Bravo List

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-   -   TSSE v5.4.1 - Genre Mod Edition (

danezuxxl 9th June 2010 19:43



mmisu120000 11th June 2010 08:51

The pincode can not be deactivated ...
You didn't install it correctly. Try to make ALL the steps.
Also, the pincode can be modified from the database ...

Conjo 11th June 2010 20:57

list still hangs up apache
Insert this into the forum and apache hangs up..

(the second create list buttton)

PHP Code:


1 More question.

I i use the default theme some pages don't fill up correctly. they still use the size of the wdw theme.

Anyone know how to set that back?

Everything else seems to work fine so far..

Greath job :drink:


Originally Posted by el_salvadore (Post 16325)
FIX for "tracker sending invalid data"

The functions_announce.php was messed up a little bit

this is my working version (no need to change anything, just replace it, it has minor but crucial fixes) see if it works.

Let me know how it goes and if you find something else too.

Hi. Sorry for the late responce..
Just started digging in to this problem again..

I did try your functions_announce.php but i still got the same result.

Some more tests i did width the site :

Normally when i load a torrent from another tracker it gives the peers and seeds when you load and edit the torrent but in my case the announce url turns red and and error comes 'Decoder encountered unknown char 'P' at offset 0.'



Glorian 15th October 2010 02:14

Can someone do so this one works without allow_url_fopen plz ?

davidwillson 19th October 2010 16:25


Originally Posted by hawaii22 (Post 12911)
the benc.php is not good its not finished still error

benc.php is VERY good, but it's ioncubed, so, you have to have ioncube loader installed ...

jajaja 6th November 2010 15:39

Hey man,the error is


Mysql Error: 1292 : Incorrect datetime value: '' for column 'date' at row 1

INSERT INTO `ipbans` (`id`, `value`, `date`, `modifier`) VALUES (1, '', '', 1);

The server is not mine so no chance to work on it,is there a fix that I can make?

(insert.php fixed not working)


Else if i try to bypass this going directly to install.php?step=5,then after creating the admin account it says


A critical error has occured.                                                                                                                                1364 : Field 'notifs' doesn't have a default value

zecou 1st December 2010 12:41

Error intall
Hello everybody here I have done what he'd score on the text file for installation but when I start the instalation I have this error appears: "Must Be Turned allow_url_fopen is for this script to work!" can you tell me why and how to solve it thank you in advance for your response :sos:

joeroberts 1st December 2010 16:29

that error is telling you that your server has allow_url_fopen turned off.
if your on a deadicated server go into your php.ini and inable it.
If on a shared you well need to as the host to do this.

zecou 1st December 2010 20:29

Error intall
I file it needs to change and what art is what I put into it :sad:


Originally Posted by joeroberts (Post 25952)
that error is telling you that your server has allow_url_fopen turned off.
if your on a deadicated server go into your php.ini and inable it.
If on a shared you well need to as the host to do this.

I look and I are not from file called php.ini

daffy 1st December 2010 20:59


Originally Posted by zecou (Post 25957)
I file it needs to change and what art is what I put into it :sad:

I look and I are not from file called php.ini

i wish you guys would use a REAL translator jaysus, wtf does that mean?

ok, are you on dedicated OR share hosting (if shared, contact your provider and ask them to turn this ON

Anoxios 23rd December 2010 22:20

tnx man.

JoeKkerr 22nd January 2011 09:51

I Downloaded And Installed This But Im Getting A Blank Admin Page ...

raymond96 12th February 2011 12:54

he gives me this error while uploading:

Mysql puked: Unknown column 'genre' in 'field list'
what can I do?

scenedemon 26th February 2011 14:00

uploading issue
same here no matter what i try same out come puke error any ideas
genre issue

gabkoko 26th February 2011 15:28


Originally Posted by raymond96 (Post 26796)
he gives me this error while uploading:

Mysql puked: Unknown column 'genre' in 'field list'
what can I do?

Add your database the following line:

PHP Code:

ALTER TABLE `torrentsADD `genrevarchar(40NOT NULL

scenedemon 26th February 2011 15:47

already sorted it just just after posting thanx alot for your quick reply mate


Unknown column 't.nfo' in 'field list'in /var/www/vhosts/, line 49

trying to save my stuff from new source

ALTER TABLE `torrents` ADD `nfo` varchar(40) NOT NULL;

just this issue now

Unknown column 't.genre' in 'field list'in /var/www/vhosts/, line 49

Bump: having issue with scrpae sending invalid data in the client tried private on and off
also no passkey shows for any user on the upload page

any ideas and tried the scrape fixes didnt work

Bump: bump

bluejays 16th April 2011 16:21

Configuration Error: allow_url_fopen must be turned on for this script to work! ???? pleas??

Bump: Please help

A critical error has occured.
Configuration Error: allow_url_fopen must be turned on for this script to work!

joeroberts 16th April 2011 17:24

turn on allow_url_fopen in your server php.ini and reboot server

fireman 16th April 2011 18:39

you could also try adding this to your htacess file


php_flag  allow_url_fopen  on

bluejays 17th April 2011 12:22

allow_url_fopen in your php.ini and turn on the server reboot the server where I could not find these files

Bump: allow_url_fopen in your php.ini and turn on the server reboot the server where I could not find these files


joeroberts 17th April 2011 19:56

its not in site root folder m8 its in server root folder
if using wamp

bluejays 17th April 2011 20:37


joeroberts 17th April 2011 20:58

just do a search for php.ini

bluejays 17th April 2011 22:28

no php.ini

lafouine022 17th April 2011 23:26

ask your hosting provider.
for smaller server access to php.ini is blocked.

it53lv 16th July 2011 02:04

what is this crap installed 3 times and each time i go to admin panel i got message that i have entered wrong pin and i'm banned :bubble:

x360zone 16th July 2011 08:08

this works fine on the install
knowing how to setup ts does help. i use the 5.6 version

it53lv 16th July 2011 12:52

what's there to not know it has installer :unknown:

x360zone 16th July 2011 15:03

then you should have had no issues then while its that simple

Conjo 25th July 2011 18:03

I wonder if the current downloadable version has the latset BBCodes fix..

And another question..

This WDW version seems the best fixed one. But it a bit mutch work to get it back to the standard theme. I'am using a standard theme wich i modyfied myself and whe WDW version mixes the pages up a bit becouse it uses another page width on some pages wich is not defined in the theme files.

Thanx in advance.

mediki87 31st October 2011 15:37

some problems
Hi, i have installed this version and have some problems:

1. I uploaded torrent, but it is not shown in "Latest Torrents" plugin.

2. when i go to "Browse Torrents", than click on categories it does not show the torrent i uploaded.

3. I switched on forum from admin panel and created new forum, but when i click on "Forums", there is nothing. although i can see created forum in admin panel.

Thank you!!!

wMan 31st October 2011 15:57

did you set chid forum setting same as the forum you made

DAKz 31st October 2011 16:00

in tsse make sure you checked all the permissions, then you have to crete a child forum before any of them are visible:ok:.

mediki87 31st October 2011 17:14

Forum is done. thanks. what about "Latest Torrents" and "Categories" problems? i set all the needed permissions:
- ./config/
- ./config/CLEANUP
- ./config/DATABASE
- ./config/DATETIME
- ./config/EXTRA
- ./config/FORUMCP
- ./config/KPS
- ./config/MAIN
- ./config/PAYPAL
- ./config/PJIRC
- ./config/REDIRECT
- ./config/SECURITY
- ./config/SEO
- ./config/SMTP
- ./config/STAFTEAM
- ./config/TWEAK
- ./config/THEME
- ./config/WAITSLOT
- ./error_logs/
- ./torrents/
- ./torrents/images/
- ./include/avatars/
- ./tsf_forums/uploads/
- ./admin/backup/
- ./cache/
- ./cache/funds.php
- ./cache/indexstats.php
- ./cache/systemcache.dat
- ./cache/massmail_config.php
- ./admin/ads.txt
- ./admin/adminnotes.txt
- ./admin/quicklinks.txt
- ./include/config_announce.php

Chmod 777

x360zone 31st October 2011 17:27

if you need some help let me know ill have a look for you

DAKz 31st October 2011 20:24

if your using 5.4.1
You may need to fix the becode.php, the announce.php.
These are trouble areas in the code. The easiest way out of it is to get the files from the lateam release and copy them over and change the version in the files. The hard way is to go in and remove the reference to magic quotes and you will still have to change the bencode.php.
x360 is a good guy, take him up on his offer. :drink:

byferza 8th November 2011 21:30

thank you...

samfadda 14th November 2011 05:21

really appreciated guuyz
thank you all for this perfect work, this edition is a bless and i thank you for your hard work, I really wanted to register in your tracker however i couldnt find the english support language in your site , anyways i've been trying to edit the genre mod to put my own genres and i really didnt know how! such a shame on me , so please can someone show me how? i would really appreciate it?

and ohh i was wondering if there is a plugin to include screenshots in torrents info.

Best Regards to everyone and keep up the good work

solis 17th December 2011 04:31

I tried to connect to the admin panel. I made several false and code I got banned. I just uninstall, clear the database and re install but I'm still banned. help me please


You Do not Have permission to access this page. This Could Be Because Of one of the Following Reasons:
Either your account HAS Been Suspended or You have been banned from Accessing this resource.
You Do not Have permission to access this page. Are you Trying to access administrative pages or a resource That You Should not Be? Check in the tracker rules That You are Allowed to Perform this action.
May Still Be Your account Awaiting activation or moderation.
Feel free to contact us about this error message.
: Sos:: Sos:: Sos:

x360zone 17th December 2011 13:46

make sure your able to view panel view - settings panel/usergroups/set permissions, worst case you have banned your ip/ check db and remove your ip from ban list, and please note :
  1. install
  2. setup all the site before playing this takes around 20 minutes{especially pincodes,then log into staff panel before carying on the setup }
  3. apply any fixes from the forums/take edit bencode and so on
  4. run
also does help to use the search function for answers as there stil here from day one

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