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GameMaster 10th October 2014 11:20

Foxy Hosting
For such a small unknown company such as this, they're support team is nothing short of idiots, i've heard rumors that this company steals from they're clients, I thought this was untrue, but the point is, that now the proof is there in writing, I have lost just short of £10 with this company cause the guy decided he'd be smart with they're customers, I will tell you for sure I wont be back, and they're TOS doesn't get followed by the staff, guess they're team there wanted to show people that what is flying around about them is true! I'm just a shamed at the fact I've now been with them for almost 6 months and that's how they say thanks? Oh well, glad i got out, however be warned, DO NOT GO NEAR THEM - I also know the founder/owner is a member on this forum site!


x360zone 10th October 2014 11:34

stop swearing at support staff you was warned and you think its ok to swear
get a life you idiot you paid for 3 months you had the service 2 months 1 month left we told you to talk polite where you didnt

"anyone gonna help or you lot taking the piss?"

yes im sure support will gladly jump on your ticket after getting spoke too like that
and in fact you need to stop sladdering also saying im someone on xams forum just because i know ant dont me im running the tracker you reported to xam also demon
i see straight through your crap and have shown in many tickets demanding not asking demanding. so to clear things up. my partner runs the hosting his brother and partner runs torrentfox i run btmanager with joe, which has nothing to do with either torrentfox or foxyhosting so get your facts right before you spoute shite

GameMaster 10th October 2014 11:52

think ya got the wrong person in regards to xams forums and gonna point out where there is swearing in that sentence? cause i'm still failing to see where - but if you point out where then sure I'll be able to not do it again..

x360zone 10th October 2014 11:57

like i said i know people on xams too and ips are the same you idiot
slating x360zone under the name demon yawn but mrfox aint me lol

so what ever you get off on yes if you spoke to my wife in that way you would be getting knocked the fuck out and you know what you chat like in your tickets ive read them all you treat support like crap and demand a reinstall, then ten minutes later start swearing and getting aggressive we dont and wont tolerate that like me saying your probably a wife beater or even worse.. cry as much as you need next time you may learn how to speak or treat people with some sort of respect especially your host, and no they dont want you to kiss there ass just to be spoke to normal human like not knobheadish like yourself treat people

oh and just incase your could read the fine print
We have a no refund policy once the service has been setup and details sent please understand this before placing an order

Unmanaged Services:
All our services are unmanaged unless stated so on the order page. its not up to us to complete your virtual setup.
Abusing the support staff if a big no no threats, swearing will get your account disabled or ignored support tickets, we are here to help not to be treated like a animal its nice to be nice its polite to be polite. doing the opposite will and could end up in account closure.

just incase and you agreed to these on signing up

GameMaster 10th October 2014 12:03

My username over on xam's forums is seedy - not demon, so that's proved you wrong and I get aggressive? yeah mate, whatever, here, lets paste the coversation here part 1:


My Clients name2014-10-10 10:13:02

Just refund the money and heck don't worry, i just think its shocking that just sky of 12 hours i had to wait on a response, i thought this company would love helping its customers eh, proves that its wrong, i expect a refund of whats left of this months and next months is well and if you's had some sort of way of reinstalling the vps's then people like me won't have to contact you's and if you must know It wasn't me who messed it up, my friend was trying to install something!! and heck nice to know how the support goes here!
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Sales Assistant 2014-10-10 10:05:17

for one its not my fault your cant install what you need and need a reload yes we will when we have time we dont just just at client demands especially when we get spoken too like that you lucky ive not suspended your account read our tos. so yes there is a wait for you id try again in about a hour or two when the support staff dont feel offended by your remarks
Rate my response

Sales Assistant 2014-10-10 10:03:04

pardon me who are you talking too like that no we dont help when we get spoken too like this

my clients name 2014-10-10 09:04:00

anyone gonna help or you lot taking the piss??????9

my clients name 2014-10-09 23:54:38

come on guys, I need this server done so I can install my new site :)

my clients name 2014-10-09 23:32:36

Hi there,

Is it possible that you can reinstall my VPS to Debian 6 64BIT RAW OS please :) - My server/VPS IP is:

my clients name

I scored out my real name cause I don't post that kind of information over the net - done the same with your staff too.

x360zone 10th October 2014 17:30

Sales Assistant 2014-10-10 10:03:04

pardon me who are you talking too like that no we dont help when we get spoken too like this

**** 2014-10-10 09:04:00

anyone gonna help or you lot taking the piss??????9

**** 2014-10-09 23:54:38

being in sales for a while you get the idiots who try it on with various things and by far no your in the wrong in your manner you spoke to support just because you did not get support in your time frame but as for checking previous tickets from you all answered like you own the server and demanding where all answered in under a 3m- 1hour marker so as we stated in the ticket we dont want your custom due to being a very rude person so have a good day. you had a vps service and rude so you will have to find another host to abuse. so go spread the word we are such bad hosts but theres many happy clients who cant praise the service enough for the help and commitment the staff put in. sadly your not one of those:wave:

violent 12th October 2014 20:38

You know this really don't surprise me about Gamemaster. I have dealt with this guy in the past.

Here are just some of the sites he has started and shut down cause he has no clue on how to run/manage a tracker.

Some of his usernames he has used from around the web

cburns - this is a unsername I suspect he stole from +9000 but he registered account under that name here on bv list.

He is also a admin on the U232 forum but I won't post that name in public cause I don't want to stir up trouble with that forum.

He usually (or use to login under a server proxy)

I never used foxy hosting so can't comment on there customer service but however what they are saying that he said sounds like him.

GameMaster 13th October 2014 17:55


Originally Posted by violent (Post 45267)
You know this really don't surprise me about Gamemaster. I have dealt with this guy in the past.

Here are just some of the sites he has started and shut down cause he has no clue on how to run/manage a tracker.

Some of his usernames he has used from around the web

speedy - never owned or used this name
gamemaster - only use this on here
cburns - this is a unsername I suspect he stole from +9000 but he registered account under that name here on bv list.

He is also a admin on the U232 forum but I won't post that name in public cause I don't want to stir up trouble with that forum.

He usually (or use to login under a server proxy)

I never used foxy hosting so can't comment on there customer service but however what they are saying that he said sounds like him.

ROFL - hey there, glad you came cause it's pretty funny actually, my past ain't pretty, i know that, but cburns isn't my user account, infact it doesn't even belong to me, and thanks for advertising my older brother's tracer network...

reasons for the following sites closures: - lack of activity from it's members - had just shy of 6k worth of torrents - the person who owned this before me, distroyed it's name - didn't own this tracker, helped them setup then left! - server was shutdown due to ddos attacks - ahh this, i remember this one - closed down due to ddos attacks again - was branded by a guy name BamBam007 and had bad rep - never owned, helped the owner then he disappeared

I got no shame in displaying why I shut these sites down, pretty funny actually

x360zone 13th October 2014 19:49

what a big f':suicide:in douchebag you are

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