC ";
$mysql_result=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());;
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result))
$id = $row['id'];
$username = $row['username'];
$donated = $row['donated'];
echo "
echo "";
echo "
For Your Support


make new block named donors_block. add above code. add block to admincp

oh yea you will need the donation mod installed to so if user donates say 1 usd or gbp they will show, i had mine set to 10, anything below that they dont show. if you want the whole mod for that, holla with a dolla

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