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BamBam0077 10th January 2022 12:40

Seedbonus On Login
Add into index.php script should refresh and add 2.0 seedbonus on login or while logged in it will update every time while logged in to make seedbonus points 2.0 is set though yet to be tested so give it a turn.


$seedbonus = $CURUSER[“seedbonus”];

/* seedbonus everytime your on the index page or script :) */
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = “.$CURUSER[“seedbonus”].”+2.0 WHERE id = ".$CURUSER["id"]."") ;

!!Requires Seedbonus Hack:

szaby 10th January 2022 15:06


This is not need:
PHP Code:

$seedbonus $CURUSER[“seedbonus”]; 

BamBam0077 10th January 2022 17:01

Okay thanks that’s just in case you wanted to use another variable other then $CURUSER[“seedbonus”] inside the sql_query

darkalchemy 10th January 2022 18:23

So, a user could just continuously hit refresh and get enough points to buy upload credit or anything else that is available.

You should probably add a min time between updates. A simple expiring cache would do for that.

xblade 10th January 2022 19:15


Originally Posted by BamBam0077 (Post 56021)
Add into index.php script should refresh and add 2.0 seedbonus on login or while logged in it will update every time while logged in to make seedbonus points 2.0 is set though yet to be tested so give it a turn.


$seedbonus = $CURUSER[“seedbonus”];

/* seedbonus everytime your on the index page or script :) */
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = “.$CURUSER[“seedbonus”].”+2.0 WHERE id = ".$CURUSER["id"]."") ;

!!Requires Seedbonus Hack:


$seedbonus = $CURUSER["seedbonus"];
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = ".$CURUSER["seedbonus"]."+2.0 WHERE id = ".$CURUSER["id"]."") ;

do you think this is the long way about this Lol
add to the login page

BamBam0077 10th January 2022 21:01

It was for a demo I just need to add a timer is so it can add points when we setup so for now it updates seedbonus from 0.0 to 2.0 each refresh as far as I understand so it was to basically get more bonus outta the system so they didn't have to just download comment etc a bonus gift for every member of you know what I mean. Was just an idea

Add inside of header.php


                          if (!$CURUSER){
                    echo "[".T_("LOGIN")."] ".T_("OR")." [".T_("SIGNUP")."]";
                    print (T_("LOGGED_IN_AS").": ".$CURUSER["username"]."

Seedbonus :".$bonus."");

                    echo " [".T_("LOGOUT")."] ";
                    if ($CURUSER["control_panel"]=="yes") {
                        print("[".T_("STAFFCP")."] ");
                    //check for new pm's
                    $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE receiver=" . $CURUSER["id"] . " and unread='yes' AND location IN ('in','both')");
                    $arr = mysqli_fetch_row($res);
                    $unreadmail = $arr[0];
                    if ($unreadmail){
                        print("[$unreadmail ".P_("NEWPM", $unreadmail)."]"); 
                        print("[".T_("YOUR_MESSAGES")."] ");
                    //end check for pm's

Insert into index.php

/* seedbonus everytime your on the index page or script :) */
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE users SET seedbonus=".$CURUSER['seedbonus']."+2.0 where seedbonus = ".$CURUSER['seedbonus']." ");

Elena 11th January 2022 13:59

F5 press and your server will die + bonuses will drop like rain on your account.
Well, at least think with your head before you show such nonsense.
Bonuses are only credited for seeding for the distribution. You can give a bonus to the person who uploaded the release, but not what you wrote here. Bullshit...

BamBam0077 12th January 2022 08:09

PHP Code:

//seedbonus everytime your on the index page.
//SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE users SET seedbonus=".$CURUSER['seedbonus']."+2.0 where seedbonus = ".$CURUSER['seedbonus']." ");

if($CURUSER["class"] > ) { 
// vip+ 2.0 bonuspoints on refresh
/* seedbonus everytime your on the index page or script :) */
SQL_Query_exec("UPDATE users SET seedbonus=".$CURUSER['seedbonus']."+4.0 where seedbonus = ".$CURUSER['seedbonus']." ");

yeah it is such bullshit it does what I said
so anyway I modded it for VIP+ can refresh page and make 4.0 seedbonus on refreshs each time. So when I logged in as member or power user I can refresh all I like and no changes be upgraded to VIP+ you can refresh page as much as you want to start gaining 2.0+ seedbonus. Enjoy! :ok:

hon 8th February 2022 09:24 is not the official TorrentTrader site.

The original site is

xblade 9th February 2022 13:27


Originally Posted by hon (Post 56084) is not the official TorrentTrader site.

The original site is

true and thay should call it something else not torrent trader

torrent trader is org and its flasher code so stop taking the piss uk

Side not what can you offer

MicroMonkey 10th February 2022 04:11

All I can can say is good luck visiting the .org site since it doesnt really exist in any useful fashion. Sure, you can visit the URL and download a version that wont work on any modern installation of PHP if that is what you are into. All the UK site did was create a place for people who still use it to get the old mods and stuff, and they added a version of TT that works on php 7+. And there is a also a new tracker called m-bitsy being developed there. So its mainly a torrenttrader archive with new things going on. I dont see a problem with that, and I dont know why anyone else would either, unless you are just one of those people who like to cry about everything, and in such case, keep crying I guess......And you are correct, that code was made by flash, and that person basically abandoned it years before the .org site went away. It is users who kept it alive. Just be happy and stop crying about everything lol

xblade 10th February 2022 10:49


Originally Posted by MicroMonkey (Post 56087)
All I can can say is good luck visiting the .org site since it doesnt really exist in any useful fashion. Sure, you can visit the URL and download a version that wont work on any modern installation of PHP if that is what you are into. All the UK site did was create a place for people who still use it to get the old mods and stuff, and they added a version of TT that works on php 7+. And there is a also a new tracker called m-bitsy being developed there. So its mainly a torrenttrader archive with new things going on. I dont see a problem with that, and I dont know why anyone else would either, unless you are just one of those people who like to cry about everything, and in such case, keep crying I guess......And you are correct, that code was made by flash, and that person basically abandoned it years before the .org site went away. It is users who kept it alive. Just be happy and stop crying about everything lol

im defo not Lol what im saying chamge the url to something else and reband the code so its not called the torrenttrader thats all it be better for you and users something new:drink:

MicroMonkey 11th February 2022 00:25

yea, I know what you mean. But to be fair that site was made as a place to house all the known TT mods since a lot of folks were still using it, so it just made sense to name it TT, cuz it started as a new TT site since the old one went away years ago, and since then, some people have started new dev projects, but the site still has all the TT stuff. Sorry for any confusion. And I hope my post above wasnt taken as being mean to anyone, I meant it in jest cuz people are always yelling about everything lol

Daz 28th February 2022 22:54


Originally Posted by Elena (Post 56027)
F5 press and your server will die + bonuses will drop like rain on your account.
Well, at least think with your head before you show such nonsense.
Bonuses are only credited for seeding for the distribution. You can give a bonus to the person who uploaded the release, but not what you wrote here. Bullshit...

Leave him alone he's learning.... along way to go but he's learning, no need :suicide:

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