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xenu 2nd February 2012 23:33

Failure: Missing key: Passkey

I'm having a bit of a problem with Torrent Trader 2.08. I installed it and everything works fine except for the announce.php passkey component. I've downloaded the torrent to get the passkey but nothing happens and I get the Failure Missing key: passkey error. As a result, nothing is accounted for in the tracker, so all of the downloads look dead.

I've looked through the other threads for this issue and I know it has something to do with needing sitename/announce.php?passkey=######

but I guess I don't know how to set it up correctly or something is missing.

Here is my config

PHP Code:

= array();
$site_config['ttversion'] = '2.08';                            //DONT CHANGE THIS!

// Main Site Settings
$site_config['SITENAME'] = 'MegaNova';                    //Site Name
$site_config['SITEEMAIL'] = '';        //Emails will be sent from this address
$site_config['SITEURL'] = '';    //Main Site URL
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$site_config['announce_list'] = ""//seperate via comma
$site_config['MEMBERSONLY'] = true;                            //MAKE MEMBERS SIGNUP
$site_config['MEMBERSONLY_WAIT'] = true;                    //ENABLE WAIT TIMES FOR BAD RATIO
$site_config['ALLOWEXTERNAL'] = true;        //Enable Uploading of external tracked torrents
$site_config['UPLOADERSONLY'] = false;        //Limit uploading to uploader group only
$site_config['INVITEONLY'] = false;            //Only allow signups via invite
$site_config['ENABLEINVITES'] = true;        // Enable invites regardless of INVITEONLY setting
$site_config['CONFIRMEMAIL'] = true;        //Enable / Disable Signup confirmation email
$site_config['ACONFIRM'] = false;            //Enable / Disable ADMIN CONFIRM ACCOUNT SIGNUP
$site_config['ANONYMOUSUPLOAD'] = false;        //Enable / Disable anonymous uploads
$site_config['PASSKEYURL'] = "$site_config[SITEURL]/announce.php?passkey=%s"// Announce URL to use for passkey
$site_config['UPLOADSCRAPE'] = true// Scrape external torrents on upload? If using mega-scrape.php you should disable this
$site_config['FORUMS'] = true// Enable / Disable Forums
$site_config['FORUMS_GUESTREAD'] = true// Allow / Disallow Guests To Read Forums
$site_config["OLD_CENSOR"] = false// Use the old change to word censor set to true otherwise use the new one.   

$site_config['maxusers'] = 20000// Max # of enabled accounts
$site_config['maxusers_invites'] = $site_config['maxusers'] + 5000// Max # of enabled accounts when inviting

$site_config['currency_symbol'] = '$'// Currency symbol (HTML allowed)

$site_config['BANNED_AGENTS'] = "-AZ21, -BC, LIME";

$site_config['torrent_dir'] = getcwd().'/uploads';
$site_config['nfo_dir'] = getcwd().'/uploads';
$site_config['blocks_dir'] = getcwd().'/blocks';

// Image upload settings
$site_config['image_max_filesize'] = 524288// Max uploaded image size in bytes (Default: 512 kB)
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"image/gif" => ".gif",
"image/pjpeg" => ".jpg",
"image/jpeg" => ".jpg",
"image/jpg" => ".jpg",
"image/png" => ".png"

$site_config['SITE_ONLINE'] = true;                                    //Turn Site on/off
$site_config['OFFLINEMSG'] = 'Site is down for a little while';    

$site_config['WELCOMEPMON'] = true;            //Auto PM New members
$site_config['WELCOMEPMMSG'] = 'Thank you for registering to MegaNova! Please remember to keep your ratio at 1.00 or greater :)';

$site_config['SITENOTICEON'] = true;
$site_config['SITENOTICE'] = '<b>Update</b> - Torrents are currently being uploaded so many of them may not be working yet <br/><br/>Welcome To MegaNovaThis site is currently a work in progress, and new torrents should be rolling out within the week. I appreciate many of you taking part in the community so far, and I look forward to having many of you back. And to address earlier concerns, I do not plan this a private tracker at this moment, I want to ensure safe and free accessibility for everyone!I also encourage everyone to share on this site. If you do not have the capabilities to seed torrents, you can supply the community by sending videos to us at staff[at] so at least I or someone else can share it for you.Cheers,MegaNova';

$site_config['UPLOADRULES'] = 'You should also include a .nfo file wherever possibleTry to make sure your torrents are well-seeded for at least unitl enough people have downloaded itDo not re-release material that is still active';

//Setup Site Blocks
$site_config['LEFTNAV'] = true//Left Column Enable/Disable
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$site_config['DONATEON'] = true;
$site_config['DISCLAIMERON'] = true;

$site_config['WAIT_CLASS'] = '1,2';        //Classes wait time applies to, comma seperated
$site_config['GIGSA'] = '1';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOA'] = '0.50';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITA'] = '24';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['GIGSB'] = '3';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOB'] = '0.65';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITB'] = '12';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['GIGSC'] = '5';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOC'] = '0.80';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITC'] = '6';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['GIGSD'] = '7';            //Minimum gigs
$site_config['RATIOD'] = '0.95';        //Minimum ratio
$site_config['WAITD'] = '2';            //If neither are met, wait time in hours

$site_config['PEERLIMIT'] = '10000';            //LIMIT NUMBER OF PEERS GIVEN IN EACH ANNOUNCE
$site_config['autoclean_interval'] = '600';        //Time between each auto cleanup (Seconds)
$site_config['LOGCLEAN'] = 28 86400;            // How often to delete old entries. (Default: 28 days)
$site_config['announce_interval'] = '900';        //Announce Interval (Seconds)
$site_config['signup_timeout'] = '259200';        //Time a user stays as pending before being deleted(Seconds)
$site_config['maxsiteusers'] = '10000';            //Maximum site members
$site_config['max_dead_torrent_time'] = '2629743';//Time until torrents that are dead are set invisible (Seconds)

$site_config["ratiowarn_enable"] = true//Enable/Disable auto ratio warning
$site_config["ratiowarn_minratio"] = 0.4//Min Ratio
$site_config["ratiowarn_mingigs"] = 4;  //Min GB Downloaded
$site_config["ratiowarn_daystowarn"] = 14//Days to ban

// category = Category Image/Name, name = Torrent Name, dl = Download Link, uploader, comments = # of comments, completed = times completed, size, seeders, leechers, health = seeder/leecher ratio, external, wait = Wait Time (if enabled), rating = Torrent Rating, added = Date Added, nfo = link to nfo (if exists)
$site_config["torrenttable_columns"] = "category,name,dl,uploader,comments,size,seeders,leechers,health,external";
// size, speed, added = Date Added, tracker, completed = times completed
$site_config["torrenttable_expand"] = "";

// Caching settings
$site_config["cache_type"] = "disk"// disk = Save cache to disk, memcache = Use memcache, apc = Use APC
$site_config["cache_memcache_host"] = "localhost"// Host memcache is running on
$site_config["cache_memcache_port"] = 11211// Port memcache is running on
$site_config['cache_dir'] = getcwd().'/cache'// Cache dir (only used if type is "disk"). Must be CHMOD 777

// Mail settings
// php to use PHP's built-in mail function. or pear to use
// MUST use pear for SMTP
$site_config["mail_type"] = "php";
$site_config["mail_smtp_host"] = "localhost"// SMTP server hostname
$site_config["mail_smtp_port"] = "25"// SMTP server port
$site_config["mail_smtp_ssl"] = false// true to use SSL
$site_config["mail_smtp_auth"] = false// true to use auth for SMTP
$site_config["mail_smtp_user"] = ""// SMTP username
$site_config["mail_smtp_pass"] = ""// SMTP password

// Password hashing - Once set, cannot be changed without all users needing to reset their passwords
$site_config["passhash_method"] = "sha1"// Hashing method (sha1, md5 or hmac). Must use what your previous version of TT did or all users will need to reset their passwords
// Only used for hmac.
$site_config["passhash_algorithm"] = "sha1"// See for a list of supported algorithms.
$site_config["passhash_salt"] = ""// Shouldn't be blank. At least 20 characters of random text.

Thanks in advance for your help.

LeeHowarth 3rd February 2012 03:02

Maybe the answer is at

xenu 3rd February 2012 03:54

hmm, I tried signing up for their forum, but their register button sends me to a dead adfly link to

LeeHowarth 3rd February 2012 05:33

You will after contact the administrator.

xenu 3rd February 2012 06:41

okay, does anyone have an email I contact from? Their site and there Whois have no usable info, so I'm left their Facebook page a message so far.

joeroberts 3rd February 2012 07:28

try changing
PHP Code:

$site_config['PASSKEYURL'] = "$site_config[SITEURL]/announce.php?passkey=%s"// Announce URL to use for passkey 

PHP Code:

$site_config['PASSKEYURL'] = $site_config['SITEURL'] . '/announce.php?passkey=%s'// Announce URL to use for passkey 

LeeHowarth 3rd February 2012 14:25

i have a contact email, but if i emailed him then i would be emailing my self lol

daffy 3rd February 2012 16:20


Originally Posted by djhowarth (Post 32840)
i have a contact email, but if i emailed him then i would be emailing my self lol

go on you know you wanna hahaha

ps pw reset dont seem to be working on TT forums for Daffy

LeeHowarth 3rd February 2012 16:42

junk mail?

daffy 3rd February 2012 16:55

no mail :( tried x3 this week fella :cool:

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