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KiD 14th November 2008 15:00

FTS 1.0.2 <3 | admin help plz
I really love this version, but my biggest problem right now is that I get an error.

Sorry to be such a n00b but I get this error when I try to get into the
host/admin/index.php ::

Firefox has discovered that the server refers questions plan for this address in a way that it will never be finished.

Dragan3591 14th November 2008 18:21

that's how it should look.
Have you uploaded new index.php that i updated?

KiD 14th November 2008 18:22


Originally Posted by Dragan3591 (Post 6713)

that's how it should look.
Have you uploaded new index.php that i updated?

Sorry mate... mybad... i will find it and try:wallbash:

Dragan3591 14th November 2008 18:26

No, my bad. I didn't update this one.
Please upload your head.php and header.php from your template folders. That's where the mistake is. I'll take a look at it. Mine has too many changes on it and It would probably take me half hour for it.

KiD 14th November 2008 18:33


Originally Posted by Dragan3591 (Post 6715)
No, my bad. I didn't update this one.
Please upload your head.php and header.php from your template folders. That's where the mistake is. I'll take a look at it. Mine has too many changes on it and It would probably take me half hour for it.

PHP Code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<html lang="en">
<title><?= $title ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$BASEURL?>/fts-contents/templates/ANDiTKO/ANDiTKO.css" type="text/css">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="<?=$BASEURL?>/rss.php">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?=$DEFAULTBASEURL;?>/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<table width="92%" class="clear" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="background: transparent;">
<td class="header" width="50%" background="<?=$path_;?>">
<a href="<?=$DEFAULTBASEURL?>"><img style="border: none" alt="<?=$SITENAME?>" title="<?=$SITENAME?>" src="<?=$path_;?>" /></a>
<!-- Top Navigation Menu for unregistered-->
<table width="92%" align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<td class="topnav" id="menu">&nbsp;<a class="navlink"href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/">Home</a>
<a class="navlink" href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/browse.php">Browse</a>
<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/upload.php">Upload</a>
<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/forums.php">Forums</a>
<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/rules.php">Rules</a>
<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/faq.php">FAQ</a>
<? if ($CURUSER) { ?>
<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/staff.php">Staff</a>
<? ?>
<!-- /////// Top Navigation Menu for unregistered-->

<!-- /////// some vars for the statusbar;o) //////// -->

<? if ($CURUSER) { ?>

<!-- //////// start the statusbar ///////////// -->

<table align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:92%"class="none">
<td class="tablea"><table align="center" style="width:100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td class="none" align="left"><span class="smallfont">Welcome back, <b><a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/userdetails.php?id=<?=$CURUSER['id']?>"><?=$CURUSER['username']?></a></b><?=$medaldon?><?=$warn?> <? if ($usergroups['canstaffpanel'] == 'yes') { ?> [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/admin">Staff Panel</a>] <?}?> <? if ($usergroups['cansettingspanel'] == 'yes') { ?> [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/administrator">Site Settings</a>] [<a href="<?=get_administrator_path(0);?>main.php?page=ug">Usergroups</a>]<?}?> [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/logout.php">logout</a>] [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/forums/subscriptions.php">Forum Subscriptions</a>] <font color=#1900D1>Bonus:</font> <a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/mybonus.php"><?=number_format($CURUSER['seedbonus'], 1)?></a> <?=maxslots();?><br/>

    <font color=#1900D1>Ratio:</font> <?=$ratio?>  <font color=green>Uploaded:</font> <font color=black><?=$uped?></font>  <font color=darkred>Downloaded:</font> <font color=black><?=$downed?></font>  <font color=#1900D1>Active Torrents: </font></span> <img alt="Torrents seeding" title="Torrents seeding" src="<?=$rootpath;?>pic/arrowup.gif"> <font color=black><span class="smallfont"><?=$activeseed?></span></font>  <img alt="Torrents leeching" title="Torrents leeching" src="<?=$rootpath;?>pic/arrowdown.gif"> <font color=black><span class="smallfont"><?=$activeleech?></span></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#1900D1>Connectable:&nbsp;</font><?=$connectable?></td>

    <td class="bottom" align="right"><span class="smallfont">The time is now: <span id=clock><?echo "$datum[hours]:$datum[minutes]";?></span><br/>


if ($messages){
"<span class=smallfont><a href=$BASEURL/messages.php>$inboxpic</a> $messages ($unread New)</span>");

 if (
"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> $outmessages</span>");

"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> 0</span>");
"<span class=smallfont><a href=$BASEURL/messages.php><img height=14px style=border:none alt=inbox title=inbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_inbox.gif></a> 0</span>");

 if (
"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> $outmessages</span>");

"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> 0</span>");

" <a href=$BASEURL/friends.php><img style=border:none alt=Buddylist title=Buddylist src=".$rootpath."pic/buddylist.gif></a>");
" <a href=$BASEURL/getrss.php><img style=border:none alt=Buddylist title='Get RSS' src=".$rootpath."pic/rss.gif width=11 height=12></a>");

<!-- clock hack -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function refrClock()
var d=new Date();
var s=d.getSeconds();
var m=d.getMinutes();
var h=d.getHours();
var day=d.getDay();
var date=d.getDate();
var month=d.getMonth();
var year=d.getFullYear();
var am_pm;
if (s<10) {s="0" + s}
if (m<10) {m="0" + m}
if (h>12) {h-=12;am_pm = "PM"}
else {am_pm="AM"}
if (h<10) {h="0" + h}
document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML=h + ":" + m + ":" + s + " " + am_pm;
<!-- / clock hack -->
<? } else {?>

<table align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:92%"class="none">
<td class="tablea"><table align="center" style="width:100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td class="error" align="center"><span>
You are not loged in! [ <a href="login.php">Login</a> | <a href="signup.php">Register</a> ]

<? ?>
<!-- /////////// here we go, with the menu //////////// -->


//if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] == $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) $w = "width=984";

<table class="mainouter" align="center" <?=$w?> border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">

<!------------- MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------>

<? $fn substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "/") + 1); ?>

<td align="center" valign="top" class="outer" style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px" width=100%>
include $rootpath.'fts-contents/templates/ANDiTKO/functions.php';

PHP Code:

# ========================================================================= #
#                FTS DEFAULT THEME                                            #
# ========================================================================= #
#  You can modify everything here since we are Open Source but                #
#    it will be ok if you put our copyright there :)                            #
# ========================================================================= #
#                        Last edited by FTS team: 07-June-2008 at 19:13        #
# ========================================================================= #
<title><?= $title ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?global $rootpath; echo $rootpath;?>fts-contents/styles/default.css" type="text/css">
<table width="750" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="background: transparent" align="center">
<td class=clear width=49%>
<td class=clear>
<div align=center>
<img src=<?=$rootpath;?>pic/logo.gif />
<td class=clear width=49% align=right>

<table class="mainouter"  width="740" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center">
<!------------- MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------>
<tr><td class="outer" align="center">
<table class="main" width="740" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">

<? if (!$CURUSER) { ?>
<td align="center" class="navigation">
<a href=login.php>Login</a> / <a href=signup.php>Signup</a>
<? } else { 
    print (
"<table class=\"main\" width=\"740\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">");
menu ();
    print (
= array();?>
if($CURUSER) {
<!-- //////// start the statusbar ///////////// -->

<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="737">


  <td><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">


    <td class="bottom" align="left"><span class="smallfont">Welcome back, <b><a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/userdetails.php?id=<?=$CURUSER['id']?>"><?=$CURUSER['username']?></a></b><?=$medaldon?><?=$warn?> <? if ($usergroups['canstaffpanel'] == 'yes') { ?> [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/admin">Staff Panel</a>] <?}?> <? if ($usergroups['cansettingspanel'] == 'yes') { ?> [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/administrator">Site Settings</a>] [<a href="<?=get_administrator_path(0);?>main.php?page=ug">Usergroups</a>]<?}?> [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/logout.php">logout</a>] [<a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/forums/subscriptions.php">Forum Subscriptions</a>] <font color=#1900D1>Bonus:</font> <a href="<?=$BASEURL;?>/mybonus.php"><?=number_format($CURUSER['seedbonus'], 1)?></a> <?=maxslots();?><br/>

    <font color=#1900D1>Ratio:</font> <?=$ratio?>  <font color=green>Uploaded:</font> <font color=black><?=$uped?></font>  <font color=darkred>Downloaded:</font> <font color=black><?=$downed?></font>  <font color=#1900D1>Active Torrents: </font></span> <img alt="Torrents seeding" title="Torrents seeding" src="<?=$rootpath;?>pic/arrowup.gif"> <font color=black><span class="smallfont"><?=$activeseed?></span></font>  <img alt="Torrents leeching" title="Torrents leeching" src="<?=$rootpath;?>pic/arrowdown.gif"> <font color=black><span class="smallfont"><?=$activeleech?></span></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color=#1900D1>Connectable:&nbsp;</font><?=$connectable?></td>

    <td class="bottom" align="right"><span class="smallfont">The time is now: <?echo "$datum[hours]:$datum[minutes]";?><br/>


if ($messages){
"<span class=smallfont><a href=$BASEURL/messages.php>$inboxpic</a> $messages ($unread New)</span>");

 if (
"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> $outmessages</span>");

"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> 0</span>");
"<span class=smallfont><a href=$BASEURL/messages.php><img height=14px style=border:none alt=inbox title=inbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_inbox.gif></a> 0</span>");

 if (
"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> $outmessages</span>");

"<span class=smallfont>  <a href=$BASEURL/messages.php?action=viewmailbox&box=-1><img height=14px style=border:none alt=sentbox title=sentbox src=".$rootpath."pic/pn_sentbox.gif></a> 0</span>");

" <a href=$BASEURL/friends.php><img style=border:none alt=Buddylist title=Buddylist src=".$rootpath."pic/buddylist.gif></a>");
" <a href=$BASEURL/getrss.php><img style=border:none alt=Buddylist title='Get RSS' src=".$rootpath."pic/rss.gif width=11 height=12></a>");

<? }?>

<tr><td align="center" class="outer" style="padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px">
if($CURUSER['downloaded'] > 0) { // Make sure there is a download value

// Set the ratio threshold based on user class
switch (get_user_class())
UC_POWER_USER$ratio 1.00;

UC_VIP$ratio 0.30;

UC_MODERATOR$ratio 0.70;

UC_STAFFLEADER$ratio 0.00;

// Override ratio if donor, but only if existing ratio is higher than 0.70
if($CURSUSER['donor']=='yes' && $ratio 0.70$ratio 0.70;

// Do remember warned users they are warned and for how long... [by fedepeco]
if ($CURUSER['leechwarn'] == 'yes') {
$leechwarnuntil $CURUSER['leechwarnuntil'];
"<p><table border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 bgcolor=#8daff5 align=center><tr><td style='padding: 10px;'bgcolor=red align=center>\n");
"<b><font color=white align=center>You are now warned for having a low ratio. You need to get a 0.6 ratio for your warning be removed.If you don't get it in " mkprettytime(strtotime($leechwarnuntil) - gmtime()) . ", your account will be banned.</font></b>");
// End MOD...
if (
$texts[] = "<a href=$BASEURL/messages.php>You have $unread new message" . ($unread "s" "") . "! Click here to read.</a>";

if (
$rel sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE status = 'pending' AND invited_by = ".mysql_real_escape_string($CURUSER[id])) or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$arro mysql_fetch_row($rel);
$number $arro[0];
    if (
$number 0)
$texts[] = "<b><a href=$BASEURL/invite.php?id=$CURUSER[id]><font color=white>Your friend".($number "s" "")." ($number) awaiting confirmation from you!</font></a></b>";
if (
$settings_script_name substr($_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME], -12 12);
    if (
$settings_script_name != "settings.php" AND $settings_script_name != "announce.php") {    
$texts[] = "<font color=red><b>WARNING!!!</b>:</font> The website is currently offline! Click <a href=$BASEURL/admin/settings.php>here</a> to change settings.";
if (
get_user_class() > UC_MODERATOR)
$resa mysql_query("select count(id) as numreports from reports WHERE dealtwith=0");
$arra mysql_fetch_assoc($resa);
$numreports $arra[numreports];
if (
$texts[] = "<a href=$BASEURL/admin/reports.php>There is $numreports new report" . ($numreports "s" "") . "!</a>";

$rese mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) as nummessages from staffmessages WHERE answered='no'");
$arre mysql_fetch_assoc($rese);
$nummessages $arre[nummessages];
    if (
$nummessages 0) {
$texts[] = "<a href=$BASEURL/admin/staffbox.php>There is $nummessages new staff message" . ($nummessages "s" "") . "!</a>";
$texts)) {
"<div class=success align=left>\n");
$texts as $t) {

}     print(
"</div>\n"); }

Hope its right m8

Dragan3591 14th November 2008 18:50

It's in "old" folder in template folder

KiD 14th November 2008 18:54


Dragan3591 14th November 2008 18:56

head.php is good as it is.
What template are you using?

EDIT: So is header. Can you take a picture of your error please?

KiD 14th November 2008 18:58


Originally Posted by Dragan3591 (Post 6723)
head.php is good as it is.
What template are you using?

ANDiTKO - the only one working.. too must work one the tbdev theme

Dragan3591 14th November 2008 19:10

It will take a lot of work to redo that one too.

adyc13 16th February 2009 11:24

1 Attachment(s)
Were can i change the background on my Recent news?

Dragan3591 19th February 2009 03:17

Website is built for FF, that's why that is happening.

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