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Fynnon 22nd July 2011 13:48

TorrentTrader v2.0.8 rev. 1122
1 Attachment(s)



Source files attached to this post are updated every time the SVN has updates

SVN: https://torrenttrader.svn.sourceforg...s/release-2.07



Official forum:


1) Copy ALL files to your webserver

2) Import via phpmyadmin "Full Database.sql"

3) Edit the file backend/mysql.php to suit your MYSQL connection

4) Edit the file backend/config.php to suit your needs
- special note should be taken for urls, emails, paths (use check.php if unsure)

5) Remove the following line from config.php: die("You didn't edit your config correctly."); // You MUST remove this line 

5) Apply the following CHMOD's
777 - cache/
777 - cache/get_row_count/
777 - cache/queries/
777 - backups/
777 - uploads/
777 - uploads/images/
777 - import/
600 - censor.txt

Edit backup-database.php and change the path. Make sure it exists and is chmod 777

if you have any of those folders missing (eg: uploads/images/), please create them and chmod 777

6) Run check.php from your browser to check you have configured everything ok
  check.php is designed for UNIX systems, if you are using WINDOWS it may not report the paths correctly.

7) Now register as a new user on the site.  The first user registered will become administrator

8) If check.php still exists, please remove it or rename.
A warning will display on the site index until its removed

-a TorrentialStorm source-

wMan 23rd July 2011 17:35

alot of buds in this as for mods do not go there there is`nt any:unknown:

LeeHowarth 23rd July 2011 18:46

Thats why people shouldnt take the instructions and leave torrenttrader to handle there own source code.

Marco 12th September 2011 17:17


I wish to test this source and i installed on localhost (win7+appserv)
first observation shoutbox didn't work (i am logged in and still say "You must login to shout.")
the check.php verifing and found OK (i don't have GMP)

thank you for your help

best regards

LE: I have different languages but when i changing the languages is only english

xDev 12th September 2011 17:24


Originally Posted by Marco (Post 29994)

I wish to test this source and i installed on localhost (win7+appserv)
first observation shoutbox didn't work (i am logged in and still say "You must login to shout.")
the check.php verifing and found OK (i don't have GMP)

thank you for your help

best regards

Thats why people shouldnt take the instructions and leave torrenttrader to handle there own source code.

go to tt forum for help you will get it over there:muscle:

Marco 12th September 2011 18:35

thank you :)

i didn't use tt just i was currious how is look like.... :)

xDev 12th September 2011 19:06


Originally Posted by Marco (Post 29996)
thank you :)

i didn't use tt just i was currious how is look like.... :)

there is a lot a bugs to fix if you go over to there you will fined all fixs for it :muscle:

LeeHowarth 2nd November 2011 22:16

TorrentTrader v2.0.7 r782

I thought you said this was up to date? im afraid not lol i committed 794 a bit back.

Idle 2nd November 2011 22:32

Torrent Trader: Still open source i assume? so people can redistribute the code. Or is torrent trader going down the same path as tbdev did? oooo because that ended so well for them.

The SVN links are on the first post so yeh i would say if anyone bothered to get them from the SVN they should be uptodate?

:sun: Sits back and watches as the power-mad try and fill the power vacuum.

LeeHowarth 2nd November 2011 22:41

Many users in here know TorrentTrader won't die off because i wont let it, i just it amusing that people are incapable of visiting a forum for information on the source code, the patch to 2.07 is correct and yes the trunk release is there but why dont u go and see the changes since 2.07 to the trunk now its pretty pointless how can people give support on something that is rapidly changing?

daffy 2nd November 2011 23:30

installed it ok but not sure if iv picked up the right files or if something is wrong on my server.

Fynnon 3rd November 2011 02:47


Originally Posted by djhowarth (Post 30934)
TorrentTrader v2.0.7 r782

I thought you said this was up to date? im afraid not lol i committed 794 a bit back.

you`re too fast for me these days but i`ll update it asap

LeeHowarth 12th November 2011 01:38

Your still out of date hahahaha

DAKz 27th December 2011 06:58

$LastChangedDate: 2010-02-14 02:09:26 +0000 (Sun, 14 Feb 2010) $

Here is a basic rundown on the features, there is many more than listed here...

Tracker Features:
- External torrents tracking
- Tracking now by passkey!
- Fully themeable
- "completed by" information on all local torrents
- User Agent (Client) detection
- 14 Languages included
- optimised announce.php and scrape.php codes
- Site polls
- Enhanced Torrents comments with user stats
- Advanced Site statistics
- Site Logs
- Ban IP's and ranges
- Ban Emails
- Server load and SQL statistics
- Advanced RSS Feed For torrents and categories
- new Shoutbox
- Customisable blocks
- Sub categories
- Uploader teams
- Invite system

Admin Features:
- Admin only, confirm user registration option
- Ability for staff to reset user passwords
- Private message "spy"
- Cheaters detection system
- Customisable FAQ
- Customisable Rules
- Moderator Edit/Delete comments
- new Site news system, with comments
- Site welcome msg/notice
- Ratio Based Wait Times and auto warn system
- New User warnings system
- Limit character length of torrents on index
- Ability to report to the moderators: users, torrents and forum posts
- Disabled Accounts Management
- Mass PM System with selectable reciever groups
- User search

User Features:
- Anonymous uploading of torrents
- Editable User titles
- Signatures viewable on Forums + Comments pages
- Privacy option in UserCP to hide certain stats from forums/comments
- Edit own torrent comments

As default the following is not included (check for future updates)

Torrent Offers
Torrent Requests
Comment History
IRC Announce

This is the latest version that is on Sourceforge as of today...

LeeHowarth 27th December 2011 10:21

No. The latest release is 2.08 (r1000) and that list is out of date and doesnt include all the features.

DAKz 28th December 2011 17:25

need to update the sourceforge then
this was all taken from the sourceforge link right from the redirect at the site. So it is the latest available from the site, if its not then talk to whoever is not updating the site.

LeeHowarth 29th December 2011 18:50

Cant you see this part


$LastChangedDate: 2010-02-14 02:09:26 +0000 (Sun, 14 Feb 2010) $
In v2.08 there is a few new features that arent mentioned and i do not have any intention of updating that file, btw the instructions need updating in first post as those instructions are for upgrading to 2.07.

DAKz 29th December 2011 18:58

yep I see it, can you see that when you go through the site it redirects you to a download link for the "latest" and thats what you get from that link? Seems like the "latest" isn't being made available, so instead of all that how about a simple link to the newest latest greatest?

LeeHowarth 29th December 2011 20:01

The links on TorrentTrader point to the release, this forum is pointing to trunk the development copy.

DAKz 29th December 2011 20:31

yep thats where I got it from
yep got it from torrent trader thats where I got the release from and the post I made was a copy and paste from the read me in that file.

daffy 29th December 2011 20:32

so which place is best to get latest files from lee

LeeHowarth 29th December 2011 21:35


DAKz 29th December 2011 21:59

to funny....
Just downloaded from your link and guess what the features text says....

$LastChangedDate: 2010-02-14 02:09:26 +0000 (Sun, 14 Feb 2010) $

Here is a basic rundown on the features, there is many more than listed here...

daffy 29th December 2011 22:00


Originally Posted by DAKz (Post 31914)
Just downloaded from your link and guess what the features text says....

$LastChangedDate: 2010-02-14 02:09:26 +0000 (Sun, 14 Feb 2010) $

Here is a basic rundown on the features, there is many more than listed here...

in installation file.

DAKz 29th December 2011 22:07

Yep saw that the funny part is thats the exact same link I posted in this thread, I like this source but geeezzzz

LeeHowarth 29th December 2011 22:50

There is just to much stuff in here for me to write it all so i skipped it as soon as ive finished the english language i have to start v3.

DAKz 29th December 2011 23:05

8 is great....
got it installed and looki8ng through it, looks great, well done....should I wait now for v3 :lol:

LeeHowarth 29th December 2011 23:21

V3 will be something new however it will use most of the functionality it has now if anyone would like to view the demos of tt then visit here.

Bump: Yeh i see what u mean now, the zip is stating its r1004 when that zip is a zip of 2.07

dj_otrov 14th January 2012 20:53

An error has occured!
MySQL Error! :muscle:

LeeHowarth 14th January 2012 23:42

How very nice of you to share that information with us all.

Can a moderator Demote me im no longer in charge of the TorrentTrader project.

Krypto 15th January 2012 02:14

What's been going on over there? Noticed quite a few Staff have deleted their accounts :shock:

Will use still be developing v3.0 or are you know finished with TT?

LeeHowarth 15th January 2012 02:59

I would assume if another developer isnt found then its a possibility TorrentTrader will die, this comes a shock to many after the latest release of v2.08 being released, but some would say i was the one who prolonged the source codes death.

A Statement from the Owner after my departure:


                                Yeah is a real shame.  I dont even know the reason.
still v2.08 got done (thats something!)  and we have a more stable release. 

Who knows the future now....

Krypto 15th January 2012 12:24

That's a real shame, just when things started to look brighter for the source this happens :wallbash:

xDev 15th January 2012 12:39

djhowarth demote again
djhowarth demote again what the hells going on mate its taking the piss here that 2 time they done this to you why what for so on and yes the tt will die too

DAKz 28th January 2012 09:42

I think dj should start to develop it all on his own and distribute it from right here, seems to be the backbone of this place and with the registered users this place has it can't be all wrong and I am sure there are a lot that would help where they could and then he would get the last laugh!!
His work is good and solid, the tt releases are great and show progress and stability, all that needed is some stability from the development team!:friend:

smrt1 26th February 2012 05:23


Originally Posted by djhowarth (Post 32281)
I would assume if another developer isnt found then its a possibility TorrentTrader will die, this comes a shock to many after the latest release of v2.08 being released, but some would say i was the one who prolonged the source codes death.

A Statement from the Owner after my departure:


                                Yeah is a real shame.  I dont even know the reason.
still v2.08 got done (thats something!)  and we have a more stable release. 

Who knows the future now....

I think Torrenttrader should of kept their forums up for us that still use TT so we could atleast cross reference some of the hacks and code, but just to pull the pin altogether is wrong, i guess my 20 euro didnt go far :gum:

LeeHowarth 5th March 2012 04:52

Are you completely stupid?

x360zone 5th March 2012 10:15

you can t make posts like that dj you may upset people lol some folks just dont get it no matter what or how you say things mate
we all know the hard work you have endevoured and its appreciatted by many pal :drink:

DAKz 13th March 2012 01:58

17k plus can't be wrong
Think this is a great outlet for releases.

And so do 17,000 others...

Unless they just come to see the daffy and X360 show :fans:

djzoulox 3rd June 2012 05:17

public torrent cummunity
i were wondering, xbitit has the possible to upload for none registret users but also xbtit is there any other sources here on bvlist avilable for that , i am going to start an open tracker

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