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-   -   TorrentTrader v2.0.8 rev. 1122 (

daffy 3rd June 2012 11:55

^^ ? what do you mean mate, you want to know if other source can have upload for none reg users? sure TT can do that, just make site available for ALL, remove few lines of code from torrents-upload.php and few other places, look for and remove



djzoulox 3rd June 2012 13:06


Originally Posted by daffy (Post 35077)
^^ ? what do you mean mate, you want to know if other source can have upload for none reg users? sure TT can do that, just make site available for ALL, remove few lines of code from torrents-upload.php and few other places, look for and remove



yeah i know about TT but i really don't like that source but again i also do like its like 50% and its about secure when u run a open tracker as i remember you dont need that

cause if i remember correctley there is an option to enable and disable that unless it was a moddet source i had back in the days

wMan 1st November 2012 00:26

1 Attachment(s)
svn now updated with new

================================================== =================

- These notes are designed for fresh install only, see "Upgrading from v1.txt" if you want to upgrade

- PHP 4.3+
- MYSQL 4+
- We do not advise that register_globals is enabled
- We do not advise installation in a windows enviroment, however it will work (you may need to adjust paths)

Please remember to backup all files AND database before you update anything!


1) Copy ALL files to your webserver

2) Import via phpmyadmin "Full Database.sql"

3) Edit the file backend/mysql.php to suit your MYSQL connection

4) Edit the file backend/config.php to suit your needs
- special note should be taken for urls, emails, paths (use check.php if unsure)

5) Remove the following line from config.php: die("You didn't edit your config correctly."); // You MUST remove this line

5) Apply the following CHMOD's
777 - cache/
777 - cache/get_row_count/
777 - cache/queries/
777 - backups/
777 - uploads/
777 - uploads/images/
777 - import/
600 - censor.txt

Edit backup-database.php and change the path. Make sure it exists and is chmod 777

if you have any of those folders missing (eg: uploads/images/), please create them and chmod 777

6) Run check.php from your browser to check you have configured everything ok
check.php is designed for UNIX systems, if you are using WINDOWS it may not report the paths correctly.

7) Now register as a new user on the site. The first user registered will become administrator

8) If check.php still exists, please remove it or rename.
A warning will display on the site index until its removed

9) You should properly secure backup-database.php and the backups dir. (htaccess/htpasswd)

Any problems please visit

romano1 7th January 2013 17:14

I have installed and it looks very nice, i dont know it is fully secured but what software is?
Very few files, a script that if person is a coder experience, can make a great tracker.
They have made a great script.
Too bad that is not get very updates often.

jaki123 20th January 2013 18:38

Yeah its ok
Yeah i checked it. Its beautifully written and works fine.

But is it possible to add multi-tracker and find out all the total seeds?

Bump: I checked once more and found

only http:// trackers shows as backup trackers but udp:// does not?

Can you fixed that, to show both udp and http as backup tracker?

Extremlym 2nd March 2013 18:19

you and i need Mega-Scrape.php for this

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