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tekmobile 14th September 2009 17:20

I get a SQL error when users try to fill requests and offers any ideas what the problem may be nothing has been changed in this part of the code.


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(0, 0, 'Request xxxxxxx was just uploaded', 1164, '2009-09-13 01:08:43', 'The Re' at line 1
in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/viewrequests.php, line 611

MySQL Version (Installed on Ubuntu 8.04 Server)

mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4

php5-mysql 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.7

PHP Code:

//===notify people who voted on request thanks CoLdFuSiOn :)
$res mysql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `addedrequests` WHERE `requestid` = $requestid AND userid != $arr[userid]") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
$pn_msg "The Request you voted for [b]" $arr[request] . "[/b] has been filled by [b]" $arr2[username] . "[/b]. You can download your request from [b][URL]" $filledurl"[/URL][/b].  Please do not forget to leave thanks where due.";
$some_variable '';
$row mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs 
$some_variable .= "(0, 0, 'Request " $arr[request] . " was just uploaded', $row[userid], '" get_date_time() . "', " sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";
//=== use this if you DO NOT have subject in your PMs 
//$some_variable .= "(0, 0, $row[userid], '" . get_date_time() . "', " . sqlesc($pn_msg) . ")";
//=== use this if you DO have subject in your PMs 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, subject, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE____LINE__);
//=== use this if you do NOT have subject in your PMs
//mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages (poster, sender, receiver, added, msg) VALUES ".$some_variable."") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);

94busi94 14th September 2009 19:38

I have this problem after installing everything ok but crashes on my index.php


Warning: fopen (cache / index / newestuser.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 130

Warning: fputs (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 131

Warning: fclose (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 132

Warning: fopen (cache / index / stats.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 181

Warning: fwrite (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 182

Warning: fclose (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 183

This wine server or script?

tekmobile 14th September 2009 19:42

I have this problem after installing everything ok but crashes on my index.php


Warning: fopen (cache / index / newestuser.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 130
 Warning: fputs (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 131
 Warning: fclose (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 132
Warning: fopen (cache / index / stats.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 181
 Warning: fwrite (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 182
 Warning: fclose (): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in / home/busi/public_html/t34324ent_/index.php on line 183

This wine server or script?


Warning: fopen (cache / index / newestuser.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied
Try setting permissions chmod the newestuser.txt to 777 or better still chown it to the www-data user or whatever user your webserver runs as

94busi94 14th September 2009 20:50


Thank you beautiful:drink:

Zuby 20th September 2009 10:21

Ihave some problem with ts fullymoded...all work's fine but the download won't start, the torrent goes in utorrent but it don't start ( and also i'm connectable ).

I gave no problem when i upload an torrent, chmod is set correctly (i think), also i've reset my passkey for 10000x times, i don't now what is, need help !

Dimaches 20th September 2009 12:49

1 Attachment(s)
All of you who experienced problems whit the not conectable in utorent and traker use this announce.php file then it will work cheers.

wired 25th October 2009 21:54

Ok. Problems with phpBB2.
So I've downloaded this. Followed the readme instructions to the dot. Copied and pasted most commands.

I've got torrentstrike installed and working. But the phpBB2 refuses to install.

When I click on the forums link at top as the sysop I only get this line


The Forum is closed
No link for installing. If I try to navigate to I get


Internal Server Error

 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
 Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
 More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
 Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I'm at a loss? The files exsist. I can even put a phpinfo file in the phpBB2 directory and access it...

Please help as I'd really like to try this source out. I love the way it looks.

Thanks ahead of time.

Tony 26th October 2009 21:10

have you checked to see if the config file in the phpbb2 folder is deleted ?

wired 27th October 2009 03:43

Instructions said
Instructions told me to touch /phpBB2/config.php and chmod it to 666

BEST 27th October 2009 14:33

hallo on which many php \'s do I put down daten which I can call the Tracker? please around hilfe. lg

KARIM1 27th October 2009 14:38

phbb2 install
ok from what i remember of my experiance at instaling the forums, i the same didnt see any link for the instal so i went back to the ts instal directory and ticked the forums (the oposite of whats said in the guide) and i went back to the forum and had the instal buton thing... hope it helps

BEST 27th October 2009 14:41

so is there installer in source? lg

I simply do not come further with source, he also finds instal not if I in browser gives.
if I on index want site is down for maintenance comes, please check bake again later



Warning: include(./phpBB2/config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php on line 176

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './phpBB2/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php on line 176

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php:176) in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php on line 180

Zuby 27th October 2009 17:16

how to make freeleech working ( golden torrents )

BEST 28th October 2009 08:28

hallo, I do not get further what states fehlermeldung? and how can I repair it?


Warning: include(./phpBB2/config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php on line 176

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './phpBB2/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php on line 176

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php:176) in C:\xampp\htdocs\phpBB2\common.php on line 180

Timisoreanul 28th October 2009 10:53

Best if you read the ReadMe.txt file it is say

Folder to create:

 - a bitbucket folder
 - a torrents folder
Files to create:

 - include/config.php
 - phpBB2/config.php

so make config.php in folder phpBB2

BEST 28th October 2009 11:50

I have done this everything in such a way, but fehler continues. lg

Dehas 28th October 2009 13:21

Folder to create:

- a bitbucket folder
- a torrents folder

Files to create:

- include/config.php
- phpBB2/config.php

Files or folder to chmod:

- chmod 777 your bitbucket folder
- chmod 777 your torrents folder
- chmod 666 phpBB2/config.php
- chmod 666 include/config.php
- chmod 777 phpBB2/images/avatars (only neeeded if you want your users to send their own avatars)
- chmod 666 info/stats.txt
- chmod 666 your cache/staff.txt

Zuby 29th October 2009 12:23

nobody knows how to fix golden torrents .. ( upload is counting :( ) ...

DarkGaMeR1911 29th October 2009 13:09

I habe a Question.
Who can i find the language german ?


You have been exceed maximum login attempts, therefore your ip address ('') has been banned.
there comes, when i login....

BEST 30th October 2009 12:07

hi, in which php file is the navi menu ?
i want to extend it

hi all,giv it a Teamspeak block for TorrentStrike Fullymodded,when yes please post it?


roland94 31st October 2009 18:02


SQL Error
Table 'fileleech1.phpbb_posts' doesn't exist

What is wrong?

Timisoreanul 31st October 2009 18:07

You don't have installed phpbb2 bord... go to phpBB2/install/install.php end install it. then to admincp.php end check the Activate PhpBB Forum end submit.

Giorgatzelos 11th November 2009 01:51

how do i create a config.php?

Krypto 11th November 2009 08:29

Create a blank file with notepad and call it config.php and save to your include directory.

zyberwax 27th November 2009 08:19

Torrent Strike
What is the latest version of Torrent Strike?
And there are some who have Link to Download?

nako75018 29th November 2009 19:04

hello can somone help me please .

i want know why e-mail configuration don't work in torrentstrike fullymodded i make my email in Site Email but when i want recover or send invite they don't work


harapalb 1st January 2010 16:10

when upload sql file he give this error


502 Bad Gateway
what can do?

yoligim 6th January 2010 05:13

how enable radio listening?
thanks in advance

inebunit 7th January 2010 16:05

hey guys .. i`v maneged to change the look from css and a little php but i`m noob with those so i got stuck with some things.

first of all, can someone please tell me where can i find and modify userclasses and rights ... i know that i can change userclasses for each user from user`s profile but asks password of the user so, i change it from database but, i whant to modify those userclasses.

Second: where can i find the options for userclasses/ratio delay on torrent download? it`s ridiculos to have 48 ours delay on class user with a brand new tracker.

Thank you.

here is the tracker: user: demo pass: demo (just to take a look at it)

nevermind i fownd some topics about it ... thanks

OverNight 7th January 2010 16:55

Unable to use with external torrent

apart that I can't understand why I have to use admincp.php everytime I have to edit the tracker, because then I have to delete the db and import again the sql file!
BTW, if I delete the internal announce the tracker doesn't work anymore?
Then, the folder "sql" (where the admincp.php load and import in my db) have to go in the "/" of the website? Where I have all the files.

Here is the result:
Upload failed!

invalid announce url! must be


inebunit 8th January 2010 05:03


Originally Posted by OverNight (Post 19027)

apart that I can't understand why I have to use admincp.php everytime I have to edit the tracker, because then I have to delete the db and import again the sql file!
BTW, if I delete the internal announce the tracker doesn't work anymore?
Then, the folder "sql" (where the admincp.php load and import in my db) have to go in the "/" of the website? Where I have all the files.

Here is the result:
Upload failed!

invalid announce url! must be


if u change settings for u`r tracker in admincp.php then after that u detele the data base and import the default sql that comes with the script .. then you have done nothing .. because setings in admincp.php will change to default as the sql dictates.

try not to delete the data base next time.:smack:

gazz_uk 8th January 2010 18:17

I have tried to install this fully modded.

Tried several times, and everytime when i go to home page its always blank.

Anyone shed some light on my problem.

Many thanks.

joeroberts 8th January 2010 19:36


Originally Posted by gazz_uk (Post 19122)
I have tried to install this fully modded.

Tried several times, and everytime when i go to home page its always blank.

Anyone shed some light on my problem.

Many thanks.

Turn on error reporting in your server php.ini so you can see the error

aci1d 8th February 2010 17:17

After Install PHPbb2, get text page on admincp.php
after i go for admincp.php, i have a blank page with codes...

i have the last xampp install on computer...

someone can give-me a help? :sorry:

sorry for the bad english...

torrentstrike rlz \o

Timisoreanul 8th February 2010 23:21

Hi, you need to turn on short_open_tag
go to folder php.. search for php.ini then search this line

short_open_tag = off
replace off with on

short_open_tag = On
Save , end restart xampp, good luck

sri 27th February 2010 16:41

notice problem
after installing the fullymodded torrentstrike i get many notice like this

in all pages when i browse through the site


Notice:  Undefined index: search in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 9

Notice:  Undefined index: incldead in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 20

Notice:  Undefined index: incldead in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 26

Notice:  Undefined index: incldead in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 31

Notice:  Undefined index: cat in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 40

Notice:  Undefined index: all in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 42

Notice:  Undefined index: c23 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c23 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c22 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c22 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c20 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c20 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c7 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c7 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c25 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c25 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c6 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c6 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c4 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c4 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c17 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c17 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c5 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c5 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c24 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c24 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c19 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c19 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined index: c9 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 70

Notice:  Undefined index: c9 in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 71

Notice:  Undefined variable: wherecatin in C:\wamp\www\browse.php on line 102

can i know y and how to solve this

thanks in advance

raptalitu 27th February 2010 17:50

it`s an error from you , i had this theme on a host and it worked , but it has other buges.... at announce and other

sri 27th February 2010 19:13

i get the same notice error in the default theme too how to solve it


joeroberts 28th February 2010 18:54

in php.ini disable error reporting for E_NOTICE

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE  (Show all errors, except for notices and coding standards warnings.)

uutorrent 7th March 2010 19:38

Hey guys someone know if is there any portuguese language for this mod? Thanks :ok:

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